source: trunk/source/visualization/Tree/src/ @ 893

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27// $Id:,v 1.14 2006/06/29 21:25:11 gunter Exp $
[850]28// GEANT4 tag $Name: HEAD $
31// John Allison  5th April 2001
32// A base class for a scene handler to dump geometry hierarchy.
33// Based on a provisional G4VTreeGraphicsScene (was in modeling).
35#include "G4VTreeSceneHandler.hh"
37#include "G4VSolid.hh"
38#include "G4PhysicalVolumeModel.hh"
39#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
40#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
42G4int G4VTreeSceneHandler::fSceneIdCount = 0;
43// Counter for Tree scene handlers.
45G4VTreeSceneHandler::G4VTreeSceneHandler(G4VGraphicsSystem& system,
46                                         const G4String& name):
47  G4VSceneHandler(system, fSceneIdCount++, name),
48  fpCurrentObjectTransformation (0)
51G4VTreeSceneHandler::~G4VTreeSceneHandler () {}
53void G4VTreeSceneHandler::BeginModeling() {
54  G4VSceneHandler::BeginModeling();  // Required: see G4VSceneHandler.hh.
57void G4VTreeSceneHandler::EndModeling() {
58  fDrawnLVStore.clear();
59  G4VSceneHandler::EndModeling();  // Required: see G4VSceneHandler.hh.
62void G4VTreeSceneHandler::PreAddSolid
63(const G4Transform3D& objectTransformation, const G4VisAttributes& visAttribs)
65  G4VSceneHandler::PreAddSolid (objectTransformation, visAttribs);
67  G4PhysicalVolumeModel* pPVModel =
68    dynamic_cast<G4PhysicalVolumeModel*>(fpModel);
69  if (!pPVModel) return;  // Not from a G4PhysicalVolumeModel.
71  // This call comes from a G4PhysicalVolumeModel, drawnPVPath is
72  // the path of the current drawn (non-culled) volume in terms of
73  // drawn (non-culled) ancesters.  Each node is identified by a
74  // PVNodeID object, which is a physical volume and copy number.  It
75  // is a vector of PVNodeIDs corresponding to the geometry hierarchy
76  // actually selected, i.e., not culled.
77  typedef G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID PVNodeID;
78  typedef std::vector<PVNodeID> PVPath;
79  const PVPath& drawnPVPath = pPVModel->GetDrawnPVPath();
80  //G4int currentDepth = pPVModel->GetCurrentDepth();
81  //G4VPhysicalVolume* pCurrentPV = pPVModel->GetCurrentPV();
82  //G4LogicalVolume* pCurrentLV = pPVModel->GetCurrentLV();
83  //G4Material* pCurrentMaterial = pPVModel->GetCurrentMaterial();
85  // Actually, it is enough to store the logical volume of current
86  // physical volume...
87  fDrawnLVStore.insert
88    (drawnPVPath.back().GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume());
90  // Find mother.  ri points to drawn mother, if any.
91  PVPath::const_reverse_iterator ri = ++drawnPVPath.rbegin();
92  if (ri != drawnPVPath.rend()) {
93    // This volume has a mother.
94    G4LogicalVolume* drawnMotherLV =
95      ri->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume();
96    if (fDrawnLVStore.find(drawnMotherLV) != fDrawnLVStore.end()) {
97      // Mother previously encountered.  Add this volume to
98      // appropriate node in scene graph tree.
99      // ...
100    } else {
101      // Mother not previously encountered.  Shouldn't happen, since
102      // G4PhysicalVolumeModel sends volumes as it encounters them,
103      // i.e., mothers before daughters, in its descent of the
104      // geometry tree.  Error!
105      G4cout << "ERROR: G4XXXSceneHandler::PreAddSolid: Mother "
106             << ri->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName()
107             << ':' << ri->GetCopyNo()
108             << " not previously encountered."
109        "\nShouldn't happen!  Please report to visualization coordinator."
110             << G4endl;
111      // Continue anyway.  Add to root of scene graph tree.
112      // ...
113    }
114  } else {
115    // This volume has no mother.  Must be a top level un-culled
116    // volume.  Add to root of scene graph tree.
117    // ...
118  }
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