Nov 5, 2010, 3:45:55 PM (14 years ago)

update ti head

1 added
21 edited


  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/GNUmakefile

    r1315 r1340  
    1 # $Id: GNUmakefile,v 1.9 2010/04/27 16:02:37 kaitanie Exp $
     1# $Id: GNUmakefile,v 1.11 2010/10/26 02:47:58 kaitanie Exp $
    22# -----------------------------------------------------------
    33# GNUmakefile for hadronic library.  Gabriele Cosmo, 18/9/96.
    88ifndef G4INSTALL
    99  G4INSTALL = ../../../../..
     12ifdef G4INCLDEBUG
    3337            -I$(G4BASE)/processes/hadronic/models/util/include \
    3438            -I$(G4BASE)/processes/hadronic/models/de_excitation/evaporation/include \
     39            -I$(G4BASE)/processes/hadronic/models/de_excitation/fermi_breakup/include \
    3540            -I$(G4BASE)/particles/management/include \
    3641            -I$(G4BASE)/particles/leptons/include \
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/History

    r1337 r1340  
    44     Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Physics Simulation
    55     ==========================================================
    6 $Id: History,v 1.28 2010/06/14 16:10:01 gcosmo Exp $
     6$Id: History,v 1.32 2010/10/29 06:54:23 gunter Exp $
    1616   * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top)
    1717   ---------------------------------------------------------------
     1929 October 2010 - Gunter Folger (hadr-incl-V09-03-05)
     20- Fixed several more compilation warnings for conversion of double to int
     21   in  G4Incl.cc, G4InclAblaCascadeInterface.cc, and G4InclAblaLightIonInterface.cc.
     2328 October 2010 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-incl-V09-03-04)
     25- Fixed compilation warning in G4InclDataDefs.hh for conversion of double
     26  to integer in initialization.
     2825 October 2010 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-incl-V09-03-03)
     30- Refactored INCL input data structure to its own class G4InclInput
     31  o Made data members private
     32  o Access to input data only through accessor methods
     33  o INCL now uses integer A and Z internally as well as in the interface
     3514 September 2010 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-incl-V09-03-02)
     37- Migrated to integer A and Z when using G4Nucleus
     38- Bugfixes:
     39  o Make sure we use Geant4 random number generators everywhere
     40  o Silenced some unnecessary warnings
     41  o Make sure we use INCL for all light ion projectiles up to Carbon-12
     4316 August 2010 - Pekka Kaitaniemi
     45- Moved the INCL input initialization to the INCL input class
     46- Implemented inverse-kinematics treatment for ion-hydrogen collisions
     4801 June 2010 - Pekka Kaitaniemi
     50- Improved the Fermi break-up configuration
     5226 February 2010 - Pekka Kaitaniemi
     54- Merged INCL light ion projectile support to the integration branch
     55  o Support infrastructure for light ions up to Carbon
     56  o Use Geant4 Fermi break-up for projectile spectators and light cascade
     57  remnants
    195914 June 2010 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-incl-V09-03-01)
    99139- use GetNuclearMass() instead of GetAtomicMass() in G4AblaEvaporation.cc
     14110 October 2008 - Pekka Kaitaniemi
     143- Added ability to use Geant4 Fermi break-up
     144  for light cascade remnants
    10114612 September 2008 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-incl-V09-01-02)
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/include/G4Abla.hh

    r962 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4Abla.hh,v 1.11 2008/06/25 17:20:03 kaitanie Exp $
     26// $Id: G4Abla.hh,v 1.13 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    3333#include "globals.hh"
     35#include "G4VInclLogger.hh"
    3536#include "G4InclRandomNumbers.hh"
    3637#include "G4AblaDataDefs.hh"
    7677  /**
     78   * Register the INCL/ABLA internal variable logger.
     79   */
     80  void registerLogger(G4VInclLogger *theLogger);
     82  /**
    7783   * Set verbosity level.
    7884   */
    79   void setVerboseLevel(G4int level) {
    80     verboseLevel = level;
    81   }
     85  void setVerboseLevel(G4int level);
    8387  /**
    102106   * @param eventnumber number of the event
    103107   */
    104   void breakItUp(G4double nucleusA, G4double nucleusZ, G4double nucleusMass, G4double excitationEnergy,
     108  void breakItUp(G4int nucleusA, G4int nucleusZ, G4double nucleusMass, G4double excitationEnergy,
    105109                 G4double angularMomentum, G4double recoilEnergy, G4double momX, G4double momY, G4double momZ,
    106110                 G4int eventnumber);
    322326  G4Volant *volant;
    323327  G4VarNtp *varntp; 
     329  G4VInclLogger *theLogger;
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/include/G4AblaDataDefs.hh

    r962 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4AblaDataDefs.hh,v 1.9 2008/06/25 17:20:04 kaitanie Exp $
     26// $Id: G4AblaDataDefs.hh,v 1.11 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    190190//#define VOLANTSIZE 200
    191 #define VOLANTSIZE 2000
     191#define VOLANTSIZE 301
    193193 * Evaporation and fission output data.
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/include/G4AblaEvaporation.hh

    r819 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4AblaEvaporation.hh,v 1.1 2007/09/11 13:18:42 miheikki Exp $
     26// $Id: G4AblaEvaporation.hh,v 1.3 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Defines an interface to evaporation models of Bertini cascase (BERT)
    2828// based on INUCL code.
    3535#include "G4Fragment.hh"
    3636#include "G4DynamicParticle.hh"
    3837#include "G4Abla.hh"
    9695  G4double CoulombBarrier;
     97  /**
     98   * ABLA evaporation
     99   */
     100  G4Abla *abla;
     101  G4VarNtp *varntp;
    98103#ifdef DEBUG
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/include/G4AblaFissionBase.hh

    r1337 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4AblaFissionBase.hh,v 1.3 2010/06/14 16:10:01 gcosmo Exp $
     26// $Id: G4AblaFissionBase.hh,v 1.5 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    3636#include "globals.hh"
     37#include "G4InclUtils.hh"
    5051                         G4double &A2, G4double &Z2, G4double &E2, G4double &K2) = 0;
     53  void setVerboseLevel(G4int level) {
     54    verboseLevel = level;
     55    if(verboseLevel > G4InclUtils::silent) {
     56      about();
     57      G4cout <<";; Fission model verbosity level set to " << verboseLevel << G4endl;
     58    }
     59  }
    5261  void about() {
    53     G4cout << aboutModel << G4endl;
     62    G4cout << ";; " << aboutModel << G4endl;
    5463  }
     70  G4int verboseLevel;
    6171  G4String aboutModel;
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/include/G4Incl.hh

    r1315 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4Incl.hh,v 1.16 2010/04/27 16:02:37 kaitanie Exp $
     26// $Id: G4Incl.hh,v 1.18 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    3939#include "G4Abla.hh"
    4040#include <fstream>
     41#include "G4VInclLogger.hh"
     42#include "G4InclInput.hh"
    4244using namespace std;
    6365   * @param varntp a pointer to G4VarNtp structure.   
    6466   */
    65   G4Incl(G4Hazard *hazard, G4Calincl *calincl, G4Ws *ws, G4Mat *mat, G4VarNtp *varntp);
     67  G4Incl(G4Hazard *hazard, G4InclInput *calincl, G4Ws *ws, G4Mat *mat, G4VarNtp *varntp);
    6769  /**
    8587  void dumpBl2(std::ofstream& dumpOut); // Dump the contents of G4Bl2.
    8688  void dumpBl3(std::ofstream& dumpOut); // Dump the contents of G4Bl3.
     90  /**
     91   * Set Fermi break-up use flag.
     92   */
     93  void setUseFermiBreakUp(G4bool useIt);
     95  /**
     96   * Set projectile spectator use flag.
     97   *
     98   * Select whether or not to produce so-called spectator nucleus from
     99   * the projectile nucleons that do not hit the target.
     100   */
     101  void setUseProjectileSpectators(G4bool useIt);
    88103  /**
    101116  void setSpl2Data(G4Spl2 *newSpl2);
    102117  void setMatData(G4Mat *newMat);
    103   void setCalinclData(G4Calincl *newCalincl);
     118  void setInput(G4InclInput *newCalincl);
    104119  void setLightNucData(G4LightNuc *newLightNuc);
    105120  void setLightGausNucData(G4LightGausNuc *newLightGausNuc);
    115130  void setKindData(G4Kind *newKind);
     132  /**
     133   * Register the logger.
     134   */
     135  void registerLogger(G4VInclLogger *aLogger) {
     136    if(aLogger != 0) {
     137      theLogger = aLogger;
     138      abla->registerLogger(aLogger);
     139   }
     140  }
    118143  /**
    119144   * Process one event with INCL4 only.
    120145   */
    121   void processEventIncl();
     146  void processEventIncl(G4InclInput *input);
    123148  /**
    124149   * Process one event with INCL4 and built-in ABLA evaporation and fission.
    125150   */
    126   void processEventInclAbla(G4int eventnumber);
     151  void processEventInclAbla(G4InclInput *input, G4int eventnumber);
    128153public: // Methods used to initialize INCL
    280305  void pnu(G4int *ibert_p, G4int *nopart_p, G4int *izrem_p, G4int *iarem_p, G4double *esrem_p,
    281306           G4double *erecrem_p, G4double *alrem_p, G4double *berem_p, G4double *garem_p,
    282            G4double *bimpact_p, G4int *l_p);
     307           G4double *bimpact_p, G4int *l_p, G4double *xjrem, G4double *yjrem, G4double *zjrem);
     309  //C projection de JREM sur Z:
     310  //        MREM=ANINT(ZJREM/197.328)
     311  //    IF (MREM.GT.JREM) MREM=JREM
     312  //    IF (MREM.LT.-JREM) MREM=-JREM
    284314  /**
    460490   * @return a double value
    461491   */
    462   G4double transmissionProb(G4double E, G4double iz, G4double izn, G4double r, G4double v0);
     492  //  G4double transmissionProb(G4double E, G4double iz, G4double izn, G4double r, G4double v0);
     493  //  G4double transmissionProb(G4double E, G4int iz, G4int izn, G4double r, G4double v0)
     494  G4double transmissionProb(G4double E, G4int iz, G4int ia, G4int izn, G4double r, G4double v0);
     495  //  G4double transmissionProb(G4double E, G4int iz, G4int ia, G4int izn,G4double R, G4double v0);
     496  //  G4double transmissionProb(G4double E, G4double iz, G4double izn, G4double r, G4double v0);
     498  void projo_spec(G4int ia1, G4int ips,
     499                        G4double fmpinc, G4double pinc, G4double tlab);
     501  void ordered(G4double t, G4int nb);
    464503  /**
    536575   * @param A mass number (double parameter)
    537576   */
    538   G4double radius(G4double A);
     577  G4double radius(G4int A);
    540579  /** Parametrisation de la section efficace de réaction calculée par incl4.1
    687726  /**
    688    * G4Calincl
    689    */
    690   G4Calincl *calincl;
     727   * INCL input data structure
     728   */
     729  G4InclInput *calincl;
    692731  /**
    744783   */
    745784  G4Kind *kindstruct;
     786  /**
     787   * Projectile properties.
     788   */
     789  G4Bev *bev;
    747791  /**
    820864  G4int densFunction;
     866  /**
     867   * Use fermi break-up?
     868   */
     869  G4bool useFermiBreakup;
     871  /**
     872   * Projectile spectator nucleus support?
     873   */
     874  G4bool useProjSpect;
     876  /**
     877   * Type of the particle at index i.
     878   *
     879   * The extension to large composite projectiles the value is
     880   * negative for projectile spectators. Otherwise the particle types
     881   * are given in exactly the same way as in G4Calincl::f[6].
     882   * @see G4Calincl::f
     883   */
    822884  G4int kind[300]; //= (*kind_p);
    823885  G4double ep[300]; // = (*ep_p);
    826888  G4double gam[300]; // = (*gam_p);
     890  G4VBe *be;
     891  G4InclProjSpect *ps;
     892  G4InclFermi *fermi;
     893  G4QuadvectProjo *qvp;
    828894  G4Volant *volant;
    829895  G4Abla *abla;
    830896  G4InclRandomInterface *randomGenerator;
     898  G4VInclLogger *theLogger;
    832899  G4int inside_step; // Flag to determine whether we are inside or outside a simulation step
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/include/G4InclAblaCascadeInterface.hh

    r1196 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4InclAblaCascadeInterface.hh,v 1.8 2009/11/18 10:43:14 kaitanie Exp $
     26// $Id: G4InclAblaCascadeInterface.hh,v 1.9 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    129129  G4Hazard *hazard; // The random seeds used by INCL.
    130130  G4VarNtp *varntp;
    131   G4Calincl *calincl;
     131  G4InclInput *calincl;
    132132  G4Ws *ws;
    133133  G4Mat *mat;
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/include/G4InclAblaLightIonInterface.hh

