source: trunk/source/visualization/test/src/ @ 1205

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remise a jour

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27// $Id:,v 1.3 2006/06/29 21:34:16 gunter Exp $
[954]28// GEANT4 tag $Name:  $
32#include "BuildHouse.hh"
34#include "G4Material.hh"
35#include "G4Box.hh"
36#include "G4SubtractionSolid.hh"
37#include "G4UnionSolid.hh"
38#include "G4PVPlacement.hh"
39#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
40#include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
42G4VPhysicalVolume* BuildHouse()
44  // Let's have x = east, y = up and z = south.
45  const double worldx = 5 * m;         // World half-length east-west.
46  const double worldy = 5 * m;         // World half-length vertical.
47  const double worldz = 5 * m;         // World half-length north-south.
48  const double roomx = 2 * m;          // Inner room half-length east-west.
49  const double roomy = 1 * m;          // Inner room half-length vertical.
50  const double roomz = 2 * m;          // Inner room half-length north-south.
51  const double wall = 10 * cm;         // Wall thickness.
53  // For other things, lengths, widths and/or depths are horizontal,
54  // heights are vertical.
55  const double wx = 1 * m;          // Window half-length.
56  const double wy = 50 * cm;        // Window half-height.
57  const double wz = wall + 1 * mm;  // Window half-depth, larger than
58                                    // wall for safe subtraction.
59  const double ledgeProtrusion = 5 * cm;
60  const double lx = 1.1 * m;        // Window ledge half-length.
61  const double ly = 2.5 * cm;       // Window ledge half-height.
62  const double lz = wall + ledgeProtrusion;  // Window ledge
63                                             // half-depth (protrudes
64                                             // into room and out into
65                                             // world).
66  //const double ttx;  // Table top half-length.
67  //const double tty;  // Table top half-height.
68  //const double ttz;  // Table top half-width.
69  //const double tlx;  // Table leg half-width.
70  //const double tly;  // Table leg half-height (normally "length" of leg).
71  //const double tlz;  // Table leg half-width.
73  const G4ThreeVector nullVector;
75  G4Material* air =
76    new G4Material
77    ("Air", 7., 14.4 * g/mole, 0.001 * g/cm3);
78  G4Material* wallMaterial =
79    new G4Material
80    ("Brick", 20., 40. * g/mole, 3 * g/cm3);
81  G4Material* tableMaterial =
82    new G4Material
83    ("Wood", 7., 14. * g/mole, 0.9 * g/cm3);
85  // World...
86  G4Box * world =
87    new G4Box
88    ("World", worldx, worldy, worldz);
89  G4LogicalVolume * world_log =
90    new G4LogicalVolume
91    (world, air, "World", 0, 0, 0);
92  world_log -> SetVisAttributes (G4VisAttributes::Invisible);
93  G4VPhysicalVolume * world_phys =
94    new G4PVPlacement
95    (0, G4ThreeVector(), "worldP", world_log, 0, false, 0);
97  // Window hole...
98  G4VSolid* windowHole =
99    new G4Box
100    ("Window hole", wx, wy, wz);
102  // Make a house out of walls...
104  // North/south wall...
105  G4VSolid* wallNS =
106    new G4Box
107    ("North/south wall", roomx + wall, roomy, wall / 2.);
108  G4VSolid* wallNSWithWindowHole =
109    new G4SubtractionSolid
110    ("North/south wall with window hole", wallNS, windowHole,
111     0, G4ThreeVector());
113  // East/west wall...
114  G4VSolid* wallEW =
115    new G4Box
116    ("North/south wall", roomx, roomy, wall / 2.);
117  G4VSolid* wallEWWithWindowHole =
118    new G4SubtractionSolid
119    ("North/south wall with window hole", wallEW, windowHole,
120     0, G4ThreeVector());
122  // North wall...
123  G4LogicalVolume * northWall_log =
124    new G4LogicalVolume
125    (wallNSWithWindowHole,
126     //(wallNS,  // if window not required.
127     wallMaterial, "North wall", 0, 0, 0);
128  // G4VPhysicalVolume* northWall_phys =
129    new G4PVPlacement
130    (0, G4ThreeVector(0., 0., -(roomz + wall / 2.)),
131     northWall_log, "North wall",
132     world_log, false, 0);
134  // South wall...
135  G4LogicalVolume * southWall_log =
136    new G4LogicalVolume
137    (wallNSWithWindowHole,
138     //(wallNS,  // if window not required.
