// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4OpenInventorViewer.cc,v 1.61 2010/10/06 10:09:57 allison Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: $ #ifdef G4VIS_BUILD_OI_DRIVER // this : #include "G4OpenInventorViewer.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "HEPVis/nodes/SoImageWriter.h" #include "HEPVis/actions/SoGL2PSAction.h" #include "HEPVis/actions/SoCounterAction.h" #include "HEPVis/actions/SoAlternateRepAction.h" #include "G4OpenInventor.hh" #include "G4OpenInventorSceneHandler.hh" #include "G4VInteractorManager.hh" #include "G4Scene.hh" #include "Geant4_SoPolyhedron.h" #include "G4AttValue.hh" #include "G4AttDef.hh" #include "G4AttCheck.hh" #include "G4AttHolder.hh" G4OpenInventorViewer::G4OpenInventorViewer( G4OpenInventorSceneHandler& sceneHandler ,const G4String& name) :G4VViewer(sceneHandler, sceneHandler.IncrementViewCount(), name) ,fG4OpenInventorSceneHandler(sceneHandler) ,fInteractorManager(0) ,fSoSelection(0) ,fSoImageWriter(0) ,fGL2PSAction(0) //To be set be suclass. ,fGroupCameraSensor(0) ,fCameraSensor(0) { fNeedKernelVisit = true; //?? Temporary, until KernelVisitDecision fixed. fVP.SetAutoRefresh(true); fDefaultVP.SetAutoRefresh(true); fVP.SetPicking(true); fDefaultVP.SetPicking(true); //FIXME : G.Barrand : not convinced that we have to rm culling. // For viewing of all objects by default : //fDefaultVP.SetCulling(false); //fVP.SetCulling(false); fInteractorManager = ((G4OpenInventor*)fG4OpenInventorSceneHandler.GetGraphicsSystem())-> GetInteractorManager(); // Main user scene graph root sent to the viewers. fSoSelection = new SoSelection; fSoSelection->ref(); fSoSelection->addSelectionCallback(SelectionCB,this); //fSoSelection->addDeselectionCallback(DeselectionCB,this); fSoSelection->policy = SoSelection::SINGLE; SoGroup* group = new SoGroup; fSoSelection->addChild(group); // Have a camera under fSoSelection in order // that the below SceneGraphSensor be notifed // when the viewer changes the camera type. // But we put the camera under a SoGroup so that // the SceneGraphSensor be not triggered at each change // under the fG4OpenInventorSceneHandler.fRoot. SoOrthographicCamera* camera = new SoOrthographicCamera; camera->viewportMapping.setValue(SoCamera::ADJUST_CAMERA); //camera->aspectRatio.setValue(10); camera->position.setValue(0,0,10); camera->orientation.setValue(SbRotation(SbVec3f(0,1,0),0)); camera->height.setValue(10); camera->nearDistance.setValue(1); camera->farDistance.setValue(100); camera->focalDistance.setValue(10); group->addChild(camera); {SoInput soInput; if(soInput.openFile("g4view.iv",TRUE)) { SoSeparator* separator = SoDB::readAll(&soInput); if(separator) fSoSelection->addChild(separator); }} fSoSelection->addChild(fG4OpenInventorSceneHandler.fRoot); // SoImageWriter should be the last. fSoImageWriter = new SoImageWriter(); fSoImageWriter->fileName.setValue("g4out.ps"); fSoSelection->addChild(fSoImageWriter); // Sensors : // To detect that the viewer had changed the camera type : fGroupCameraSensor = new SoNodeSensor(GroupCameraSensorCB,this); fGroupCameraSensor->setPriority(0);//Needed in order to do getTriggerNode() fGroupCameraSensor->attach(group); fCameraSensor = new SoNodeSensor(CameraSensorCB,this); fCameraSensor->setPriority(0);//Needed