    r819 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4InclAblaLightIonInterface.hh,v 1.5 2007/10/31 10:44:22 miheikki Exp $
     26// $Id: G4InclAblaLightIonInterface.hh,v 1.7 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    48 #include "G4Nucleon.hh"
    49 #include "G4Nucleus.hh"
    50 #include "G4HadronicInteraction.hh"
    5148#include "G4VIntraNuclearTransportModel.hh"
    5249#include "G4KineticTrackVector.hh"
    108105  G4Hazard *hazard; // The random seeds used by INCL.
    109106  G4VarNtp *varntp;
    110   G4Calincl *calincl;
     107  G4InclInput *calincl;
    111108  G4Ws *ws;
    112109  G4Mat *mat;
    119116  G4double previousTargetA;
    120117  G4double previousTargetZ;
     118  G4bool useProjectileSpectator;
     119  G4bool useFermiBreakup;
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/include/G4InclCascadeInterface.hh

    r819 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4InclCascadeInterface.hh,v 1.5 2007/10/31 10:44:22 miheikki Exp $
     26// $Id: G4InclCascadeInterface.hh,v 1.6 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    5959#include "G4AblaDataDefs.hh"
    6060#include "G4Incl.hh"
     61#include "G4InclInput.hh"
    6263#include <fstream>
    107108  G4Hazard *hazard; // The random seeds used by INCL.
    108109  G4VarNtp *varntp;
    109   G4Calincl *calincl;
     110  G4InclInput *inclInput;
    110111  G4Ws *ws;
    111112  G4Mat *mat;
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/include/G4InclDataDefs.hh

    r1196 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4InclDataDefs.hh,v 1.7 2009/11/18 10:43:14 kaitanie Exp $
     26// $Id: G4InclDataDefs.hh,v 1.10 2010/10/28 15:35:50 gcosmo Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    3636#define InclDataDefs_hh 1
     38#include "G4Nucleus.hh"
     39#include "G4HadProjectile.hh"
     40#include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
     41#include "G4Track.hh"
     43class G4InclFermi {
     45  G4InclFermi() {
     46    G4double hc = 197.328;
     47    G4double fmp = 938.2796;
     48    pf=1.37*hc;
     49    pf2=pf*pf;
     50    tf=std::sqrt(pf*pf+fmp*fmp)-fmp;
     51  };
     52  ~G4InclFermi() {};
     54  G4double tf,pf,pf2;
     57#define max_a_proj 61
     60 * (eps_c,p1_s,p2_s,p3_s,eps_c used to store the kinematics of
     61 * nucleons for composit projectiles before entering the potential)
     62 */
     63class G4QuadvectProjo {
     65  G4QuadvectProjo() {};
     66  ~G4QuadvectProjo() {};
     68  G4double eps_c[max_a_proj],p3_c[max_a_proj],
     69    p1_s[max_a_proj],p2_s[max_a_proj],p3_s[max_a_proj],
     70    t_c[max_a_proj];
     73class G4VBe {
     75  G4VBe() {};
     76  ~G4VBe() {};
     78  G4int ia_be, iz_be;
     79  G4double rms_be, pms_be, bind_be;
     83 * Projectile spectator
     84 */
     85class G4InclProjSpect {
     87  G4InclProjSpect() {
     88    //    G4cout <<"Projectile spectator data structure created!" << G4endl;
     89  };
     90  ~G4InclProjSpect() {};
     92  void clear() {
     93    for(G4int i = 0; i < 21; i++) tab[i] = 0.0;
     94    for(G4int i = 0; i < 61; i++) n_projspec[i] = 0;
     95    a_projspec = 0;
     96    z_projspec = 0;
     97    m_projspec = 0.0;
     98    ex_projspec = 0.0;
     99    p1_projspec = 0.0;
     100    p2_projspec = 0.0;
     101    p3_projspec = 0.0;
     102  };
     104  G4double tab[21];
     105  G4int n_projspec[61];
     106  G4int a_projspec,z_projspec;
     107  G4double ex_projspec,t_projspec, p1_projspec, p2_projspec, p3_projspec, m_projspec;
    38110#define FSIZE 15
    42114class G4Calincl {
    44   G4Calincl() {};
     116  G4Calincl() {
     117    isExtendedProjectile = false;
     118  };
     120  G4Calincl(const G4HadProjectile &aTrack, const G4Nucleus &theNucleus, G4bool inverseKinematics = false) {
     121    for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
     122      f[i] = 0.0; // Initialize INCL input data
     123    }
     125    usingInverseKinematics = inverseKinematics;
     127    f[0] = theNucleus.GetA_asInt(); // Target mass number
     128    f[1] = theNucleus.GetZ_asInt(); // Target charge number
     129    f[6] = getBulletType(aTrack.GetDefinition()); // Projectile type (INCL particle code)
     130    f[2] = aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() / MeV; // Projectile energy (total, in MeV)
     131    f[5] = 1.0; // Time scaling
     132    f[4] = 45.0; // Nuclear potential
     133    setExtendedProjectileInfo(aTrack.GetDefinition());
     134    //    G4cout <<"Projectile type = " << f[6] << G4endl;
     135    //    G4cout <<"Energy = " << f[2] << G4endl;
     136    //    G4cout <<"Target A = " << f[0] << " Z = " << f[1] << G4endl;
     137  };
    45139  ~G4Calincl() {};
     141  static void printProjectileTargetInfo(const G4HadProjectile &aTrack, const G4Nucleus &theNucleus) {
     142    G4cout <<"Projectile = " << aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() << G4endl;
     143    G4cout <<"    four-momentum: " << aTrack.Get4Momentum() << G4endl;
     144    G4cout <<"Energy = " << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() / MeV << G4endl;
     145    G4cout <<"Target A = " << theNucleus.GetA_asInt() << " Z = " << theNucleus.GetZ_asInt() << G4endl;
     146  }
     148  static G4bool canUseInverseKinematics(const G4HadProjectile &aTrack, const G4Nucleus &theNucleus) {
     149    G4int targetA = theNucleus.GetA_asInt();
     150    const G4ParticleDefinition *projectileDef = aTrack.GetDefinition();
     151    G4int projectileA = projectileDef->GetAtomicMass();
     152    //    G4int projectileZ = projectileDef->GetAtomicNumber();
     153    if(targetA > 0 && targetA < 18 && (projectileDef != G4Proton::Proton() &&
     154                                       projectileDef != G4Neutron::Neutron() &&
     155                                       projectileDef != G4PionPlus::PionPlus() &&
     156                                       projectileDef != G4PionZero::PionZero() &&
     157                                       projectileDef != G4PionMinus::PionMinus()) &&
     158       projectileA > 1) {
     159      return true;
     160    } else {
     161      return false;
     162    }
     163  }
     165  G4double bulletE() {
     166    return f[2];
     167  }
     169  G4int getBulletType() {
     170    return G4int(f[6]);
     171  };
     173  void setExtendedProjectileInfo(const G4ParticleDefinition *pd) {
     174    if(getBulletType(pd) == -666) {
     175      extendedProjectileA = pd->GetAtomicMass();
     176      extendedProjectileZ = pd->GetAtomicNumber();
     177      isExtendedProjectile = true;
     178    } else {
     179      isExtendedProjectile = false;
     180    }
     181  };
     183  G4int getBulletType(const G4ParticleDefinition *pd) {
     184    G4ParticleTable *pt = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
     186    if(pd == G4Proton::Proton()) {
     187      return 1;
     188    } else if(pd == G4Neutron::Neutron()) {
     189      return 2;
     190    } else if(pd == G4PionPlus::PionPlus()) {
     191      return 3;
     192    } else if(pd == G4PionMinus::PionMinus()) {
     193      return 5;
     194    } else if(pd == G4PionZero::PionZero()) {
     195      return 4;
     196    } else if(pd == G4Deuteron::Deuteron()) {
     197      return 6;
     198    } else if(pd == G4Triton::Triton()) {
     199      return 7;
     200    } else if(pd == G4He3::He3()) {
     201      return 8;
     202    } else if(pd == G4Alpha::Alpha()) {
     203      return 9;
     204    } else if(pd == pt->GetIon(6, 12, 0.0)) { // C12 special case. This should be phased-out in favor of "extended projectile"
     205      return -12;
     206    } else { // Is this extended projectile?
     207      G4int A = pd->GetAtomicMass();
     208      G4int Z = pd->GetAtomicNumber();
     209      if(A > 4 && A <= 16 && Z > 2 && Z <= 8) { // Ions from Lithium to Oxygen
     210        return -666; // Code of an extended projectile
     211      }
     212    }
     213    G4cout <<"Error! Projectile " << pd->GetParticleName() << " not defined!" << G4endl;
     214    return 0;
     215  };
     217  G4bool isInverseKinematics() {
     218    return usingInverseKinematics;
     219  };
     221  G4double targetA() { return f[0]; };
     222  G4double targetZ() { return f[1]; };
     224  G4int extendedProjectileA;
     225  G4int extendedProjectileZ;
     226  G4bool isExtendedProjectile;
    47228  /**
    48229   * Here f is an array containing the following initial values:
    69250   */
    70251  G4int icoup;
     253  G4bool usingInverseKinematics;
    206389class G4Ws {
    208   G4Ws() {};
     391  G4Ws() {
     392    fneck = 0.0;
     393  };
    209394  ~G4Ws() {};
    256441   */
    257442  G4double bmax;
     444  G4double fneck;
    311498  G4int ind1[BL1SIZE],ind2[BL1SIZE];
    312499  G4double ta;
     501  void dump(G4int numberOfParticles) {
     502    static G4int dumpNumber = 0;
     503    G4cout <<"Dump number" << dumpNumber << " of particle 4-momenta (G4Bl1):" << G4endl;
     504    G4cout <<"ta = " << ta << G4endl;
     505    for(G4int i = 0; i < numberOfParticles; i++) {
     506      G4cout <<"i = " << i << "   p1 = " << p1[i] << "   p2 = " << p2[i] << "   p3 = " << p3[i] << "   eps = " << eps[i] << G4endl;
     507    }
     508    dumpNumber++;
     509  }
    383580   */
    384581  G4double rab2;
     583  void dump() {
     584    static G4int dumpNumber = 0;
     585    G4cout <<"Dump number" << dumpNumber << " of particle positions (G4Bl3):" << G4endl;
     586    G4cout <<" ia1 = " << ia1 << G4endl;
     587    G4cout <<" ia2 = " << ia2 << G4endl;
     588    G4cout <<" rab2 = " << rab2 << G4endl;
     589    for(G4int i = 0; i <= (ia1 + ia2); i++) {
     590      G4cout <<"i = " << i << "   x1 = " << x1[i] << "   x2 = " << x2[i] << "   x3 = " << x3[i] << G4endl;
     591    }
     592    dumpNumber++;
     593  }
     722 * Projectile parameters.
     723 */
     724class G4Bev {
     726  /**
     727   * Initialize all variables to zero.
     728   */
     729  G4Bev() {
     730    ia_be = 0;
     731    iz_be = 0;
     732    rms_be = 0.0;
     733    pms_be = 0.0;
     734    bind_be = 0.0;
     735  };
     736  ~G4Bev() {};
     738  /**
     739   * Mass number.
     740   */
     741  G4int ia_be;
     743  /**
     744   * Charge number.
     745   */
     746  G4int iz_be;
     748  /**
     749   * rms
     750   */
     751  G4double rms_be;
     753  /**
     754   * pms
     755   */
     756  G4double pms_be;
     758  /**
     759   * bind
     760   */
     761  G4double bind_be;
    512764#define VARSIZE 3
    513765#define VAEPSSIZE 250
    569 #define VARNTPSIZE 255
     821#define VARNTPSIZE 301
    570822class G4VarNtp {
    582834    targetA = 0;
    583835    targetZ = 0;
     836    masp = 0.0; mzsp = 0.0; exsp = 0.0;
     837    // To be deleted?
     838    spectatorA = 0;
     839    spectatorZ = 0;
     840    spectatorEx = 0.0;
     841    spectatorM = 0.0;
     842    spectatorT = 0.0;
     843    spectatorP1 = 0.0;
     844    spectatorP2 = 0.0;
     845    spectatorP3 = 0.0;
    584846    massini = 0;
    585847    mzini = 0;
    590852    pyrem = 0;
    591853    pzrem = 0;
     854    erecrem = 0;
    592855    mulncasc = 0;
    593856    mulnevap = 0;
    600863    iafis = 0;
    601864    ntrack = 0;
     865    needsFermiBreakup = false;
    602866    for(G4int i = 0; i < VARNTPSIZE; i++) {
    603867      itypcasc[i] = 0;
    612876  }
     878  /**
     879   * Add a particle to the INCL/ABLA final output.
     880   */
    614881  void addParticle(G4double A, G4double Z, G4double E, G4double P, G4double theta, G4double phi) {
    615882    if(full[particleIndex]) {
    7531020  /**
     1021   * Projectile spectator A, Z, Eex;
     1022   */
     1023  G4double masp, mzsp, exsp, mrem;
     1025  /**
     1026   * Spectator nucleus mass number for light ion projectile support.
     1027   */
     1028  G4int spectatorA;
     1030  /**
     1031   * Spectator nucleus charge number for light ion projectile support.
     1032   */
     1033  G4int spectatorZ;
     1035  /**
     1036   * Spectator nucleus excitation energy for light ion projectile support.
     1037   */
     1038  G4double spectatorEx;
     1040  /**
     1041   * Spectator nucleus mass.
     1042   */
     1043  G4double spectatorM;
     1045  /**
     1046   * Spectator nucleus kinetic energy.
     1047   */
     1048  G4double spectatorT;
     1050  /**
     1051   * Spectator nucleus momentum x-component.
     1052   */
     1053  G4double spectatorP1;
     1055  /**
     1056   * Spectator nucleus momentum y-component.
     1057   */
     1058  G4double spectatorP2;
     1060  /**
     1061   * Spectator nucleus momentum z-component.
     1062   */
     1063  G4double spectatorP3;
     1065  /**
    7541066   * A of the remnant.
    7551067   */
    7661078  G4double exini;
    768   G4double pcorem, mcorem, pxrem, pyrem, pzrem;
     1080  G4double pcorem, mcorem, pxrem, pyrem, pzrem, erecrem;
    7701082  /**
    8271139  /**
     1140   * Does this nucleus require Fermi break-up treatment? Only
     1141   * applicable when used together with Geant4.
     1142   * true = do fermi break-up (and skip ABLA part)
     1143   * false = use ABLA
     1144   */
     1145  G4bool needsFermiBreakup;
     1147  /**
    8281148   * emitted in cascade (0) or evaporation (1).
    8291149   */
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/include/G4InclLightIonInterface.hh

