// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4OpenGLXmViewer.cc,v 1.26 2009/01/15 18:14:58 lgarnier Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: $ // // // Andrew Walkden 10th February 1997 // G4OpenGLXmViewer : Class derived from G4OpenGLXViewer, to provide // (Motif) widget OpenGL functionality for GEANT4. #ifdef G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLXM_DRIVER #include "globals.hh" #include "G4OpenGLXmViewer.hh" #include "G4VisExtent.hh" #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh" #include "G4VSolid.hh" #include "G4Point3D.hh" #include "G4Normal3D.hh" #include "G4OpenGLXmSliderBar.hh" #include "G4Xt.hh" #include #include void G4OpenGLXmViewer::ShowView () { G4Xt::getInstance () -> SecondaryLoop (); } void G4OpenGLXmViewer::GetXmConnection () { G4Xt* interactorManager = G4Xt::getInstance (); toplevel = (Widget)interactorManager->GetMainInteractor(); app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(toplevel); if (!toplevel) { fViewId = -1; // This flags an error. G4cerr << "G4OpenGLXmViewer::GetXmConnection unable to Initialize" " application context." << G4endl; return; } // Better to put this in an X11 resource file !!! std::ostringstream oss; oss << "*glxarea*width: " << fVP.GetWindowSizeHintX() << "\n" "*glxarea*height: " << fVP.GetWindowSizeHintY() << "\n" /* // Tried this as a replacement for the above two lines, but // sub-windows (rotation, etc.) came same size!! "*geometry: " << fVP.GetXGeometryString() << "\n" */ "*frame*x: 10\n" "*frame*y: 10\n" "*frame*topOffset: 10\n" "*frame*bottomOffset: 10\n" "*frame*rightOffset: 10\n" "*frame*leftOffset: 10\n" "*frame*shadowType: SHADOW_IN\n" "*frame*useColorObj: False\n" "*frame*primaryColorSetId: 3\n" "*frame*secondaryColorSetId: 3\n" "*menubar*useColorObj: False\n" "*menubar*primaryColorSetId: 3\n" "*menubar*secondaryColorSetId: 3\n" "*toplevel*useColorObj: False\n" "*toplevel*primaryColorSetId: 3\n" "*toplevel*secondaryColorSetId: 3\n"; interactorManager->PutStringInResourceDatabase ((char*)oss.str().c_str()); // interactorManager->AddSecondaryLoopPostAction ((G4SecondaryLoopAction)G4OpenGLXmViewerSecondaryLoopPostAction); shell = XtAppCreateShell ((String)fName.data(),(String)fName.data(),topLevelShellWidgetClass,XtDisplay(toplevel),NULL,0); interactorManager->AddShell (shell); dpy = XtDisplay (shell); if (!dpy) { fViewId = -1; // This flags an error. G4cerr << "G4OpenGLXmViewer::GetXmConnection unable to connect to display." << G4endl; return; } if (!glXQueryExtension (dpy, &errorBase, &eventBase)) { fViewId = -1; // This flags an error. G4cerr << "G4OpenGLXmViewer::GetXmConnection. X Server has no GLX extension." << G4endl;; return; } } void G4OpenGLXmViewer::CreateMainWindow () { bgnd = XWhitePixelOfScreen (XtScreen(shell)); borcol = XBlackPixelOfScreen (XtScreen(shell)); fWinSize_x = fVP.GetWindowSizeHintX(); fWinSize_y = fVP.GetWindowSizeHintY(); G4int x_origin = fVP.GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintX(DisplayWidth(dpy, vi -> screen)); G4int y_origin = fVP.GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintY(DisplayHeight(dpy, vi -> screen)); XtVaSetValues (shell, XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNwidth, fWinSize_x, XtNheight, fWinSize_y, XtNx, x_origin, XtNy, y_origin, XtNborderColor, &borcol, XtNbackground, &bgnd, XmNtitle, fName.data(), NULL); main_win = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("main_win", xmMainWindowWidgetClass, shell, XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); //*********Create a menu bar for the window******** style_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Style"); actions_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Actions"); misc_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Miscellany"); spec_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Special"); menubar = XmVaCreateSimpleMenuBar (main_win, (char*)"menubar", XmVaCASCADEBUTTON, style_str, 'S', XmVaCASCADEBUTTON, actions_str, 'A', XmVaCASCADEBUTTON, misc_str, 'M', XmVaCASCADEBUTTON, spec_str, 'p', XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); XmStringFree (style_str); XmStringFree (actions_str); XmStringFree (misc_str); XmStringFree (spec_str); G4cout << "Created menubar" << G4endl; //*********Create style pulldown menu on menubar********* rep_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Representation"); draw_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Drawing"); bgnd_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Background color"); style_cascade = XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu (menubar, (char*)"style", 0, NULL, XmVaCASCADEBUTTON, rep_str, 'R', XmVaCASCADEBUTTON, draw_str, 'D', XmVaCASCADEBUTTON, bgnd_str, 'B', XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); XmStringFree (rep_str); XmStringFree (draw_str); XmStringFree (bgnd_str); // G4cout << "Created Style pulldown menu" << G4endl; //Add Representation pullright menu to style cascade... polyhedron_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Polyhedron"); nurbs_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"NURBS"); rep_style_pullright = XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu (style_cascade, (char*)"rep_style", 0, rep_style_callback, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, polyhedron_str, 'P', NULL, NULL, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, nurbs_str, 'N', NULL, NULL, XmNradioBehavior, True, XmNradioAlwaysOne, True, XmNuserData, this, XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); Widget special_widget; G4ViewParameters::RepStyle style; style = fVP.GetRepStyle(); if (style == G4ViewParameters::polyhedron) { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(rep_style_pullright, "button_0"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } else if (style == G4ViewParameters::nurbs) { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(rep_style_pullright, "button_1"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } else { G4Exception("Invalid Representation style in G4OpenGLXmViewer::CreateContext"); } XmStringFree (polyhedron_str); XmStringFree (nurbs_str); // G4cout << "Created Representation pulldown menu" << G4endl; //Add Drawing pullright menu to style cascade... wireframe_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Wireframe"); hlr_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Hidden line removal"); hsr_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Hidden surface removal"); hlhsr_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Hidden line and surface removal"); drawing_style_pullright = XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu (style_cascade, (char*)"drawing_style", 1, drawing_style_callback, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, wireframe_str, 'W', NULL, NULL, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, hlr_str, 'L', NULL, NULL, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, hsr_str, 'S', NULL, NULL, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, hlhsr_str, 'H', NULL, NULL, XmNradioBehavior, True, XmNradioAlwaysOne, True, XmNuserData, this, XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); G4ViewParameters::DrawingStyle d_style; d_style = fVP.GetDrawingStyle(); if (d_style == G4ViewParameters::wireframe) { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(drawing_style_pullright, "button_0"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } else if (d_style == G4ViewParameters::hlr) { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(drawing_style_pullright, "button_1"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } else if (d_style == G4ViewParameters::hsr) { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(drawing_style_pullright, "button_2"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } else if (d_style == G4ViewParameters::hlhsr) { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(drawing_style_pullright, "button_3"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } else { G4Exception("Invalid Drawing style in G4OpenGLXmViewer::CreateContext"); } XmStringFree (wireframe_str); XmStringFree (hlr_str); XmStringFree (hsr_str); XmStringFree (hlhsr_str); // G4cout << "Created Drawing pullright menu" << G4endl; //Add Drawing pullright menu to style cascade... white_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"White"); black_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Black"); background_color_pullright = XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu (style_cascade, (char*)"background_color", 2, background_color_callback, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, white_str, 'W', NULL, NULL, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, black_str, 'B', NULL, NULL, XmNradioBehavior, True, XmNradioAlwaysOne, True, XmNuserData, this, XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); if (background.GetRed() == 1. && background.GetGreen() == 1. && background.GetBlue() == 1.) { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(background_color_pullright, "button_0"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } else { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(background_color_pullright, "button_1"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } XmStringFree (white_str); XmStringFree (black_str); // G4cout << "Created Background color pullright menu" << G4endl; //*********Create actions pulldown menu on menubar********* rot_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Rotation control panel"); pan_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Panning control panel"); set_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Set control panel limits"); actions_cascade = XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu (menubar, (char*)"actions", 1, actions_callback, XmVaPUSHBUTTON, rot_str, 'R', NULL, NULL, XmVaPUSHBUTTON, pan_str, 'P', NULL, NULL, XmVaPUSHBUTTON, set_str, 'S', NULL, NULL, XmNuserData, this, XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); XmStringFree (rot_str); XmStringFree (pan_str); XmStringFree (set_str); G4cout << "Created Actions pulldown menu" << G4endl; misc_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Miscellany control panel"); exit_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Exit to G4Vis>"); print_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Create .eps file"); //*********Create miscellany pulldown menu on menubar********* misc_cascade = XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu (menubar, (char*)"miscellany", 2, misc_callback, XmVaPUSHBUTTON, misc_str, 'M', NULL, NULL, XmVaPUSHBUTTON, exit_str, 'E', NULL, NULL, XmVaPUSHBUTTON, print_str, 'P', NULL, NULL, XmNuserData, this, XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); XmStringFree (misc_str); XmStringFree (exit_str); XmStringFree (print_str); G4cout << "Created Miscellany pulldown menu" << G4endl; trans_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Transparency"); anti_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Antialiasing"); halo_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Haloing"); aux_edge_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Auxiliary edges"); //*********Create special pulldown menu on menubar********* spec_cascade = XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu (menubar, (char*)"special", 3, NULL, XmVaCASCADEBUTTON, trans_str, 'T', XmVaCASCADEBUTTON, anti_str, 'A', XmVaCASCADEBUTTON, halo_str, 'H', XmVaCASCADEBUTTON, aux_edge_str, 'E', XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); XmStringFree (trans_str); XmStringFree (anti_str); XmStringFree (halo_str); XmStringFree (aux_edge_str); // G4cout << "Created Special pulldown menu" << G4endl; //Add Transparency pullright menu