Sep 30, 2010, 2:47:17 PM (14 years ago)

tag geant4.9.4 beta 1 + modifs locales

2 edited


  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/fragmentation/src/G4QFragmentation.cc

    r1315 r1337  
    27 // $Id: G4QFragmentation.cc,v 1.14 2010/06/11 10:35:18 mkossov Exp $
    28 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
     27// $Id: G4QFragmentation.cc,v 1.15 2010/06/19 07:46:44 mkossov Exp $
     28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $
    3030// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    5454// Definition of static parameters
    5555G4int    G4QFragmentation::nCutMax=7;
    56 G4double G4QFragmentation::stringTension=GeV/fermi;
     56G4double G4QFragmentation::stringTension=2.*GeV/fermi;
    5757//G4double G4QFragmentation::tubeDensity  =1./fermi;
    5858G4double G4QFragmentation::tubeDensity  =0./fermi;
    6565  static const G4double mProt2= mProt*mProt;               // SquaredMass of proton
    6666  static const G4double mPi0= G4QPDGCode(111).GetMass();   // Mass of Pi0
     67  static const G4double thresh= 1000;                      // Diffraction threshold (MeV)
    6768  theWorld= G4QCHIPSWorld::Get();                          // Pointer to CHIPS World
    6869  theQuasiElastic=G4QuasiFreeRatios::GetPointer();         // Pointer to CHIPS quasiElastic
    113114  std::pair<G4double,G4double> ratios=std::make_pair(0.,0.);
    114115  G4int apPDG=std::abs(pPDG);
    115   if(apPDG>99)
     116  if(apPDG>99)                            // Diffraction or Quasi-elastic
    116117  {
    117118   G4double pMom=proj4M.vect().mag();                  // proj.Momentum in MeV (indepUnits)
    119120   G4double qeRat = ratios.first*ratios.second;        // quasi-elastic part [qe/in]
    120121   G4double difRat= theDiffraction->GetRatio(pMom, pPDG, tZ, tN); // diffrPart [d/(in-qe)]
    121    if(qeRat < 1.) difRat /= (1.-qeRat)*.5;             // Double for Top/Bottom
     122   //if(qeRat < 1.) difRat /= (1.-qeRat)*.5;             // Double for Top/Bottom @@ ?
     123   if(qeRat<1. && proj4M.e()>thresh) difRat /= 1.-qeRat; // Both Top & Bottom
     124   else difRat=0.;                                     // Close diffraction for low Energy
    122125   difRat += qeRat;                                    // for the diffraction selection
    123126   G4double rnd=G4UniformRand();
    160163     G4QHadronVector* out=0;
    161      if(G4UniformRand()>0.5) out=theDiffraction->TargFragment(pPDG, proj4M, tZ, tN);
    162      else                    out=theDiffraction->ProjFragment(pPDG, proj4M, tZ, tN);
     164     //if(G4UniformRand()>0.5) out=theDiffraction->TargFragment(pPDG, proj4M, tZ, tN);
     165     //else                    out=theDiffraction->ProjFragment(pPDG, proj4M, tZ, tN);
     166     //theDiffraction->TargFragment(pPDG, proj4M, tZ, tN); // !! is not debugged !!
