// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4TrajectoryDrawerUtils.cc,v 1.14 2010/05/11 11:58:18 allison Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // Jane Tinslay, John Allison, Joseph Perl November 2005 // #include "G4TrajectoryDrawerUtils.hh" #include "G4Colour.hh" #include "G4Polyline.hh" #include "G4Polymarker.hh" #include "G4VTrajectory.hh" #include "G4VTrajectoryPoint.hh" #include "G4VisAttributes.hh" #include "G4VisTrajContext.hh" #include "G4VVisManager.hh" #include "G4UIcommand.hh" #include "G4AttValue.hh" #include namespace G4TrajectoryDrawerUtils { void GetPoints(const G4VTrajectory& traj, G4Polyline& trajectoryLine, G4Polymarker& auxiliaryPoints, G4Polymarker& stepPoints) { for (G4int i=0; i* auxiliaries = aTrajectoryPoint->GetAuxiliaryPoints(); if (0 != auxiliaries) { for (size_t iAux=0; iAuxsize(); ++iAux) { const G4ThreeVector pos((*auxiliaries)[iAux]); if (trajectoryLine.size() >0) { if (pos != trajectoryLine[trajectoryLine.size()-1]) { trajectoryLine.push_back(pos); auxiliaryPoints.push_back(pos); } } else { trajectoryLine.push_back(pos); auxiliaryPoints.push_back(pos); } } } const G4ThreeVector pos(aTrajectoryPoint->GetPosition()); if (trajectoryLine.size() >0) { if (pos != trajectoryLine[trajectoryLine.size()-1]) { trajectoryLine.push_back(pos); stepPoints.push_back(pos); } } else { trajectoryLine.push_back(pos); stepPoints.push_back(pos); } } } /*** void DrawLineAndPoints(const G4VTrajectory& traj, const G4int& i_mode, const G4Colour& colour, const G4bool& visible) { // If i_mode>=0, draws a trajectory as a polyline (default is blue for // positive, red for negative, green for neutral) and, if i_mode!=0, // adds markers - yellow circles for step points and magenta squares // for auxiliary points, if any - whose screen size in pixels is // given by std::abs(i_mode)/1000. E.g: i_mode = 5000 gives easily // visible markers. static G4bool warnedAboutIMode = false; std::ostringstream oss; oss << "WARNING: DEPRECATED use of i_mode (i_mode: " << i_mode << "). Feature will be removed at a future major release."; if (!warnedAboutIMode) { G4Exception ("G4TrajectoryDrawerUtils::DrawLineAndPoints(traj, i_mode, colour, visible)", "", JustWarning, oss.str().c_str()); warnedAboutIMode = true; } G4VVisManager* pVVisManager = G4VVisManager::GetConcreteInstance(); if (0 == pVVisManager) return; const G4double markerSize = std::abs(i_mode)/1000; G4bool lineRequired (i_mode >= 0); G4bool markersRequired (markerSize > 0.); // Return if don't need to do anything if (!lineRequired && !markersRequired) return; // Get points to draw G4Polyline trajectoryLine; G4Polymarker stepPoints; G4Polymarker auxiliaryPoints; GetPoints(traj, trajectoryLine, auxiliaryPoints, stepPoints); if (lineRequired) { G4VisAttributes trajectoryLineAttribs(colour); trajectoryLineAttribs.SetVisibility(visible); trajectoryLine.SetVisAttributes(&trajectoryLineAttribs); pVVisManager->Draw(trajectoryLine); } if (markersRequired) { auxiliaryPoints.SetMarkerType(G4Polymarker::squares); auxiliaryPoints.SetScreenSize(markerSize); auxiliaryPoints.SetFillStyle(G4VMarker::filled); G4VisAttributes auxiliaryPointsAttribs(G4Colour(0.,1.,1.)); // Magenta auxiliaryPointsAttribs.SetVisibility(visible); auxiliaryPoints.SetVisAttributes(&auxiliaryPointsAttribs); pVVisManager->Draw(auxiliaryPoints); stepPoints.SetMarkerType(G4Polymarker::circles); stepPoints.SetScreenSize(markerSize); stepPoints.SetFillStyle(G4VMarker::filled); G4VisAttributes