in order to do getTriggerNode() } G4OpenInventorViewer::~G4OpenInventorViewer () { fCameraSensor->detach(); delete fCameraSensor; fGroupCameraSensor->detach(); delete fGroupCameraSensor; fSoSelection->unref(); } void G4OpenInventorViewer::KernelVisitDecision () { // If there's a significant difference with the last view parameters // of either the scene handler or this viewer, trigger a rebuild. if ( //??fG4OpenInventorSceneHandler.fPODLList.size() == 0 || // We need a test for empty scene graph, such as // staticRoot.size() or something?????????? See temporary fix // in contructor. (John Allison Aug 2001) CompareForKernelVisit(fLastVP)) { NeedKernelVisit (); } fLastVP = fVP; } G4bool G4OpenInventorViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(G4ViewParameters& vp) { if ( (vp.GetDrawingStyle () != fVP.GetDrawingStyle ()) || (vp.IsAuxEdgeVisible () != fVP.IsAuxEdgeVisible ()) || (vp.GetRepStyle () != fVP.GetRepStyle ()) || (vp.IsCulling () != fVP.IsCulling ()) || (vp.IsCullingInvisible () != fVP.IsCullingInvisible ()) || (vp.IsDensityCulling () != fVP.IsDensityCulling ()) || (vp.IsCullingCovered () != fVP.IsCullingCovered ()) || (vp.IsSection () != fVP.IsSection ()) || (vp.IsCutaway () != fVP.IsCutaway ()) || // This assumes use of generic clipping (sectioning, slicing, // DCUT, cutaway). If a decision is made to implement locally, // this will need changing. See G4OpenGLViewer::SetView, // G4OpenGLStoredViewer.cc::CompareForKernelVisit and // G4OpenGLStoredSceneHander::CreateSection/CutawayPolyhedron. (vp.IsExplode () != fVP.IsExplode ()) || (vp.GetNoOfSides () != fVP.GetNoOfSides ()) || (vp.IsMarkerNotHidden () != fVP.IsMarkerNotHidden ()) || (vp.GetDefaultVisAttributes()->GetColour() != fVP.GetDefaultVisAttributes()->GetColour()) || (vp.GetDefaultTextVisAttributes()->GetColour() != fVP.GetDefaultTextVisAttributes()->GetColour()) || (vp.GetBackgroundColour ()!= fVP.GetBackgroundColour ())|| (vp.IsPicking () != fVP.IsPicking ()) || // Scaling for Open Inventor is done by the scene handler so it // needs a kernel visit. (In this respect, it differs from the // OpenGL drivers, where it's done in SetView.) (vp.GetScaleFactor () != fVP.GetScaleFactor ()) ) return true; if (vp.IsDensityCulling () && (vp.GetVisibleDensity () != fVP.GetVisibleDensity ())) return true; if (vp.IsSection () && (vp.GetSectionPlane () != fVP.GetSectionPlane ())) return true; if (vp.IsCutaway ()) { if (vp.GetCutawayPlanes ().size () != fVP.GetCutawayPlanes ().size ()) return true; for (size_t i = 0; i < vp.GetCutawayPlanes().size(); ++i) if (vp.GetCutawayPlanes()[i] != fVP.GetCutawayPlanes()[i]) return true; } if (vp.IsExplode () && (vp.GetExplodeFactor () != fVP.GetExplodeFactor ())) return true; return false; } void G4OpenInventorViewer::ClearView () { } void G4OpenInventorViewer::SetView () { // Get G4 camera infos : const G4Point3D target = fSceneHandler.GetScene()->GetStandardTargetPoint() + fVP.GetCurrentTargetPoint (); G4double radius = fSceneHandler.GetScene()->GetExtent().GetExtentRadius(); if(radius<=0.) radius = 1.; const G4double cameraDistance = fVP.GetCameraDistance (radius); const G4Vector3D& direction = fVP.GetViewpointDirection().unit(); const G4Point3D