Nov 25, 2009, 5:13:58 PM (15 years ago)

update CVS release candidate geant4.9.3.01

15 edited


  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/GNUmakefile

    r819 r1196  
    1717            -I$(G4BASE)/geometry/volumes/include \
    1818            -I$(G4BASE)/geometry/management/include \
     19            -I$(G4BASE)/geometry/magneticfield/include \
     20            -I$(G4BASE)/geometry/navigation/include \
    1921            -I$(G4BASE)/processes/management/include \
    2022            -I$(G4BASE)/processes/hadronic/management/include/ \
    2426            -I$(G4BASE)/processes/hadronic/models/management/include \
    2527            -I$(G4BASE)/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/include \
     28            -I$(G4BASE)/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/fragmentation/include \
     29            -I$(G4BASE)/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/cross_sections/include \
    2630            -I$(G4BASE)/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/body/include \
    2731            -I$(G4BASE)/particles/management/include \
    2832            -I$(G4BASE)/particles/leptons/include \
    2933            -I$(G4BASE)/particles/bosons/include \
     34            -I$(G4BASE)/particles/shortlived/include \
    3035            -I$(G4BASE)/particles/hadrons/mesons/include \
    3136            -I$(G4BASE)/particles/hadrons/barions/include \
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/History

    r1055 r1196  
    1313     ---------------------------------------------------------------
     1517-Nov-2009 M.Kosov                            (hadr-chips-V09-02-24)
     17Mutual tag: Migration of CHIPS-cross_section depenent files to CHIPS-xs_dep
     1916-Nov-2009 M.Kosov                            (hadr-chips-V09-02-23)
     21Mutual tag: Split up of CHIPS-body in three directories (no changes in this dir)
     2313-Nov-2009 M.Kosov                            (hadr-chips-V09-02-21)
     25Mutual tag: G4QDiffractionRatio lost dependence on G4QElasticCrossSection
     2712-Nov-2009 M.Kosov                            (hadr-chips-V09-02-20)
     29Mutual tag: bug fix in G4QDiffractionRatio (tested by Valgrind)
     3111-Nov-2009 M.Kosov                            (hadr-chips-V09-02-19)
     33Mutual tag: Bug fix in G4QSynchRad
     3510-Nov-2009 M.Kosov                            (hadr-chips-V09-02-18)
     37Mutual tag: Diffraction is added to CHIPS inelastic
     395-Nov-2009 M.Kosov                             (hadr-chips-V09-02-17)
     41Mutual tag: Bug fix in XS's & migration of G4QNeutronCaptureRatio from
     42            body to interface
     444-Nov-2009 M.Kosov                             (hadr-chips-V09-02-16)
     46Mutual tag: Thanks to Andrea bug fix (skip for Z=0,A=0 residual nucleus)
     47            in G4QCollision class
     494-Nov-2009 M.Kosov                             (hadr-chips-V09-02-15)
     51Mutual tag: Reduction of the CHIPS-body dependency (G4QPDGToG4Particle)
     5330-Oct-2009 M.Kosov                             (hadr-chips-V09-02-13)
     55Mutual CHIPS tag for new CHIPS hA cross-sections
     56- 8 new CHIPS cross-sectopn classes are added + bug is fixed in the CHIPS
     57  pA cross_sections + pimA XS class is not fake now, but real
     58- Because of the complain of V. Ivanchenko the MuCaptureEMCascade
     59  is excluded from the G4QCaptureAtRest class (for mu-). All the atomic
     60  deexcitation energy of capture is concentrated in the Energy Deposition.
     6223-Oct-2009 M.Kosov                             (hadr-chips-V09-02-12)
     64Mutual CHIPS tag for the bug fix + G4QuasiFreeRatio change (needs make clean)
     6612-Oct-2009 M.Kosov                             (hadr-chips-V09-02-11)
     68Mutual CHIPS tag for the bug fixes (mostly body)
     7025-Sep-2009 M.Kosov                     (hadr-chips-inter-V09-02-10)
     72- Bug fix in G4QLowEnergy
     7418-Sep-2009 M.Kosov                             (hadr-chips-V09-02-10)
     76Mutual CHIPS tag for the heavy fragments in LowEnergy (mostly body)
     782-Sep-2009 M.Kosov                              (hadr-chips-V09-02-08)
     80Mutual CHIPS tag for the first prototype of the CHIPS Ion-Ion Inelastic
     8228-Aug-2009 M.Kosov                              (hadr-chips-V09-02-07)
     84Mutual CHIPS tag for the Valgrind induced improvement
     8621-Aug-2009 M.Kosov                              (hadr-chips-V09-02-06)
     88Mutual CHIPS tag for added photon- and lepton-nuclear CHIPS inelastic
     907-Aug-2009 M.Kosov                               (hadr-chips-V09-02-05)
     92Mutual CHIPS tag for All-Energies-All-Hadrons pilot tag
     945-Aug-2009 M.Kosov                               (hadr-chips-V09-02-04)
     96Mutual CHIPS tag for All-Energies-Nucleons and -Mesons (only pi+/- & K-)
     985-Aug-2009 M.Kosov                               (hadr-chips-V09-02-03)
     100Migration of the rest of the XS from interface to body and exclusion of the
     101dependency of the G4NucleiPropertiesTable class (absolete by Hisaya)
     10331-Jul-2009 M.Kosov                              (hadr-chips-V09-02-02)
     105Creation of the beta-version of CHIPS, covering all energies (mutual CHIPS tag)
     10729-May-2009 M.Kosov (hadr-chips-inter-V09-02-09)
     109- Synchronization bug fix in pA and nA SC_in + fake piA SC is added for testing only
     11126-May-2009 M.Kosov (hadr-chips-inter-V09-02-08)
     113- Correction in G4QCollision for (n,He3) pickUp (Bug fix, charge conservation)
     11525-May-2009 M.Kosov (hadr-chips-inter-V09-02-07)
     117- G4QNeutronCrossSection class is implemented
     119- G4QNeutronCaptureRatio class is implemented
     121- neutron-nuclear interactions are implemented in the G4QCollision class
    1612323-Jan-2009 M.Kosov (hadr-chips-inter-V09-02-06)
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/include/G4ElectroNuclearReaction.hh