    r819 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4InclLightIonInterface.hh,v 1.5 2007/10/31 10:44:22 miheikki Exp $
     26// $Id: G4InclLightIonInterface.hh,v 1.6 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    108108  G4Hazard *hazard; // The random seeds used by INCL.
    109109  G4VarNtp *varntp;
    110   G4Calincl *calincl;
     110  G4InclInput *calincl;
    111111  G4Ws *ws;
    112112  G4Mat *mat;
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/include/G4InclRandomNumbers.hh

    r1337 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4InclRandomNumbers.hh,v 1.4 2010/06/14 16:10:01 gcosmo Exp $
     26// $Id: G4InclRandomNumbers.hh,v 1.6 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    5454   */
    5555  virtual G4double getRandom() = 0;
     56  virtual void printSeeds() = 0;
    5858  G4long seed;
    7777    return 0.5;
    7878  }
     80  void printSeeds() {};
    9698    return G4UniformRand();
    9799  }
     101  void printSeeds() {
     102    G4cout <<"Using Geant4 random number generator." << G4endl;
     103  };
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/include/G4Ranecu.hh

    r967 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4Ranecu.hh,v 1.3 2008/06/25 17:20:04 kaitanie Exp $
     26// $Id: G4Ranecu.hh,v 1.5 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    4040  G4double getRandom();
     41  void printSeeds() {
     42    G4cout <<"Seed1 = " << iseed1 << G4endl;
     43    G4cout <<"Seed2 = " << iseed2 << G4endl;
     44  };
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/src/G4Abla.cc

    r1196 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4Abla.cc,v 1.20 2009/11/18 10:43:14 kaitanie Exp $
     26// $Id: G4Abla.cc,v 1.22 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
     100void G4Abla::setVerboseLevel(G4int level)
     102  verboseLevel = level;
     103  if(verboseLevel > G4InclUtils::silent) {
     104    G4cout <<";; G4Abla: Setting verbose level to " << verboseLevel << G4endl;
     105  }
     106  fissionModel->setVerboseLevel(verboseLevel);
     122void G4Abla::registerLogger(G4VInclLogger *theLogger) {
     123  if(theLogger != NULL) {
     124    this->theLogger = theLogger;
     125  }
    113128// Main interface to the evaporation
    118133// G4Fragment?
    120 void G4Abla::breakItUp(G4double nucleusA, G4double nucleusZ, G4double nucleusMass, G4double excitationEnergy,
     135void G4Abla::breakItUp(G4int nucleusA, G4int nucleusZ, G4double nucleusMass, G4double excitationEnergy,
    121136                       G4double angularMomentum, G4double recoilEnergy, G4double momX, G4double momY, G4double momZ,
    122137                       G4int eventnumber)
    187202  G4double esrem = excitationEnergy;
    189   G4double aprf = nucleusA;
    190   G4double zprf = nucleusZ;
     204  G4double aprf = (double) nucleusA;
     205  G4double zprf = (double) nucleusZ;
    191206  G4double mcorem = nucleusMass;
    192207  G4double ee = excitationEnergy;
    209224  G4double pcorem = std::sqrt(erecrem*(erecrem +2.*938.2796*nucleusA));
     225#ifdef G4INCLDEBUG
     226  theLogger->fillHistogram1D("pcorem", pcorem);
    210228    // G4double pcorem = std::sqrt(std::pow(momX,2) + std::pow(momY,2) + std::pow(momZ,2));
    211229  if(pcorem != 0) { // Guard against division by zero.
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/src/G4AblaEvaporation.cc

    r962 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4AblaEvaporation.cc,v 1.4 2008/10/24 21:07:40 dennis Exp $
     26// $Id: G4AblaEvaporation.cc,v 1.6 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2828#include <numeric>
    8282  hazard->igraine[17] = 33759;
    8383  hazard->igraine[18] = 13227;
     85  G4VarNtp *evaporationResult = new G4VarNtp();
     86  G4Volant *volant = new G4Volant();
     88  // Initialize evaporation.
     89  abla = new G4Abla(hazard, volant, evaporationResult);
     90  abla->initEvapora();
    110 G4FragmentVector * G4AblaEvaporation::BreakItUp(const G4Fragment &theNucleus) {
    113   G4VarNtp *varntp = new G4VarNtp();
    114   G4Volant *volant = new G4Volant();
    116   G4Abla *abla = new G4Abla(hazard, volant, varntp);
    117   G4cout <<"Initializing evaporation..." << G4endl;
    118   abla->initEvapora();
    119   G4cout <<"Initialization complete!" << G4endl;
    121   G4double nucleusA = theNucleus.GetA();
    122   G4double nucleusZ = theNucleus.GetZ();
     117G4FragmentVector * G4AblaEvaporation::BreakItUp(const G4Fragment &theNucleus) { 
     118  G4int nucleusA = theNucleus.GetA_asInt();
     119  G4int nucleusZ = theNucleus.GetZ_asInt();
    123120  G4double nucleusMass = G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(nucleusA, nucleusZ);
    124121  G4double excitationEnergy = theNucleus.GetExcitationEnergy();
    138135  varntp->ntrack = -1;
    139   varntp->massini = theNucleus.GetA();
    140   varntp->mzini = theNucleus.GetZ();
     136  varntp->massini = theNucleus.GetA_asInt();
     137  varntp->mzini = theNucleus.GetZ_asInt();
    142139  std::vector<G4DynamicParticle*> cascadeParticles;
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/src/G4Incl.cc