cameraPosition = target + cameraDistance * direction; //const G4double pnear = fVP.GetNearDistance (cameraDistance, radius); //const G4double pfar = fVP.GetFarDistance (cameraDistance, pnear, radius); const G4Normal3D& up = fVP.GetUpVector (); /* printf("debug : target : %g %g %g\n",target.x(), target.y(), target.z()); printf("debug : dir : %g %g %g\n",direction.x(), direction.y(), direction.z()); printf("debug : pos : %g %g %g\n",cameraPosition.x(), cameraPosition.y(), cameraPosition.z()); //printf("debug : near %g far %g\n",pnear,pfar); */ SoCamera* camera = GetCamera(); if(!camera) return; // viewer camera setup : camera->position.setValue((float)cameraPosition.x(), (float)cameraPosition.y(), (float)cameraPosition.z()); SbVec3f sbTarget((float)target.x(), (float)target.y(), (float)target.z()); SbVec3f sbUp((float)up.x(), (float)up.y(), (float)up.z()); sbUp.normalize(); // Need Coin's camera->pointAt(sbTarget,sbUp); not in the SGI API // Stole Coin's code... pointAt(camera,sbTarget,sbUp); //camera->height.setValue(10); //camera->nearDistance.setValue((float)pnear); //camera->farDistance.setValue((float)pfar); //camera->focalDistance.setValue((float)cameraDistance); if(camera->isOfType(SoOrthographicCamera::getClassTypeId())) { if (fVP.GetFieldHalfAngle() == 0.) { //FIXME : ((SoOrthographicCamera*)camera)->height.setValue(); //FIXME : (Don't think we have to do that.) } else { //FIXME : Have to set a perspective camera ! //FIXME : viewer->setCameraType(SoPerspectiveCamera::getClassTypeId()) //FIXME : ((SoPerspectiveCamera*)camera)->heightAngle.setValue //FIXME : (2.*fVP.GetFieldHalfAngle()); } } else if(camera->isOfType(SoPerspectiveCamera::getClassTypeId())) { if (fVP.GetFieldHalfAngle() == 0.) { //FIXME : Have to set an orthographic camera ! //FIXME : viewer->setCameraType(SoOrthographicCamera::getClassTypeId()) } else { //FIXME : ((SoPerspectiveCamera*)camera)->heightAngle.setValue //FIXME : (2.*fVP.GetFieldHalfAngle()); } } } //COIN_FUNCTION_EXTENSION void G4OpenInventorViewer::pointAt(SoCamera* camera,const SbVec3f & targetpoint, const SbVec3f & upvector) { SbVec3f dir = targetpoint - camera->position.getValue(); if (dir.normalize() == 0.0f) return; lookAt(camera,dir, upvector); } //COIN_FUNCTION // Private method that calculates a new orientation based on camera // direction and camera up vector. Vectors must be unit length. void G4OpenInventorViewer::lookAt(SoCamera* camera,const SbVec3f & dir, const SbVec3f & up) { SbVec3f z = -dir; SbVec3f y = up; SbVec3f x = y.cross(z); // recompute y to create a valid coordinate system y = z.cross(x); // normalize x and y to create an orthonormal coord system y.normalize(); x.normalize(); // create a rotation matrix SbMatrix rot = SbMatrix::identity(); rot[0][0] = x[0]; rot[0][1] = x[1]; rot[0][2] = x[2]; rot[1][0] = y[0]; rot[1][1] = y[1]; rot[1][2] = y[2]; rot[2][0] = z[0]; rot[2][1] = z[1]; rot[2][2] = z[2]; camera->orientation.setValue(SbRotation(rot)); } void G4OpenInventorViewer::lookedAt(SoCamera* camera,SbVec3f & dir, SbVec3f & up) { SbRotation rot = camera->orientation.getValue(); SbMatrix mrot; rot.getValue(mrot); SbVec3f x, y, z; // create a rotation matrix