Changeset 1187 for trunk/examples

Nov 19, 2009, 11:58:35 AM (15 years ago)

CVS update

7 edited


  • trunk/examples/History

    r807 r1187  
    1 $Id: History,v 1.129 2007/12/13 14:54:23 gcosmo Exp $
     1$Id: History,v 1.152 2009/11/09 11:00:01 gcosmo Exp $
    1717     * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
    1818     ----------------------------------------------------------
     209th November 2009  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-02-10)
     21- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-02-ref-10.
     22- Includes tags: testem18-V09-02-03, fieldex04-V09-02-02, fano-V09-02-02,
     23                 exampleN07-V09-02-00, LXe-V09-02-00, exampleN05-V09-02-00,
     24                 exampleN02-V09-02-00, exampleN03-V09-02-01, G01-V09-02-05,
     25                 exampleN04-V09-02-00, exampleN06-V09-02-00, fano2-V09-02-00.
     2713th October 2009  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-02-09)
     28- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-02-ref-09.
     29- Includes tags: amsEcal-V09-02-11, hadrontherapy-V09-02-28,
     30                 medical_linac-V09-02-02, testem1-V09-02-00, testem2-V09-02-01,
     31                 testem3-V09-02-01, testem5-V09-02-06, testem11-V09-02-00,
     32                 testem12-V09-02-00, testem13-V09-02-00, testem14-V09-02-00,
     33                 electronScattering-V09-02-02, G01-V09-02-04, exrdm-V09-02-00.
     354th September 2009  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-02-08)
     36- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-02-ref-08.
     37- Includes tags: amsEcal-V09-02-10, microdosimetry-V09-02-04,
     38                 exhadr01-V09-02-02.
     407th August 2009  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-02-07)
     41- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-02-ref-07.
     42- Includes tags: testem2-V09-02-00, monopole-V09-02-00.
     443rd July 2009  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-02-06)
     45- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-02-ref-06.
     46- Includes tags: amsEcal-V09-02-08, testem5-V09-02-05, fieldex04-V09-02-01,
     47                 exhadr00-V09-02-00, exhadr01-V09-02-01.
     494th June 2009  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-02-05)
     50- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-02-ref-05.
     51- Includes tags: air_shower-V09-02-00, amsEcal-V09-02-02, microbeam-V09-02-01,
     52                 hadrontherapy-V09-02-13, microdosimetry-V09-02-01,
     53                 AnaEx01-V09-02-00, testem6-V09-02-00, fieldex04-V09-02-00,
     54                 exhadr01-V09-02-00, G01-V09-02-03.
     5630th April 2009  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-02-04)
     57- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-02-ref-04.
     58- Includes tags: amsEcal-V09-02-01, lAr_calorimeter-V09-02-00, purtag-V09-02-00,
     59                 human_phantom-V09-02-02, XrayFluo-V09-02-00, G03-V09-02-01,
     60                 radmon-V09-02-00, radioprotection-V09-02-00, Rich-V09-02-00,
     61                 medical_linac-V09-02-00, G01-V09-02-01, G02-V09-02-02.
     6327th March 2009  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-02-03)
     64- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-02-ref-03.
     65- Includes tags: nanobeam-V09-02-01, B02-V09-02-00, testem3-V09-02-00,
     66                 testem5-V09-02-01, testem18-V09-02-01, exerrprop-V09-02-00,
     67                 ExDiane-V09-02-00.
     6927th February 2009  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-02-02)
     70- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-02-ref-02.
     71- Includes tags: microbeam-V09-02-00, nanobeam-V09-02-00, brachy-V09-02-00,
     72                 ccal-V09-02-00, hadrontherapy-V09-02-00, DICOM-V09-02-01,
     73                 human_phantom-V09-02-01, testem5-V09-02-01, G02-V09-02-01,
     74                 testem18-V09-02-00, fano-V09-02-00.
     7630th January 2009  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-02-01)
     77- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-02-ref-01.
     78- Includes tags: testem5-V09-02-00, DICOM-V09-02-00, G02-V09-02-00.
     8018th December 2008  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-02-00)
     81- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-02-ref-00.
     82- Includes tags: air_shower-V09-01-05, brachy-V09-01-03, gammaraytel-V09-01-02,
     83                 Rich-V09-01-01, electromagnetic-V09-01-01, testem0-V09-01-01,
     84                 testem1-V09-01-08, testem2-V09-01-08, testem3-V09-01-12,
     85                 testem5-V09-01-13, testem7-V09-01-17, testem8-V09-01-02,
     86                 testem9-V09-01-09, testem11-V09-01-07, testem12-V09-01-08,
     87                 exgps-V09-01-02, fieldex04-V09-01-06, exhadr00-V09-01-02,
     88                 exhadr01-V09-01-04, DICOM-V09-01-02, fano-V09-01-06,
     89                 fano2-V09-01-06, LXe-V09-01-01, G01-V09-01-04,
     90                 G02-V09-01-02, G03-V09-01-01, exampleP03-V09-01-04,
     91                 exrdm-V09-01-04, exampleRE03-V09-01-00, exampleN03-V09-01-05,
     92                 exampleN06-V09-01-03.
     947th November 2008  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-01-09)
     95- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-01-ref-09.
     96- Includes tags: microbeam-V09-01-03, testem1-V09-01-07, testem2-V09-01-07,
     97                 testem3-V09-01-10, testem5-V09-01-11, testem7-V09-01-15,
     98                 testem9-V09-01-08, testem11-V09-01-06, testem12-V09-01-07,