    r1315 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4Incl.cc,v 1.30 2010/04/27 16:02:37 kaitanie Exp $
     26// $Id: G4Incl.cc,v 1.33 2010/10/29 06:48:43 gunter Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    4949  densFunction = 5;
     51  // Default: no Fermi break-up
     52  useFermiBreakup = false;
     54  // Default: no projectile spectators
     55  useProjSpect = false;
    5157  randomGenerator = new G4InclGeant4Random();
    52   //randomGenerator = new G4Ranecu();
     58  //  randomGenerator = new G4Ranecu();
    5763  verboseLevel = 0;
     65  // Default: no Fermi break-up
     66  useFermiBreakup = false;
     68  // Default: no projectile spectators
     69  useProjSpect = false;
    5971  // Set functions to be used for integration routine. 
    7183  ws = aWs;
    73   //randomGenerator = new G4Ranecu();
     85  //  randomGenerator = new G4Ranecu();
    7486  randomGenerator = new G4InclGeant4Random();
    77 G4Incl::G4Incl(G4Hazard *aHazard, G4Calincl *aCalincl, G4Ws *aWs, G4Mat *aMat, G4VarNtp *aVarntp)
     89G4Incl::G4Incl(G4Hazard *aHazard, G4InclInput *aCalincl, G4Ws *aWs, G4Mat *aMat, G4VarNtp *aVarntp)
    7991  verboseLevel = 0;
     93  // Default: no Fermi break-up
     94  useFermiBreakup = false;
     96  // Default: no projectile spectators
     97  useProjSpect = false;
    8199  // Set functions to be used for integration routine.   
    96114  randomGenerator = new G4InclGeant4Random();
    97   // randomGenerator = new G4Ranecu();
     115  //  randomGenerator = new G4Ranecu();
    98116  light_gaus_nuc = new G4LightGausNuc();
    99117  light_nuc = new G4LightNuc();
    111129  bl10 = new G4Bl10();
    112130  kindstruct = new G4Kind();
     131  bev = new G4Bev();
    113132  paul = new G4Paul();
    114133  varavat = new G4VarAvat();
    115134  varavat->kveux = 0;
     136  be = new G4VBe();
     137  ps = new G4InclProjSpect();
     138  fermi = new G4InclFermi();
     139  qvp = new G4QuadvectProjo();
    117141  volant = new G4Volant();
    123147  abla = new G4Abla(hazard, volant, evaporationResult);
    124148  abla->initEvapora();
     150  theLogger = 0;
    143169  delete bl10;
    144170  delete kindstruct;
     171  delete bev;
    145172  delete paul;
    146173  delete varavat;
    149176  delete evaporationResult;
    150177  delete volant;
     180void G4Incl::setUseFermiBreakUp(G4bool useIt)
     182  useFermiBreakup = useIt;
     185void G4Incl::setUseProjectileSpectators(G4bool useIt)
     187  useProjSpect = useIt;
    237274  verboseLevel = level;
     275  if(verboseLevel > G4InclUtils::silent) {
     276    G4cout <<";; G4Incl: Setting verbose level to " << verboseLevel << G4endl;
     277  }
     278  abla->setVerboseLevel(level);
    270 void G4Incl::setCalinclData(G4Calincl *newCalincl)
     311void G4Incl::setInput(G4InclInput *newCalincl)
    272313  calincl = newCalincl;
    342383 */
    344 void G4Incl::processEventIncl()
    345 {
     385void G4Incl::processEventIncl(G4InclInput *input)
     387  if(input == 0) {
     388    G4cerr <<"G4Incl fatal error: NULL pointer passed as input!" << G4endl;
     389    return;
     390  }
     391  calincl = input;
    346393  const G4double uma = 931.4942;
    347394  const G4double melec = 0.511;
    356403  varntp->clear();
    357   if(calincl->f[6] == 3.0) { // pi+
     404  if(calincl->bulletType() == 3) { // pi+
    358405    mprojo = 139.56995;
    359406    ap = 0.0;
    361408  }
    363   if(calincl->f[6] == 4.0) { // pi0
     410  if(calincl->bulletType() == 4) { // pi0
    364411    mprojo = 134.9764;
    365412    ap = 0.0;
    367414  }
    369   if(calincl->f[6] == 5.0) { // pi-
     416  if(calincl->bulletType() == 5) { // pi-
    370417    mprojo = 139.56995;
    371418    ap = 0.0;
    375422  // Coulomb en entree seulement pour les particules ci-dessous.
    376   if(calincl->f[6] == 1.0) { // proton
     423  if(calincl->bulletType() == 1) { // proton
    377424    mprojo = 938.27231;
    378425    ap = 1.0;
    380427  }
    382   if(calincl->f[6] == 2.0) { // neutron 
     429  if(calincl->bulletType() == 2) { // neutron 
    383430    mprojo = 939.56563;
    384431    ap = 1.0;
    386433  }
    388   if(calincl->f[6] == 6.0) { // deuteron
     435  if(calincl->bulletType() == 6) { // deuteron
    389436    mprojo = 1875.61276;
    390437    ap = 2.0;
    392439  }
    394   if(calincl->f[6] == 7.0) { // triton
     441  if(calincl->bulletType() == 7) { // triton
    395442    mprojo = 2808.95;
    396443    ap = 3.0;
    398445  }
    400   if(calincl->f[6] == 8.0) { // He3
     447  if(calincl->bulletType() == 8) { // He3
    401448    mprojo = 2808.42;
    402449    ap = 3.0;
    404451  }
    406   if(calincl->f[6] == 9.0) { // Alpha
     453  if(calincl->bulletType() == 9) { // Alpha
    407454    mprojo = 3727.42;
    408455    ap = 4.0;
    410457  }
    412   pbeam = std::sqrt(calincl->f[2]*(calincl->f[2] + 2.0*mprojo));         
    414   G4double at = calincl->f[0];
     459  if(calincl->bulletType() == -12) { // Carbon
     460    mprojo = 12.0 * 938.27231;
     461    ap = 12.0;
     462    zp = 6.0;
     463  } else if(calincl->bulletType() == -666) { // Generic extended ion projectile
     464    mprojo = calincl->extendedProjectileA() * 938.27231;
     465    ap = calincl->extendedProjectileA();
     466    zp = calincl->extendedProjectileZ();
     467  }
     469  pbeam = std::sqrt(calincl->bulletE()*(calincl->bulletE() + 2.0*mprojo));         
     471  G4double at = calincl->targetA();
    416   calincl->f[3] = 0.0;    // seuil sortie proton
    417   calincl->f[7] = 0.0;    // seuil sortie neutron
    419473  G4int ibert = 1;
    435489  G4double probaTrans = 0.0;
    436490  G4double rndm = 0.0;
    437   if((calincl->f[6] == 1.0) || (calincl->f[6] >= 6.0)) {
    438     probaTrans = coulombTransm(calincl->f[2],ap,zp,calincl->f[0],calincl->f[1]);
     492  if((calincl->bulletType() == 1) || (calincl->bulletType() >= 6)) {
     493    probaTrans = coulombTransm(calincl->bulletE(),ap,zp,calincl->targetA(),calincl->targetZ());
    439494    standardRandom(&rndm, &(hazard->ial));
    440495    if(rndm <= (1.0 - probaTrans)) {
    447502   * Call the actual INCL routine.
    448503   */
    449   pnu(&ibert, &nopart,&izrem,&iarem,&esrem,&erecrem,&alrem,&berem,&garem,&bimpac,&jrem);
     505  //  randomGenerator->printSeeds();
     506  G4double jremx, jremy, jremz;
     507  pnu(&ibert, &nopart,&izrem,&iarem,&esrem,&erecrem,&alrem,&berem,&garem,&bimpac,&jrem,
     508      &jremx, &jremy, &jremz);
    450509  forceAbsor(&nopart, &iarem, &izrem, &esrem, &erecrem, &alrem, &berem, &garem, &jrem);
    451510  G4double aprf = double(iarem); // mass number of the prefragment
    480539   * -following the approximations of the cugnon code (esrem...)
    481540   */
    482   G4double f0 = calincl->f[0];
    483   G4double f1 = calincl->f[1];
    484   G4double f2 = calincl->f[2];
     541  G4double f0 = calincl->targetA();
     542  G4double f1 = calincl->targetZ();
     543  G4double f2 = calincl->bulletE();
    485544  G4double mcorem = mprojo + f2 + abla->pace2(f0, f1) + f0 * uma - f1 * melec;
    682 void G4Incl::processEventInclAbla(G4int eventnumber)
    683 {
     741void G4Incl::processEventInclAbla(G4InclInput *input, G4int eventnumber)
     743  //G4cout <<"Starting event " << eventnumber << G4endl;
     744  if(input == 0) {
     745    G4cerr <<"G4Incl fatal error: NULL pointer passed as input!" << G4endl;
     746    return;
     747  }
     748  calincl = input;
    684750  const G4double uma = 931.4942;
    685751  const G4double melec = 0.511;
     752  const G4double fmp = 938.2796;
    687754  G4double pcorem = 0.0;
    694761  varntp->clear();
     763  if(calincl->bulletType() == -12) {
     764    be->ia_be = std::abs(calincl->bulletType());
     765    be->iz_be = 6;
     766  } else if(calincl->bulletType() == -666) {
     767    be->iz_be = calincl->extendedProjectileZ();
     768    be->ia_be = calincl->extendedProjectileA();
     769  }
     771  if(calincl->isExtendedProjectile() == false && calincl->bulletType() < -max_a_proj) {
     772  //  if(calincl->bulletType() < -max_a_proj) {
     773    G4cout <<"max a of composite projectile is: " << max_a_proj << G4endl;
     774    exit(0);
     775  }
     776  if(calincl->bulletType() < 0) {
     777    //    calincl->bulletType() = std::floor(calincl->bulletType() + 0.1); WTF???
     778    be->pms_be=100.;
     779    G4int i_tabled=0;
     780    if(be->iz_be == 3 && be->ia_be == 6) {
     781      be->rms_be=2.56;
     782      be->bind_be=32.0;
     783      i_tabled=1;
     784    } else if(be->iz_be == 3 && be->ia_be == 7) { // TODO: Check the values!
     785      be->rms_be=2.56;
     786      be->bind_be=32.0;
     787      i_tabled=1;
     788    } else if(be->iz_be == 3 && be->ia_be == 8) {
     789      be->rms_be=2.40;
     790      be->bind_be=39.25;
     791      i_tabled=1;
     792    } else if(be->iz_be == 4 && be->ia_be == 7) {
     793      be->rms_be=2.51;
     794      be->bind_be=58.17;
     795      i_tabled=1;
     796    } else if(be->iz_be == 4 && be->ia_be == 9) {
     797      be->rms_be=2.51;
     798      be->bind_be=58.17;
     799      i_tabled=1;
     800    } else if(be->iz_be == 4 && be->ia_be == 10) {
     801      be->rms_be=2.45;
     802      be->bind_be=64.75;
     803      i_tabled=1;
     804    } else if(be->iz_be == 5 && be->ia_be == 10) {
     805      be->rms_be=2.45;
     806      be->bind_be=64.75;
     807      i_tabled=1;
     808    } else if(be->iz_be == 5 && be->ia_be == 11) {
     809      be->rms_be=2.40;
     810      be->bind_be=76.21;
     811      i_tabled=1;
     812    } else if(be->iz_be == 6 && be->ia_be == 9) { // TODO: Check the values!
     813      be->rms_be=2.44;
     814      be->bind_be=92.17;
     815      i_tabled=1;
     816    } else if(be->iz_be == 6 && be->ia_be == 10) { // TODO: Check the values!
     817      be->rms_be=2.44;
     818      be->bind_be=92.17;
     819      i_tabled=1;
     820    } else if(be->iz_be == 6 && be->ia_be == 11) { // TODO: Check the values!
     821      be->rms_be=2.44;
     822      be->bind_be=92.17;
     823      i_tabled=1;
     824    } else if(be->iz_be == 6 && calincl->bulletType() == -12) { // Special Carbon case
     825      G4cout <<"Carbon 12 (special) selected." << G4endl;
     826      be->rms_be=2.44;
     827      be->bind_be=92.17;
     828      i_tabled=1;
     829    } else if(be->iz_be == 6 && be->ia_be == 12) {
     830      be->rms_be=2.44;
     831      be->bind_be=92.17;
     832      i_tabled=1;
     833    } else if(be->iz_be == 7 && be->ia_be == 16) {
     834      be->rms_be=2.73;
     835      be->bind_be=127.62;
     836      i_tabled=1;
     837    } else {
     838      G4cout <<"Warning: No rms and binding for projectile ion A = " << be->ia_be << " Z = " << be->iz_be << G4endl;
     839      be->rms_be=2.44;
     840      be->bind_be=92.17;
     841      G4cout <<"Warning: Using probably bad values rms = " << be->rms_be << " binding = " << be->bind_be << G4endl;
     842      i_tabled=1;     
     843    }
     845    if(i_tabled == 0) {
     846      G4cout <<"This heavy ion (a,z)= " << be->ia_be << " " << be->iz_be << " is not defined as beam in INCL" << G4endl;
     847      exit(0);
     848    }
     850    //    G4cout <<"z projectile, rms_r, rms_p (gaussian model)" << be->iz_be << " " << be->rms_be << " " << be->pms_be << G4endl;
     851    //    G4cout <<"binding energy (mev):" << be->bind_be << G4endl;
     852    //    G4cout <<"fermi-breakup dresner below a=" << calincl->f[11] << G4endl;
     853  }     
     854  //  G4cout <<"Target Mass and Charge: " << calincl->targetA() << " " << calincl->targetZ() << G4endl;
     855  //  calincl->f[10] = 0; // No clusters
     857  if(calincl->bulletType() == -12) {  // C12 special case
     858    mprojo=fmp*std::abs(calincl->bulletType()) - be->bind_be;
     859    pbeam=std::sqrt(calincl->bulletE()*(calincl->bulletE()+2.*mprojo));
     860    ap=std::abs(calincl->bulletType());
     861    zp=be->iz_be;
     862  } else if(calincl->bulletType() == -666) { // Generic extended projectile
     863    mprojo=fmp*be->ia_be - be->bind_be;
     864    pbeam=std::sqrt(calincl->bulletE()*(calincl->bulletE()+2.*mprojo));
     865    ap=be->ia_be;
     866    zp=be->iz_be;
     867  }
    696868  // pi+
    697   if(calincl->f[6] == 3.0) {