x[0] = mrot[0][0]; x[1] = mrot[0][1]; x[2] = mrot[0][2]; y[0] = mrot[1][0]; y[1] = mrot[1][1]; y[2] = mrot[1][2]; z[0] = mrot[2][0]; z[1] = mrot[2][1]; z[2] = mrot[2][2]; dir = -z; dir.normalize(); up = SbVec3f(0.f,1.f,0.f); // Choose y-axis if possible. if (std::abs(up.dot(z)) > 1.e-6) { up = y; up.normalize(); } } void G4OpenInventorViewer::DrawView () { //G4cout << "debug Iv::DrawViewer " < SecondaryLoop (); } void G4OpenInventorViewer::GroupCameraSensorCB(void* aThis,SoSensor* aSensor){ G4OpenInventorViewer* This = (G4OpenInventorViewer*)aThis; SoNode* node = ((SoNodeSensor*)aSensor)->getTriggerNode(); //printf("debug : GroupCameraSensorCB %s\n", //node->getTypeId().getName().getString()); if(node->isOfType(SoCamera::getClassTypeId())) { // Viewer had changed the camera type, // attach the fCameraSensor to the new camera. SoCamera* camera = (SoCamera*)node; This->fCameraSensor->detach(); This->fCameraSensor->attach(camera); } } void G4OpenInventorViewer::CameraSensorCB(void* aThis,SoSensor* aSensor) { G4OpenInventorViewer* This = (G4OpenInventorViewer*)aThis; //printf("debug : CameraSensorCB\n"); SoNode* node = ((SoNodeSensor*)aSensor)->getTriggerNode(); if(node->isOfType(SoCamera::getClassTypeId())) { SoCamera* camera = (SoCamera*)node; SbVec3f direction, up; lookedAt(camera,direction, up); This->fVP.SetViewpointDirection (G4Vector3D(-direction[0],-direction[1],-direction[2])); This->fVP.SetUpVector(G4Vector3D(up[0],up[1],up[2])); SbVec3f pos = camera->position.getValue(); SbVec3f target = pos + direction * camera->focalDistance.getValue(); This->fVP.SetCurrentTargetPoint(G4Point3D(target[0],target[1],target[2])); } } void G4OpenInventorViewer::SelectionCB( void* aThis ,SoPath* aPath ) { G4OpenInventorViewer* This = (G4OpenInventorViewer*)aThis; SoNode* node = ((SoFullPath*)aPath)->getTail(); G4AttHolder* attHolder = dynamic_cast(node); if(attHolder && attHolder->GetAttDefs().size()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < attHolder->GetAttDefs().size(); ++i) { G4cout << G4AttCheck(attHolder->GetAttValues()[i], attHolder->GetAttDefs()[i]); } } else { G4String name((char*)node->getName().getString()); G4String cls((char*)node->getTypeId().getName().getString()); G4cout << "SoNode : " << node << " SoType : " << cls << " name : " << name << G4endl; G4cout << "No attributes attached." << G4endl; } /*FIXME : to explore (need different button - this is used for picking. if(node->isOfType(Geant4_SoPolyhedron::getClassTypeId())) { Geant4_SoPolyhedron* polyhedron = (Geant4_SoPolyhedron*)node; if(polyhedron->solid.getValue()==FALSE) polyhedron->solid.setValue(TRUE); else polyhedron->solid.setValue(FALSE); }*/ This->fSoSelection->deselectAll(); } /* void G4OpenInventorViewer::DeselectionCB( void* aThis ,SoPath* aPath ) { //G4OpenInventorViewer* This = (G4OpenInventorViewer*)aThis; G4String name((char*)aPath->getTail()->getTypeId().getName().getString()); G4cout << "Deselect : " << name << G4endl; } */ void G4OpenInventorViewer::DrawDetector() { /* Replace this... - JA // DrawView does a ClearStore. Do not clear the transient store : SoSeparator* tmp = fG4OpenInventorSceneHandler.fTransientRoot; fG4OpenInventorSceneHandler.fTransientRoot = new SoSeparator; if (!fNeedKernelVisit) KernelVisitDecision(); ProcessView(); fG4OpenInventorSceneHandler.fTransientRoot->unref(); fG4OpenInventorSceneHandler.fTransientRoot = tmp; */ // ...by this... - JA DrawView(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Menu items callbacks ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4OpenInventorViewer::Escape(){ G4cout << "Escape..." <RequireExitSecondaryLoop (OIV_EXIT_CODE); } void G4OpenInventorViewer::WritePostScript(const G4String& aFile) { if(!fGL2PSAction) return; fGL2PSAction->setFileName(aFile.c_str()); G4cout << "Produce " << aFile << "..." << G4endl; if (fGL2PSAction->enableFileWriting()) { ViewerRender(); fGL2PSAction->disableFileWriting(); } } void G4OpenInventorViewer::WritePixmapPostScript(const G4String& aFile) { fSoImageWriter->fileName.setValue(aFile.c_str()); //imageWriter->format.setValue(SoImageWriter::POST_SCRIPT); fSoImageWriter->enable(); ViewerRender(); fSoImageWriter->disable(); if(fSoImageWriter->getStatus()) { G4cout << G4String(fSoImageWriter->fileName.getValue().getString()) << " produced." << G4endl; } else { G4cout << G4String(fSoImageWriter->fileName.getValue().getString()) << " not produced." << G4endl; } } void G4OpenInventorViewer::WriteInventor(const G4String& aFile) { G4cout << "Produce " << aFile << "..." << G4endl; SbBool genAlternateRep = TRUE; //SbBool binary = FALSE; SbBool binary = TRUE; SoAlternateRepAction alternateRepAction; if(genAlternateRep==TRUE) { alternateRepAction.setGenerate(TRUE); //Clear alternate reps. alternateRepAction.apply(fSoSelection); } SoWriteAction writeAction; writeAction.getOutput()->openFile(aFile.c_str()); writeAction.getOutput()->setBinary(binary); writeAction.apply(fSoSelection); writeAction.getOutput()->closeFile(); if(genAlternateRep==TRUE) { alternateRepAction.setGenerate(FALSE); //Clear alternate reps. alternateRepAction.apply(fSoSelection); } } struct Counter { int fTriangles; int fLineSegments; int fPoints; }; static void CountTrianglesCB( void* userData ,SoCallbackAction* ,const SoPrimitiveVertex* ,const SoPrimitiveVertex*, const SoPrimitiveVertex*) { Counter* counter = (Counter*)userData; counter->fTriangles++; } static void CountLineSegmentsCB( void* userData ,SoCallbackAction* ,const SoPrimitiveVertex* ,const SoPrimitiveVertex*) { Counter* counter = (Counter*)userData; counter->fLineSegments++; } static void CountPointsCB( void* userData ,SoCallbackAction* ,const SoPrimitiveVertex*) { Counter* counter = (Counter*)userData; counter->fPoints++; } void G4OpenInventorViewer::SceneGraphStatistics() { Counter counter; counter.fTriangles = 0; counter.fLineSegments = 0; counter.fPoints = 0; SoCallbackAction callbackAction; callbackAction.addTriangleCallback (SoShape::getClassTypeId(),CountTrianglesCB,(void*)&counter); callbackAction.addLineSegmentCallback (SoShape::getClassTypeId(),CountLineSegmentsCB,(void*)&counter); callbackAction.addPointCallback (SoShape::getClassTypeId(),CountPointsCB,(void*)&counter); callbackAction.apply(fSoSelection); SoCounterAction counterAction; counterAction.apply(fSoSelection); int nodes = counterAction.getCount(); counterAction.setLookFor(SoCounterAction::TYPE); counterAction.setType(SoShape::getClassTypeId()); counterAction.apply(fSoSelection); int shapes = counterAction.getCount(); G4cout << "Number of triangles : " << counter.fTriangles << G4endl; G4cout << "Number of line segments : " << counter.fLineSegments << G4endl; G4cout << "Number of points : " << counter.fPoints << G4endl; G4cout << "Number of nodes : " << nodes << G4endl; G4cout << "Number of shapes : " << shapes << G4endl; } void G4OpenInventorViewer::EraseDetector() { fG4OpenInventorSceneHandler.fDetectorRoot->removeAllChildren(); } void G4OpenInventorViewer::EraseEvent() { fG4OpenInventorSceneHandler.fTransientRoot->removeAllChildren(); } void G4OpenInventorViewer::SetPreviewAndFull() { fG4OpenInventorSceneHandler.fPreviewAndFull = true; NeedKernelVisit(); DrawDetector(); } void G4OpenInventorViewer::SetPreview() { fG4OpenInventorSceneHandler.fPreviewAndFull = false; NeedKernelVisit(); DrawDetector(); } // When ViewParameter <-> SoCamera mapping ready // uncomment the below //#define USE_SET_VIEW void G4OpenInventorViewer::SetSolid() { G4ViewParameters vp = GetViewParameters(); G4ViewParameters::DrawingStyle existingStyle = vp.GetDrawingStyle(); //From G4VisCommandsViewerSet : /vis/viewer/set/style solid. switch (existingStyle) { case G4ViewParameters::wireframe: vp.SetDrawingStyle(G4ViewParameters::hsr); break; case G4ViewParameters::hlr: vp.SetDrawingStyle(G4ViewParameters::hlhsr); break; case G4ViewParameters::hsr: break; case G4ViewParameters::hlhsr: break; } SetViewParameters(vp); DrawDetector(); } void G4OpenInventorViewer::SetWireFrame() { G4ViewParameters vp = GetViewParameters(); G4ViewParameters::DrawingStyle existingStyle = vp.GetDrawingStyle(); switch (existingStyle) { case G4ViewParameters::wireframe: break; case G4ViewParameters::hlr: break; case G4ViewParameters::hsr: vp.SetDrawingStyle(G4ViewParameters::wireframe); break; case G4ViewParameters::hlhsr: vp.SetDrawingStyle(G4ViewParameters::hlr); break; } SetViewParameters(vp); DrawDetector(); } void G4OpenInventorViewer::SetReducedWireFrame(bool aValue) { G4ViewParameters vp = GetViewParameters(); // Set the wire frame kind : vp.SetAuxEdgeVisible(!aValue); // Set wire frame : G4ViewParameters::DrawingStyle existingStyle = vp.GetDrawingStyle(); switch (existingStyle) { case G4ViewParameters::wireframe: break; case G4ViewParameters::hlr: break; case G4ViewParameters::hsr: vp.SetDrawingStyle(G4ViewParameters::wireframe); break; case G4ViewParameters::hlhsr: vp.SetDrawingStyle(G4ViewParameters::hlr); break; } SetViewParameters(vp); NeedKernelVisit(); // Just in case it was alread in wire framw. DrawDetector(); } void G4OpenInventorViewer::UpdateScene() { /* Replace this... - JA fG4OpenInventorSceneHandler.ClearStore(); ClearView(); if (!fNeedKernelVisit) KernelVisitDecision(); ProcessView(); ShowView(); */ // ...by this - JA NeedKernelVisit(); DrawView(); } G4String G4OpenInventorViewer::Help(const G4String& aTopic) { if(aTopic=="controls") { return G4String("\ Controls on an Inventor examiner viewer are :\n\ - in picking mode (cursor is the upper left arrow)\n\ Ctrl + pick a volume : see daughters.\n\ Shift + pick a volume : see mother.\n\ - in viewing mode (cursor is the hand)\n\ Left-button + pointer move : rotate.\n\ Ctrl+Left-button + pointer move : pan.\n\ Ctrl+Shift+Left-button + pointer move : scale.\n\ Middle-button + pointer move : pan.\n\ Right-button : popup menu.\n"); } else { return ""; } } #endif