to special cascade... off_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"Off"); on_str = XmStringCreateLocalized ((char*)"On"); transparency_pullright = XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu (spec_cascade, (char*)"transparency", 0, transparency_callback, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, off_str, 'f', NULL, NULL, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, on_str, 'n', NULL, NULL, XmNradioBehavior, True, XmNradioAlwaysOne, True, XmNuserData, this, XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); if (transparency_enabled == false) { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(transparency_pullright, "button_0"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } else if (transparency_enabled == true) { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(transparency_pullright, "button_1"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } else { G4Exception("transparency_enabled in G4OpenGLXmViewer is neither true nor false!!"); } //Add antialias pullright menu to special cascade... antialias_pullright = XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu (spec_cascade, (char*)"antialias", 1, antialias_callback, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, off_str, 'f', NULL, NULL, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, on_str, 'n', NULL, NULL, XmNradioBehavior, True, XmNradioAlwaysOne, True, XmNuserData, this, XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); if (antialiasing_enabled == false) { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(antialias_pullright, "button_0"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } else if (antialiasing_enabled == true) { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(antialias_pullright, "button_1"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } else { G4Exception("antialiasing_enabled in G4OpenGLXmViewer is neither true nor false!!"); } //Add Haloing pullright menu to special cascade... haloing_pullright = XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu (spec_cascade, (char*)"haloing", 2, haloing_callback, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, off_str, 'f', NULL, NULL, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, on_str, 'n', NULL, NULL, XmNradioBehavior, True, XmNradioAlwaysOne, True, XmNuserData, this, XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); if (haloing_enabled == false) { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(haloing_pullright, "button_0"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } else if (haloing_enabled == true) { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(haloing_pullright, "button_1"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } else { G4Exception("haloing_enabled in G4OpenGLXmViewer is neither true nor false!!"); } //Add Aux_Edge pullright menu to special cascade... aux_edge_pullright = XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu (spec_cascade, (char*)"aux_edge", 3, aux_edge_callback, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, off_str, 'f', NULL, NULL, XmVaRADIOBUTTON, on_str, 'n', NULL, NULL, XmNradioBehavior, True, XmNradioAlwaysOne, True, XmNuserData, this, XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); if (!fVP.IsAuxEdgeVisible()) { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(aux_edge_pullright, "button_0"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } else { special_widget = XtNameToWidget(aux_edge_pullright, "button_1"); if(special_widget) { XtVaSetValues (special_widget, XmNset, True, NULL); } } XtManageChild (menubar); frame = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ((char*)"frame", xmFrameWidgetClass, main_win, XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); glxarea = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ((char*)"glxarea", xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass, frame, XtNvisual, vi -> visual, XtNdepth, vi -> depth, XtNcolormap, cmap, XtNborderColor, borcol, XtNbackground, bgnd, NULL); XmMainWindowSetAreas (main_win, // main widget, children are specified menubar, // widget to use as menu bar NULL, // widget to use as command window NULL, // widget for horizontal scroll bar NULL, // widget for vertical scroll bar frame // widget to be used for work window ); XtRealizeWidget(shell); // Once widget is realized (ie, associated with a created X window), we // can bind the OpenGL rendering context to the window. win = XtWindow (glxarea); glXMakeCurrent (dpy, win, cx); // This should be add AFTER glXMakeCurrent done because it will fire a resizeCallback XtAddCallback (glxarea, XmNresizeCallback, resize_callback, this); XtAddCallback (glxarea, XmNexposeCallback, expose_callback, this); } G4OpenGLXmViewer::G4OpenGLXmViewer (G4OpenGLSceneHandler& scene): G4VViewer (scene, -1), G4OpenGLViewer (scene), G4OpenGLXViewer (scene), zoom_high (fVP.GetZoomFactor() * 10.0), zoom_low (fVP.GetZoomFactor() / 10.0), dolly_low (fVP.GetDolly() - 1000.0), dolly_high (fVP.GetDolly() + 1000.0), fov (0.0), rot_sens_limit (90.), pan_sens_limit (100.), rot_sens (1.), wob_sens (20.), original_vp(fVP.GetViewpointDirection()), frameNo (0), fprotation_top (0), fprotation_slider (0), fppanning_top (0), fppanning_slider (0), fpzoom_slider (0), fpdolly_slider (0), fpsetting_top (0), fpmiscellany_top (0), fpprint_top (0) { GetXmConnection (); if (fViewId < 0) return; } G4OpenGLXmViewer::~G4OpenGLXmViewer () { XtDestroyWidget (shell); win = 0; // ...to avoid XDestroyWindow in G4OpenGLXViewer base class // because XtDestroyWidget has already destroyed it. G4Xt::getInstance () ->RemoveShell (shell); /****************************** if (fprotation_top) { delete fprotation_top; } if (fppanning_top) { delete fppanning_top; } if (fpsetting_top) { delete fpsetting_top; } if (fpmiscellany_top) { delete fpmiscellany_top; } ******************************/ } #endif