     869  if(calincl->bulletType() == 3) {
    698870    mprojo = 139.56995;
    699871    ap = 0.0;
    703875  // pi0
    704   if(calincl->f[6] == 4.0) {
     876  if(calincl->bulletType() == 4) {
    705877    mprojo = 134.9764;
    706878    ap = 0.0;
    710882  // pi-
    711   if(calincl->f[6] == 5.0) {
     883  if(calincl->bulletType() == 5) {
    712884    mprojo = 139.56995;
    713885    ap = 0.0;
    719891  // proton
    720   if(calincl->f[6] == 1.0) {
     892  if(calincl->bulletType() == 1) {
    721893    mprojo = 938.27231;
    722894    ap = 1.0;
    726898  // neutron 
    727   if(calincl->f[6] == 2.0) {
     899  if(calincl->bulletType() == 2) {
    728900    mprojo = 939.56563;
    729901    ap = 1.0;
    733905  // deuteron
    734   if(calincl->f[6] == 6.0) {
     906  if(calincl->bulletType() == 6) {
    735907    mprojo = 1875.61276;
    736908    ap = 2.0;
    740912  // triton
    741   if(calincl->f[6] == 7.0) {
     913  if(calincl->bulletType() == 7) {
    742914    mprojo = 2808.95;
    743915    ap = 3.0;
    747919  // He3
    748   if(calincl->f[6] == 8.0) {
     920  if(calincl->bulletType() == 8) {
    749921    mprojo = 2808.42;
    750922    ap = 3.0;
    754926  // Alpha
    755   if(calincl->f[6] == 9.0) {
     927  if(calincl->bulletType() == 9) {
    756928    mprojo = 3727.42;
    757929    ap = 4.0;
    759931  }
    761   pbeam = std::sqrt(calincl->f[2]*(calincl->f[2] + 2.0*mprojo));         
    763   G4double at = calincl->f[0];
     933  // Carbon
     934  if(calincl->bulletType() == -12) {
     935    mprojo = 6.0*938.27231 + 6.0*939.56563;
     936    ap = 12.0;
     937    zp = 6.0;
     938  }
     940  pbeam = std::sqrt(calincl->bulletE()*(calincl->bulletE() + 2.0*mprojo));         
     942  G4double at = calincl->targetA();
    765   calincl->f[3] = 0.0;    //     !seuil sortie proton
    766   calincl->f[7] = 0.0;  //       !seuil sortie neutron
    768944  G4int ibert = 1;
    777953  G4double bimpac = 0.0;
    778954  G4int jrem = 0;
     955  G4double xjrem = 0.0, yjrem = 0.0, zjrem = 0.0;
    779956  G4double alrem = 0.0;
    784961  G4double rndm = 0.0;
    786   if((calincl->f[6] == 1.0) || (calincl->f[6] >= 6.0)) {
    787     //    probaTrans = coulombTransm(calincl->f[2],apro,zpro,calincl->f[0],calincl->f[1]);
    788     probaTrans = coulombTransm(calincl->f[2],ap,zp,calincl->f[0],calincl->f[1]);
     963  if((calincl->bulletType() == 1) || (calincl->bulletType() >= 6)) {
     964    //    probaTrans = coulombTransm(calincl->bulletE(),apro,zpro,calincl->targetA(),calincl->targetZ());
     965    probaTrans = coulombTransm(calincl->bulletE(),ap,zp,calincl->targetA(),calincl->targetZ());
    789966    standardRandom(&rndm, &(hazard->ial));
    790967    if(rndm <= (1.0 - probaTrans)) {
    794971  }
     973  //  G4cout <<"Before PNU:" << G4endl;
     974  //  randomGenerator->printSeeds();
    796975  // Call the actual INCL routine:
    797   pnu(&ibert, &nopart,&izrem,&iarem,&esrem,&erecrem,&alrem,&berem,&garem,&bimpac,&jrem);
     976  pnu(&ibert, &nopart,&izrem,&iarem,&esrem,&erecrem,&alrem,&berem,&garem,&bimpac,
     977      &jrem, &xjrem, &yjrem, &zjrem);
     978  //  G4cout <<"After PNU:" << G4endl;
     979  //  randomGenerator->printSeeds();
     980  G4double mrem = int(zjrem/197.328); // CHECK
     981  if (mrem > jrem) mrem=jrem;
     982  if (mrem < -jrem) mrem=-jrem;
    798984//   nopart=1;
    799985//   kind[0]=1;
    8461032  //                -from energy balance (input - all emitted energies)
    8471033  //                -following the approximations of the cugnon code (esrem...)
    848   G4double mcorem = mprojo + calincl->f[2] + abla->pace2(double(calincl->f[0]),double(calincl->f[1]))
    849     + calincl->f[0]*uma - calincl->f[1]*melec;
     1034  G4double mcorem = mprojo + calincl->bulletE() + abla->pace2(double(calincl->targetA()),double(calincl->targetZ()))
     1035    + calincl->targetA()*uma - calincl->targetZ()*melec;
    8511037  G4double pxbil = 0.0;
    8551041  if(nopart > -1) {
    856     for(G4int j = 0; j < nopart; j++) {
    857       if(ep[j] < 0.0) continue; // Workaround to avoid negative energies (and taking std::sqrt of a negative number).
    858       varntp->itypcasc[j] = 1;
     1042    // Fill the projectile spectator variables
     1043    varntp->masp = ps->a_projspec;
     1044    varntp->mzsp = ps->z_projspec;
     1045    varntp->exsp = ps->ex_projspec;
     1046    varntp->spectatorP1 = ps->p1_projspec;
     1047    varntp->spectatorP2 = ps->p2_projspec;
     1048    varntp->spectatorP3 = ps->p3_projspec;
     1049    varntp->spectatorT = ps->t_projspec;
     1050    for(G4int j = 0; j <= nopart; j++) {
     1051      if(ep[j] < 0.0) { // Workaround to avoid negative energies (and taking std::sqrt of a negative number).
     1052        G4cout <<"G4Incl: Not registering particle with energy: " << ep[j] << G4endl;
     1053        continue;
     1054      }
     1055      if(kind[j] == 0) continue; // Empty particle rows are sometimes produced by lurking indexing problems. We can simply skip those "bad" entries...
     1056      if(gam[j] > CLHEP::pi) {
     1057        if(verboseLevel > 2) {
     1058          G4cout <<"G4Incl: Just avoided floating point exception by using an ugly hack..." << G4endl;
     1059        }
     1060        continue; // Avoid floating point exception
     1061      }
     1063      varntp->itypcasc[j] = 1; // Particle was produced by the cascade
     1064      // Spectators of composite projectiles (7/2006, AB)
     1065      // (kind is negative in that case)
     1066      if(kind[j] <= 0) { // Particle is a projectile spectator that comes directly from the cascade
     1067        kind[j] *= -1;
     1068        varntp->itypcasc[j]=-1;
     1069        //      G4cout <<"Spectator registered!" << G4endl;
     1070        //      continue;
     1071      }
    8591073      // kind(): 1=proton, 2=neutron, 3=pi+, 4=pi0, 5=pi -     
    8601074      if(kind[j] == 1) {
    9981212    pzbil = pzbil + pzrem;
     1214    // If on purpose, add here the spectator nuclei:   
     1215    if(calincl->bulletType() < 0 && ps->a_projspec != 0) {
     1216      pxbil=pxbil+ps->p1_projspec;
     1217      pybil=pybil+ps->p2_projspec;
     1218      pzbil=pzbil+ps->p3_projspec;
     1219    }
    10001221    if((std::fabs(pzbil - pbeam) > 5.0) || (std::sqrt(std::pow(pxbil,2) + std::pow(pybil,2)) >= 3.0)) {
    10011222      if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    10141235    // on recopie le remnant dans le ntuple
    1015     // varntp->ntrack = varntp->ntrack + 1;
     1236    varntp->ntrack = varntp->ntrack + 1;
    10161237    varntp->massini = iarem;
    10171238    varntp->mzini = izrem;
    10181239    varntp->exini = esrem;
     1240    varntp->pxrem = pxrem;
     1241    varntp->pyrem = pyrem;
     1242    varntp->pzrem = pzrem;
     1243    varntp->mcorem = mcorem;
     1244    varntp->erecrem = pcorem;
     1245    varntp->erecrem = erecrem;
    10201247    if(verboseLevel > 2) {
    10221249      varntp->dump();
    10231250    }
    1024     // Evaporation/fission:
    1025     evaporationResult->ntrack = 0;
    1026     abla->breakItUp(varntp->massini, varntp->mzini, mcorem, varntp->exini, varntp->jremn,
    1027                     erecrem, pxrem, pyrem, pzrem, eventnumber);
    1029     if(verboseLevel > 2) {
    1030       G4cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "Dump evaporationResult after evaporation: " << G4endl;
    1031       evaporationResult->dump();
    1032     }
    1033     for(G4int evaporatedParticle = 0; evaporatedParticle < evaporationResult->ntrack; evaporatedParticle++) {
    1034       if(evaporationResult->avv[evaporatedParticle] == 0 && evaporationResult->zvv[evaporatedParticle] == 0) { //Fix: Skip "empty" particles with A = 0 and Z = 0
    1035         // continue;
    1036       }
    1037       varntp->kfis = evaporationResult->kfis;
    1038       varntp->itypcasc[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->itypcasc[evaporatedParticle];
    1039       varntp->avv[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->avv[evaporatedParticle];
    1040       varntp->zvv[varntp->ntrack]= evaporationResult->zvv[evaporatedParticle];
    1041       varntp->plab[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->plab[evaporatedParticle];
    1042       varntp->enerj[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->enerj[evaporatedParticle];
    1043       varntp->tetlab[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->tetlab[evaporatedParticle];
    1044       varntp->philab[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->philab[evaporatedParticle];
    1045       varntp->ntrack++;
    1046       if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    1047         G4cout <<"G4Incl: Returning evaporation result"           << G4endl;
    1048         G4cout <<"G4Incl: A = " << varntp->avv[varntp->ntrack]    << " Z = " << varntp->zvv[varntp->ntrack] << G4endl;
    1049         G4cout <<"Energy: "     << varntp->enerj[varntp->ntrack]  << G4endl;
    1050         G4cout <<"Momentum: "   << varntp->plab[varntp->ntrack]   << G4endl;
    1051         G4cout <<"Theta: "      << varntp->tetlab[varntp->ntrack] << G4endl;
    1052         G4cout <<"Phi: "        << varntp->philab[varntp->ntrack] << G4endl;
    1053       }
    1054     }
    1055     if(verboseLevel > 2) {
    1056       G4cout <<"G4Incl: ntrack = "          << varntp->ntrack << G4endl;
    1057       G4cout <<"G4Incl: Done extracting..." << G4endl;
    1058     }
     1251    // Maximum remnant for Geant4 Fermi break-up: A = 17, Z = 8
     1252    if(varntp->massini < 17 && varntp->exini < 1000 && varntp->massini > 0 && varntp->mzini > 0 && useFermiBreakup) { // Choose between Fermi break-up and ABLA
     1253      varntp->needsFermiBreakup = true;
     1254    } else {
     1255      varntp->needsFermiBreakup = false;
     1256      // Evaporation/fission:
     1257      evaporationResult->ntrack = 0;
     1258      abla->breakItUp(G4int(varntp->massini), G4int(varntp->mzini), mcorem, varntp->exini, varntp->jremn,
     1259                      erecrem, pxrem, pyrem, pzrem, eventnumber);
     1261      if(verboseLevel > 2) {
     1262        G4cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "Dump evaporationResult after evaporation: " << G4endl;
     1263        evaporationResult->dump();
     1264      }
     1265      for(G4int evaporatedParticle = 0; evaporatedParticle < evaporationResult->ntrack; evaporatedParticle++) {
     1266        if(evaporationResult->avv[evaporatedParticle] == 0 && evaporationResult->zvv[evaporatedParticle] == 0) { //Fix: Skip "empty" particles with A = 0 and Z = 0
     1267          // continue;
     1268        }
     1269        varntp->kfis = evaporationResult->kfis;
     1270        varntp->itypcasc[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->itypcasc[evaporatedParticle];
     1271        varntp->avv[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->avv[evaporatedParticle];
     1272        varntp->zvv[varntp->ntrack]= evaporationResult->zvv[evaporatedParticle];
     1273        varntp->plab[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->plab[evaporatedParticle];
     1274        varntp->enerj[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->enerj[evaporatedParticle];
     1275        varntp->tetlab[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->tetlab[evaporatedParticle];
     1276        varntp->philab[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->philab[evaporatedParticle];
     1277        varntp->ntrack++;
     1278        if(verboseLevel > 3) {
     1279          G4cout <<"G4Incl: Returning evaporation result"           << G4endl;
     1280          G4cout <<"G4Incl: A = " << varntp->avv[varntp->ntrack]    << " Z = " << varntp->zvv[varntp->ntrack] << G4endl;
     1281          G4cout <<"Energy: "     << varntp->enerj[varntp->ntrack]  << G4endl;
     1282          G4cout <<"Momentum: "   << varntp->plab[varntp->ntrack]   << G4endl;
     1283          G4cout <<"Theta: "      << varntp->tetlab[varntp->ntrack] << G4endl;
     1284          G4cout <<"Phi: "        << varntp->philab[varntp->ntrack] << G4endl;
     1285        }
     1286      }
     1287      if(verboseLevel > 2) {
     1288        G4cout <<"G4Incl: ntrack = "          << varntp->ntrack << G4endl;
