// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler.cc,v 1.17 2010/09/03 16:01:21 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: $ // // // Created: Mar. 31, 2009 Akinori Kimura // Sep. 22, 2009 Akinori Kimura : modify and fix code to support // PrimitiveScorers and clean up // // GMocrenFile scene handler //----- header files #include #include #include #include #include "globals.hh" #include "G4GMocrenFile.hh" #include "G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler.hh" #include "G4GMocrenFileViewer.hh" #include "G4Point3D.hh" #include "G4VisAttributes.hh" #include "G4Scene.hh" #include "G4Transform3D.hh" #include "G4Polyhedron.hh" #include "G4Box.hh" #include "G4Cons.hh" #include "G4Polyline.hh" #include "G4Trd.hh" #include "G4Tubs.hh" #include "G4Trap.hh" #include "G4Torus.hh" #include "G4Sphere.hh" #include "G4Para.hh" #include "G4Text.hh" #include "G4Circle.hh" #include "G4Square.hh" #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" #include "G4PhysicalVolumeModel.hh" #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh" #include "G4Material.hh" #include "G4VPVParameterisation.hh" #include "G4VVolumeMaterialScanner.hh" #include "G4VisTrajContext.hh" #include "G4TrajectoriesModel.hh" #include "G4VTrajectoryModel.hh" #include "G4TrajectoryDrawByCharge.hh" #include "G4HitsModel.hh" #include "G4GMocrenMessenger.hh" #include "G4PSHitsModel.hh" #include "G4GMocrenIO.hh" #include "G4VNestedParameterisation.hh" #include "G4GMocrenTouchable.hh" #include "G4GMocrenFileCTtoDensityMap.hh" #include "G4PhantomParameterisation.hh" #include "G4ScoringManager.hh" #include "G4ScoringBox.hh" //----- constants const char GDD_FILE_HEADER [] = "g4_"; const char DEFAULT_GDD_FILE_NAME[] = "g4_00.gdd"; const G4int FR_MAX_FILE_NUM = 100 ; const G4int MAX_NUM_TRAJECTORIES = 100000; //-- for a debugging const G4bool GFDEBUG = false; const G4bool GFDEBUG_TRK = false;//true; const G4bool GFDEBUG_HIT = false;//true; const G4bool GFDEBUG_DIGI = false;//true; const G4int GFDEBUG_DET = 0; // 0: false ////////////////////// // static variables // ////////////////////// //----- static variables G4int G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::kSceneIdCount = 0; /////////////////////////// // Driver-dependent part // /////////////////////////// //----- G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler, constructor G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler(G4GMocrenFile& system, G4GMocrenMessenger & messenger, const G4String& name) : G4VSceneHandler(system, kSceneIdCount++, name), kSystem(system), kMessenger(messenger), kgMocrenIO(new G4GMocrenIO()), kbSetModalityVoxelSize(false), kbModelingTrajectory(false), // kGddDest(0), kFlagInModeling(false), kFlagSaving_g4_gdd(false), kFlagParameterization(0), kFLagProcessedInteractiveScorer(false) { // g4.gdd filename and its directory if(getenv("G4GMocrenFile_DEST_DIR") == NULL) { std::strcpy(kGddDestDir , ""); // output dir std::strcpy(kGddFileName, DEFAULT_GDD_FILE_NAME); // filename } else { std::strcpy(kGddDestDir , getenv("G4GMocrenFile_DEST_DIR")); // output dir std::strcpy(kGddFileName, DEFAULT_GDD_FILE_NAME); // filename } // maximum number of g4.gdd files in the dest directory kMaxFileNum = FR_MAX_FILE_NUM ; // initialization if ( std::getenv( "G4GMocrenFile_MAX_FILE_NUM" ) != NULL ) { std::sscanf( getenv("G4GMocrenFile_MAX_FILE_NUM"), "%d", &kMaxFileNum ) ; } else { kMaxFileNum = FR_MAX_FILE_NUM ; } if( kMaxFileNum < 1 ) { kMaxFileNum = 1 ; } InitializeParameters(); } //----- G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler, destructor G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::~G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler () { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** ~G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler" << G4endl; if(kGddDest) { //----- End of modeling // close g4.gdd GFEndModeling(); } ClearStore (); // clear current scene } //----- initialize all parameters void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::InitializeParameters() { kbSetModalityVoxelSize = false; for(G4int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { kModalitySize[i] = 0; kNestedVolumeDimension[i] = 0; kNestedVolumeDirAxis[i] = -1; } } //----- void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::SetGddFileName() { // g4_00.gdd, g4_01.gdd, ..., g4_MAX_FILE_INDEX.gdd const G4int MAX_FILE_INDEX = kMaxFileNum - 1 ; // dest directory (null if no environmental variables is set) std::strcpy ( kGddFileName, kGddDestDir) ; // create full path name (default) std::strcat ( kGddFileName, DEFAULT_GDD_FILE_NAME ); // Automatic updation of file names static G4int currentNumber = 0; for( G4int i = currentNumber ; i < kMaxFileNum ; i++) { // Message in the final execution if( i == MAX_FILE_INDEX ) { G4cerr << "===========================================" << G4endl; G4cerr << "WARNING MESSAGE from GMocrenFile driver: " << G4endl; G4cerr << " This file name is the final one in the " << G4endl; G4cerr << " automatic updation of the output file name." << G4endl; G4cerr << " You may overwrite existing files, i.e. " << G4endl; G4cerr << " g4_XX.gdd." << G4endl; G4cerr << "===========================================" << G4endl; } // re-determine file name as G4GMocrenFile_DEST_DIR/g4_XX.gdd if( i >= 0 && i <= 9 ) { std::sprintf( kGddFileName, "%s%s%s%d.gdd" , kGddDestDir, GDD_FILE_HEADER, "0", i ); } else { std::sprintf( kGddFileName, "%s%s%d.gdd" , kGddDestDir, GDD_FILE_HEADER, i ); } // check validity of the file name std::ifstream fin(kGddFileName); if(GFDEBUG) G4cout << "FILEOPEN: " << i << " : " << kGddFileName << fin.fail() << G4endl; if(!fin) { // new file fin.close(); currentNumber = i+1; break; } else { // already exists (try next) fin.close(); } } // for G4cerr << "======================================================================" << G4endl; G4cerr << "Output file: " << kGddFileName << G4endl; G4cerr << "Destination directory (current dir if NULL): " << kGddDestDir << G4endl; G4cerr << "Maximum number of files in the destination directory: " << kMaxFileNum << G4endl; G4cerr << "Note:" << G4endl; G4cerr << " * The maximum number is customizable as: " << G4endl; G4cerr << " % setenv G4GMocrenFile_MAX_FILE_NUM number " << G4endl; G4cerr << " * The destination directory is customizable as:" << G4endl; G4cerr << " % setenv G4GMocrenFile_DEST_DIR dir_name/ " << G4endl; G4cerr << " ** Do not forget \"/\" at the end of the dir_name, e.g. \"./tmp/\"." << G4endl; //G4cerr << " dir_name, e.g. \"./tmp/\"." << G4endl; G4cerr << G4endl; G4cerr << "Maximum number of trajectories is set to " << MAX_NUM_TRAJECTORIES << "."