     99                 pythiaex-V09-01-00, fano-V09-01-05, fano2-V09-01-05,
     100                 exampleN02-V09-01-04, exampleN03-V09-01-04.
     10230th September 2008  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-01-08)
     103- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-01-ref-08.
     104- Includes tags: hadrontherapy-V09-01-06, testem1-V09-01-05, testem2-V09-01-05,
     105                 testem3-V09-01-07, testem4-V09-01-03, testem5-V09-01-08,
     106                 testem6-V09-01-02, testem7-V09-01-12, testem9-V09-01-07,
     107                 testem11-V09-01-04, testem12-V09-01-05, testem14-V09-01-03,
     108                 testem15-V09-01-04, testem16-V09-01-02, testem17-V09-01-04,
     109                 testem18-V09-01-04, exhadr01-V09-01-03, fano-V09-01-03,
     110                 fano2-V09-01-03, persistencyEx-V09-01-00, exampleN02-V09-01-02.
     11226th August 2008  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-01-07)
     113- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-01-ref-07.
     114- Includes tags: air_shower-V09-01-04, microdosimentry-V09-01-04,
     115                 testem9-V09-01-05, fieldex04-V09-01-03, exhadr00-V09-01-01,
     116                 DICOM-V09-01-01, LXe-V09-01-00, exrdm-V09-01-01,
     117                 exampleN06-V09-01-02.
     11930th June 2008  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-01-06)
     120- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-01-ref-06.
     121- Includes tags: air_shower-V09-01-02, brachy-V09-01-01, ccal-V09-01-00
     122                 cosmicray_charging-V09-01-00, hadrontherapy-V09-01-05,
     123                 gammaraytel-V09-01-00, lAr_calorimeter-V09-01-00,
     124                 microbeam-V09-01-01, microdosimentry-V09-01-03, DMX-V09-01-01,
     125                 nanobeam-V09-01-11, Rich-V09-01-00, Tiara-V09-01-00,
     126                 xraytel-V09-01-00, monopole-V09-01-00, exhadr01-V09-01-02,
     127                 fano-V09-01-02, fano2-V09-01-02, gtherapy-V09-01-00,
     128                 expol01-V09-01-00, testem1-V09-01-03, testem2-V09-01-04,
     129                 testem3-V09-01-06, testem4-V09-01-02, testem5-V09-01-05,
     130                 testem6-V09-01-01, testem7-V09-01-09, testem8-V09-01-00,
     131                 testem9-V09-01-04, testem10-V09-01-01, testem11-V09-01-03,
     132                 testem12-V09-01-04, testem13-V09-01-00, testem14-V09-01-02,
     133                 testem15-V09-01-03, testem16-V09-01-01, testem17-V09-01-03,
     134                 exgdml-V09-01-02, testem18-V09-01-03, exampleN06-V09-01-00.
     135- Retired advanced example "raredecay_calorimetry".
     1374th June 2008  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-01-05)
     138- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-01-ref-05.
     139- Includes tags: hadrontherapy-V09-01-04, nanobeam-V09-01-10,
     140                 testem1-V09-01-02, testem2-V09-01-03, testem3-V09-01-05,
     141                 testem4-V09-01-01, testem5-V09-01-04, testem6-V09-01-00,
     142                 testem7-V09-01-08, testem9-V09-01-03, testem10-V09-01-00,
     143                 testem11-V09-01-02, testem12-V09-01-03, testem14-V09-01-01,
     144                 testem15-V09-01-02, testem16-V09-01-00, testem17-V09-01-02,
     145                 testem18-V09-01-02, fieldex02-V09-01-01, fieldex04-V09-01-02,
     146                 exhadr01-V09-01-00, fano-V09-01-01, fano2-V09-01-01,
     147                 exampleN02-V09-01-01, exampleN03-V09-01-02,
     148                 exampleN04-V09-01-00, exampleN06-V09-01-00,
     149                 exampleN07-V09-01-00.
     1516th May 2008  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-01-04)
     152- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-01-ref-04.
     153- Includes tags: DMX-V09-01-00, testem1-V09-01-01, testem2-V09-01-02,
     154                 testem3-V09-01-03, testem4-V09-01-00, testem5-V09-01-03,
     155                 testem7-V09-01-05, testem9-V09-01-02, testem11-V09-01-01,
     156                 testem12-V09-01-02, testem15-V09-01-01, testem17-V09-01-01,
     157                 testem18-V09-01-01, fieldex02-V09-01-00, exgdml-V09-01-01,
     158                 fano-V09-01-00, fano2-V09-01-00, exampleN03-V09-01-01.
     16028th March 2008  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-01-03)
     161- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-01-ref-03.
     162- Includes tags: nanobeam-V09-01-06, hadrontherapy-V09-01-03, testem3-V09-01-01,
     163                 testem5-V09-01-02, testem7-V09-01-03, testem9-V09-01-00,
     164                 testem17-V09-01-00, fieldex04-V09-01-01.
     16628th February 2008  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-01-02)
     167- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-01-ref-02.
     168- Includes tags: nanobeam-V09-01-03, testem3-V09-01-00, testem7-V09-01-02.
     1701st February 2008  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-01-01)
     171- Updated reference outputs according to reference tag geant4-09-01-ref-01.
     172- Includes tags: nanobeam-V09-01-01, testem0-V09-01-00, testem1-V09-01-00,
     173                 testem2-V09-01-01, testem5-V09-01-01, testem7-V09-01-01,
     174                 testem11-V09-01-00, testem12-V09-01-01, testem14-V09-01-00,
     175                 testem15-V09-01-00, testem18-V09-01-00, exgdml-V09-01-00,
     176                 DICOM-V09-01-00, exampleN03-V09-01-00.
    2017813th December 2007  Gabriele Cosmo (examples-V09-01-00)
  • trunk/examples/README

