Jun 14, 2010, 3:54:58 PM (14 years ago)

geant4.9.4 beta rc0

5 edited


  • trunk/examples/novice/N04/History

    r1190 r1313  
    1 $Id: History,v 1.63 2009/10/30 15:08:39 allison Exp $
     1$Id: History,v 1.65 2010/06/06 04:07:31 perl Exp $
    1515     * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
    1616     ----------------------------------------------------------
     1804-06-10 J.Perl (exampleN04-V09-03-01)
     19- Updated vis usage
     2104-06-10 V.Ivant (exampleN04-V09-03-00)
     22- Substituted QGSP -> QGSP_BERT
    182430-10-09 John Allison (exampleN04-V09-02-00)
  • trunk/examples/novice/N04/exampleN04.EMtest.out

    r1190 r1313  
    7  Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-02-ref-09    (5-June-2009)
     7 Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-03-ref-04    (9-April-2010)
    88                      Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
    99                      Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
    14 <<< Geant4 Physics List engine packaging library: PACK 5.4
    15 <<< Geant4 Physics List simulation engine: QGSP 3.3
     14<<< Geant4 Physics List engine packaging library: PACK 5.5
     15<<< Geant4 Physics List simulation engine: QGSP 3.4
     19*   The Physics list QGSP is NO LONGER SUPPORTED !   
     20*   and is likely to be deleted in a future release of Geant4             
     22*    We recommend you try the physics lists QGSP_BERT,
     23*      this offers similar functionality for most use cases           
     26*   We invite you to report your use case for, and your experience with
     27*    this physics list on the Geant4 User Forum dedicated to physics   
     28*    lists:                                                           
     29*  http://hypernews.slac.stanford.edu/HyperNews/geant4/get/phys-list.html
    1733### Adding tracking cuts for neutron  TimeCut(ns)= 10000  KinEnergyCut(MeV)= 0
    6682msc:   for e-    SubType= 10
    6783      Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1
    68       RangeFactor= 0.04, step limit type: 1, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
     84      RangeFactor= 0.04, stepLimitType: 1, latDisplacement: 1
    6985      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    7086          UrbanMsc92 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 TeV
    107123msc:   for proton    SubType= 10
    108124      Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1
    109       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
     125      RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 1
    110126      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    111127          UrbanMsc90 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 TeV
    134150msc:   for GenericIon    SubType= 10
    135       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 0, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
     151      RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 0
    136152      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    137153          UrbanMsc90 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 TeV
    140156      dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 10 TeV in 77 bins
    141157      Lambda tables from threshold to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1
    142       finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.1, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.15
     158      finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.1, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.02
    143159      Stopping Power data for 17 ion/material pairs, nuclearStopping: 1
    144160      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    199215muMsc:   for mu+    SubType= 10
    200216      Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1
    201       RangeFactor= 0.2, step limit type: 1, lateralDisplacement: 1, polarAngleLimit(deg)= 11.4592
    202       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    203         WentzelVIUni :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 TeV
     217      RangeFactor= 0.2, step limit type: 0, lateralDisplacement: 1, polarAngleLimit(deg)= 0
     218      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
     219          UrbanMsc90 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 TeV
    205221muIoni:   for  mu+    SubType= 2
    268284msc:   for pi-    SubType= 10
    269285      Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1
    270       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
     286      RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 1
    271287      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    272288          UrbanMsc90 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 TeV
    304320 AntiProtonInelastic  Models:   G4LEAntiProtonInelastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 25
    305321                                G4HEAntiProtonInelastic: Emin(GeV)=    20  Emax(GeV)= 100000
    306           CHIPSNuclearAbsorptionAtRest
    308323                     Hadronic Processes for <e->
    322337  KaonMinusInelastic  Models:                      QGSP: Emin(GeV)=    12  Emax(GeV)= 100000
    323338                                 G4LEKaonMinusInelastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 25
    324           CHIPSNuclearAbsorptionAtRest
    326340                     Hadronic Processes for <lambda>
    348362  PionMinusInelastic  Models:                      QGSP: Emin(GeV)=    12  Emax(GeV)= 100000
    349363                                 G4LEPionMinusInelastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 25
    350           CHIPSNuclearAbsorptionAtRest
    352365                     Hadronic Processes for <proton>
    359372Stage 1->2 : 1 isolated muon found.
    360373>>> Event 0
    361      29 hits are stored in ExN04TrackerHitsCollection.
     374     95 hits are stored in ExN04TrackerHitsCollection.
    362375     5 hits are stored in ExN04CalorimeterHitsCollection.
    363      Total energy deposition in calorimeter : 0.32558714501726 (GeV)
     376     Total energy deposition in calorimeter : 0.32655288052577 (GeV)
    364377     1 hits are stored in ExN04MuonHitsCollection.
    365378### Run 1 start.
    367380Stage 1->2 : 1 isolated muon found.
    368381>>> Event 0
    369      5 hits are stored in ExN04TrackerHitsCollection.
    370      27 hits are stored in ExN04CalorimeterHitsCollection.
    371      Total energy deposition in calorimeter : 23.59312405238 (GeV)
     382     23 hits are stored in ExN04TrackerHitsCollection.
     383     24 hits are stored in ExN04CalorimeterHitsCollection.
     384     Total energy deposition in calorimeter : 3.8449798484351 (GeV)
    372385     1 hits are stored in ExN04MuonHitsCollection.
    373386Stage 0->1 : 1 hits found in the muon chamber.
    374387Stage 1->2 : 1 isolated muon found.
    375388>>> Event 1
    376      54 hits are stored in ExN04TrackerHitsCollection.
    377      13 hits are stored in ExN04CalorimeterHitsCollection.
    378      Total energy deposition in calorimeter : 3.6120226096048 (GeV)
     389     11 hits are stored in ExN04TrackerHitsCollection.
     390     14 hits are stored in ExN04CalorimeterHitsCollection.
     391     Total energy deposition in calorimeter : 4.0748168340171 (GeV)
    379392     1 hits are stored in ExN04MuonHitsCollection.
  • trunk/examples/novice/N04/exampleN04.cc