stepPointsAttribs(G4Colour(1.,1.,0.)); // Yellow. stepPoints.SetVisAttributes(&stepPointsAttribs); pVVisManager->Draw(stepPoints); } } ***/ static void GetTimes(const G4VTrajectory& traj, std::vector& trajectoryLineTimes, std::vector& auxiliaryPointTimes, std::vector& stepPointTimes) { // It is important check that the sizes of times vectors produced // by this function matches those of points vectors from // GetPoints. If not, assume that the time information is // invalid. G4ThreeVector lastTrajectoryPointPosition; for (G4int i=0; i::max(); G4double trajectoryPointPostTime = std::numeric_limits::max(); std::vector* trajectoryPointAttValues = aTrajectoryPoint->CreateAttValues(); if (!trajectoryPointAttValues) { G4cout << "G4TrajectoryDrawerUtils::GetTimes: no att values." << G4endl; return; } else { G4bool foundPreTime = false, foundPostTime = false; for (std::vector::iterator i = trajectoryPointAttValues->begin(); i != trajectoryPointAttValues->end(); ++i) { if (i->GetName() == "PreT") { trajectoryPointPreTime = G4UIcommand::ConvertToDimensionedDouble(i->GetValue()); foundPreTime = true; } if (i->GetName() == "PostT") { trajectoryPointPostTime = G4UIcommand::ConvertToDimensionedDouble(i->GetValue()); foundPostTime = true; } } if (!foundPreTime || !foundPostTime) { static G4bool warnedTimesNotFound = false; if (!warnedTimesNotFound) { G4cout << "WARNING: G4TrajectoryDrawerUtils::GetTimes: times not found." << G4endl; warnedTimesNotFound = true; } return; } } const G4ThreeVector& trajectoryPointPosition = aTrajectoryPoint->GetPosition(); const std::vector* auxiliaries = aTrajectoryPoint->GetAuxiliaryPoints(); if (0 != auxiliaries) { for (size_t iAux=0; iAuxsize(); ++iAux) { // Interpolate time for auxiliary points... const G4ThreeVector pos((*auxiliaries)[iAux]); G4double s1 = (pos - lastTrajectoryPointPosition).mag(); G4double s2 = (trajectoryPointPosition - pos).mag(); G4double t = trajectoryPointPreTime + (trajectoryPointPostTime - trajectoryPointPreTime) * (s1 / (s1 + s2)); trajectoryLineTimes.push_back(t); auxiliaryPointTimes.push_back(t); } } trajectoryLineTimes.push_back(trajectoryPointPostTime); stepPointTimes.push_back(trajectoryPointPostTime); lastTrajectoryPointPosition = trajectoryPointPosition; } } static void SliceLine(G4double timeIncrement, G4Polyline& trajectoryLine, std::vector& trajectoryLineTimes) { // Assumes valid arguments from GetPoints and GetTimes. G4Polyline newTrajectoryLine; std::vector newTrajectoryLineTimes; newTrajectoryLine.push_back(trajectoryLine[0]); newTrajectoryLineTimes.push_back(trajectoryLineTimes[0]); size_t lineSize = trajectoryLine.size(); if (lineSize > 1) { for (size_t i = 1; i < trajectoryLine.size(); ++i) { G4double deltaT = trajectoryLineTimes[i] - trajectoryLineTimes[i - 1]; if (deltaT > 0.) { G4double practicalTimeIncrement = std::max(timeIncrement, deltaT / 100.); for (G4double t = (int(trajectoryLineTimes[i - 1]/practicalTimeIncrement) + 1) * practicalTimeIncrement; t <= trajectoryLineTimes[i]; t += practicalTimeIncrement) { G4ThreeVector pos = trajectoryLine[i - 1] + (trajectoryLine[i] - trajectoryLine[i - 1]) * ((t - trajectoryLineTimes[i - 1]) / deltaT); newTrajectoryLine.push_back(pos); newTrajectoryLineTimes.push_back(t); } } newTrajectoryLine.push_back(trajectoryLine[i]); newTrajectoryLineTimes.push_back(trajectoryLineTimes[i]); } } trajectoryLine = newTrajectoryLine; trajectoryLineTimes = newTrajectoryLineTimes; } static void DrawWithoutTime(const