// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // // $Id: SoTrap.cc,v 1.8 2006/06/29 21:23:03 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // /*-----------------------------HEPVis----------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* Node: SoTrap */ /* Description: Represents the G4Trap Geant Geometry entity */ /* Author: Joe Boudreau Nov 11 1996 */ /* */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef G4VIS_BUILD_OI_DRIVER // this : #include "HEPVis/nodes/SoTrap.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "HEPVis/SbMath.h" // This statement is required SO_NODE_SOURCE(SoTrap) // Constructor SoTrap::SoTrap() { // This statement is required SO_NODE_CONSTRUCTOR(SoTrap); // Data fields are initialized like this: SO_NODE_ADD_FIELD(pDz, (1.0)); SO_NODE_ADD_FIELD(pTheta, (0.0)); SO_NODE_ADD_FIELD(pPhi, (0.0)); SO_NODE_ADD_FIELD(pDy1, (1.0)); SO_NODE_ADD_FIELD(pDx1, (1.0)); SO_NODE_ADD_FIELD(pDx2, (1.0)); SO_NODE_ADD_FIELD(pDy2, (1.0)); SO_NODE_ADD_FIELD(pDx3, (1.0)); SO_NODE_ADD_FIELD(pDx4, (1.0)); SO_NODE_ADD_FIELD(pAlp1, (0.0)); SO_NODE_ADD_FIELD(pAlp2, (0.0)); SO_NODE_ADD_FIELD(alternateRep, (NULL)); children = new SoChildList(this); } // Destructor SoTrap::~SoTrap() { delete children; } // initClass void SoTrap::initClass(){ // This statement is required. SO_NODE_INIT_CLASS(SoTrap,SoShape,"Shape"); } // generatePrimitives void SoTrap::generatePrimitives(SoAction *action) { // This variable is used to store each vertex SoPrimitiveVertex pv; // Access the stat from the action SoState *state = action->getState(); // See if we have to use a texture coordinate function, // rather than generating explicit texture coordinates. SbBool useTexFunction= (SoTextureCoordinateElement::getType(state) == SoTextureCoordinateElement::FUNCTION); // If we need to generate texture coordinates with a function, // we'll need an SoGLTextureCoordinateElement. Otherwise, we'll // set up the coordinates directly. const SoTextureCoordinateElement *tce = NULL; SbVec4f texCoord; if (useTexFunction) { tce = SoTextureCoordinateElement::getInstance(state); } else { texCoord[2] = 0.0; texCoord[3] = 1.0; } SbVec3f point, normal; ////////////////////////////////////////// //---------------------------------------- #define GEN_VERTEX(pv,x,y,z,s,t,nx,ny,nz) \ point.setValue(x,y,z); \ normal.setValue(nx,ny,nz); \ if (useTexFunction) { \ texCoord=tce->get(point,normal); \ } \ else { \ texCoord[0]=s; \ texCoord[1]=t; \ } \ pv.setPoint(point); \ pv.setNormal(normal); \ pv.setTextureCoords(texCoord); \ shapeVertex(&pv); //---------------------------------------- ////////////////////////////////////////// const int NPOINTS=8, NFACES=6, NINDICES = NFACES*5; int indices[NINDICES] = {3,2,1,0, SO_END_FACE_INDEX, //z back. 4,5,6,7, SO_END_FACE_INDEX, //z front. 