    r1230 r1313  
    27 // $Id: exampleN04.cc,v 1.18 2009/10/30 15:08:39 allison Exp $
    28 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $
     27// $Id: exampleN04.cc,v 1.19 2010/06/04 17:50:22 vnivanch Exp $
     28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-00 $
    3737#include "ExN04DetectorConstruction.hh"
    38 #include "QGSP.hh"
     38#include "QGSP_BERT.hh"
    3939#include "ExN04PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh"
    4040#include "ExN04RunAction.hh"
    6969  runManager->SetUserInitialization(detector);
    7070  //
    71   G4VUserPhysicsList* physics = new QGSP;
     71  G4VUserPhysicsList* physics = new QGSP_BERT();
    7272  runManager->SetUserInitialization(physics);
  • trunk/examples/novice/N04/exampleN04.out

    r1190 r1313  
    7  Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-02-ref-09    (5-June-2009)
     7 Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-03-ref-04    (9-April-2010)
    88                      Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
    99                      Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
    14 <<< Geant4 Physics List engine packaging library: PACK 5.4
    15 <<< Geant4 Physics List simulation engine: QGSP 3.3
     14<<< Geant4 Physics List engine packaging library: PACK 5.5
     15<<< Geant4 Physics List simulation engine: QGSP 3.4
     19*   The Physics list QGSP is NO LONGER SUPPORTED !   
     20*   and is likely to be deleted in a future release of Geant4             
     22*    We recommend you try the physics lists QGSP_BERT,
     23*      this offers similar functionality for most use cases           
     26*   We invite you to report your use case for, and your experience with
     27*    this physics list on the Geant4 User Forum dedicated to physics   
     28*    lists:                                                           
     29*  http://hypernews.slac.stanford.edu/HyperNews/geant4/get/phys-list.html
    1733### Adding tracking cuts for neutron  TimeCut(ns)= 10000  KinEnergyCut(MeV)= 0
    6985msc:   for e-    SubType= 10
    7086      Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1
    71       RangeFactor= 0.04, step limit type: 1, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
     87      RangeFactor= 0.04, stepLimitType: 1, latDisplacement: 1
    7288      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    7389          UrbanMsc92 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 TeV
    110126msc:   for proton    SubType= 10
    111127      Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1
    112       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
     128      RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 1
    113129      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    114130          UrbanMsc90 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 TeV
    137153msc:   for GenericIon    SubType= 10
    138       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 0, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
     154      RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 0
    139155      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    140156          UrbanMsc90 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 TeV
    143159      dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 10 TeV in 77 bins
    144160      Lambda tables from threshold to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1
    145       finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.1, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.15
     161      finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.1, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.02
    146162      Stopping Power data for 17 ion/material pairs, nuclearStopping: 1
    147163      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    202218muMsc:   for mu+    SubType= 10
    203219      Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1
    204       RangeFactor= 0.2, step limit type: 1, lateralDisplacement: 1, polarAngleLimit(deg)= 11.4592
    205       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    206         WentzelVIUni :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 TeV
     220      RangeFactor= 0.2, step limit type: 0, lateralDisplacement: 1, polarAngleLimit(deg)= 0
     221      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
     222          UrbanMsc90 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 TeV
    208224muIoni:   for  mu+    SubType= 2
    271287msc:   for pi-    SubType= 10
    272288      Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1
    273       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
     289      RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 1
    274290      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    275291          UrbanMsc90 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 TeV
    307323 AntiProtonInelastic  Models:   G4LEAntiProtonInelastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 25
    308324                                G4HEAntiProtonInelastic: Emin(GeV)=    20  Emax(GeV)= 100000
    309           CHIPSNuclearAbsorptionAtRest
    311326                     Hadronic Processes for <e->
    325340  KaonMinusInelastic  Models:                      QGSP: Emin(GeV)=    12  Emax(GeV)= 100000
    326341                                 G4LEKaonMinusInelastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 25
    327           CHIPSNuclearAbsorptionAtRest
    329343                     Hadronic Processes for <lambda>
    351365  PionMinusInelastic  Models:                      QGSP: Emin(GeV)=    12  Emax(GeV)= 100000
    352366                                 G4LEPionMinusInelastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 25
    353           CHIPSNuclearAbsorptionAtRest
    355368                     Hadronic Processes for <proton>
    403416Stage 1->2 : 1 isolated muon found.
    404417>>> Event 0
    405      64 hits are stored in ExN04TrackerHitsCollection.
    406      29 hits are stored in ExN04CalorimeterHitsCollection.
    407      Total energy deposition in calorimeter : 0.52062252114346 (GeV)
     418     79 hits are stored in ExN04TrackerHitsCollection.
     419     22 hits are stored in ExN04CalorimeterHitsCollection.
     420     Total energy deposition in calorimeter : 0.48210533 (GeV)
    408421     1 hits are stored in ExN04MuonHitsCollection.
    409422Stage 0->1 : 0 hits found in the muon chamber.
    417430Stage 1->2 : 1 isolated muon found.
    418431>>> Event 2
    419      48 hits are stored in ExN04TrackerHitsCollection.
    420      23 hits are stored in ExN04CalorimeterHitsCollection.
    421      Total energy deposition in calorimeter : 0.45789630807974 (GeV)
     432     75 hits are stored in ExN04TrackerHitsCollection.
     433     20 hits are stored in ExN04CalorimeterHitsCollection.
     434     Total energy deposition in calorimeter : 0.4736239236114 (GeV)
    422435     1 hits are stored in ExN04MuonHitsCollection.
    423436Run terminated.
    424437Run Summary
    425438  Number of events processed : 3
    426   User=1.08s Real=1.11s Sys=0s
     439  User=1.88s Real=1.89s Sys=0s
    427440G4 kernel has come to Quit state.
  • trunk/examples/novice/N04/vis.mac