139     wallMaterial, "South wall", 0, 0, 0);
140  G4RotationMatrix* rmS = new G4RotationMatrix;
141  rmS->rotateY(180*deg);
142  // G4VPhysicalVolume* southWall_phys =
143    new G4PVPlacement
144    (rmS, G4ThreeVector(0., 0., roomz + wall / 2.),
145     southWall_log, "South wall",
146     world_log, false, 0);
148  // East wall...
149  G4LogicalVolume * eastWall_log =
150    new G4LogicalVolume
151    (wallEWWithWindowHole,
152     //(wallEW,  // if window not required.
153     wallMaterial, "East wall", 0, 0, 0);
154  G4RotationMatrix* rmE = new G4RotationMatrix;
155  rmE->rotateY(-90*deg);
156  // G4VPhysicalVolume* eastWall_phys =
157    new G4PVPlacement
158    (rmE, G4ThreeVector(roomz + wall / 2., 0., 0.),
159     eastWall_log, "East wall",
160     world_log, false, 0);
162  // West wall...
163  G4LogicalVolume * westWall_log =
164    new G4LogicalVolume
165    (wallEWWithWindowHole,
166     //(wallEW,  // if window not required.
167     wallMaterial, "West wall", 0, 0, 0);
168  G4RotationMatrix* rmW = new G4RotationMatrix;
169  rmW->rotateY(90*deg);
170  // G4VPhysicalVolume* westWall_phys =
171    new G4PVPlacement
172    (rmW, G4ThreeVector(-(roomz + wall / 2.), 0., 0.),
173     westWall_log, "West wall",
174     world_log, false, 0);
176  /*
177  // House with holes for windows
178  G4VSolid* houseOuter =
179    new G4Box
180    ("House outer", roomx + wall, roomy + wall, roomz + wall);
181  G4VSolid* windowHole =
182    new G4Box
183    ("Window hole", wx, wy, wz);
184  // East window...
185  G4RotationMatrix* rm1 = new G4RotationMatrix;
186  rm1->rotateY(-90*deg);
187  G4VSolid* houseOuterWithWindowHoleE =
188    new G4SubtractionSolid
189    ("House with window E", houseOuter, windowHole,
190     rm1, G4ThreeVector(roomx + wall / 2., 0., 0.));
191  // North window...
192  G4VSolid* houseOuterWithWindowHoleEN =
193    new G4SubtractionSolid
194    ("House with windows E and N", houseOuterWithWindowHoleE, windowHole,
195     0, G4ThreeVector(0., 0., -(roomz + wall / 2.)));
196  // Other windows...
197  // Solid house...
198  G4LogicalVolume * houseOuterWithWindowHoles_log =
199    new G4LogicalVolume
200    (houseOuterWithWindowHoleEN,
201     wallMaterial, "House with window holes", 0, 0, 0);
202  // G4VPhysicalVolume*  houseOuterWithWindowHoles_phys =
203    new G4PVPlacement
204    (0, G4ThreeVector(), houseOuterWithWindowHoles_log, "House",
205     world_log, false, 0);
206  // Inner...
207  G4VSolid* houseInner =
208    new G4Box
209    ("House inner", roomx, roomy, roomz);
210  // Room...
211  G4LogicalVolume * room_log =
212    new G4LogicalVolume
213    (houseInner, air, "Room", 0, 0, 0);
214  room_log -> SetVisAttributes (G4VisAttributes::Invisible);
215  // G4VPhysicalVolume*  room_phys =
216    new G4PVPlacement
217    (0, G4ThreeVector(), room_log, "Room",
218     houseOuterWithWindowHoles_log, false, 0);
219  */
221  /*
222  G4VSolid* houseInner =
223    new G4Box
224    ("House inner", roomx, roomy, roomz);
226  G4VSolid* walls
227    new G4SubtractionSolid
228    ("Walls", houseOuter, houseInner, 0, nullVector);
230  G4VSolid* windowHole =
231    new G4Box
232    ("Window hole", wx, wy, wz);
234  G4RotationMatrix* rm1 = new G4RotationMatrix;
235  rm1->rotateZ(90*deg);
236  G4VSolid* wallsWithWindowHole1 =
237    new G4SubtractionSolid
238    ("Walls with windows", walls, windowHole, rm1, roomx + wall / 2.);
240  G4LogicalVolume * wallsWithWindowHole1_log =
241    new G4LogicalVolume
242    //(wallsWithWindowHole1, wallMaterial, "Walls with windows", 0, 0, 0);
243    (walls, wallMaterial, "Walls", 0, 0, 0);
245  G4VPhysicalVolume*  house =
246    new G4PVPlacement
247    (0, G4ThreeVector(), "House", wallsWithWindowHole1_log, world, false, 0);
248  */
250  return world_phys;
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