// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4OpenGLXmRotationCallbacks.cc,v 1.17 2009/01/19 16:53:42 lgarnier Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // // Andrew Walkden 16th April 1997 // G4OpenGLXmRotationCallbacks : // Several callback functions used by // elements of the control panel to // rotate the view. #ifdef G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLXM_DRIVER #include "G4OpenGLXmViewer.hh" #include "G4Scene.hh" #include "G4UImanager.hh" #include "G4ios.hh" void G4OpenGLXmViewer::theta_rotation_callback (Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData) { XmArrowButtonCallbackStruct *cbs = (XmArrowButtonCallbackStruct*) callData; G4OpenGLXmViewer* pView = (G4OpenGLXmViewer*) clientData; pView->rotate_right = get_boolean_userData (w); if (cbs->reason == XmCR_ARM) { rotate_in_theta (pView, NULL); } else if (cbs->reason == XmCR_DISARM) { XtRemoveTimeOut (pView->rotation_timer); } } void G4OpenGLXmViewer::rotate_in_theta (XtPointer clientData, XtIntervalId* timer_id) { //theta spin stuff here G4OpenGLXmViewer* pView = (G4OpenGLXmViewer*) clientData; if (pView->rotate_right) { pView->rotateScene((G4double)pView->rot_sens,0,1); } else { pView->rotateScene(-(G4double)pView->rot_sens,0,1); } /* G4double delta_theta; if (pView->fVP.GetLightsMoveWithCamera()) { if (pView->rotate_right) { delta_theta = -((G4double)pView->rot_sens); } else { delta_theta = (G4double)pView->rot_sens; } } else { if (pView->rotate_right) { delta_theta = (G4double)pView->rot_sens; } else { delta_theta = -((G4double)pView->rot_sens); } } delta_theta *= deg; // Rotates by fixed azimuthal angle delta_theta. const G4Vector3D& vp = pView->fVP.GetViewpointDirection ().unit (); const G4Vector3D& up = pView->fVP.GetUpVector ().unit (); const G4Vector3D& zprime = up; G4double cosalpha = up.dot (vp); G4double sinalpha = std::sqrt (1. - std::pow (cosalpha, 2)); G4Vector3D yprime = (zprime.cross (vp)).unit (); G4Vector3D xprime = yprime.cross (zprime); // Projection of vp on plane perpendicular to up... G4Vector3D a1 = sinalpha * xprime; // Required new projection... G4Vector3D a2 = sinalpha * (std::cos (delta_theta) * xprime + std::sin (delta_theta) * yprime); // Required Increment vector... G4Vector3D delta = a2 - a1; // So new viewpoint is... G4Vector3D viewPoint = vp + delta; pView->fVP.SetViewAndLights (viewPoint); */ pView->SetView (); pView->ClearView (); pView->DrawView (); pView->rotation_timer = XtAppAddTimeOut (pView->app, timer_id == NULL ? 500 : 1, rotate_in_theta, pView); } void G4OpenGLXmViewer::phi_rotation_callback (Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData) { XmArrowButtonCallbackStruct *cbs = (XmArrowButtonCallbackStruct*) callData; G4OpenGLXmViewer* pView = (G4OpenGLXmViewer*) clientData; pView->rotate_up = get_boolean_userData (w); if (cbs->reason == XmCR_ARM) { rotate_in_phi (pView, NULL); } else if (cbs->reason == XmCR_DISARM) { XtRemoveTimeOut (pView->rotation_timer); } } void G4OpenGLXmViewer::rotate_in_phi (XtPointer clientData, XtIntervalId* timer_id) { //phi spin stuff here // G4double delta_alpha; G4OpenGLXmViewer* pView = (G4OpenGLXmViewer*) clientData; if (pView -> rotate_up) { pView->rotateScene(0,-(G4double)pView->rot_sens,1); } else { pView->rotateScene(0,(G4double)pView->rot_sens,1); } /* if (pView->fVP.GetLightsMoveWithCamera()) { if (pView -> rotate_up) { delta_alpha = -((G4double)pView->rot_sens); } else { delta_alpha = (G4double)pView->rot_sens; } } else { if (pView -> rotate_up) { delta_alpha = (G4double)pView->rot_sens; } else { delta_alpha = -((G4double)pView->rot_sens); } } delta_alpha *= deg; const G4Vector3D& vp = pView->fVP.GetViewpointDirection ().unit (); const G4Vector3D& up = pView->fVP.GetUpVector ().unit (); const G4Vector3D& xprime = vp; G4Vector3D yprime = (up.cross(xprime)).unit(); G4Vector3D zprime = (xprime.cross(yprime)).unit(); G4Vector3D new_vp = std::cos(delta_alpha) * xprime + std::sin(delta_alpha) * zprime; pView->fVP.SetViewAndLights (new_vp.unit()); if (pView->fVP.GetLightsMoveWithCamera()) { G4Vector3D new_up = (new_vp.cross(yprime)).unit(); pView->fVP.SetUpVector(new_up); } */ pView->SetView (); pView->ClearView (); pView->DrawView (); pView->rotation_timer = XtAppAddTimeOut (pView->app, timer_id == NULL ? 500 : 1, rotate_in_phi, pView); } void G4OpenGLXmViewer::set_rot_sens_callback (Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData) { XmScaleCallbackStruct *cbs = (XmScaleCallbackStruct*) callData; G4OpenGLXmViewer* pView = (G4OpenGLXmViewer*) clientData; short dp = -1; G4float ten_to_the_dp = 10.; XtVaGetValues (w, XmNdecimalPoints, &dp, NULL); if (dp == 0) { ten_to_the_dp = 1.; } else if ( dp > 0) { for (G4int i = 1; i < (G4int)dp; i++) { ten_to_the_dp *= 10.; } } else { G4Exception("Bad value returned for dp in set_rot_sens_callback"); } pView->rot_sens = (G4float)(cbs->value) / ten_to_the_dp; } void G4OpenGLXmViewer::set_rot_subject_callback (Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer) { G4OpenGLXmViewer* pView = (G4OpenGLXmViewer*)clientData; G4int choice = get_int_userData (w); switch (choice) { case 0: { pView->fVP.SetLightsMoveWithCamera (true); break; } case 1: { pView->fVP.SetLightsMoveWithCamera (false); break; } default: { G4Exception("Unrecognised choice made in set_rot_subject_callback"); } } } void G4OpenGLXmViewer::wobble_callback (Widget w, XtPointer, XtPointer) { G4OpenGLXmViewer* pView; XtVaGetValues (w, XmNuserData, &pView, NULL); pView->original_vp = pView->fVP.GetViewpointDirection(); pView->wobble_timer = XtAppAddTimeOut (pView->app, (long unsigned int) (1000. * (1. / pView->wob_sens)), wobble_timer_callback, pView); } void G4OpenGLXmViewer::wobble_timer_callback (XtPointer clientData, XtIntervalId*) { G4OpenGLXmViewer* pView = (G4OpenGLXmViewer*)clientData; const G4Vector3D& up = pView->fVP.GetUpVector(); G4Vector3D third_axis = up.cross(pView->original_vp); G4double pi_div_by_ten = pi / 10.0; G4Vector3D d_up = 0.1 * (std::sin ((G4double)pView->frameNo * pi_div_by_ten * 2.)) * up; G4Vector3D d_third_axis = 0.1 * (std::sin ((G4double)pView->frameNo * (pi_div_by_ten))) * third_axis; pView->fVP.SetViewAndLights (pView->original_vp + d_up + d_third_axis); pView->SetView (); pView->ClearView (); pView->DrawView (); if (pView->frameNo++ == 20) { if (pView->wobble_timer) { XtRemoveTimeOut (pView->wobble_timer); pView->frameNo = 0; pView->fVP.SetViewAndLights (pView->original_vp); pView->SetView (); pView->ClearView (); pView->DrawView (); } } else { pView->wobble_timer = XtAppAddTimeOut (pView->app, (long unsigned int) (1000. * (1. / pView->wob_sens)), wobble_timer_callback, pView); } } void G4OpenGLXmViewer::reset_callback (Widget w, XtPointer, XtPointer) { G4OpenGLXmViewer* pView; XtVaGetValues (w, XmNuserData, &pView, NULL); pView->fVP.SetCurrentTargetPoint(G4Point3D()); pView->fVP.SetZoomFactor(1.0); pView->fVP.SetDolly(0.0); pView->SetView (); pView->ClearView (); pView->DrawView (); pView->zoom_low = 0.1; pView->zoom_high = 10.0; } #endif