    r1055 r1196  
    2626// $Id: G4ElectroNuclearReaction.hh,v 1.27 2009/02/23 09:49:24 mkossov Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-beta-cand-01 $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $
    2929// GEANT4 physics class: G4ElectroNuclearReaction -- header file for CHIPS
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/include/G4GammaNuclearReaction.hh

    r1055 r1196  
    2727// $Id: G4GammaNuclearReaction.hh,v 1.15 2009/02/23 09:49:24 mkossov Exp $
    28 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-beta-cand-01 $
     28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/include/G4PionMinusNuclearAtRestChips.hh

    r1055 r1196  
    2323// * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
    2424// ********************************************************************
    2526// 17.02.2009 M.Kossov, now it is recommended to use the G4QCaptureAtRest process
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/include/G4PionMinusNuclearReaction.hh

    r1055 r1196  
    2323// * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
    2424// ********************************************************************
    2526// (@@ Why only pi-, why not pi+? - Looks like a dummy CHIPS pocess - M.K.)
    2627// 17.02.2009 M.Kossov, now it is recommended to use the G4QCollision process
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/include/G4ProtonAntiProtonAtRestChips.hh

    r1055 r1196  
    2323// * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
    2424// ********************************************************************
    2526// (Why only antiproton-proton, when the antiproton-nucleus is made? - M.K.)
    2627// 17.02.2009 M.Kossov, now it is recommended to use the G4QCaptureAtRest process
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/include/G4ProtonAntiProtonReaction.hh

    r1055 r1196  
    2323// * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
    2424// ********************************************************************
    2526// (Why only antiproton-proton, when the antiproton-nucleus is made? - M.K.)
    2627// 17.02.2009 M.Kossov, now it is recommended to use the G4QCollision process
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/include/G4QStringChipsParticleLevelInterface.hh

    r1055 r1196  
    2323// * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
    2424// ********************************************************************
    2526// Short description: Interface of QGSC to CHIPS (Energy Flow of soft hadrons)
    2627// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/include/G4StringChipsInterface.hh

    r1055 r1196  
    2323// * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
    2424// ********************************************************************
    2526// !!! Was used in QBBC PL, NOW it is not. Must be absolete !!!
    2627// ============================================================
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/include/G4StringChipsParticleLevelInterface.hh

    r1055 r1196  
    2323// * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
    2424// ********************************************************************
    2526// Short description: Interface of QGSC to CHIPS (all soft hadrons)
    2627// ----------------------------------------------------------------
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/src/G4GammaNuclearReaction.cc

    r1055 r1196  
    2323// * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
    2424// ********************************************************************
    2526// Short description: The CHIPS model provides the G4QHadronVector
    2627// output, which is converted to the G4 particle-singletons
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/src/G4QStringChipsParticleLevelInterface.cc

    r1055 r1196  
    2323// * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
    2424// ********************************************************************
    25 // Short description: Interface of QGSC to CHIPS (Energy Flow  of soft hadrons)
     25// Short description: Interface of QGSC to CHIPS (EnergyFlow)
    2626// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/src/G4StringChipsInterface.cc

    r1055 r1196  
    2323// * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
    2424// ********************************************************************
    2526// !!! Was used in QBBC PL, NOW it is not. Must be absolete !!!
    2627// ============================================================
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface/src/G4StringChipsParticleLevelInterface.cc

    r1055 r1196  
    2323// * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
    2424// ********************************************************************
    25 // Short description: Interface of QGSC to CHIPS (all soft hadrons)
     25// Short description: Interface of QGSC to CHIPS (SoftHadrons)
    2626// ----------------------------------------------------------------
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