0,1,5,4, SO_END_FACE_INDEX, //y up. 1,2,6,5, SO_END_FACE_INDEX, //x left. 2,3,7,6, SO_END_FACE_INDEX, //y down. 3,0,4,7, SO_END_FACE_INDEX}; //x right. // points for the eight vertices float TthetaCphi = FTAN(pTheta.getValue())*FCOS(pPhi.getValue()); float TthetaSphi = FTAN(pTheta.getValue())*FSIN(pPhi.getValue()); float Talp1 = FTAN(pAlp1.getValue()); float Talp2 = FTAN(pAlp2.getValue()); float points[NPOINTS][3]; points[0][0] = pDx2.getValue()+pDy1.getValue()*Talp1; points[0][1] = pDy1.getValue(); points[0][2] = -pDz.getValue(); points[1][0] = -pDx2.getValue()+pDy1.getValue()*Talp1; points[1][1] = pDy1.getValue(); points[1][2] = -pDz.getValue(); points[2][0] = -pDx1.getValue()-pDy1.getValue()*Talp1; points[2][1] = -pDy1.getValue(); points[2][2] = -pDz.getValue(); points[3][0] = pDx1.getValue()-pDy1.getValue()*Talp1; points[3][1] = -pDy1.getValue(); points[3][2] = -pDz.getValue(); points[4][0] = pDx4.getValue()+pDy2.getValue()*Talp2; points[4][1] = pDy2.getValue(); points[4][2] = pDz.getValue(); points[5][0] = -pDx4.getValue()+pDy2.getValue()*Talp2; points[5][1] = pDy2.getValue(); points[5][2] = pDz.getValue(); points[6][0] = -pDx3.getValue()-pDy2.getValue()*Talp2; points[6][1] = -pDy2.getValue(); points[6][2] = pDz.getValue(); points[7][0] = pDx3.getValue()-pDy2.getValue()*Talp2; points[7][1] = -pDy2.getValue(); points[7][2] = pDz.getValue(); int i; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { points[i][0] -= pDz.getValue()*TthetaCphi; points[i][1] -= pDz.getValue()*TthetaSphi; } for (i=4;i<8;i++) { points[i][0] += pDz.getValue()*TthetaCphi; points[i][1] += pDz.getValue()*TthetaSphi; } SbVec3f normals[NFACES]; int nf; for (nf=0;nf pDx) pDx = pDx2.getValue(); if (pDx3.getValue() > pDx) pDx = pDx3.getValue(); if (pDx4.getValue() > pDx) pDx = pDx4.getValue(); if (pDy2.getValue() > pDy) pDy = pDy2.getValue(); float TthetaCphi = FTAN(pTheta.getValue())*FCOS(pPhi.getValue()); float TthetaSphi = FTAN(pTheta.getValue())*FSIN(pPhi.getValue()); float Xalp = FFABS(std::tan(pAlp1.getValue())*pDy1.getValue()); float Xalp2 = FFABS(std::tan(pAlp2.getValue())*pDy2.getValue()); if (Xalp< Xalp2) Xalp=Xalp2; pDx += FFABS(TthetaCphi*pDz.getValue()); pDx += Xalp; pDy += FFABS(TthetaSphi*pDz.getValue()); center.setValue(0,0,0); box.setBounds(SbVec3f(-pDx,-pDy,-pDz.getValue()), SbVec3f( pDx, pDy, pDz.getValue())); } // updateChildren void SoTrap::updateChildren() { // Redraw the G4Trap.... assert(children->getLength()==1); SoSeparator *sep = (SoSeparator *) ( *children)[0]; SoCoordinate3 *theCoordinates = (SoCoordinate3 *) ( sep->getChild(0)); SoNormal *theNormals = (SoNormal *) ( sep->getChild(1)); SoNormalBinding *theNormalBinding = (SoNormalBinding *) ( sep->getChild(2)); SoIndexedFaceSet *theFaceSet = (SoIndexedFaceSet *) ( sep->getChild(3)); const int NPOINTS=8, NFACES=6, NINDICES = NFACES*5; float points[NPOINTS][3]; // Indices for the eight faces #ifdef INVENTOR2_0 static long #else static int32_t #endif indices[NINDICES] = {3,2,1,0, SO_END_FACE_INDEX, // bottom 4,5,6,7, SO_END_FACE_INDEX, // top 0,1,5,4, SO_END_FACE_INDEX, 1,2,6,5, SO_END_FACE_INDEX, 2,3,7,6, SO_END_FACE_INDEX, 3,0,4,7, SO_END_FACE_INDEX}; // points for the eight vertices float TthetaCphi = FTAN(pTheta.getValue())*FCOS(pPhi.getValue()); float TthetaSphi = FTAN(pTheta.getValue())*FSIN(pPhi.getValue()); float Talp1 = FTAN(pAlp1.getValue()); float Talp2 = FTAN(pAlp2.getValue()); points[0][0] = pDx2.getValue()+pDy1.getValue()*Talp1; points[0][1] = pDy1.getValue(); points[0][2] = -pDz.getValue(); points[1][0] = -pDx2.getValue()+pDy1.getValue()*Talp1; points[1][1] = pDy1.getValue(); points[1][2] = -pDz.getValue(); points[2][0] = -pDx1.getValue()-pDy1.getValue()*Talp1; points[2][1] = -pDy1.getValue(); points[2][2] = -pDz.getValue(); points[3][0] = pDx1.getValue()-pDy1.getValue()*Talp1; points[3][1] = -pDy1.getValue(); points[3][2] = -pDz.getValue(); points[4][0] = pDx4.getValue()+pDy2.getValue()*Talp2; points[4][1] = pDy2.getValue(); points[4][2] = pDz.getValue(); points[5][0] = -pDx4.getValue()+pDy2.getValue()*Talp2; points[5][1] = pDy2.getValue(); points[5][2] = pDz.getValue(); points[6][0] = -pDx3.getValue()-pDy2.getValue()*Talp2; points[6][1] = -pDy2.getValue(); points[6][2] = pDz.getValue(); points[7][0] = pDx3.getValue()-pDy2.getValue()*Talp2; points[7][1] = -pDy2.getValue(); points[7][2] = pDz.getValue(); int i; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { points[i][0] -= pDz.getValue()*TthetaCphi; points[i][1] -= pDz.getValue()*TthetaSphi; } for (i=4;i<8;i++) { points[i][0] += pDz.getValue()*TthetaCphi; points[i][1] += pDz.getValue()*TthetaSphi; } for (int np=0;nppoint.set1Value(np,points[np][0],points[np][1],points[np][2]); theFaceSet->coordIndex.setValues(0,NINDICES,indices); theNormals->vector.deleteValues(0); theNormals->vector.insertSpace(0,6); for (int n=0;n<6;n++) { int i0 = 5*n+0,i1=5*n+1,i2=5*n+2; int j0 = theFaceSet->coordIndex[i0]; int j1 = theFaceSet->coordIndex[i1]; int j2 = theFaceSet->coordIndex[i2]; SbVec3f p0= theCoordinates->point[j0]; SbVec3f p1= theCoordinates->point[j1]; SbVec3f p2= theCoordinates->point[j2]; SbVec3f normal = (p1-p0).cross(p2-p0); normal.normalize(); theNormals->vector.set1Value(n,normal); } theNormalBinding->value=SoNormalBinding::PER_FACE; } // generateChildren void SoTrap::generateChildren() { // This routines creates one SoSeparator, one SoCoordinate3, and // one SoLineSet, and puts it in the child list. This is done only // once, whereas redrawing the position of the coordinates occurs each // time an update is necessary, in the updateChildren routine. assert(children->getLength() ==0); SoSeparator *sep = new SoSeparator(); SoCoordinate3 *theCoordinates = new SoCoordinate3(); SoNormal *theNormals = new SoNormal(); SoNormalBinding *theNormalBinding = new SoNormalBinding(); SoIndexedFaceSet *theFaceSet = new SoIndexedFaceSet(); // // This line costs some in render quality! but gives speed. // sep->addChild(theCoordinates); sep->addChild(theNormals); sep->addChild(theNormalBinding); sep->addChild(theFaceSet); children->append(sep); } // generateAlternateRep void SoTrap::generateAlternateRep() { // This routine sets the alternate representation to the child // list of this mode. if (children->getLength() == 0) generateChildren(); updateChildren(); alternateRep.setValue((SoSeparator *) ( *children)[0]); } // clearAlternateRep void SoTrap::clearAlternateRep() { alternateRep.setValue(NULL); } #endif