<< G4endl; G4cerr << "======================================================================" << G4endl; } // G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::SetGddFileName() //----- void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::BeginSavingGdd( void ) { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** BeginSavingGdd (called)" << G4endl; if( !IsSavingGdd() ) { if(GFDEBUG) { G4cerr << "***** (started) " ; G4cerr << "(open g4.gdd, ##)" << G4endl; } SetGddFileName() ; // result set to kGddFileName kFlagSaving_g4_gdd = true; G4GMocrenFileCTtoDensityMap ctdens; short minmax[2]; minmax[0] = ctdens.GetMinCT(); minmax[1] = ctdens.GetMaxCT(); kgMocrenIO->setModalityImageMinMax(minmax); std::vector map; G4float dens; for(G4int i = minmax[0]; i <= minmax[1]; i++) { dens = ctdens.GetDensity(i); map.push_back(dens); } kgMocrenIO->setModalityImageDensityMap(map); /* G4String fname = "modality-map.dat"; std::ifstream ifile(fname); if(ifile) { short minmax[2]; ifile >> minmax[0] >> minmax[1]; kgMocrenIO->setModalityImageMinMax(minmax); std::vector map; G4float dens; for(G4int i = minmax[0]; i <= minmax[1]; i++) { ifile >> dens; map.push_back(dens); } kgMocrenIO->setModalityImageDensityMap(map); } else { G4cerr << "cann't open the file : " << fname << G4endl; } */ // mesh size //kMessenger.getNoVoxels(kModalitySize[0], kModalitySize[1], kModalitySize[2]); //kgMocrenIO->setModalityImageSize(kModalitySize); // initializations //kgMocrenIO->clearModalityImage(); kgMocrenIO->clearDoseDistAll(); kgMocrenIO->clearROIAll(); kgMocrenIO->clearTracks(); kgMocrenIO->clearDetector(); std::vector::iterator itr = kDetectors.begin(); for(; itr != kDetectors.end(); itr++) { itr->clear(); } kDetectors.clear(); kNestedHitsList.clear(); kNestedVolumeNames.clear(); } } void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::EndSavingGdd ( void ) { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** EndSavingGdd (called)" << G4endl; if(IsSavingGdd()) { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** (started) (close " << kGddFileName << ")" << G4endl; if(kGddDest) kGddDest.close(); kFlagSaving_g4_gdd = false; std::map::iterator itr = kNestedModality.begin(); G4int xmax=0, ymax=0, zmax=0; for(; itr != kNestedModality.end(); itr++) { if(itr->first.x > xmax) xmax = itr->first.x; if(itr->first.y > ymax) ymax = itr->first.y; if(itr->first.z > zmax) zmax = itr->first.z; } // mesh size kModalitySize[0] = xmax+1; kModalitySize[1] = ymax+1; kModalitySize[2] = zmax+1; kgMocrenIO->setModalityImageSize(kModalitySize); if(GFDEBUG) G4cout << "gMocren-file driver : modality size : " << kModalitySize[0] << " x " << kModalitySize[1] << " x " << kModalitySize[2] << G4endl; G4int nxy = kModalitySize[0]*kModalitySize[1]; //std::map::iterator itr; for(G4int z = 0; z < kModalitySize[2]; z++) { short * modality = new short[nxy]; for(G4int y = 0; y < kModalitySize[1]; y++) { for(G4int x = 0; x < kModalitySize[0]; x++) { //for(G4int x = kModalitySize[0]-1; x >= 0 ; x--) { //G4int ixy = x + (kModalitySize[1]-y-1)*kModalitySize[0]; G4int ixy = x + y*kModalitySize[0]; Index3D idx(x,y,z); itr = kNestedModality.find(idx); if(itr != kNestedModality.end()) { modality[ixy] = kgMocrenIO->convertDensityToHU(itr->second); } else { modality[ixy] = -1024; } } } kgMocrenIO->setModalityImage(modality); } //-- dose size_t nhits = kNestedHitsList.size(); if(GFDEBUG) G4cout << "gMocren-file driver : # hits = " << nhits << G4endl; std::map::iterator hitsItr; std::map >::iterator hitsListItr = kNestedHitsList.begin(); for(G4int n = 0; hitsListItr != kNestedHitsList.end(); hitsListItr++, n++) { kgMocrenIO->newDoseDist(); kgMocrenIO->setDoseDistName(hitsListItr->first, n); kgMocrenIO->setDoseDistSize(kModalitySize, n); G4double minmax[2] = {DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX}; for(G4int z = 0 ; z < kModalitySize[2]; z++) { G4double * values = new G4double[nxy]; for(G4int y = 0; y < kModalitySize[1]; y++) { for(G4int x = 0; x < kModalitySize[0]; x++) { G4int ixy = x + y*kModalitySize[0]; Index3D idx(x,y,z); hitsItr = hitsListItr->second.find(idx); if(hitsItr != hitsListItr->second.end()) { values[ixy] = hitsItr->second; } else { values[ixy] = 0.; } if(values[ixy] < minmax[0]) minmax[0] = values[ixy]; if(values[ixy] > minmax[1]) minmax[1] = values[ixy]; } } kgMocrenIO->setDoseDist(values, n); } kgMocrenIO->setDoseDistMinMax(minmax, n); G4double lower = 0.; if(minmax[0] < 0) lower = minmax[0]; G4double scale = (minmax[1]-lower)/25000.; kgMocrenIO->setDoseDistScale(scale, n); G4String sunit("unit?"); //temporarily kgMocrenIO->setDoseDistUnit(sunit, n); } //-- draw axes if(false) {//true,false G4ThreeVector trans; G4RotationMatrix rot; trans = kVolumeTrans3D.getTranslation(); rot = kVolumeTrans3D.getRotation().inverse(); // x std::vector tracks; unsigned char colors[3]; G4float * trk = new G4float[6]; tracks.push_back(trk); G4ThreeVector orig(0.,0.,0), xa(2000.,0.,0.), ya(0.,2000.,0.), za(0.,0.,2000.); orig -= trans; orig.transform(rot); xa -= trans; xa.transform(rot); ya -= trans; ya.transform(rot); za -= trans; za.transform(rot); for(G4int i = 0; i < 3; i++) trk[i] = orig[i]; for(G4int i = 0; i < 3; i++) trk[i+3] = xa[i]; colors[0] = 255; colors[1] = 0; colors[2] = 0; kgMocrenIO->addTrack(tracks, colors); // y for(G4int i = 0; i < 3; i++) trk[i+3] = ya[i]; colors[0] = 0; colors[1] = 255; colors[2] = 0; kgMocrenIO->addTrack(tracks, colors); // z for(G4int i = 0; i < 3; i++) trk[i+3] = za[i]; colors[0] = 0; colors[1] = 0; colors[2] = 255; kgMocrenIO->addTrack(tracks, colors); } //-- detector ExtractDetector(); if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ("; std::vector transformObjects; for(G4int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // need to check!! transformObjects.push_back((kVolumeSize[i]/2. - kVoxelDimension[i]/2.)); if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << transformObjects[i] << ", "; } if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << ")" << G4endl; kgMocrenIO->translateTracks(transformObjects); kgMocrenIO->translateDetector(transformObjects); // store kgMocrenIO->storeData(kGddFileName); } } //----- void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::GFBeginModeling( void ) { G4VSceneHandler::BeginModeling(); if( !GFIsInModeling() ) { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::GFBeginModeling (called & started)" << G4endl; //----- Send saving command and heading comment BeginSavingGdd(); kFlagInModeling = true ; // These models are entrusted to user