     1289        G4cout <<"G4Incl: Done extracting..." << G4endl;
     1290      }
     1291    }
     1292    if(calincl->bulletType() < 0 && useProjSpect && !useFermiBreakup) { // If we use projectile spectators for carbon but no fermi breakup
     1293      // Evaporation/fission:
     1294      evaporationResult->ntrack = 0;
     1295      //      G4cout <<"Warning: Using ABLA to de-excite projectile spectator..." << G4endl;
     1296      abla->breakItUp(G4int(varntp->masp), G4int(varntp->mzsp), ps->m_projspec, varntp->exsp, 0.0,
     1297                      ps->t_projspec, ps->p1_projspec, ps->p1_projspec, ps->p1_projspec, eventnumber);
     1299      if(verboseLevel > 2) {
     1300        G4cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "Dump evaporationResult after evaporation: " << G4endl;
     1301        evaporationResult->dump();
     1302      }
     1303      for(G4int evaporatedParticle = 0; evaporatedParticle < evaporationResult->ntrack; evaporatedParticle++) {
     1304        if(evaporationResult->avv[evaporatedParticle] == 0 && evaporationResult->zvv[evaporatedParticle] == 0) { //Fix: Skip "empty" particles with A = 0 and Z = 0
     1305        }
     1306        varntp->kfis = evaporationResult->kfis;
     1307        varntp->itypcasc[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->itypcasc[evaporatedParticle];
     1308        varntp->avv[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->avv[evaporatedParticle];
     1309        varntp->zvv[varntp->ntrack]= evaporationResult->zvv[evaporatedParticle];
     1310        varntp->plab[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->plab[evaporatedParticle];
     1311        varntp->enerj[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->enerj[evaporatedParticle];
     1312        varntp->tetlab[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->tetlab[evaporatedParticle];
     1313        varntp->philab[varntp->ntrack] = evaporationResult->philab[evaporatedParticle];
     1314        varntp->ntrack++;
     1315        if(verboseLevel > 3) {
     1316          G4cout <<"G4Incl: Returning evaporation result"           << G4endl;
     1317          G4cout <<"G4Incl: A = " << varntp->avv[varntp->ntrack]    << " Z = " << varntp->zvv[varntp->ntrack] << G4endl;
     1318          G4cout <<"Energy: "     << varntp->enerj[varntp->ntrack]  << G4endl;
     1319          G4cout <<"Momentum: "   << varntp->plab[varntp->ntrack]   << G4endl;
     1320          G4cout <<"Theta: "      << varntp->tetlab[varntp->ntrack] << G4endl;
     1321          G4cout <<"Phi: "        << varntp->philab[varntp->ntrack] << G4endl;
     1322        }
     1323      }
     1324    }
     1325#ifdef G4INCLDEBUG
     1326    theLogger->fillHistogram1D("bimpact", varntp->bimpact);
     1329#ifdef G4INCLDEBUG
     1330    theLogger->fillHistogram1D("mzini", varntp->mzini);
    10591332  }
    10601333  if(nopart == -2) {
    14041677  if(tz < 0) {
     1678#ifdef G4INCLDEBUG
     1679  theLogger->fillHistogram1D("interpolationResult", (saxw->y[0][saxw->imat] + saxw->s[0][saxw->imat]*tz));
     1680  theLogger->fillHistogram2D("interpolationPoints", (saxw->y[0][saxw->imat] + saxw->s[0][saxw->imat]*tz), xv);
    14051682    return (saxw->y[0][saxw->imat] + saxw->s[0][saxw->imat]*tz);
    14061683  }
    14071684  else if(tz == 0) {
    1408     return (saxw->y[0][saxw->imat]);
     1685#ifdef G4INCLDEBUG
     1686  theLogger->fillHistogram1D("interpolationResult", (saxw->y[0][saxw->imat]));
     1687  theLogger->fillHistogram2D("interpolationPoints", (saxw->y[0][saxw->imat]), xv);
     1689  return (saxw->y[0][saxw->imat]);
    14091690  }
    14101691  else { // tz > 0
    14171698    }
    14181699    if(tz >= 0) {
     1700#ifdef G4INCLDEBUG
     1701      theLogger->fillHistogram1D("interpolationResult", saxw->y[j][saxw->imat]);
     1702      theLogger->fillHistogram2D("interpolationPoints", saxw->y[j][saxw->imat], xv);
    14191704      return saxw->y[j][saxw->imat];
    14201705    } else if(tz < 0.0) {
    14211706      j = j - 1;
    14221707      G4double dgx = xv - saxw->x[j][saxw->imat];
     1708#ifdef G4INCLDEBUG
     1709      theLogger->fillHistogram1D("interpolationResult", (saxw->y[j][saxw->imat] + saxw->s[j][saxw->imat]*dgx));
     1710      theLogger->fillHistogram2D("interpolationPoints", (saxw->y[j][saxw->imat] + saxw->s[j][saxw->imat]*dgx), xv);
    14231712      return(saxw->y[j][saxw->imat] + saxw->s[j][saxw->imat]*dgx);
    14241713    }
    16731962void G4Incl::pnu(G4int *ibert_p, G4int *nopart_p, G4int *izrem_p, G4int *iarem_p, G4double *esrem_p,
    16741963                 G4double *erecrem_p, G4double *alrem_p, G4double *berem_p, G4double *garem_p,
    1675                  G4double *bimpact_p, G4int *l_p)
    1676 {
     1964                 G4double *bimpact_p, G4int *l_p, G4double *xjrem, G4double *yjrem, G4double *zjrem)
     1966  //  G4cout <<"Now in pnu..." << G4endl;
     1967  //  G4cout <<"(clean-up)" << G4endl;
     1968  G4int npenter = 0;
     1969  G4int nnenter = 0;
     1970  G4int n_enter_pot = 0;
     1971  G4int avatarCounter = 0;
     1972  ps->clear(); // For projectile spectators
     1973  //  G4int i_c = 0;
     1974  G4double p1spec=0.;
     1975  G4double p2spec=0.;
     1976  G4double p3spec=0.;
     1977  //  G4double p_spec2 = 0.0;
     1978  //  G4double s_spec = 0.0;
     1979  // G4double e_spec = 0.0;
     1980  G4double xl1_i, xl2_i, xl3_i;
     1981  G4int idq = 0;
     1982  G4double destar = 0.0;
     1983  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'setipszero0)" << G4endl;
     1984  G4int ips = 0;
     1985  //  G4double p1_spec = 0.0;
     1986  //  G4double p2_spec = 0.0;
     1987  //  G4double p3_spec = 0.0;
     1988  G4int n_activnuc = 0;
    16771989  G4int ibert = (*ibert_p);
    16781990  //  float f[15]; // = (*f_p);
    17022014  G4double b3 = 0.0;
    17032015  G4double bb2 = 0.0;
    1704   G4double be = 0.0;
     2016  G4double bevar = 0.0;
    17052017  G4double bmass[2000];
    17062018  for(G4int init_i = 0; init_i < 2000; init_i++) {
    17362048  G4double ener_max = 0.0;
    17372049  G4double eout = 0.0;
    1738   G4double eps_c[BL1SIZE];
    1739   for(G4int init_i = 0; init_i < BL1SIZE; init_i++) {
    1740     eps_c[init_i] = 0.0;
    1741   }
     2050  //  G4double eps_c[BL1SIZE];
     2051  //  G4double p3_c[BL1SIZE];
     2052  //  for(G4int init_i = 0; init_i < BL1SIZE; init_i++) {
     2053    //    eps_c[init_i] = 0.0;
     2054    //    p3_c[init_i] = 0.0;
     2055  //  }
    17422056  G4double epsv = 0.0;
    17432057  G4double erecg = 0.0;
    17782092  G4int imin = 0;
    17792093  G4int indic[3000];
     2094  G4int nb_transprojo=0;
     2095  G4double v_proj = 0.0;
    17802096  for(G4int init_i = 0; init_i < 3000; init_i++) {
    17812097    indic[init_i] = 0;
    18252141  G4int nbtest = 0;
    18262142  G4int nc[300];
     2143  G4bool isPartOfSpectatorNucleus[300];
    18272144  G4int npproj[300];
    18282145  for(G4int init_i = 0; init_i < 300; init_i++) {
    19422259  G4double xleng = 0.0;
    19432260  G4double xlengm = 0.0;
    1944   G4double xmodp = 0.0;
    19452261  G4double xpb = 0.0;
    19462262  G4double xq = 0.0;
    19602276  G4double xye = 0.0;
    19612277  G4double y = 0.0;
    1962   G4double p3_c[BL1SIZE];
    19632278  G4double q1[BL1SIZE];
    19642279  G4double q2[BL1SIZE];
    22202535   for(G4int i = 0; i < 300; i++) {
    22212536     npproj[i] = 0;
     2537     isPartOfSpectatorNucleus[i] = false;
    22222538     nc[i] = 0;
    22232539   }
    22702586  //    427     c     k6=0 no angular momentum conservation                             p-n02070
    22712587  //    428     c     k6=1 angular momentum conservation                                p-n02080
     2588  //                  Kclst=F(10) Light clusters computed if not =0
    22722589  //    429     c                                                                       p-n02090
    22732590  //    430     c     b=impact parameter                                                p-n02100
    23122629  // end for logging
     2631  G4int ia_breakup = 0;
    23142632  G4int jparticip[BL1SIZE];
    23152633  for(G4int i = 0; i < BL1SIZE; i++) {
    23192637  G4double beproj = 0.;
    2320   bl3->ia2 = G4int(std::floor(calincl->f[0] + 0.1)); // f(1)->f[0] and so on..., calincl added
    2321   G4int iz2 = G4int(std::floor(calincl->f[1] + 0.1));
     2638  bl3->ia2 = calincl->targetA(); // f(1)->f[0] and so on..., calincl added
     2639  G4int iz2 = calincl->targetZ();
    23222640  G4double r02 = 1.12;
    2323   kindstruct->kindf7 = int(std::floor(calincl->f[6] + 0.1));
    2325   bl3->ia1 = ia1t[G4int(kindstruct->kindf7)-1];
    2326   G4int iz1 = iz1t[G4int(kindstruct->kindf7)-1];
    2327   G4double fmpinc = fmpinct[G4int(kindstruct->kindf7)-1];
    2328   G4double rms1 = light_gaus_nuc->rms1t[G4int(kindstruct->kindf7)-1];
    2329   G4double pf1 = light_gaus_nuc->pf1t[G4int(kindstruct->kindf7)-1];
    2330   G4double tlab = calincl->f[2];
     2641  kindstruct->kindf7 = calincl->bulletType();
     2642  if(kindstruct->kindf7 < 0) kindstruct->kindf7 = kindstruct->kindf7-1;
     2643  G4int kclst = calincl->getClusterOption();
     2645  // G4cout <<"Projectile kind = " << kindstruct->kindf7 << G4endl;
     2647  G4int iz1 = 0;
     2648  G4double fmpinc = 0.0;
     2649  G4double rms1 = 0.0;
     2650  G4double pf1 = 0.0;
     2651  G4double tlab = calincl->bulletE();;
     2653  if(kindstruct->kindf7 > 0) {
     2654    bl3->ia1 = ia1t[G4int(kindstruct->kindf7)-1]; // In the C++ version indices start from 0
     2655    iz1 = iz1t[G4int(kindstruct->kindf7)-1];
     2656    fmpinc = fmpinct[G4int(kindstruct->kindf7)-1];
     2657    rms1 = light_gaus_nuc->rms1t[G4int(kindstruct->kindf7)-1];
     2658    pf1 = light_gaus_nuc->pf1t[G4int(kindstruct->kindf7)-1];
     2660  } else {
     2661   // Starting values for carbon beams:
     2662    if(kindstruct->kindf7 == -12) { // Handle Carbon-12 as a special case
     2663      bl3->ia1 = std::abs(kindstruct->kindf7 + 1);
     2664      // check here that kindf7 is -a and ia1 is a of the projectile.
     2665      //                        write(6,*) 'kindf7,ia1:',kindf7,ia1
     2666      be->ia_be=bl3->ia1;
     2667      iz1=be->iz_be;
     2668      fmpinc=bl3->ia1*fmp - be->bind_be;
     2669      rms1=be->rms_be;
     2670      pf1=be->pms_be;
     2671      ia_breakup = 10; // Stopping threshold for the cascade in case of light nuclei
     2672      //      ia_breakup=calincl->getCascadeStoppingAThreshold();
     2673    } else { // For extended projectiles
     2674      bl3->ia1 = calincl->extendedProjectileA();
     2675      be->ia_be = calincl->extendedProjectileA();
     2676      iz1=be->iz_be;
     2677      fmpinc=bl3->ia1*fmp - be->bind_be;
     2678      rms1=be->rms_be;
     2679      pf1=be->pms_be;
     2680      ia_breakup = 10; // Stopping threshold for the cascade in case of light nuclei
     2681      //      ia_breakup=calincl->getCascadeStoppingAThreshold();
     2682    }
     2683  }
     2685  if(verboseLevel > 1) {
     2686    G4cout <<"rms1 = " << rms1 << G4endl;
     2687    G4cout <<"pf1 = " << pf1 << G4endl;
     2688  }
    23322690  G4int k2 = 0;
    23392697  // material number:     
    2340   saxw->imat = G4int(std::floor(calincl->f[8] + 0.5)); // f(9) -> f[8]
     2698  saxw->imat = 0;
    23412699  // espace de phases test (r et p) pour pauli:
    23422700  // valeur recommandee par j.c. v-test=0.589 h**3:
    23562714  // temfin (time at which the inc is stopped), tmax5 defined after chosing b
    2358   G4double v0 = calincl->f[4]; // f(5)->f[4]
     2716  G4double v0 = calincl->getPotential();
    23592717  G4double v1 = v0;
    23602718  bl8->rathr = 0.;
    24282786    G4cout <<"Radius bl3->r2 = " << bl3->r2 << G4endl;
    24292787  }
    24312789  G4double tnr = tlab;
    24322790  G4double binc = std::sqrt(tnr*tnr + 2.0*tlab*fmpinc)/(tnr+fmpinc);
    2433   G4double ginc=1.0/std::sqrt(1.0 - binc*binc);
     2791  G4double ginc = 1.0/std::sqrt(1.0 - binc*binc);
    24342792  G4double pinc = fmpinc*binc*ginc;
    24632821  //    710     c      if (kindf7.gt.2) bmax=bmax       ! a.b. (avec w.s., idem les nucleons)
    24642822  // deutons cv 22/01/2001
    2465   if (kindstruct->kindf7 <= 2)  { //then
     2823  if (kindstruct->kindf7 < 6 && kindstruct->kindf7 > 0)  { //then