     167     out=theDiffraction->ProjFragment(pPDG, proj4M, tZ, tN);
    163168     G4int nSec=out->size();                           // #of secondaries in diffReaction
    164169     if(nSec>1) for(G4int i=0; i<nSec; i++) theResult->push_back((*out)[i]);
    22472252{ // This is the member function, which returns the resulting vector of Hadrons & Quasmons
    22482253  static const G4double  eps = 0.001;                              // Tolerance in MeV
     2254  //static const G4QContent vacQC(0,0,0,0,0,0);
     2255  static const G4LorentzVector vac4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);
    22492256  //
    22502257  // ------------ At this point the strings are fragmenting to hadrons in LS -------------
    37263733    G4int hBaN=(*theResult)[i]->GetBaryonNumber();
    37273734    rBN-=hBaN;
    3728     G4cout<<"-EMCLS-G4QFragmentation::Breeder: Hadron#"<<i<<", 4M="<<hI4M<<", PDG="
     3735    G4cout<<"-EMCLS-G4QFragmentation::Breeder:(1) Hadron#"<<i<<", 4M="<<hI4M<<", PDG="
    37293736          <<(*theResult)[i]->GetPDGCode()<<", C="<<hChg<<", B="<<hBaN<<G4endl;
    37303737  }
    37373744    G4int hBaN=theQuasmons[i]->GetBaryonNumber();
    37383745    rBN-=hBaN;
    3739     G4cout<<"-EMCLS-G4QFragmentation::Breeder: Quasmon#"<<i<<", 4M="<<hI4M<<", C="<<hChg
     3746    G4cout<<"-EMCLS-G4QFragmentation::Breeder:(1) Quasmon#"<<i<<", 4M="<<hI4M<<", C="<<hChg
    37403747          <<", B="<<hBaN<<G4endl;
    37413748  }
    37443751  // Now we need to coolect particles for creation of a Quasmon @@ improve !!
    37453752  G4int nRes=theResult->size();
    3746   if(nRes>2)
    3747   {
    3748     G4QHadronVector::iterator ih;
    3749     G4QHadronVector::iterator nih;
    3750     G4QHadronVector::iterator mih;
    3751     G4QHadronVector::iterator lst=theResult->end();
    3752     lst--;
    3753     G4double minMesEn=DBL_MAX;
    3754     G4double minBarEn=DBL_MAX;
    3755     G4bool nfound=false;
    3756     G4bool mfound=false;
    3757     for(ih = theResult->begin(); ih < theResult->end(); ++ih) if(ih != lst)
    3758     {
    3759       G4LorentzVector h4M=(*ih)->Get4Momentum();
    3760       G4int          hPDG=(*ih)->GetPDGCode();
    3761 #ifdef debug
    3762       G4cout<<"%->G4QFragmentation::Breeder: TRY hPDG="<<hPDG<<", h4M="<<h4M<<G4endl;
    3763 #endif
    3764       if(hPDG>1111 && hPDG<3333)
     3753#ifdef ppdebug
     3754  G4cout<<"G4QFragmentation::Breeder: Strings4M="<<ft4M<<", nRes="<<nRes<<G4endl;
     3756  G4ThreeVector LS3Mom=ft4M.v();
     3757  G4ThreeVector LSDir=LS3Mom.unit();
     3758  if(nRes > 2 && maxEn > 0.)
     3759  {
     3760    std::list<std::pair<G4double, G4QHadron*> > theSorted;         // Output
     3761    std::list<std::pair<G4double, G4QHadron*> >::iterator current; // Input
     3762    G4int nRes=theResult->size();
     3763    for(G4int secondary = 0; secondary<nRes-1; ++secondary)
     3764    {
     3765      G4QHadron*      ih    =theResult->operator[](secondary);
     3766      G4LorentzVector h4M   =ih->Get4Momentum();
     3767      G4double        hM2   =ih->GetMass2();
     3768      G4ThreeVector   h3M   =h4M.v();
     3769      G4double        toSort=DBL_MAX;
     3770      if(hM2>0.00001) toSort=h4M.e()+h3M.dot(LSDir)/std::sqrt(hM2);// monotonic as rapidity
     3771#ifdef ppdebug
     3772      G4cout<<"G4QFragmentation::Breeder:#"<<secondary<<",M2="<<hM2<<",s="<<toSort<<G4endl;
     3774      std::pair<G4double, G4QHadron*> it;
     3775      it.first      = toSort;
     3776      it.second     = ih;
     3777      G4bool inserted = false;
     3778      for(current = theSorted.begin(); current!=theSorted.end(); ++current)
    37653779      {
    3766         G4double bE=h4M.e()-(*ih)->GetMass();
    3767         if(bE < minBarEn)
     3780        if((*current).first > toSort)        // The current is smaller then existing
