// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4VRML1SceneHandlerFunc.icc,v 1.16 2006/06/29 21:26:03 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // G4VRML1SceneHandlerFunc.icc // Satoshi Tanaka & Yasuhide Sawada //#define DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC // MACRO #define ADDTHIS_WITH_NAME(Solid) \ fCurrentDEF = #Solid "_" + Solid.GetName(); \ RequestPrimitives(Solid); \ fCurrentDEF = ""; // End of MACRO void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddSolid(const G4Trd& trd) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddSolid trd" << "\n" ; #endif VRMLBeginModeling () ; ADDTHIS_WITH_NAME(trd) } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddSolid(const G4Trap& trap) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddSolid trap" << "\n" ; #endif VRMLBeginModeling () ; ADDTHIS_WITH_NAME(trap) } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddSolid(const G4Para& para) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddSolid para" << "\n" ; #endif VRMLBeginModeling () ; ADDTHIS_WITH_NAME(para) } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddSolid(const G4Torus& torus ) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddSolid torus" << "\n" ; #endif VRMLBeginModeling () ; ADDTHIS_WITH_NAME(torus) } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddSolid(const G4VSolid& vsolid) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddSolid vsolid" << "\n" ; #endif VRMLBeginModeling () ; ADDTHIS_WITH_NAME(vsolid) } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddSolid(const G4Tubs& tubs) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddSolid tubs" << "\n" ; #endif VRMLBeginModeling () ; // set current name fCurrentDEF = "tubs_" + tubs.GetName(); // Get data const G4double R = tubs.GetRMax(); // outside radius const G4double r = tubs.GetRMin(); // inside radius const G4double dz = tubs.GetDz(); // half length in z const G4double dp = tubs.GetDPhi(); // angle interval // Send data if ( r == 0.0 && dp >= 360. * deg ) { // Send a built-in VRML node (Cylinder) fDest << "Separator {" << "\n"; SendMatrixTransformNode( fpObjectTransformation ); fDest << "\t" << "DEF " << fCurrentDEF << " Separator {" << "\n"; SendMaterialNode(); SendCylinderNode(R, dz * 2); fDest << "\t" << "}" << "\n"; // DEF Separator fDest << "}" << "\n"; // Separator } else { // call AddPrimitive(Polyhedron) RequestPrimitives(tubs); } // reset current name to null fCurrentDEF = ""; } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddSolid(const G4Cons& cons) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddSolid cons" << "\n" ; #endif VRMLBeginModeling () ; // set current name fCurrentDEF = "cons_" + cons.GetName(); // Get data const G4double r1 = cons.GetRmin1(); // inside radius at -dz const G4double R1 = cons.GetRmax1(); // outside radius at -dz const G4double r2 = cons.GetRmin2(); // inside radius at +dz const G4double R2 = cons.GetRmax2(); // outside radius at +dz const G4double dz = cons.GetDz(); // half length in z //const G4double sp = cons.GetSPhi(); // starting angle const G4double dp = cons.GetDPhi(); // angle width // Send data if ( r1 == 0.0 && r2 == 0.0 && R1 == R2 && dp >= 360. * deg) { // Send a built-in VRML node (Cylinder) fDest << "Separator {" << "\n"; SendMatrixTransformNode( fpObjectTransformation ); fDest << "\t" << "DEF " << fCurrentDEF << " Separator {" << "\n"; SendMaterialNode(); SendCylinderNode(R1, dz * 2); fDest << "\t" << "}" << "\n"; // DEF Separator fDest << "}" << "\n"; // Separator } else { // call AddPrimitive(Polyhedron) RequestPrimitives(cons); } // reset current name to null fCurrentDEF = ""; } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddSolid(const G4Box& box) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddSolid box" << "\n" ; #endif VRMLBeginModeling () ; // set current name fCurrentDEF = "box_" + box.GetName(); // Send a built-in VRML node (Cube) fDest << "Separator {" << "\n"; //fDest << "\t" << "renderCulling ON" << "\n"; SendMatrixTransformNode( fpObjectTransformation ); fDest << "\t" << "DEF " << fCurrentDEF << " Separator {" << "\n"; SendMaterialNode(); SendCubeNode(box.GetXHalfLength() * 2, box.GetYHalfLength() * 2, box.GetZHalfLength() * 2); fDest << "\t" << "}" << "\n"; // DEF Separator fDest << "}" << "\n"; // Separator // reset current name to null fCurrentDEF = ""; } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddSolid(const