commands /vis/scene/add/psHits or hits //scene->AddEndOfEventModel(new G4PSHitsModel()); //scene->AddEndOfEventModel(new G4HitsModel()); if(GFDEBUG_HIT) { G4Scene * scene = GetScene(); std::vector vmodel = scene->GetEndOfEventModelList(); std::vector::iterator itr = vmodel.begin(); for(; itr != vmodel.end(); itr++) { G4cout << " IIIIII model name: " << (*itr)->GetGlobalTag() << G4endl; } } } // if } //========== AddPrimitive() functions ==========// //----- Add polyline void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive (const G4Polyline& polyline) { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** AddPrimitive" << G4endl; //----- Initialize if necessary GFBeginModeling(); static G4int numTrajectories = 0; if(numTrajectories >= MAX_NUM_TRAJECTORIES) return; // draw trajectories if(kbModelingTrajectory) { G4TrajectoriesModel * pTrModel = dynamic_cast(fpModel); if (!pTrModel) { G4Exception ("G4VSceneHandler::AddCompound(const G4Polyline&): Not a G4TrajectoriesModel."); } G4ThreeVector trans; G4RotationMatrix rot; trans = kVolumeTrans3D.getTranslation(); rot = kVolumeTrans3D.getRotation().inverse(); if(GFDEBUG_TRK) G4cout << " trajectory points : " << G4endl; std::vector trajectory; if(polyline.size() < 2) return; G4Polyline::const_iterator preitr = polyline.begin(); G4Polyline::const_iterator postitr = preitr; postitr++; for(; postitr != polyline.end(); preitr++, postitr++) { G4ThreeVector prePts(preitr->x(), preitr->y(), preitr->z()); prePts -= trans; prePts.transform(rot); G4ThreeVector postPts(postitr->x(), postitr->y(), postitr->z()); postPts -= trans; postPts.transform(rot); G4float * stepPts = new G4float[6]; stepPts[0] = prePts.x(); stepPts[1] = prePts.y(); stepPts[2] = prePts.z(); stepPts[3] = postPts.x(); stepPts[4] = postPts.y(); stepPts[5] = postPts.z(); trajectory.push_back(stepPts); if(GFDEBUG_TRK) { G4cout << " (" << stepPts[0] << ", " << stepPts[1] << ", " << stepPts[2] << ") - (" << stepPts[3] << ", " << stepPts[4] << ", " << stepPts[5] << ")" << G4endl; } } const G4VisAttributes * att = polyline.GetVisAttributes(); G4Color color = att->GetColor(); unsigned char trkcolor[3]; trkcolor[0] = (unsigned char)(color.GetRed()*255); trkcolor[1] = (unsigned char)(color.GetGreen()*255); trkcolor[2] = (unsigned char)(color.GetBlue()*255); if(GFDEBUG_TRK) { G4cout << " color : [" << color.GetRed() << ", " << color.GetGreen() << ", " << color.GetBlue() << "]" << G4endl; } kgMocrenIO->addTrack(trajectory, trkcolor); numTrajectories++; } } // G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive (polyline) //----- Add nurbes void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive (const G4NURBS&) { //----- if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** AddPrimitive( G4NURBS )" << G4endl; //----- Initialize if necessary GFBeginModeling(); } //----- Add text void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive ( const G4Text& text ) { // to avoid a warning in the compile process G4Text dummytext = text; //----- if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** AddPrimitive( G4Text )" << G4endl; //----- Initialize IF NECESSARY GFBeginModeling(); } // G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive ( text ) //----- Add circle void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive ( const G4Circle& mark_circle ) { // to avoid a warning in the compile process G4Circle dummycircle = mark_circle; //----- if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** AddPrimitive( G4Circle )" << G4endl; //----- Initialize IF NECESSARY GFBeginModeling(); } // G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive ( mark_circle ) //----- Add square void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive (const G4Square& mark_square ) { // to avoid a warning in the compile process G4Square dummysquare = mark_square; //----- if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** AddPrimitive( G4Square )" << G4endl; //----- Initialize if necessary GFBeginModeling(); } // G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive ( mark_square ) //----- Add polyhedron void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive ( const G4Polyhedron& polyhedron ) { //----- if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** AddPrimitive( G4Polyhedron )" << G4endl; if (polyhedron.GetNoFacets() == 0) return; //----- Initialize if necessary GFBeginModeling(); //---------- (3) Facet block for (G4int f = polyhedron.GetNoFacets(); f; f--){ G4int notLastEdge; G4int index = -1; // initialization G4int edgeFlag = 1; G4int preedgeFlag = 1; G4int work[4], i = 0; do { preedgeFlag = edgeFlag; notLastEdge = polyhedron.GetNextVertexIndex(index, edgeFlag); work[i++] = index; }while (notLastEdge); switch (i){ case 3: //SendStrInt3(FR_FACET, work[0], work[1], work[2] ); break; case 4: //SendStrInt4(FR_FACET, work[0], work[1], work[2], work[3] ); break; default: G4cerr << "ERROR G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(G4Polyhedron)" << G4endl; G4PhysicalVolumeModel* pPVModel = dynamic_cast(fpModel); if (pPVModel) G4cerr << "Volume " << pPVModel->GetCurrentPV()->GetName() << ", Solid " << pPVModel->GetCurrentLV()->GetSolid()->GetName() << " (" << pPVModel->GetCurrentLV()->GetSolid()->GetEntityType(); G4cerr << "\nG4Polyhedron facet with " << i << " edges" << G4endl; } } } // G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddPrimitive (polyhedron) //----- void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::GFEndModeling () { G4VSceneHandler::EndModeling(); //----- if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** GFEndModeling (called)" << G4endl; if( GFIsInModeling() ) { if(GFDEBUG) { G4cerr << "***** GFEndModeling (started) " ; G4cerr << "(/EndModeling, /DrawAll, /CloseDevice)" << G4endl; } //----- End saving data to g4.gdd EndSavingGdd() ; //------ Reset flag kFlagInModeling = false ; } } //----- void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::BeginPrimitives (const G4Transform3D& objectTransformation) { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** BeginPrimitives " << G4endl; GFBeginModeling(); G4VSceneHandler::BeginPrimitives (objectTransformation); fpObjectTransformation = &objectTransformation; } //----- void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::EndPrimitives () { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** EndPrimitives " << G4endl; G4VSceneHandler::EndPrimitives (); } //========== AddSolid() functions ==========// //----- Add box void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid( const G4Box& box ) { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** AddSolid ( box )" << G4endl; if(GFDEBUG_DET > 0) G4cout << "G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid(const G4Box&) : " << box.GetName() << G4endl; //----- skip drawing invisible primitive if( !IsVisible() ) { return ; } //----- Initialize if necessary GFBeginModeling(); //-- if(GFDEBUG_DET > 1) { G4cout << "-------" << G4endl; G4cout << " " << box.GetName() << G4endl; G4Polyhedron * poly = box.CreatePolyhedron(); poly->Transform(*fpObjectTransformation); //G4int nv = poly->GetNoVertices(); G4Point3D v1, v2; G4int next; //while(1) { // next flag isn't functional. for(G4int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { // # of edges is 12. poly->GetNextEdge(v1, v2, next); if(next == 0) break; G4cout << " (" << v1.x() << ", " << v1.y() << ", " << v1.z() << ") - (" << v2.x() << ", " << v2.y() << ", " << v2.z() << ") [" << next << "]" << G4endl; } delete poly; } // the volume name set by /vis/gMocren/setVolumeName G4String volName = kMessenger.getVolumeName(); if(kFlagParameterization != 2) { G4ScoringManager * pScrMan = G4ScoringManager::GetScoringManager(); if(pScrMan) { G4ScoringBox * pScBox = dynamic_cast(pScrMan->FindMesh(volName)); G4bool bMesh = false; if(pScBox != NULL) bMesh = true; if(bMesh) kFlagParameterization = 2; if(GFDEBUG_DET > 0) G4cout << " G4ScoringManager::FindMesh() : " << volName << " - " << bMesh << G4endl; } } const G4VModel* pv_model = GetModel(); if (!pv_model) { return ; } G4PhysicalVolumeModel* pPVModel = dynamic_cast(fpModel); if (!pPVModel) { return ; } //-- debug information if(GFDEBUG_DET > 0) { G4Material * mat = pPVModel->GetCurrentMaterial(); G4String name = mat->GetName(); G4double dens = mat->GetDensity()/(g/cm3); G4int copyNo = pPVModel->GetCurrentPV()->GetCopyNo(); G4int depth = pPVModel->GetCurrentDepth(); G4cout << " copy no.: " << copyNo << G4endl; G4cout << " depth : " << depth << G4endl; G4cout << " density : " << dens << " [g/cm3]" << G4endl; G4cout << " location: " << pPVModel->GetCurrentPV()->GetObjectTranslation() << G4endl; G4cout << " Multiplicity : " << pPVModel->GetCurrentPV()->GetMultiplicity() << G4endl; G4cout << " Is replicated? : " << pPVModel->GetCurrentPV()->IsReplicated() << G4endl; G4cout << " Is parameterised? : " << pPVModel->GetCurrentPV()->IsParameterised() << G4endl; G4cout << " top phys. vol. name : " << pPVModel->GetTopPhysicalVolume()->GetName() << G4endl; } //-- check the parameterised volume if(box.GetName() == volName) { kVolumeTrans3D = *fpObjectTransformation; // coordination system correction for gMocren G4ThreeVector raxis(1., 0., 0.), dummy(0.,0.,0.); G4RotationMatrix rot(raxis, pi*rad); G4Transform3D trot(rot, dummy); if(GFDEBUG_DET) { G4ThreeVector trans = kVolumeTrans3D.getTranslation(); G4RotationMatrix rot = kVolumeTrans3D.getRotation().inverse(); G4cout << "kVolumeTrans3D: " << trans << G4endl << rot << G4endl; } kVolumeTrans3D = kVolumeTrans3D*trot; if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << " Parameterised volume : " << box.GetName() << G4endl; // G4VPhysicalVolume * pv[3] = {0,0,0}; pv[0] = pPVModel->GetCurrentPV()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetDaughter(0); if(!pv[0]) { G4Exception("Error[gMocrenFileSceneHandler]: Unexpected volume."); } G4int dirAxis[3] = {-1,-1,-1}; G4int nDaughters[3] = {0,0,0}; EAxis axis; G4int nReplicas; G4double width; G4double offset; G4bool consuming; pv[0]->GetReplicationData(axis, nReplicas, width, offset, consuming); nDaughters[0] = nReplicas; switch(axis) { case kXAxis: dirAxis[0] = 0; break; case kYAxis: dirAxis[0] = 1; break; case kZAxis: dirAxis[0] = 2; break; default: G4Exception("Error."); } kNestedVolumeNames.push_back(pv[0]->GetName()); if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << " daughter name : " << pv[0]->GetName() << " # : " << nDaughters[0] << G4endl; // if(GFDEBUG_DET) { if(pv[0]->GetLogicalVolume()->GetNoDaughters()) { G4cout << "# of daughters : " << pv[0]->GetLogicalVolume()->GetNoDaughters() << G4endl; } else { //G4Exception("Error: G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler: 0000010"); } } // check whether nested or regular parameterization if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << "# of daughters : " << pv[0]->GetLogicalVolume()->GetNoDaughters() << G4endl; if(pv[0]->GetLogicalVolume()->GetNoDaughters() == 0) { kFlagParameterization = 1; //G4Exception("Error: G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler: 0000020"); } if(kFlagParameterization == 0) { pv[1] = pv[0]->GetLogicalVolume()->GetDaughter(0); if(pv[1]) { pv[1]->GetReplicationData(axis, nReplicas, width, offset, consuming); nDaughters[1] = nReplicas; switch(axis) { case kXAxis: dirAxis[1] = 0; break; case kYAxis: dirAxis[1] = 1; break; case kZAxis: dirAxis[1] = 2; break; default: G4Exception("Error."); } kNestedVolumeNames.push_back(pv[1]->GetName()); if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << " sub-daughter name : " << pv[1]->GetName() << " # : " << nDaughters[1]<< G4endl; // pv[2] = pv[1]->GetLogicalVolume()->GetDaughter(0); if(pv[2]) { nDaughters[2] = pv[2]->GetMultiplicity(); kNestedVolumeNames.push_back(pv[2]->GetName()); if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << " sub-sub-daughter name : " << pv[2]->GetName() << " # : " << nDaughters[2] << G4endl; if(nDaughters[2] > 1) { G4VNestedParameterisation * nestPara = dynamic_cast(pv[2]->GetParameterisation()); if(!nestPara) G4Exception("Error[gMocrenFileSceneHandler]: None nested parameterisation"); nestPara->ComputeTransformation(0, pv[2]); G4ThreeVector trans0 = pv[2]->GetObjectTranslation(); nestPara->ComputeTransformation(1, pv[2]); G4ThreeVector trans1 = pv[2]->GetObjectTranslation(); G4ThreeVector diff(trans0 - trans1); if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << trans0 << " - " << trans1 << " - " << diff << G4endl; if(diff.x() != 0.) dirAxis[2] = 0; else if(diff.y() != 0.) dirAxis[2] = 1; else if(diff.z() != 0.) dirAxis[2] = 2; else G4Exception("Error[gMocrenFileSceneHandler]: Unexpected nested parameterisation"); } } } for(G4int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { kNestedVolumeDimension[i] = nDaughters[i]; //kNestedVolumeDimension[i] = nDaughters[dirAxis[i]]; kNestedVolumeDirAxis[i] = dirAxis[i]; } //G4cout << "@@@@@@@@@ " // << dirAxis[0] << ", " << dirAxis[1] << ", " << dirAxis[2] << G4endl; // get densities G4VNestedParameterisation * nestPara = dynamic_cast(pv[2]->GetParameterisation()); if(nestPara) { G4double prexyz[3] = {0.,0.,0.