    37683781        {
    3769           minBarEn=bE;
    3770           nih=ih;
    3771           nfound=true;
     3782          theSorted.insert(current, it);     // It shifts the others up
     3783          inserted = true;
     3784          break;
    37723785        }
    37733786      }
    3774       else if(hPDG>-1111)
     3787      if(!inserted) theSorted.push_back(it); // It is bigger than any previous
     3788    }
     3789    theResult->clear();                      // Clear and refill theResult by StriHardPart
     3790    G4LorentzVector q4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);
     3791    G4QContent qQC(0,0,0,0,0,0);
     3792    for(current = theSorted.begin(); current!=theSorted.end(); ++current)
     3793    {
     3794      G4QHadron*       ih= (*current).second;
     3795      G4LorentzVector h4M= ih->Get4Momentum();
     3796      G4int          hPDG= ih->GetPDGCode();
     3797      G4double         dE= 0.;
     3798      G4bool       tested=true;
     3799      if     (hPDG> 1111 && hPDG< 3335) dE=h4M.e()-ih->GetMass(); // Baryons
     3800      else if(hPDG>-1111 && hPDG<1111 && hPDG!=22) dE=h4M.e();    // Mesons (Photons Hard)
     3801      //else if(hPDG<-1111 && hPDG>-3335) dE=h4M.e()+ih->GetMass(); // Antiaryons Don'tUse
     3802      else tested=false;                                          // Skip other
     3803#ifdef ppdebug
     3804      G4cout<<"G4QFragmentation::Breeder:dE="<<dE<<",mE="<<maxEn<<",t="<<tested<<G4endl;
     3806      if(tested && dE < maxEn)
    37753807      {
    3776         G4double mE=h4M.e();
    3777         if(mE < minMesEn)
    3778         {
    3779           minMesEn=mE;
    3780           mih=ih;
    3781           mfound=true;
    3782         }
     3808        maxEn-=dE;
     3809        q4M+=h4M;
     3810        qQC+=ih->GetQC();
     3811#ifdef debug
     3812        G4cout<<"%->G4QFragmentation::Breeder:Exclude,4M="<<h4M<<",dE="<<maxEn<<G4endl;
     3814        delete ih;
    37833815      }
    3784     }
    3785     if(nfound && mfound && minMesEn+minBarEn < maxEn)
    3786     {
    3787       G4QHadron* resNuc = (*theResult)[nRes-1];              // ResidualNucleus is theLastH
    3788       theResult->pop_back();                                 // Fill the QHad-nucleus later
    3789       G4LorentzVector q4M=(*nih)->Get4Momentum()+(*mih)->Get4Momentum();
    3790       G4QContent qQC=(*nih)->GetQC()+(*mih)->GetQC();
    3791       maxEn -= minBarEn+minMesEn;                            // Reduce the energy limit
    3792 #ifdef debug
    3793       G4cout<<"%->G4QFragmentation::Breeder:Exclude,4M="<<(*nih)->Get4Momentum()<<", & 4m="
    3794             <<(*mih)->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
    3795 #endif
    3796       delete (*nih);
    3797       delete (*mih);
    3798       if(nih > mih)                                          // Exclude nucleon first
    3799       {
    3800         theResult->erase(nih);                               // erase Baryon from theResult
    3801         theResult->erase(mih);                               // erase Meson from theResult
    3802       }
    3803       else                                                   // Exclude meson first
    3804       {
    3805         theResult->erase(mih);                               // erase Baryon from theResult
    3806         theResult->erase(nih);                               // erase Meson from theResult
    3807       }
    3808 #ifdef debug
    3809       G4cout<<"%->G4QF::Breed: BeforeLOOP, dE="<<maxEn<<", nR="<<theResult->size()<<G4endl;
    3810 #endif
    3811       if(maxEn > 0.)                                         // More hadrons to absorbe
    3812       {
    3813         for(ih = theResult->begin(); ih < theResult->end(); ih++)