    24662824    ws->bmax = ws->bmax;     // comme alain
    24672825  }
    24682826  else {
    2469     if (kindstruct->kindf7 < 6) { // then   
    2470       ws->bmax = ws->bmax;   // comme alain
    2471     }
    2472     else {
    2473       beproj = fmpinc - bl3->ia1*fmp;
    2474       ws->bmax = ws->rmaxws + rms1;     // maximum extension of the nucleus ( w.s.)
    2475     }
     2827    beproj = fmpinc - bl3->ia1*fmp;
     2828    ws->bmax = ws->rmaxws + rms1;     // maximum extension of the nucleus ( w.s.)
    24762829  }
    24962849      bred = 0.;
    24972850    }
    2498     if (kindstruct->kindf7 <= 2) {
     2851    if (kindstruct->kindf7 <= 2 && kindstruct->kindf7 > 0) {
    24992852      if (tlab < 400.0) {
    25002853        cb0 = 6.86 - 0.0035 * tlab;
    25152868    }
    25162869    else {
    2517       if (kindstruct->kindf7 < 6) {
     2870      if (kindstruct->kindf7 < 6 && kindstruct->kindf7 > 0) {
    25182871        // here for pions:
    25192872        temfin = 30.0*std::pow((float(bl3->ia2)/208.0),0.25)*(1.0 - 0.2*bred)*(1.0 - tlab/1250.0);
    25572910      // temfin=60.*(float(ia2)/208.)**0.25*(1.-0.2*bred)*(1.-tlab/1250.)
    25582911      // modified in april 2003 (more reasonable but not yet checked!)
    2559       temfin = 25.5*std::pow(G4double(bl3->ia2),0.16);  // pb208->60fm/c
     2912      //      temfin = 25.5*std::pow(G4double(bl3->ia2),0.16);  // pb208->60fm/c
     2914      // c modified in June 2005 (function of A and TLAB)
     2915      temfin = 30.18*std::pow(bl3->ia2,0.17)*(1.0-5.7*std::pow(10.0,(-5))*tlab);
    25602916    }
    25612917    else {
    25672923  // deutons
    25682924  // a way to change stopping time f[5] not used here
    2569   factemp = calincl->f[5]; // f(6)->f[5]
     2925  factemp = calincl->getTimeScale();
    25702926  // attention !!! 30/04/2001 scaling time is now a multiplication factor
    25712927  temfin = temfin*factemp;
    26042960  else {
    26052961    npion = 1;
    2606     ipi[1] = 8 - 2*(kindstruct->kindf7);
     2962    if(kindstruct->kindf7 == -666) { // Extended projectile...
     2963      ipi[1] = 8 - 2*be->ia_be;
     2964    } else {
     2965      ipi[1] = 8 - 2*(kindstruct->kindf7);
     2966    }
    26072967    y1[1] = 0.0;
    26082968    y2[1] = 0.0;
    26172977  goto pnu9;
    26182978  //    850     
    2619  pnu7:
    2620   s1t1 = 0.0;
    2621   s2t1 = 0.0;
    2622   s3t1 = 0.0;
    2623   sp1t1 = 0.0;
    2624   sp2t1 = 0.0;
    2625   sp3t1 = 0.0;
    2626   for(G4int i = 1; i <= bl3->ia1; i++) {
    2627   //for(G4int i = 1; i <= (bl3->ia1-1); i++) {
    2628   //  for(G4int i = 1; i < (bl3->ia1-1); i++) {
    2629     bl9->hel[i] = 0;
    2630     bl5->nesc[i] = 0;
    2631     bl1->ind2[i] = 1;
    2632     if (i > iz1) {
    2633       bl1->ind2[i] = -1;
    2634     }
    2635     bl1->ind1[i] = 0;
    2636     // deutons
    2637     jparticip[i] = 1;
    2639     // deutons
     2979 pnu7:
     2980  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu7)" << G4endl;
     2981  if(kindstruct->kindf7 == 6) { // Deuteron
    26402982    gaussianRandom(&xga);
    2641     bl3->x1[i] = xga*rms1*0.57735;
    2642     s1t1 = s1t1 + bl3->x1[i];
     2983    bl3->x1[1] = xga*rms1*0.5775;
    26432984    gaussianRandom(&xga);
    2644     bl3->x2[i] = xga*rms1*0.57735;
    2645     s2t1 = s2t1 + bl3->x2[i];
     2985    bl3->x2[1] = xga*rms1*0.5775;
    26462986    gaussianRandom(&xga);
    2647     bl3->x3[i] = xga*rms1*0.57735;
    2648     s3t1 = s3t1 + bl3->x3[i];
    2650     if(kindstruct->kindf7 == 6) { //then
    2651       // deuteron density from paris potential in q space:     
    2652       standardRandom(&xq, &(hazard->igraine[9]));
    2653       qdeut = splineab(xq) * 197.3289;
    2654       standardRandom(&u, &(hazard->igraine[10]));
    2655       cstet = u*2 - 1;
    2656       sitet = std::sqrt(1.0 - std::pow(cstet,2));
    2657       standardRandom(&v, &(hazard->igraine[11]));
    2658       phi = 2.0*3.141592654*v;
    2660       bl1->p1[i] = qdeut*sitet*std::cos(phi);
    2661       bl1->p2[i] = qdeut*sitet*std::sin(phi);
    2662       bl1->p3[i] = qdeut*cstet;
    2663     }
    2664     else {
    2665       // density of composite as a gaussien in q space:
     2987    bl3->x3[1] = xga*rms1*0.5775;
     2989    bl3->x1[2] = -bl3->x1[1];
     2990    bl3->x2[2] = -bl3->x2[1];
     2991    bl3->x3[2] = -bl3->x3[1];
     2993    // Deuteron density from Paris potential in q space:
     2994    standardRandom(&xq, &(hazard->igraine[9]));
     2995    qdeut = splineab(xq) * 197.3289;
     2996    standardRandom(&u, &(hazard->igraine[11]));
     2997    cstet = u * 2 - 1;
     2998    sitet = std::sqrt(1.0 - std::pow(cstet, 2));
     2999    standardRandom(&v, &(hazard->igraine[11]));
     3000    phi = 2.0 * 3.141592654 * v;
     3001    bl1->p1[1] = qdeut * sitet * std::cos(phi);
     3002    bl1->p2[1] = qdeut * sitet * std::sin(phi);
     3003    bl1->p3[1] = qdeut * cstet;
     3004    bl1->eps[1] = w(bl1->p1[1], bl1->p2[1], bl1->p3[1], fmp);
     3005    bl1->p1[2] = - bl1->p1[1];
     3006    bl1->p2[2] = - bl1->p2[1];
     3007    bl1->p3[2] = - bl1->p3[1];
     3008    bl1->eps[2] = bl1->eps[1];
     3009    //    bl1->eps[2] = w(bl1->p1[2], bl1->p2[2], bl1->p3[2], fmp);
     3011    jparticip[1] = 1;
     3012    bl9->hel[1] = 0;
     3013    bl5->nesc[1] = 0;
     3014    bl1->ind2[1] = 1;
     3015    bl1->ind1[1] = 0;
     3016    jparticip[2] = 1;
     3017    bl9->hel[2] = 0;
     3018    bl5->nesc[2] = 0;
     3019    bl1->ind2[2] = -1;
     3020    bl1->ind1[2] = 0;
     3021  } else {
     3022    // Composite heavier than a deuteron
     3023    s1t1 = 0.0;
     3024    s2t1 = 0.0;
     3025    s3t1 = 0.0;
     3026    sp1t1 = 0.0;
     3027    sp2t1 = 0.0;
     3028    sp3t1 = 0.0;
     3029    G4double sei = 0.0;
     3031    bl9->hel[0] = 0;
     3032    bl5->nesc[0] = 0;
     3033    for(G4int i = 1; i <= bl3->ia1; i++) {
     3034      bl9->hel[i] = 0;
     3035      bl5->nesc[i] = 0;
     3036      bl1->ind2[i] = 1;
     3037      if(i > iz1) {
     3038        bl1->ind2[i] = -1;
     3039      }
     3040      bl1->ind1[i] = 0;
     3041      jparticip[i] = 1;
    26663042      gaussianRandom(&xga);
    2667       bl1->p1[i] = xga*pf1*0.57735;
     3043      bl3->x1[i] = xga * rms1 * 0.57735;
     3044      s1t1 = s1t1 + bl3->x1[i];
    26683045      gaussianRandom(&xga);
    2669       bl1->p2[i] = xga*pf1*0.57735;
     3046      bl3->x2[i] = xga * rms1 * 0.57735;
     3047      s2t1 = s2t1 + bl3->x2[i];
    26703048      gaussianRandom(&xga);
    2671       bl1->p3[i] = xga*pf1*0.57735;
    2672     }
    2674     bl1->eps[i] = w(bl1->p1[i],bl1->p2[i],bl1->p3[i],fmp);
    2676     sp1t1 = sp1t1 + bl1->p1[i];
    2677     sp2t1 = sp2t1 + bl1->p2[i];
    2678     sp3t1 = sp3t1 + bl1->p3[i];
    2679   }
    2681   bl9->hel[bl3->ia1] = 0;
    2682   bl5->nesc[bl3->ia1] = 0;
    2683   bl1->ind2[bl3->ia1] = -1;
    2684   bl1->ind1[bl3->ia1] = 0;
    2685   bl3->x1[bl3->ia1] = -s1t1;
    2686   bl3->x2[bl3->ia1] = -s2t1;
    2687   bl3->x3[bl3->ia1] = -s3t1;
    2688   bl1->p1[bl3->ia1] = -sp1t1;
    2689   bl1->p2[bl3->ia1] = -sp2t1;
    2690   bl1->p3[bl3->ia1] = -sp3t1;
    2691   bl1->eps[bl3->ia1] = w(bl1->p1[bl3->ia1],bl1->p2[bl3->ia1],bl1->p3[bl3->ia1],fmp);
    2693   // deutons
    2694   jparticip[bl3->ia1] = 1;
    2695   if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    2696     G4cout <<"Particle " << bl3->ia1-1 << " is now participant." << G4endl;
    2697   }
     3049      bl3->x3[i] = xga * rms1 * 0.57735;
     3050      s3t1 = s3t1 + bl3->x3[i];
     3052      G4int igaussfermi = 2;
     3053      if(igaussfermi == 1) { // Gaussian
     3054        // Density of composite as a gaussian in q
     3055        // space:
     3056        gaussianRandom(&xga);
     3057        bl1->p1[i] = xga * pf1 * 0.57735;
     3058        gaussianRandom(&xga);
     3059        bl1->p2[i] = xga * pf1 * 0.57735;
     3060        gaussianRandom(&xga);
     3061        bl1->p3[i] = xga * pf1 * 0.57735;
     3062      } else { // Fermi
     3063        // Density of composite as a Fermi sphere in q space:
     3064        for(int iloc=1; iloc <= 3; iloc++) {
     3065          standardRandom(&t[iloc],&(hazard->igraine[11]));
     3066        }
     3067        t[2]=-1+2.*t[2];
     3068        t[3]=6.283185*t[3];
     3069        t2=t[2];
     3070        t3=std::sqrt(1.-t2*t2);
     3071        t4=std::cos(t[3]);
     3072        t5=std::sin(t[3]);
     3073        y=fermi->pf*std::pow(t[1],0.33333333);
     3074        bl1->p1[i]=y*t3*t4;
     3075        bl1->p2[i]=y*t3*t5;
     3076        bl1->p3[i]=y*t2;
     3077      }
     3078      bl1->eps[i] = w(bl1->p1[i], bl1->p2[i], bl1->p3[i], fmp);
     3079      sei = sei + bl1->eps[i];
     3081      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
     3082        G4cout <<"projectile nucleon = " << i << G4endl;
     3083        G4cout <<"x1 = " << bl3->x1[i] << G4endl;
     3084        G4cout <<"x2 = " << bl3->x2[i] << G4endl;
     3085        G4cout <<"x3 = " << bl3->x3[i] << G4endl;
     3086        G4cout <<"p1 = " << bl1->p1[i] << G4endl;
     3087        G4cout <<"p2 = " << bl1->p2[i] << G4endl;
     3088        G4cout <<"p3 = " << bl1->p3[i] << G4endl;
     3089        G4cout <<"eps = " << bl1->eps[i] << G4endl;
     3090      }
     3091      sp1t1 = sp1t1 + bl1->p1[i];
     3092      sp2t1 = sp2t1 + bl1->p2[i];
     3093      sp3t1 = sp3t1 + bl1->p3[i];
     3094    }
     3096    s1t1 = s1t1/double(bl3->ia1);
     3097    s2t1 = s2t1/double(bl3->ia1);
     3098    s3t1 = s3t1/double(bl3->ia1);
     3099    sp1t1 = sp1t1/double(bl3->ia1);
     3100    sp2t1 = sp2t1/double(bl3->ia1);
     3101    sp3t1 = sp3t1/double(bl3->ia1);
     3102    sei = 0.0;
     3104    for(G4int i = 1; i <= bl3->ia1; i++) {
     3105      bl3->x1[i] = bl3->x1[i] - s1t1;
     3106      bl3->x2[i] = bl3->x2[i] - s2t1;
     3107      bl3->x3[i] = bl3->x3[i] - s3t1;
     3108      bl1->p1[i] = bl1->p1[i] - sp1t1;
     3109      bl1->p2[i] = bl1->p2[i] - sp2t1;
     3110      bl1->p3[i] = bl1->p3[i] - sp3t1;
     3111      bl1->eps[i] = w(bl1->p1[i], bl1->p2[i], bl1->p3[i], fmp);
     3112      sei = sei + bl1->eps[i];
     3113    }
     3114    v_proj = 0.0;
     3115    if(bl3->ia1 > 4) v_proj = (sei - fmpinc)/bl3->ia1;
     3117    //    bl1->dump(26);
     3118    //    bl3->dump();
     3119    //    G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'endheavyprojinit)" << G4endl;
     3120  } // End of: Composites heavier than deuteron
    26983123 pnu9: // continue
     3124  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu9)" << G4endl;
    26993125  // deutons
    27003126  // target preparation for 1 < a < 5 (with sum of momentum =0)
    28603286  // random azimuthal direction of the impact parameter (sept 99)
    2862   if (kindstruct->kindf7 <= 2) {
    2863     G4long testseed = hazard->igraine[13];
    2864     //    standardRandom(&tbid, &(hazard->igraine[13]));
    2865     standardRandom(&tbid, &testseed);
    2866     hazard->igraine[13] = testseed;
     3288  if (kindstruct->kindf7 <= 2 && kindstruct->kindf7 > 0) {
     3289    standardRandom(&tbid, &(hazard->igraine[13]));
    28673290    tbid = tbid*6.283185;
    28683291    bl3->x1[1] = bl3->x1[1] + b*std::cos(tbid);  //x1(1)->x1[1]                                       
    28693292    bl3->x2[1] = bl3->x2[1] + b*std::sin(tbid); //x2(1)->x2[1]
    28703293    bl3->x3[1] = bl3->x3[1] - z;
     3294    // Counter of p(n) entering the potential 4/2008 AB
     3295    if(bl1->ind2[1] == 1) { // then
     3296      npenter=1;
     3297      nnenter=0;
     3298    } else {
     3299      npenter=0;
     3300      nnenter=1;
     3301    } // endif
    28713303    // pour le ntuple des avatars:
    28723304    if(varavat->kveux == 1) {
    28773309  }
    28783310  else {
    2879     if (kindstruct->kindf7 < 6) { //then ! pour les pions on laisse
     3311    if (kindstruct->kindf7 < 6 && kindstruct->kindf7 > 0) { //then ! pour les pions on laisse
    28803312      //call standardRandom(tbid,iy14)
    28813313      standardRandom(&tbid, &(hazard->igraine[13]));
    29163348      //    pnu21:
    29173349      if (nmiss == bl3->ia1) { //then
     3350        //      G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'projectilemissedtarget)" << G4endl;
    29183351        nopart = -1;