}, xyz[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; for(G4int n0 = 0; n0 < nDaughters[0]; n0++) { for(G4int n1 = 0; n1 < nDaughters[1]; n1++) { for(G4int n2 = 0; n2 < nDaughters[2]; n2++) { G4GMocrenTouchable * touch = new G4GMocrenTouchable(n1, n0); if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << " retrieve volume : copy # : " << n0 << ", " << n1 << ", " << n2 << G4endl; G4Material * mat = nestPara->ComputeMaterial(pv[2], n2, touch); delete touch; G4double dens = mat->GetDensity()/(g/cm3); if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << " density :" << dens << " [g/cm3]" << G4endl; G4Box tbox(box); nestPara->ComputeDimensions(tbox, n2, pv[2]); xyz[0] = tbox.GetXHalfLength()/mm; xyz[1] = tbox.GetYHalfLength()/mm; xyz[2] = tbox.GetZHalfLength()/mm; if(n0 != 0 || n1 != 0 || n2 != 0) { for(G4int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(xyz[i] != prexyz[i]) G4Exception("Error[gMocrenFileSceneHandler]: Unsupported parameterisation."); } } if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << " size : " << tbox.GetXHalfLength()/mm << " x " << tbox.GetYHalfLength()/mm << " x " << tbox.GetZHalfLength()/mm << " [mm3]" << G4endl; G4int idx[3]; idx[dirAxis[0]] = n0; idx[dirAxis[1]] = n1; idx[dirAxis[2]] = n2; Index3D i3d(idx[0],idx[1],idx[2]); kNestedModality[i3d] = dens; if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << " index: " << idx[0] << ", " << idx[1] << ", " << idx[2] << " density: " << dens << G4endl; for(G4int i = 0; i < 3; i++) prexyz[i] = xyz[i]; } } } kVolumeSize.set(box.GetXHalfLength()*2/mm, box.GetYHalfLength()*2/mm, box.GetZHalfLength()*2/mm); // mesh size if(!kbSetModalityVoxelSize) { G4float spacing[3] = {static_cast(2*xyz[0]), static_cast(2*xyz[1]), static_cast(2*xyz[2])}; kgMocrenIO->setVoxelSpacing(spacing); kVoxelDimension.set(spacing[0], spacing[1], spacing[2]); kbSetModalityVoxelSize = true; } } else { if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << pv[2]->GetName() << G4endl; G4Exception("Error[gMocrenFileSceneHandler]: none nested parameterization"); } //-- debug if(GFDEBUG_DET > 1) { if(pPVModel->GetCurrentPV()->IsParameterised()) { G4VPVParameterisation * para = pPVModel->GetCurrentPV()->GetParameterisation(); G4cout << " Is nested parameterisation? : " << para->IsNested() << G4endl; G4int npvp = pPVModel->GetDrawnPVPath().size(); G4cout << " physical volume node id : " << "size: " << npvp << ", PV name: "; for(G4int i = 0; i < npvp; i++) { G4cout << pPVModel->GetDrawnPVPath()[i].GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName() << " [param:" << pPVModel->GetDrawnPVPath()[i].GetPhysicalVolume()->IsParameterised() << ",rep:" << pPVModel->GetDrawnPVPath()[i].GetPhysicalVolume()->IsReplicated(); if(pPVModel->GetDrawnPVPath()[i].GetPhysicalVolume()->GetParameterisation()) { G4cout << ",nest:" << pPVModel->GetDrawnPVPath()[i].GetPhysicalVolume()->GetParameterisation()->IsNested(); } G4cout << ",copyno:" << pPVModel->GetDrawnPVPath()[i].GetPhysicalVolume()->GetCopyNo(); G4cout << "] - "; } G4cout << G4endl; EAxis axis; G4int nReplicas; G4double width; G4double offset; G4bool consuming; pPVModel->GetCurrentPV()->GetReplicationData(axis, nReplicas, width, offset, consuming); G4cout << " # replicas : " << nReplicas << G4endl; G4double pareDims[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; G4Box * pbox = dynamic_cast(pPVModel->GetDrawnPVPath()[npvp-2].GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid()); if(pbox) { pareDims[0] = 2.*pbox->GetXHalfLength()*mm; pareDims[1] = 2.*pbox->GetYHalfLength()*mm; pareDims[2] = 2.*pbox->GetZHalfLength()*mm; G4cout << " mother size [" << pPVModel->GetDrawnPVPath()[npvp-2].GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName() << "] : " << pareDims[0] << " x " << pareDims[1] << " x " << pareDims[2] << " [mm3]" << G4endl; } G4double paraDims[3]; G4Box * boxP = dynamic_cast(pPVModel->GetDrawnPVPath()[npvp-1].GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid()); if(boxP) { paraDims[0] = 2.*boxP->GetXHalfLength()*mm; paraDims[1] = 2.*boxP->GetYHalfLength()*mm; paraDims[2] = 2.*boxP->GetZHalfLength()*mm; G4cout << " parameterised volume? [" << pPVModel->GetDrawnPVPath()[npvp-1].GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName() << "] : " << paraDims[0] << " x " << paraDims[1] << " x " << paraDims[2] << " [mm3] : " << G4int(pareDims[0]/paraDims[0]) << " x " << G4int(pareDims[1]/paraDims[1]) << " x " << G4int(pareDims[2]/paraDims[2]) << G4endl; } else { G4cout << pPVModel->GetDrawnPVPath()[npvp-2].GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName() << " isn't a G4Box." << G4endl; } } } } else if(kFlagParameterization == 1) { // G4PhantomParameterisation based geom. construnction // get the dimension of the parameterized patient geometry G4PhantomParameterisation * phantomPara = dynamic_cast(pv[0]->GetParameterisation()); if(!phantomPara) { G4Exception("Error: G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler: no G4PhantomParameterisation"); } else { ; } kNestedVolumeDimension[0] = phantomPara->GetNoVoxelX(); kNestedVolumeDimension[1] = phantomPara->GetNoVoxelY(); kNestedVolumeDimension[2] = phantomPara->GetNoVoxelZ(); kNestedVolumeDirAxis[0] = 0; kNestedVolumeDirAxis[1] = 1; kNestedVolumeDirAxis[2] = 2; // get densities of the parameterized patient geometry G4int nX = kNestedVolumeDimension[0]; G4int nXY = kNestedVolumeDimension[0]*kNestedVolumeDimension[1]; for(G4int n0 = 0; n0 < kNestedVolumeDimension[0]; n0++) { for(G4int n1 = 0; n1 < kNestedVolumeDimension[1]; n1++) { for(G4int n2 = 0; n2 < kNestedVolumeDimension[2]; n2++) { G4int repNo = n0 + n1*nX + n2*nXY; G4Material * mat = phantomPara->ComputeMaterial(repNo, pv[0]); G4double dens = mat->GetDensity()/(g/cm3); G4int idx[3]; idx[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[0]] = n0; idx[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[1]] = n1; idx[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[2]] = n2; Index3D i3d(idx[0],idx[1],idx[2]); kNestedModality[i3d] = dens; if(GFDEBUG_DET) G4cout << " index: " << idx[0] << ", " << idx[1] << ", " << idx[2] << " density: " << dens << G4endl; } } } kVolumeSize.set(box.GetXHalfLength()*2/mm, box.GetYHalfLength()*2/mm, box.GetZHalfLength()*2/mm); // mesh size if(!kbSetModalityVoxelSize) { G4float spacing[3] = {static_cast(2*phantomPara->GetVoxelHalfX()), static_cast(2*phantomPara->GetVoxelHalfY()), static_cast(2*phantomPara->GetVoxelHalfZ())}; kgMocrenIO->setVoxelSpacing(spacing); kVoxelDimension.set(spacing[0], spacing[1], spacing[2]); kbSetModalityVoxelSize = true; } } } // if(box.GetName() == volName) // processing geometry construction based on the interactive PS if(!kFLagProcessedInteractiveScorer) { // get the dimension of the geometry defined in G4VScoringMesh G4ScoringManager * pScrMan = G4ScoringManager::GetScoringManager(); if(!pScrMan) return; G4ScoringBox * scoringBox = dynamic_cast(pScrMan->FindMesh(volName)); if(scoringBox == NULL) return; G4int nVoxels[3]; scoringBox->GetNumberOfSegments(nVoxels); // this order depends on the G4ScoringBox kNestedVolumeDimension[0] = nVoxels[2]; kNestedVolumeDimension[1] = nVoxels[1]; kNestedVolumeDimension[2] = nVoxels[0]; kNestedVolumeDirAxis[0] = 2; kNestedVolumeDirAxis[1] = 1; kNestedVolumeDirAxis[2] = 0; // get densities of the parameterized patient geometry for(G4int n0 = 0; n0 < kNestedVolumeDimension[0]; n0++) { for(G4int n1 = 0; n1 < kNestedVolumeDimension[1]; n1++) { for(G4int n2 = 0; n2 < kNestedVolumeDimension[2]; n2++) { G4double dens = 0.