G4VisTrajContext& myContext, G4Polyline& trajectoryLine, G4Polymarker& auxiliaryPoints, G4Polymarker& stepPoints) { // Draw without time slice information G4VVisManager* pVVisManager = G4VVisManager::GetConcreteInstance(); if (0 == pVVisManager) return; if (myContext.GetDrawLine()) { G4VisAttributes trajectoryLineAttribs(myContext.GetLineColour()); trajectoryLineAttribs.SetVisibility(myContext.GetLineVisible()); trajectoryLine.SetVisAttributes(&trajectoryLineAttribs); pVVisManager->Draw(trajectoryLine); } if (myContext.GetDrawAuxPts() && (auxiliaryPoints.size() > 0)) { auxiliaryPoints.SetMarkerType(myContext.GetAuxPtsType()); auxiliaryPoints.SetSize(myContext.GetAuxPtsSizeType(), myContext.GetAuxPtsSize()); auxiliaryPoints.SetFillStyle(myContext.GetAuxPtsFillStyle()); G4VisAttributes auxiliaryPointsAttribs(myContext.GetAuxPtsColour()); auxiliaryPointsAttribs.SetVisibility(myContext.GetAuxPtsVisible()); auxiliaryPoints.SetVisAttributes(&auxiliaryPointsAttribs); pVVisManager->Draw(auxiliaryPoints); } if (myContext.GetDrawStepPts() && (stepPoints.size() > 0)) { stepPoints.SetMarkerType(myContext.GetStepPtsType()); stepPoints.SetSize(myContext.GetStepPtsSizeType(), myContext.GetStepPtsSize()); stepPoints.SetFillStyle(myContext.GetStepPtsFillStyle()); G4VisAttributes stepPointsAttribs(myContext.GetStepPtsColour()); stepPointsAttribs.SetVisibility(myContext.GetStepPtsVisible()); stepPoints.SetVisAttributes(&stepPointsAttribs); pVVisManager->Draw(stepPoints); } } static void DrawWithTime(const G4VisTrajContext& myContext, G4Polyline& trajectoryLine, G4Polymarker& auxiliaryPoints, G4Polymarker& stepPoints, std::vector& trajectoryLineTimes, std::vector& auxiliaryPointTimes, std::vector& stepPointTimes) { // Draw with time slice information G4VVisManager* pVVisManager = G4VVisManager::GetConcreteInstance(); if (0 == pVVisManager) return; if (myContext.GetDrawLine()) { G4VisAttributes trajectoryLineAttribs(myContext.GetLineColour()); trajectoryLineAttribs.SetVisibility(myContext.GetLineVisible()); for (size_t i = 1; i < trajectoryLine.size(); ++i ) { G4Polyline slice; slice.push_back(trajectoryLine[i -1]); slice.push_back(trajectoryLine[i]); trajectoryLineAttribs.SetStartTime(trajectoryLineTimes[i - 1]); trajectoryLineAttribs.SetEndTime(trajectoryLineTimes[i]); slice.SetVisAttributes(&trajectoryLineAttribs); pVVisManager->Draw(slice); } } if (myContext.GetDrawAuxPts() && (auxiliaryPoints.size() > 0)) { G4VisAttributes auxiliaryPointsAttribs(myContext.GetAuxPtsColour()); auxiliaryPointsAttribs.SetVisibility(myContext.GetAuxPtsVisible()); for (size_t i = 0; i < auxiliaryPoints.size(); ++i ) { G4Polymarker point; point.push_back(auxiliaryPoints[i]); point.SetMarkerType(myContext.GetAuxPtsType()); point.SetSize(myContext.GetAuxPtsSizeType(), myContext.GetAuxPtsSize()); point.SetFillStyle(myContext.GetAuxPtsFillStyle()); auxiliaryPointsAttribs.SetStartTime(auxiliaryPointTimes[i]); auxiliaryPointsAttribs.SetEndTime(auxiliaryPointTimes[i]); point.SetVisAttributes(&auxiliaryPointsAttribs); pVVisManager->Draw(point); } } if (myContext.GetDrawStepPts() && (stepPoints.size() > 0)) { G4VisAttributes stepPointsAttribs(myContext.GetStepPtsColour()); stepPointsAttribs.SetVisibility(myContext.GetStepPtsVisible()); for (size_t i = 0; i < stepPoints.size(); ++i ) { G4Polymarker point; point.push_back(stepPoints[i]); point.SetMarkerType(myContext.GetStepPtsType()); point.SetSize(myContext.GetStepPtsSizeType(), myContext.GetStepPtsSize()); point.SetFillStyle(myContext.GetStepPtsFillStyle()); stepPointsAttribs.SetStartTime(stepPointTimes[i]); stepPointsAttribs.SetEndTime(stepPointTimes[i]); point.SetVisAttributes(&stepPointsAttribs); pVVisManager->Draw(point); } } } void