G4Sphere& sphere) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddSolid sphere" << "\n" ; #endif VRMLBeginModeling () ; // set current name fCurrentDEF = "sphere_" + sphere.GetName(); // Get data G4double dphi = sphere.GetDPhi () ; G4double dtheta = sphere.GetDTheta() ; G4double rmax = sphere.GetRmax () ; G4double rmin = sphere.GetRmin () ; // Send data if ( (dphi >= 360. * deg) && (dtheta >= 180. * deg) && (rmin == 0.0) ) { // Send a built-in VRML node (Sphere) fDest << "Separator {" << "\n"; SendMatrixTransformNode( fpObjectTransformation ); fDest << "\t" << "DEF " << fCurrentDEF << " Separator {" << "\n"; SendMaterialNode(); SendSphereNode( rmax ); fDest << "\t" << "}" << "\n"; // DEF Separator fDest << "}" << "\n"; // Separator } else { // call AddPrimitive(Polyhedron) RequestPrimitives( sphere ); } // reset current name to null fCurrentDEF = ""; } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddPrimitive(const G4Polyline& polyline) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddPrimitive polyline" << "\n" ; #endif VRMLBeginModeling () ; fDest << "Separator {" << "\n"; SendMatrixTransformNode (fpObjectTransformation ); SendMaterialNode( polyline.GetVisAttributes() ); fDest << "\t" << "Coordinate3 {" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "point [" << "\n"; G4int e, i; for (i = 0, e = polyline.size(); e; i++, e--) { fDest << "\t\t\t"; fDest << polyline[i].x() << " "; fDest << polyline[i].y() << " "; fDest << polyline[i].z() << "," << "\n"; } fDest << "\t\t" << "]" << "\n"; fDest << "\t" << "}" << "\n"; // Coordinate3 fDest << "\t" << "IndexedLineSet {" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "coordIndex ["; for (i = 0, e = polyline.size(); e; i++, e--) { if (i % 10 == 0) fDest << "\n" << "\t\t\t"; fDest << i << ", "; } fDest << "-1" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "]" << "\n"; fDest << "\t" << "}" << "\n"; // IndexedLineSet fDest << "}" << "\n"; // Separator } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddPrimitive(const G4Polyhedron& polyhedron) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddPrimitive(G4Polyhedron)" << "\n"; #endif if (polyhedron.GetNoFacets() == 0) return; VRMLBeginModeling () ; fDest << "Separator {" << "\n"; SendMatrixTransformNode( fpObjectTransformation ); fDest << "\t"; if (fCurrentDEF != "") fDest << "DEF " << fCurrentDEF << " "; fDest << "Separator {" << "\n"; //fDest << "\t\t" << "renderCulling ON" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "ShapeHints {" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t\t" << "vertexOrdering COUNTERCLOCKWISE" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t\t" << "shapeType SOLID" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t\t" << "faceType CONVEX" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "}" << "\n"; SendMaterialNode(); fDest << "\t\t" << "Coordinate3 {" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t\t" << "point [" << "\n"; G4int i, j; for (i = 1, j = polyhedron.GetNoVertices(); j; j--, i++) { G4Point3D point = polyhedron.GetVertex(i); fDest << "\t\t\t\t"; fDest << point.x() << " "; fDest << point.y() << " "; fDest << point.z() << "," << "\n"; } fDest << "\t\t\t" << "]" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "}" << "\n"; // Coordinate3 fDest << "\t\t" << "IndexedFaceSet {" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t\t" << "coordIndex [" << "\n"; // facet loop G4int f; for (f = polyhedron.GetNoFacets(); f; f--) { // edge loop G4bool notLastEdge; G4int index = -1, edgeFlag = 1; fDest << "\t\t\t\t"; do { notLastEdge = polyhedron.GetNextVertexIndex(index, edgeFlag); fDest << index - 1 << ", "; } while (notLastEdge); fDest << "-1," << "\n"; } fDest << "\t\t\t" << "]" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "}" << "\n"; // IndexFaceSet fDest << "\t" << "}" << "\n"; // (DEF) Separator fDest << "}" << "\n"; // Separator } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddPrimitive(const G4NURBS&) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddPrimitive nurbs" << "\n" ; #endif G4cerr << "G4VRML1File::AddPrimitive(G4NURBS&): not implemented. " << "\n" ; VRMLBeginModeling () ; } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddPrimitive( const G4Text& ) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddPrimitive text" << "\n" ; #endif G4cerr << "***** void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddPrimitive( const