*(g/cm3); G4int idx[3]; idx[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[0]] = n0; idx[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[1]] = n1; idx[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[2]] = n2; Index3D i3d(idx[0],idx[1],idx[2]); kNestedModality[i3d] = dens; } } } G4ThreeVector boxSize = scoringBox->GetSize(); if(GFDEBUG_DET > 1) { G4cout << "Interactive Scorer : size - " << boxSize.x()/cm << " x " << boxSize.y()/cm << " x " << boxSize.z()/cm << " [cm3]" << G4endl; G4cout << "Interactive Scorer : # voxels - " << nVoxels[0] << " x " << nVoxels[1] << " x " << nVoxels[2] << G4endl; } kVolumeSize.set(boxSize.x()*2, boxSize.y()*2, boxSize.z()*2); // mesh size if(!kbSetModalityVoxelSize) { G4float spacing[3] = {static_cast(boxSize.x()*2/nVoxels[0]), static_cast(boxSize.y()*2/nVoxels[1]), static_cast(boxSize.z()*2/nVoxels[2])}; kgMocrenIO->setVoxelSpacing(spacing); kVoxelDimension.set(spacing[0], spacing[1], spacing[2]); kbSetModalityVoxelSize = true; } kVolumeTrans3D = *fpObjectTransformation; // translation for the scoring mesh G4ThreeVector sbth = scoringBox->GetTranslation(); G4Translate3D sbtranslate(sbth); kVolumeTrans3D = kVolumeTrans3D*sbtranslate; // rotation matrix for the scoring mesh G4RotationMatrix sbrm; sbrm = scoringBox->GetRotationMatrix(); if(!sbrm.isIdentity()) { G4ThreeVector sbdummy(0.,0.,0.); G4Transform3D sbrotate(sbrm.inverse(), sbdummy); kVolumeTrans3D = kVolumeTrans3D*sbrotate; } // coordination system correction for gMocren G4ThreeVector raxisY(0., 1., 0.), dummyY(0.,0.,0.); G4RotationMatrix rotY(raxisY, pi*rad); G4Transform3D trotY(rotY, dummyY); G4ThreeVector raxisZ(0., 0., 1.), dummyZ(0.,0.,0.); G4RotationMatrix rotZ(raxisZ, pi*rad); G4Transform3D trotZ(rotZ, dummyZ); kVolumeTrans3D = kVolumeTrans3D*trotY*trotZ; // kFLagProcessedInteractiveScorer = true; } //-- add detectors G4bool bAddDet = true; if(!kMessenger.getDrawVolumeGrid()) { if(kFlagParameterization == 0) { // nested parameterisation if(volName == box.GetName()) { bAddDet = false; } std::vector::iterator itr = kNestedVolumeNames.begin(); for(; itr != kNestedVolumeNames.end(); itr++) { if(*itr == box.GetName()) { bAddDet = false; break; } } } else if(kFlagParameterization == 1) { // phantom paramemterisation if(volName != box.GetName()) { bAddDet = false; } } else if(kFlagParameterization == 2) { // interactive primitive scorer ; } } if(bAddDet) AddDetector(box); } // void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid( const G4Box& box ) //----- Add tubes void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid( const G4Tubs& tubes ) { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** AddSolid ( tubes )" << G4endl; //----- skip drawing invisible primitive if( !IsVisible() ) { return ; } //----- Initialize if necessary GFBeginModeling(); // AddDetector(tubes); // for a debug if(GFDEBUG_DET > 0) { G4cout << "-------" << G4endl; G4cout << " " << tubes.GetName() << G4endl; G4Polyhedron * poly = tubes.CreatePolyhedron(); G4int nv = poly->GetNoVertices(); for(G4int i = 0; i < nv; i++) { G4cout << " (" << poly->GetVertex(i).x() << ", " << poly->GetVertex(i).y() << ", " << poly->GetVertex(i).z() << ")" << G4endl; } delete poly; } const G4VModel* pv_model = GetModel(); if (!pv_model) { return ; } G4PhysicalVolumeModel* pPVModel = dynamic_cast(fpModel); if (!pPVModel) { return ; } G4Material * mat = pPVModel->GetCurrentMaterial(); G4String name = mat->GetName(); } // void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid( const G4Tubs& ) //----- Add cons void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid( const G4Cons& cons ) { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** AddSolid ( cons )" << G4endl; //----- skip drawing invisible primitive if( !IsVisible() ) { return ; } //----- Initialize if necessary GFBeginModeling(); // AddDetector(cons); }// G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid( cons ) //----- Add trd void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid ( const G4Trd& trd ) { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** AddSolid ( trd )" << G4endl; //----- skip drawing invisible primitive if( !IsVisible() ) { return ; } //----- Initialize if necessary GFBeginModeling(); // AddDetector(trd); } // G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid ( trd ) //----- Add sphere void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid ( const G4Sphere& sphere ) { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** AddSolid ( sphere )" << G4endl; //----- skip drawing invisible primitive if( !IsVisible() ) { return ; } //----- Initialize if necessary GFBeginModeling(); // AddDetector(sphere); } // G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid ( sphere ) //----- Add para void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid (const G4Para& para) { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** AddSolid ( para )" << G4endl; //----- skip drawing invisible primitive if( !IsVisible() ) { return ; } //----- Initialize if necessary GFBeginModeling(); // AddDetector(para); } // G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid ( para ) //----- Add trap void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid (const G4Trap& trap) { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** AddSolid ( trap )" << G4endl; //----- skip drawing invisible primitive if( !IsVisible() ) { return ; } //----- Initialize if necessary GFBeginModeling(); // AddDetector(trap); } // G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid (const G4Trap& trap) //----- Add torus void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid( const G4Torus& torus ) { if(GFDEBUG) G4cerr << "***** AddSolid ( torus )" << G4endl; //----- skip drawing invisible primitive