    r807 r1313  
    88/run/verbose 2
    10 # create empty scene
     10# Use this open statement to create an OpenGL view:
     11/vis/open OGL 600x600-0+0
    12 /vis/scene/create
     13# Use this open statement to create a .prim file suitable for
     14# viewing in DAWN:
     15#/vis/open DAWNFILE
    14 # Create a scene handler for a specific graphics system
    15 # (Edit the next line(s) to choose another graphic system)
     17# Use this open statement to create a .heprep file suitable for
     18# viewing in HepRApp:
     19#/vis/open HepRepFile
    17 /vis/open OGLIX
     21# Use this open statement to create a .wrl file suitable for
     22# viewing in a VRML viewer:
     23#/vis/open VRML2FILE
    19 ####/vis/open DAWNFILE
    20 ####/vis/open OIX
     25# Disable auto refresh and quieten vis messages whilst scene and
     26# trajectories are established:
     27/vis/viewer/set/autoRefresh false
     28/vis/verbose errors
    22 # draw scene
     30# Draw geometry:
    24 /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 90 180 deg
     33# Specify view angle:
     34/vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 90. 180.
     36# Specify zoom value:
    2537/vis/viewer/zoom 1.4
    27 # for drawing the tracks
    28 # Draw trajectories at end of event, showing trajectory points as
    29 # markers of size 2 pixels
    30 /vis/scene/add/trajectories
     39# Specify style (surface or wireframe):
     40#/vis/viewer/set/style wireframe
     42# Draw coordinate axes:
     43#/vis/scene/add/axes 0 0 0 1 m
     45# Draw smooth trajectories at end of event, showing trajectory points
     46# as markers 2 pixels wide:
     47/vis/scene/add/trajectories smooth
    3249/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByCharge-0/default/setDrawStepPts true
    3451# (if too many tracks cause core dump => /tracking/storeTrajectory 0)
    36 # for drawing the hits uncomment following line
    37 # /vis/scene/add/hits
     53# Draw hits at end of event:
     56# To draw only gammas:
     58#/vis/filtering/trajectories/particleFilter-0/add gamma
     60# To invert the above, drawing all particles except gammas,
     61# keep the above two lines but also add:
     62#/vis/filtering/trajectories/particleFilter-0/invert true
     64# Many other options are available with /vis/modeling and /vis/filtering.
     65# For example, to select colour by particle ID:
     67#/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/set e- blue
     69# To superimpose all of the events from a given run:
    3970/vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate
    41 # Refresh ready for run
    42 /vis/viewer/flush
     72# Re-establish auto refreshing and verbosity:
     73/vis/viewer/set/autoRefresh true
     74/vis/verbose warnings
    44 # Now ready for /run/beamOn.
     76# For file-based drivers, use this to create an empty detector view:
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.