G4Text& text )" " not implemented yet." << "\n"; VRMLBeginModeling () ; } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddPrimitive( const G4Circle& circle ) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddPrimitive circle" << "\n" ; #endif VRMLBeginModeling () ; // begin sending a mark fDest << "Separator {" << "\n"; // send color SendMarkerColor ( circle ) ; // position SendMarkerWorldPosition ( circle ) ; // Calc size G4double size = GetMarkerHalfSize ( circle ); // send shape with size fDest << "\t" << "Sphere {" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "radius " << size << "\n"; fDest << "\t" << "}" << "\n"; // end sending a mark fDest << "}" << "\n"; // Separator } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::AddPrimitive(const G4Square& square) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** AddPrimitive square" << "\n" ; #endif VRMLBeginModeling () ; // begin sending a mark fDest << "Separator {" << "\n"; // send color SendMarkerColor ( square ); // position SendMarkerWorldPosition ( square ); // Calc size G4double size = GetMarkerHalfSize ( square ); size *= 2.; // send shape with size fDest << "\t" << "Cube {" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "width " << size << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "height " << size << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "depth " << size << "\n"; fDest << "\t" << "}" << "\n"; // end sending a mark fDest << "}" << "\n"; // Separator } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::BeginModeling() { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** BeginModeling " << "\n" ; #endif G4VSceneHandler::BeginModeling(); } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::EndModeling() { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** EndModeling " << "\n" ; #endif G4VSceneHandler::EndModeling(); } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::BeginPrimitives(const G4Transform3D& objectTransformation) { G4VSceneHandler::BeginPrimitives (objectTransformation); fpObjectTransformation = &objectTransformation; #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** BeginPrimitives " << "\n" ; #endif VRMLBeginModeling(); } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::EndPrimitives() { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** EndPrimitives " << "\n" ; #endif G4VSceneHandler::EndPrimitives(); } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::SendMaterialNode( const G4VisAttributes* pVA ) { // const double TRANSPARENCY = 0.9 ; const double TRANSPARENCY = 0.5 ; if (!pVA) return; const G4Color& color = pVA->GetColor(); fDest << "\t\t" << "Material {" << "\n"; if (pVA->IsForceDrawingStyle() && (pVA->GetForcedDrawingStyle() == G4VisAttributes::wireframe)) { fDest << "\t\t\t" << "transparency " << TRANSPARENCY << "\n"; } fDest << "\t\t\t" << "diffuseColor"; fDest << " " << color.GetRed(); fDest << " " << color.GetGreen(); fDest << " " << color.GetBlue(); fDest << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "}" << "\n"; } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::SendMaterialNode() { SendMaterialNode ( fpViewer->GetApplicableVisAttributes (fpVisAttribs) ); } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::SendMatrixTransformNode(const G4Transform3D *trans) { G4Point3D B (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); G4Point3D x1 (1.0, 0.0, 0.0); G4Point3D y1 (0.0, 1.0, 0.0); G4Vector3D e1 (1.0, 0.0, 0.0); G4Vector3D e2 (0.0, 1.0, 0.0); G4Vector3D e3 (0.0, 0.0, 1.0); //----- transformed origin of body coord B.transform(*trans); //----- transformed base vectors of body coord x1.transform(*trans); e1 = x1 - B; y1.transform(*trans); e2 = y1 - B; e3 = e1.cross(e2); e1 = e1.unit(); // normalize again for accuracy e2 = e2.unit(); // e3 = e3.unit(); // fDest << "\t" << "MatrixTransform {" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "matrix "; fDest << e1.x() << " " << e1.y() << " " << e1.z() << " 0 "; fDest << e2.x() << " " << e2.y() << " " << e2.z() << " 0 "; fDest << e3.x() << " " << e3.y() << " " << e3.z() << " 0 "; fDest << B.x() << " " << B.y() << " " << B.z() << " 1" << "\n"; fDest << "\t" << "}" << "\n"; } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::SendCubeNode(G4double w, G4double h, G4double d) { fDest << "\t\t" << "Cube {" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t\t" << "width " << w << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t\t" << "height " << h << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t\t" << "depth " << d << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "}" << "\n"; } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::SendCylinderNode(G4double R, G4double h) { fDest << "\t\t" << "Transform {" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t\t" << "rotation 1 0 0 " << (90. * deg) << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "}" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "Cylinder {" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t\t" << "radius " << R << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t\t" << "height " << h << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "}" << "\n"; } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::SendSphereNode(G4double R) { fDest << "\t\t" << "Sphere {" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t\t" << "radius " << R << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "}" << "\n"; } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::VRMLBeginModeling() { if (!IS_CONNECTED ) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** VRMLBeginModeling() (started)" << "\n" ; #endif this->connectPort(); fDest << "#VRML V1.0 ascii" << "\n"; fDest << "# Generated by VRML 1.0 driver of GEANT4\n" << "\n"; } } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::VRMLEndModeling() { if ( IS_CONNECTED ) { #if defined DEBUG_SCENE_FUNC G4cerr << "***** VRMLEndModeling() (started)" << "\n" ; #endif fDest << "#End of file." << "\n"; this->closePort(); } } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::SendMarkerColor ( const G4VMarker& mark ) { const G4Color& color = GetColor( mark ); fDest << "\t" << "Material {" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t"; fDest << "ambientColor [] "; fDest << "specularColor [] "; fDest << "\t\t" << "diffuseColor"; fDest << " " << color.GetRed(); fDest << " " << color.GetGreen(); fDest << " " << color.GetBlue(); fDest << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "emissiveColor"; fDest << " " << color.GetRed(); fDest << " " << color.GetGreen(); fDest << " " << color.GetBlue(); fDest << "\n"; fDest << "\t" << "}" << "\n"; } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::SendMarkerWorldPosition ( const G4VMarker& mark ) { G4Point3D point = mark.GetPosition(); SendMatrixTransformNode( fpObjectTransformation ); fDest << "\t\t" << "Transform {" << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t\t" << "translation "; fDest << point.x() << " " << point.y() << " " << point.z() << "\n"; fDest << "\t\t" << "}" << "\n" ; } G4double G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::GetMarkerHalfSize ( const G4VMarker& mark ) { //----- return value ( marker radius in 3d units) G4double size = 1.0 ; // initialization //----- parameters to calculate 3d size from 2d size const double HALF_SCREEN_SIZE_2D = 300.0 ; // pixels double zoom_factor = fpViewer->GetViewParameters().GetZoomFactor() ; if ( zoom_factor <= 0.0 ) { zoom_factor = 1.0 ; } double extent_radius_3d = GetScene()->GetExtent().GetExtentRadius() ; if ( extent_radius_3d <= 0.0 ) { extent_radius_3d = 1.0 ; } //----- get marker radius in 3D units if ( mark.GetWorldSize() > 0.0 ) { // get mark radius in 3D units size = 0.5 * mark.GetWorldSize() ; } else if ( mark.GetScreenSize() > 0.0 ) { // local double mark_radius_2d = 0.5 * mark.GetScreenSize() ; // get mark radius in 3D units size \ = extent_radius_3d * ( mark_radius_2d / HALF_SCREEN_SIZE_2D ); size *= zoom_factor ; } else { // local double mark_radius_2d \ = fpViewer->GetViewParameters().GetDefaultMarker().GetScreenSize(); mark_radius_2d *= 0.1 ; // Magic number? // get mark radius in 3D units size \ = extent_radius_3d * ( mark_radius_2d / HALF_SCREEN_SIZE_2D ); size *= zoom_factor ; } //----- global rescaling size *= fpViewer->GetViewParameters().GetGlobalMarkerScale(); //----- return size return size ; } void G4VRML1SCENEHANDLER::ClearTransientStore() { G4VSceneHandler::ClearTransientStore (); // This is typically called after an update and before drawing hits // of the next event. To simulate the clearing of "transients" // (hits, etc.) the detector is redrawn... if (fpViewer) { fpViewer -> SetView (); fpViewer -> ClearView (); fpViewer -> DrawView (); } } // #undef ADDTHIS_WITH_NAME(Solid) // #undef MAKE_NAME(Solid) // End of file.