    r807 r1187  
    1 $Id: README,v 1.12 2007/08/28 10:20:39 gcosmo Exp $
     1$Id: README,v 1.14 2008/06/17 09:35:45 gcosmo Exp $
    125125   - Simulation of the cellular irradiation beam line installed on the AIFIRA
    126126     electrostatic accelerator facility located at CENBG, France
     127 microdosimetry
     128   - Simulation of DNA physics processes with track of a 10 keV Helium+
     129     (positive charge is +e) particle in liquid water.
     130 nanobeam
     131   - Simulation of the beam optics of the nanobeam line installed on the AIFIRA
     132     electrostatic accelerator facility located at CENBG, France.
    127133 purging_magnet
    128134   - Simulation of electrons traveling through a 3D magnetic field of a
  • trunk/examples/advanced/GNUmakefile

    r807 r1187  
    1 # $Id: GNUmakefile,v 1.5 2004/06/23 16:09:48 gcosmo Exp $
     1# $Id: GNUmakefile,v 1.6 2008/06/23 09:26:07 gcosmo Exp $
    22# --------------------------------------------------------------
    33# GNUmakefile for examples module.  Gabriele Cosmo, 06/04/98.
    1212SUBDIRS =  gammaray_telescope underground_physics xray_fluorescence xray_telescope
    1313SUBDIRS += brachytherapy cosmicray_charging hadrontherapy
    14 SUBDURS += medical_linac purging_magnet radioprotection
     14SUBDIRS += medical_linac purging_magnet radioprotection human_phantom
     15SUBDIRS += air_shower microbeam microdosimetry nanobeam
    1516SUBDIRS += Tiara Rich composite_calorimeter lAr_calorimeter
  • trunk/examples/advanced/README

    r807 r1187  
    1 $Id: README,v 1.2 2001/10/23 15:09:27 gcosmo Exp $
     1$Id: README,v 1.3 2009/11/18 15:34:16 cirrone Exp $
    1515in each example for the details.
    1616These application are made part of the official GEANT4 distribution, however
    17 their maintenance and updates is under responsibility of the authors. These
    18 applications are not subject to regular system testing.
     17their maintenance and updates is under responsibility of the authors.
  • trunk/examples/advanced/air_shower/Visualisation.mac

    r807 r1187  
    1212# (Edit the next line(s) to choose another graphic system)
    14 /vis/open OGLIX
    15 #/vis/open RayTracer
     14#/vis/open OGLIX
     15/vis/open RayTracerX
     16#/vis/open ATree
     17#/vis/open OIX
    1618#/vis/open OGLSX
    1719#/vis/open DAWNFILE
  • trunk/examples/extended/runAndEvent/RE02/

    r807 r1187  
    4141#include "G4UIterminal.hh"
    4242#include "G4UItcsh.hh"
     43#include "G4UIQt.hh"
     44#include "G4Qt.hh"
    4446#ifdef G4VIS_USE
    9496#ifdef G4UI_USE_TCSH
    9597      session = new G4UIterminal(new G4UItcsh);     
     98#elif defined(G4UI_USE_QT)
     99      session = new G4UIQt(argc,argv);
     100      //      UI->ApplyCommand("/control/execute visTutor/gui.mac");     
    97102      session = new G4UIterminal();
  • trunk/examples/extended/runAndEvent/RE02/vis.mac

    r807 r1187  
    1818#/vis/open VRML2FILE
    19 /vis/open OGLIX
     19/vis/open OGLSQt
    2020#/vis/open DAWNFILE
    2121#/vis/open DAWN
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.