    3814         {
    3815           G4LorentzVector h4M=(*ih)->Get4Momentum();
    3816           G4int          hPDG=(*ih)->GetPDGCode();
    3817           G4double dE=0.;
    3818           if     (hPDG> 1111 && hPDG<3333) dE=h4M.e()-(*ih)->GetMass(); // Baryons
    3819           else if(hPDG>-1111) dE=h4M.e();                    // Mesons
    3820           else continue;                                     // Don't consider anti-baryons
    3821           if(dE < maxEn)
    3822           {
    3823             maxEn-=dE;
    3824             q4M+=h4M;
    3825             qQC+=(*ih)->GetQC();
    3826 #ifdef debug
    3827             G4cout<<"%->G4QFragmentation::Breeder:Exclude,4M="<<h4M<<",dE="<<maxEn<<G4endl;
    3828 #endif
    3829             delete (*ih);
    3830             theResult->erase(ih);                            // erase Hadron from theResult
    3831             --ih;
    3832           }
    3833         }
    3834       }
    3835       G4Quasmon* softQuasmon = new G4Quasmon(qQC, q4M);      // SoftPart -> Quasmon
    3836 #ifdef debug
    3837       G4cout<<"%->G4QFragmentation::Breeder:QuasmonIsFilled,4M="<<q4M<<",QC="<<qQC<<G4endl;
    3838 #endif
    3839       theQuasmons.push_back(softQuasmon);
    3840       theResult->push_back(resNuc);
    3841     }
     3816      else  theResult->push_back(ih);                      // Delete equivalent
     3817    } // End of Loop over sorted pairs
     3818    G4Quasmon* softQuasmon = new G4Quasmon(qQC, q4M);      // SoftPart -> Quasmon
     3819#ifdef debug
     3820    G4cout<<"%->G4QFragmentation::Breeder:QuasmonIsFilled,4M="<<q4M<<",QC="<<qQC<<G4endl;
     3822    if(q4M != vac4M) theQuasmons.push_back(softQuasmon);
     3823    else delete softQuasmon;
     3824    theResult->push_back(resNuc);
    38423825#ifdef edebug
    3843     G4LorentzVector f4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);                        // Sum of the Result in LS
     3826    G4LorentzVector f4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);                      // Sum of the Result in LS
    38443827    G4int fCh=totChg;
    38453828    G4int fBN=totBaN;
    38563839      G4int hBaN=(*theResult)[i]->GetBaryonNumber();
    38573840      fBN-=hBaN;
    3858       G4cout<<"-EMCLS-G4QFragmentation::Breeder: Hadron#"<<i<<", 4M="<<hI4M<<", PDG="
     3841      G4cout<<"-EMCLS-G4QFragmentation::Breeder:(2) Hadron#"<<i<<", 4M="<<hI4M<<", PDG="
    38593842            <<(*theResult)[i]->GetPDGCode()<<", C="<<hChg<<", B="<<hBaN<<G4endl;
    38603843    }
    38673850      G4int hBaN=theQuasmons[i]->GetBaryonNumber();
    38683851      fBN-=hBaN;
    3869       G4cout<<"-EMCLS-G4QFragmentation::Breeder: Quasmon#"<<i<<", 4M="<<hI4M<<", C="<<hChg
    3870             <<", B="<<hBaN<<G4endl;
     3852      G4cout<<"-EMCLS-G4QFragmentation::Breeder:(2) Quasmon#"<<i<<", 4M="<<hI4M<<", C="
     3853            <<hChg<<", B="<<hBaN<<G4endl;
    38713854    }
    38723855    G4cout<<"-EMCLS-G4QFragm::Breed:, r4M="<<f4M-totLS4M<<",rC="<<fCh<<",rB="<<fBN<<G4endl;
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/fragmentation/src/G4QIonIonCollision.cc

    r1315 r1337  
    27 // $Id: G4QIonIonCollision.cc,v 1.8 2010/04/01 15:03:35 mkossov Exp $
    28 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
     27// $Id: G4QIonIonCollision.cc,v 1.9 2010/06/19 07:46:44 mkossov Exp $
     28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $
    3030// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    35623562} // End of ChooseX
    3564 // Pt distribution @@ one can use 1/(1+A*Pt^2)^B
     3564// Add CHIPS exponential Pt distribution (see Fragmentation)
    35653565G4ThreeVector G4QIonIonCollision::GaussianPt(G4double widthSq, G4double maxPtSquare) const
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.