if( !IsVisible() ) { return ; } //----- Initialize if necessary GFBeginModeling(); // AddDetector(torus); } // void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid( const G4Torus& ) //----- Add a shape which is not treated above void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid ( const G4VSolid& solid ) { //----- skip drawing invisible primitive if( !IsVisible() ) { return ; } //----- Initialize if necessary GFBeginModeling(); // AddDetector(solid); //----- Send a primitive G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid( solid ) ; } //G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddSolid ( const G4VSolid& ) #include "G4TrajectoriesModel.hh" #include "G4VTrajectory.hh" #include "G4VTrajectoryPoint.hh" //----- Add a trajectory void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddCompound(const G4VTrajectory & traj) { kbModelingTrajectory = true; G4VSceneHandler::AddCompound(traj); if(GFDEBUG_TRK) { std::cout << " ::AddCompound(const G4VTrajectory&) >>>>>>>>> " << std::endl; G4TrajectoriesModel * pTrModel = dynamic_cast(fpModel); if (!pTrModel) { G4Exception ("G4VSceneHandler::AddCompound(const G4VTrajectory&): Not a G4TrajectoriesModel."); } else { traj.DrawTrajectory(pTrModel->GetDrawingMode()); const G4VTrajectory * trj = pTrModel->GetCurrentTrajectory(); G4cout << "------ track" << G4endl; G4cout << " name: " << trj->GetParticleName() << G4endl; G4cout << " id: " << trj->GetTrackID() << G4endl; G4cout << " charge: " << trj->GetCharge() << G4endl; G4cout << " momentum: " << trj->GetInitialMomentum() << G4endl; G4int nPnt = trj->GetPointEntries(); G4cout << " point: "; for(G4int i = 0; i < nPnt; i++) { G4cout << trj->GetPoint(i)->GetPosition() << ", "; } G4cout << G4endl; } G4cout << G4endl; } kbModelingTrajectory = false; } #include #include "G4VHit.hh" #include "G4AttValue.hh" //----- Add a hit void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddCompound( const G4VHit & hit) { if(GFDEBUG_HIT) G4cout << " ::AddCompound(const G4VHit&) >>>>>>>>> " << G4endl; G4VSceneHandler::AddCompound(hit); /* const std::map * map = hit.GetAttDefs(); if(!map) return; std::map::const_iterator itr = map->begin(); for(; itr != map->end(); itr++) { G4cout << itr->first << " : " << itr->second.GetName() << " , " << itr->second.GetDesc() << G4endl; } */ std::vector hitNames = kMessenger.getHitNames(); if(GFDEBUG_HIT) { std::vector::iterator itr = hitNames.begin(); for(; itr != hitNames.end(); itr++) G4cout << " hit name : " << *itr << G4endl; } std::vector * attval = hit.CreateAttValues(); if(!attval) {G4cout << "0 empty " << (unsigned long)attval << G4endl;} else { G4bool bid[3] = {false, false, false}; Index3D id; std::vector::iterator itr; // First, get IDs for(itr = attval->begin(); itr != attval->end(); itr++) { std::string stmp = itr->GetValue(); std::istringstream sval(stmp.c_str()); if(itr->GetName() == G4String("XID")) { sval >> id.x; bid[0] = true; continue; } if(itr->GetName() == G4String("YID")) { sval >> id.y; bid[1] = true; continue; } if(itr->GetName() == G4String("ZID")) { sval >> id.z; bid[2] = true; continue; } } G4int nhitname = (G4int)hitNames.size(); if(bid[0] && bid[1] && bid[2]) { if(GFDEBUG_HIT) G4cout << " Hit : index(" << id.x << ", " << id.y << ", " << id.z << ")" << G4endl; // Get attributes for(itr = attval->begin(); itr != attval->end(); itr++) { for(G4int i = 0; i < nhitname; i++) { if(itr->GetName() == hitNames[i]) { std::string stmp = itr->GetValue(); std::istringstream sval(stmp.c_str()); G4double value; G4String unit; sval >> value >> unit; std::map >::iterator kNestedHitsListItr; kNestedHitsListItr = kNestedHitsList.find(hitNames[i]); if(kNestedHitsListItr != kNestedHitsList.end()) { //fTempNestedHits = &kNestedHitsListItr->second; //(*fTempNestedHits)[id] = value; kNestedHitsListItr->second[id] = value; } else { std::map hits; hits.insert(std::map::value_type(id, value)); kNestedHitsList[hitNames[i]] = hits; } if(GFDEBUG_HIT) G4cout << " : " << hitNames[i] << " -> " << value << " [" << unit << "]" << G4endl; } } } } else { G4Exception("Error in G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddCompound(const G4VHit &)"); } delete attval; } } void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddCompound( const G4VDigi & digi) { if(GFDEBUG_DIGI) G4cout << " ::AddCompound(const G4VDigi&) >>>>>>>>> " << G4endl; G4VSceneHandler::AddCompound(digi); } void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddCompound(const G4THitsMap & hits) { if(GFDEBUG_HIT) G4cout << " ::AddCompound(const std::map &) >>>>>>>>> " << G4endl; std::vector hitScorerNames = kMessenger.getHitScorerNames(); G4int nhitname = (G4int)hitScorerNames.size(); G4String scorername = static_cast(hits).GetName(); //-- --// /* std::vector hitScorerNames = kMessenger.getHitScorerNames(); if(GFDEBUG_HIT) { std::vector::iterator itr = hitScorerNames.begin(); for(; itr != hitScorerNames.end(); itr++) G4cout << " PS name : " << *itr << G4endl; } */ //for(G4int i = 0; i < nhitname; i++) { // this selection trusts //if(scorername == hitScorerNames[i]) { // thea command /vis/scene/add/psHits hit_name. G4int idx[3]; std::map * map = hits.GetMap(); std::map::const_iterator itr = map->begin(); for(; itr != map->end(); itr++) { GetNestedVolumeIndex(itr->first, idx); Index3D id(idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]); std::map >::iterator nestedHitsListItr; nestedHitsListItr = kNestedHitsList.find(scorername); if(nestedHitsListItr != kNestedHitsList.end()) { nestedHitsListItr->second[id] = *itr->second; } else { std::map hit; hit.insert(std::map::value_type(id, *itr->second)); kNestedHitsList[scorername] = hit; } } //break; //} //} if(GFDEBUG_HIT) { G4String meshname = static_cast(hits).GetSDname(); G4cout << " >>>>> " << meshname << " : " << scorername << G4endl; for(G4int i = 0; i < nhitname; i++) if(scorername == hitScorerNames[i]) G4cout << " !!!! Hit scorer !!!! " << scorername << G4endl; G4cout << " dimension: " << kNestedVolumeDimension[0] << " x " << kNestedVolumeDimension[1] << " x " << kNestedVolumeDimension[2] << G4endl; G4int id[3]; std::map * map = hits.GetMap(); std::map::const_iterator itr = map->begin(); for(; itr != map->end(); itr++) { GetNestedVolumeIndex(itr->first, id); G4cout << "[" << itr->first << "] " << "("<< id[0] << "," << id[1] << "," << id[2] << ")" << *itr->second << ", "; } G4cout << G4endl; } } //----- G4bool G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::IsVisible() { //----- G4bool visibility = true ; const G4VisAttributes* pVisAttribs = fpViewer->GetApplicableVisAttributes( fpVisAttribs ); if(pVisAttribs) { visibility = pVisAttribs->IsVisible(); } return visibility ; } // G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::IsVisible() //----- void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::ClearTransientStore() { G4VSceneHandler::ClearTransientStore (); // This is typically called after an update and before drawing hits // of the next event. To simulate the clearing of "transients" // (hits, etc.) the detector is redrawn... if (fpViewer) { fpViewer -> SetView (); fpViewer -> ClearView (); fpViewer -> DrawView (); } } //----- void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::AddDetector(const G4VSolid & solid) { Detector detector; // detector name detector.name = solid.GetName(); if(GFDEBUG_DET > 1) G4cout << "0 Detector name : " << detector.name << G4endl; const G4VModel* pv_model = GetModel(); if (!pv_model) { return ; } G4PhysicalVolumeModel* pPVModel = dynamic_cast(fpModel); if (!pPVModel) { return ; } // edge points of the detector std::vector dedges; G4Polyhedron * poly = solid.CreatePolyhedron(); detector.polyhedron = poly; detector.transform3D = *fpObjectTransformation; // retrieve color unsigned char uccolor[3] = {30, 30, 30}; if(pPVModel->GetCurrentLV()->GetVisAttributes()) { G4Color color = pPVModel->GetCurrentLV()->GetVisAttributes()->GetColor(); uccolor[0] = (unsigned char)(color.GetRed()*255); uccolor[1] = (unsigned char)(color.GetGreen()*255); uccolor[2] = (unsigned char)(color.GetBlue()*255); //if(uccolor[0] < 2 && uccolor[1] < 2 && uccolor[2] < 2) //uccolor[0] = uccolor[1] = uccolor[2] = 30; // dark grey } for(G4int i = 0; i < 3; i++) detector.color[i] = uccolor[i]; // kDetectors.push_back(detector); if(GFDEBUG_DET > 1) { G4cout << "0 color: (" << (G4int)uccolor[0] << ", " << (G4int)uccolor[1] << ", " << (G4int)uccolor[2] << ")" << G4endl; } } //----- void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::ExtractDetector() { std::vector::iterator itr = kDetectors.begin(); for(; itr != kDetectors.end(); itr++) { // detector name G4String detname = itr->name; if(GFDEBUG_DET > 1) G4cout << "Detector name : " << detname << G4endl; // edge points of the detector std::vector dedges; G4Polyhedron * poly = itr->polyhedron; poly->Transform(itr->transform3D); G4Transform3D invVolTrans = kVolumeTrans3D.inverse(); poly->Transform(invVolTrans); G4Point3D v1, v2; G4bool bnext = true; G4int next; G4int nedges = 0; // while(bnext) { if(!(poly->GetNextEdge(v1, v2, next))) bnext =false; G4float * edge = new G4float[6]; edge[0] = v1.x()/mm; edge[1] = v1.y()/mm; edge[2] = v1.z()/mm; edge[3] = v2.x()/mm; edge[4] = v2.y()/mm; edge[5] = v2.z()/mm; dedges.push_back(edge); nedges++; } //delete poly; // detector color unsigned char uccolor[3] = {itr->color[0], itr->color[1], itr->color[2]}; // kgMocrenIO->addDetector(detname, dedges, uccolor); for(G4int i = 0; i < nedges; i++) { // # of edges is 12. delete [] dedges[i]; } dedges.clear(); if(GFDEBUG_DET > 1) { G4cout << " color: (" << (G4int)uccolor[0] << ", " << (G4int)uccolor[1] << ", " << (G4int)uccolor[2] << ")" << G4endl; } } } void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::GetNestedVolumeIndex(G4int _idx, G4int _idx3d[3]) { if(kNestedVolumeDimension[0] == 0 || kNestedVolumeDimension[1] == 0 || kNestedVolumeDimension[2] == 0) { for(G4int i = 0; i < 3; i++) _idx3d[i] = 0; return; } if(kFlagParameterization == 0) { G4int plane = kNestedVolumeDimension[2]*kNestedVolumeDimension[1]; G4int line = kNestedVolumeDimension[2]; /* G4int idx3d[3]; idx3d[0] = _idx/plane; idx3d[1] = (_idx%plane)/line; idx3d[2] = (_idx%plane)%line; _idx3d[0] = idx3d[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[0]]; _idx3d[1] = idx3d[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[1]]; _idx3d[2] = idx3d[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[2]]; */ _idx3d[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[0]] = _idx/plane; _idx3d[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[1]] = (_idx%plane)/line; _idx3d[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[2]] = (_idx%plane)%line; /* G4cout << "G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::GetNestedVolumeIndex : " << G4endl; G4cout << "(depi, depj, depk) : " << kNestedVolumeDirAxis[0] << ", " << kNestedVolumeDirAxis[1] << ", " << kNestedVolumeDirAxis[2] << G4endl; G4cout << "(ni, nj, nk) :" << kNestedVolumeDimension[0] << ", " << kNestedVolumeDimension[1] << ", " << kNestedVolumeDimension[2] << " - " << G4endl; G4cout << " _idx = " << _idx << " : plane = " << plane << " , line = " << line << G4endl; G4cout << "(idx,idy,idz) + " << _idx3d[0] << ", " << _idx3d[1] << ", " << _idx3d[2] << " + " << G4endl; */ } else { G4int plane = kNestedVolumeDimension[0]*kNestedVolumeDimension[1]; G4int line = kNestedVolumeDimension[0]; _idx3d[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[2]] = _idx/plane; _idx3d[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[1]] = (_idx%plane)/line; _idx3d[kNestedVolumeDirAxis[0]] = (_idx%plane)%line; } } //-- --// G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::Detector::Detector() : polyhedron(0) { color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 255; } G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::Detector::~Detector() { if(!polyhedron) delete polyhedron; } void G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::Detector::clear() { name.clear(); if(!polyhedron) delete polyhedron; color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 255; transform3D = G4Transform3D::Identity; } //-- --// G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::Index3D::Index3D() : x(0), y(0), z(0) { ; } G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::Index3D::Index3D(const Index3D & _index3D) : x(_index3D.x), y(_index3D.y), z(_index3D.z) { //: x(_index3D.X()), //y(_index3D.Y()), //z(_index3D.Z()) { // : x(static_cast(_index3D).x), // y(static_cast(_index3D).y), // z(static_cast(_index3D).z) { ; } G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::Index3D::Index3D(G4int _x, G4int _y, G4int _z) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) { ; } G4bool G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::Index3D::operator < (const Index3D & _right) const { if(z < static_cast(_right).z) { return true; } else if(z == _right.z) { if(y < static_cast(_right).y) return true; else if(y == _right.y) if(x < static_cast(_right).x) return true; } return false; } G4bool G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::Index3D::operator == (const Index3D & _right) const { if(z == _right.z && y == _right.y && x == _right.x) return true; return false; }