DrawLineAndPoints(const G4VTrajectory& traj, const G4VisTrajContext& context, const G4int& i_mode) { static G4bool warnedAboutIMode = false; std::ostringstream oss; oss << "WARNING: DEPRECATED use of i_mode (i_mode: " << i_mode << "). Feature will be removed at a future major release."; if (!warnedAboutIMode) { G4Exception ("G4TrajectoryDrawerUtils::DrawLineAndPoints(traj, context, i_mode)", "", JustWarning, oss.str().c_str()); warnedAboutIMode = true; } // Extra copy while i_mode is still around G4VisTrajContext myContext(context); if (i_mode != 0) { const G4double markerSize = std::abs(i_mode)/1000; G4bool lineRequired (i_mode >= 0); G4bool markersRequired (markerSize > 0.); myContext.SetDrawLine(lineRequired); myContext.SetDrawAuxPts(markersRequired); myContext.SetDrawStepPts(markersRequired); myContext.SetAuxPtsSize(markerSize); myContext.SetStepPtsSize(markerSize); } // Return if don't need to do anything if (!myContext.GetDrawLine() && !myContext.GetDrawAuxPts() && !myContext.GetDrawStepPts()) return; // Get points to draw G4Polyline trajectoryLine; G4Polymarker stepPoints; G4Polymarker auxiliaryPoints; GetPoints(traj, trajectoryLine, auxiliaryPoints, stepPoints); if (myContext.GetTimeSliceInterval()) { // Get corresponding track time information, if any std::vector trajectoryLineTimes; std::vector stepPointTimes; std::vector auxiliaryPointTimes; GetTimes(traj, trajectoryLineTimes, auxiliaryPointTimes, stepPointTimes); // Check validity if (trajectoryLineTimes.size() != trajectoryLine.size() || stepPointTimes.size() != stepPoints.size() || auxiliaryPointTimes.size() != auxiliaryPoints.size()) { // Revert to drawing without time information... DrawWithoutTime(myContext, trajectoryLine, auxiliaryPoints, stepPoints); } else { SliceLine(myContext.GetTimeSliceInterval(), trajectoryLine, trajectoryLineTimes); DrawWithTime(myContext, trajectoryLine, auxiliaryPoints, stepPoints, trajectoryLineTimes, auxiliaryPointTimes, stepPointTimes); } } else { DrawWithoutTime(myContext, trajectoryLine, auxiliaryPoints, stepPoints); } } void DrawLineAndPoints(const G4VTrajectory& traj, const G4VisTrajContext& context) { // Return if don't need to do anything if (!context.GetDrawLine() && !context.GetDrawAuxPts() && !context.GetDrawStepPts()) return; // Get points to draw G4Polyline trajectoryLine; G4Polymarker stepPoints; G4Polymarker auxiliaryPoints; GetPoints(traj, trajectoryLine, auxiliaryPoints, stepPoints); if (context.GetTimeSliceInterval()) { // Get corresponding track time information, if any std::vector trajectoryLineTimes; std::vector stepPointTimes; std::vector auxiliaryPointTimes; GetTimes(traj, trajectoryLineTimes, auxiliaryPointTimes, stepPointTimes); // Check validity if (trajectoryLineTimes.size() != trajectoryLine.size() || stepPointTimes.size() != stepPoints.size() || auxiliaryPointTimes.size() != auxiliaryPoints.size()) { // Revert to drawing without time information... DrawWithoutTime(context, trajectoryLine, auxiliaryPoints, stepPoints); } else { SliceLine(context.GetTimeSliceInterval(), trajectoryLine, trajectoryLineTimes); DrawWithTime(context, trajectoryLine, auxiliaryPoints, stepPoints, trajectoryLineTimes, auxiliaryPointTimes, stepPointTimes); } } else { DrawWithoutTime(context, trajectoryLine, auxiliaryPoints, stepPoints); } } }