    29193352        //      return;
    29253358      }
    29263359      else {
     3360        // Counter of p(n) entering the potential 4/2008 AB
     3361        if(bl1->ind2[ilm]==1) { //then
     3362          npenter=1;
     3363          nnenter=0;
     3364        } else {
     3365          npenter=0;
     3366          nnenter=1;
     3367        } // endif
    29273369        zshif = bl3->x3[ilm] - ztouch;
    29283370        standardRandom(&tbid, &(hazard->igraine[13]));
    29433385  }
     3387  // for rho(r),rho(q) checking
     3388#ifdef G4INCLDEBUG
     3389  for(G4int rho_i = bl3->ia1 + 1; rho_i <= ia; rho_i++) { // DO I=IA1+1,IA
     3390    G4double r_dist = std::sqrt(bl3->x1[rho_i] * bl3->x1[rho_i] + bl3->x2[rho_i] * bl3->x2[rho_i] + bl3->x3[rho_i] * bl3->x3[rho_i]);
     3391    G4double p_mod = std::sqrt(std::pow(bl1->p1[rho_i],2)+std::pow(bl1->p2[rho_i],2) + std::pow(bl1->p3[rho_i],2));
     3392    theLogger->fillHistogram1D("r_distrib", r_dist);
     3393    theLogger->fillHistogram1D("p_distrib", p_mod);
     3394    theLogger->fillHistogram2D("r-p_correl", r_dist, p_mod);
     3395  }
    29453398  // initial momentum for all type of incident particles:
    29463399  xl1 = b*pinc*std::sin(tbid);                                 
    29513404  // (here,=lab frame)
    2953   be = 0.0;
     3406  bevar = 0.0;
    29543407  ge = 1.0;
    2955   b1 = (binc - be)/(1.0 - be*binc);
    2956   b2 = -be;
     3408  b1 = (binc - bevar)/(1.0 - bevar*binc);
     3409  b2 = -bevar;
    29573410  g1 = 1.0/std::sqrt(1.0 - b1*b1);
    29583411  g2 = 1.0;
    29593412  // deutons
    29603413  // here for nucleons
    2961   if (kindstruct->kindf7 <= 2) {
     3414  if (kindstruct->kindf7 <= 2 && kindstruct->kindf7 > 0) {
    29623415    bl1->eps[1] = g1*fmp + v0;
    29633416    bl1->p3[1] = std::sqrt(std::pow(bl1->eps[1],2) - std::pow(fmp,2));
    29653418  else {
    29663419    // here for pions
    2967     if (kindstruct->kindf7 < 6) { //then
     3420    if (kindstruct->kindf7 < 6 && kindstruct->kindf7 > 0) { //then
    29683421      q4[1] = g1*fmpi; // q4(1)->q4[0]
    29693422      q3[1] = b1*q4[1];
    29703423    }
    2971     else {
     3424    else { // Composite projectiles
    29723425      // here for composite projectiles:
    29733426      // the kinetic energy is below the threshold. put all
    29853438      // here the composit is above threshold
    29863439      for(G4int i = 1; i <= bl3->ia1; i++) { //do i=1,bl3->ia1  !save e,p in the composit rest frame
    2987         eps_c[i] = bl1->eps[i];
    2988         p3_c[i] = bl1->p3[i];
     3440        qvp->t_c[i] = bl1->eps[i] - fmp;
     3441        bl1->eps[i] = bl1->eps[i] - v_proj;
     3442        qvp->eps_c[i] = bl1->eps[i];
     3443        qvp->p3_c[i] = bl1->p3[i];
    29893444      } //enddo
    29953450      iflag = 0;
    29963451    pnu1870:
     3452      //      G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu1870)" << G4endl;
    29973453      sueps = 0.0;
    30013457      for(G4int i = 1; i <= bl3->ia1; i++) { //do i=1,bl3->ia1
    3002         tte = eps_c[i];
    3003         bl1->eps[i] = g1*(eps_c[i] + b1*p3_c[i]);
    3004         bl1->p3[i] = g1*(b1*tte + p3_c[i]);
     3458        tte = qvp->eps_c[i];
     3459        bl1->eps[i] = g1*(qvp->eps_c[i] + b1*qvp->p3_c[i]);
     3460        bl1->p3[i] = g1*(b1*tte + qvp->p3_c[i]);
    30053461        sueps = sueps + bl1->eps[i];
    30063462      } //enddo
     3464      goto pnu987;
     3465      // With a potential for the projectile it is nonsens to search for
     3466      // nucleons ON shell  31/05/2010.     
    30083468      cobe = (tlab + fmpinc)/sueps;
    30123472      if(iflag == nbtest) { // too much..all momentum to 0
    30133473        for(G4int klm = 1; klm <= bl3->ia1; klm++) { //do klm=1,bl3->ia1
    3014           eps_c[klm] = fmp;
     3474          qvp->eps_c[klm] = fmp;
    30153475          bl1->p1[klm] = 0.0;
    30163476          bl1->p2[klm] = 0.0;
    3017           p3_c[klm] = 0;
     3477          qvp->p3_c[klm] = 0;
    30183478        }
    30193479        goto pnu1870;
    30303490            }
    30313491          }
    3032           eps_c[i_emax] = fmp;
     3492          qvp->eps_c[i_emax] = fmp;
    30333493          bl1->p1[i_emax] = 0.0;
    30343494          bl1->p2[i_emax] = 0.0;
    3035           p3_c[i_emax] = 0.0;
     3495          qvp->p3_c[i_emax] = 0.0;
    30373497          if(i_emax == bl3->ia1) { //    circular permut if the last one
    3038             epsv = eps_c[bl3->ia1]; //   permutation circulaire
     3498            epsv = qvp->eps_c[bl3->ia1]; //      permutation circulaire
    30393499            p1v = bl1->p1[bl3->ia1];
    30403500            p2v = bl1->p2[bl3->ia1];
    3041             p3v = p3_c[bl3->ia1];
     3501            p3v = qvp->p3_c[bl3->ia1];
    30423502            for(bl2->k = bl3->ia1-1; bl2->k >= 1; bl2->k = bl2->k - 1) { //do k=bl3->ia1-1,1,-1
    3043               eps_c[bl2->k+1] = eps_c[bl2->k];
     3503              qvp->eps_c[bl2->k+1] = qvp->eps_c[bl2->k];
    30443504              bl1->p1[bl2->k+1] = bl1->p1[bl2->k];
    30453505              bl1->p2[bl2->k+1] = bl1->p2[bl2->k];
    3046               p3_c[bl2->k+1] = p3_c[bl2->k];
     3506              qvp->p3_c[bl2->k+1] = qvp->p3_c[bl2->k];
    30473507            }
    3048             eps_c[1] = epsv;
     3508            qvp->eps_c[1] = epsv;
    30493509            bl1->p1[1] = p1v;
    30503510            bl1->p2[1] = p2v;
    3051             p3_c[1] = p3v;      // fin permut.
     3511            qvp->p3_c[1] = p3v;         // fin permut.
    30523512          }
    30533513          sp1t1 = 0.0;   // re-compute the last one
    30573517            sp1t1 = sp1t1 + bl1->p1[j];
    30583518            sp2t1 = sp2t1 + bl1->p2[j];
    3059             sp3t1 = sp3t1 + p3_c[j];
     3519            sp3t1 = sp3t1 + qvp->p3_c[j];
    30603520          }
    30613521          bl1->p1[bl3->ia1] = -sp1t1;
    30623522          bl1->p2[bl3->ia1] = -sp2t1;
    3063           p3_c[bl3->ia1] = -sp3t1;
    3064           eps_c[bl3->ia1] = w(bl1->p1[bl3->ia1],bl1->p2[bl3->ia1],p3_c[bl3->ia1],fmp); 
     3523          qvp->p3_c[bl3->ia1] = -sp3t1;
     3524          qvp->eps_c[bl3->ia1] = w(bl1->p1[bl3->ia1],bl1->p2[bl3->ia1],qvp->p3_c[bl3->ia1],fmp);       
    30663526          goto pnu1870;  // ..and boost all of them.
    30833543      }
    30843544      bl1->eps[ilm] = bl1->eps[ilm] + v0; 
    3085     }
    3086   }
     3546 pnu987:
     3547      //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu987)" << G4endl;
     3548  // ici sauvegarde des energies et impulsions des nucleons du projectile i.l.:
     3549  // (hors potentiel)
     3550  for(G4int i = 1; i <= bl3->ia1; i++) {
     3551    qvp->eps_c[i]=bl1->eps[i];
     3552    qvp->p1_s[i]=bl1->p1[i];
     3553    qvp->p2_s[i]=bl1->p2[i];
     3554    qvp->p3_s[i]=bl1->p3[i];
     3555  }
     3557  // first particle entering in the target potential:   
     3558  bl1->eps[ilm]=bl1->eps[ilm]+v0;
     3560  // correction en test 16/04/2009 (pourquoi pas la correction aussi de l'impulsion
     3561  // comme pour un nucleon in ???? ....on essaye de traiter les nucleons hors couche?)
     3562  // 29/4/2009: je pense que c'est une erreur et je transforme aussi maintenant l'impulsion:
     3563  var_ab = std::pow(bl1->p1[ilm],2)
     3564    + std::pow(bl1->p2[ilm],2)
     3565    + std::pow(bl1->p3[ilm],2);
     3566  if(var_ab > 0.) {
     3567    gpsg=std::sqrt((std::pow(bl1->eps[ilm],2)
     3568                    -fmp*fmp)/var_ab);
     3569  }
     3570  bl1->p1[ilm]=bl1->p1[ilm]*gpsg;             
     3571  bl1->p2[ilm]=bl1->p2[ilm]*gpsg;
     3572  bl1->p3[ilm]=bl1->p3[ilm]*gpsg;       
     3573    } // For pion-in
     3574  } // For nucleon-in
    30883576 pnu1871:
     3577  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu1871)" << G4endl;
     3578  //  bl1->dump(27);
     3579  //  bl3->dump();
     3580  //  randomGenerator->printSeeds();
    30893581  // evaluation of the times t(a,b)
    30903582  bl2->k = 0;
    30913583  kcol = 0;
    3092   if (kindstruct->kindf7 <= 2) {
     3584  if (kindstruct->kindf7 <= 2 && kindstruct->kindf7 > 0) {
    30933585    // modif s.vuillier tient compte propagation projectile,1e collision
    30943586    // imposee pour lui (c'est une maniere de faire!!)
    31553647  else {
    31563648    // deutons
    3157     if (kindstruct->kindf7 < 6) { //then
     3649    if (kindstruct->kindf7 < 6 && kindstruct->kindf7 > 0) { //then
    31583650      // here for incoming pions:
    31593651      for(G4int i = bl3->ia1+1; i <= ia; i++) { //do i=ia1+1,ia
    31763668    }
    31773669    else {
     3670      // Counting the spectators and transparents of composit projectiles:     
     3671      //      G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'setipszero1)" << G4endl;
     3672      ips=0;
     3673      nb_transprojo=0;
    31783674      for(G4int i = 1; i <= bl3->ia1; i++) { //do 38 i=1,ia1
    31793675        bl5->nesc[i] = 1;
     3676        // Spectators of composite projectiles (7/2006, AB)
     3677        // Pour garder trace des spectateurs du projectile:
     3678        npproj[i]=1;
    31803680        if (i != ilm) {
    31813681          goto pnu36;
    31933693        goto pnu37;
    31943694      pnu36:
     3695        //      G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu36)" << G4endl;
    31953696        t1 = bl3->x1[i]*(bl1->p1[i])+bl3->x2[i]*(bl1->p2[i])+bl3->x3[i]*(bl1->p3[i]);                     
    31963697        t2 = bl1->p1[i]*(bl1->p1[i])+bl1->p2[i]*(bl1->p2[i])+bl1->p3[i]*(bl1->p3[i]);               
    31993700        //   1379       c incoming nucleons enter potential at maximum radius (modif. 13/06/01)
    32003701        t5 = t3*t3 + ((ws->rmaxws)*(ws->rmaxws) - t4)/t2;
     3702        if (t5 < 0.) {
     3703          // this is a projectile spectator:
     3704          //      G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'incripspnu36)" << G4endl;
     3705          ips=ips+1;
     3706          isPartOfSpectatorNucleus[i] = true;
     3707          ps->n_projspec[ips] = i;
     3708          continue;
     3709          //goto pnu38;
     3710        } // endif
    32013712        if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    32023713          G4cout <<"x1 = " << bl3->x1[i] <<" x2 = " << bl3->x2[i] <<" x3 = " << bl3->x3[i] << G4endl;
    32083719          G4cout <<"t5 = " << t5 << G4endl;
    32093720        }
    3210         if (t5 < 0.) {
    3211           continue;
    3212         }
     3721        //      if (t5 < 0.) {
     3722        //        ips++;
     3723        //        ps->n_projspec[ips] = i;
     3724        //        continue;
     3725        //      }
    32133726        tref = (-1.0*t3 - std::sqrt(t5))*(bl1->eps[i]); 
    3214         if (tref > bl4->tmax5) {
    3215           continue;
    3216         }
     3728        // Drop reflection avatars with too large tref and the ones
     3729        // with negative tref (spectator, outside the nucleus)
     3730        //      if (tref > bl4->tmax5 || tref <= 0.0) {
     3731        //        continue;
     3732        //      }
     3733        if (tref > bl4->tmax5) { //then
     3734          // This is also a projectile spectator:
     3735          ips=ips+1;
     3736          ps->n_projspec[ips] = i;
     3737          continue; // go to 38
     3738        } // endif
     3740        // Test to avoid a nucleon entering in the past (3/06/2010 as in incl4.6 a.b.)
     3741        if(tref <= 0.0) { // then
     3742          // This is also a projectile spectator:
     3743          ips=ips+1;
     3744          ps->n_projspec[ips] = i;
     3745          continue; // go to 38
     3746        } // endif
    32173748        npproj[i] = 1;
    32183749      pnu37:
     3750        //      G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu37)" << G4endl;
    32193751        bl2->k = bl2->k + 1;
    32203752        bl2->crois[bl2->k] = tref;
    32213753        bl2->ind[bl2->k] = i;
    32223754        bl2->jnd[bl2->k] = -1;
    3223       }
     3755      //    pnu38:
     3756      }
     3758      // For composit beams, cannot decide that there is no interaction,
     3759      // (another nucleon can enter later at RMAX).
    32243760      kcol = 1;
     3761      n_activnuc = ia-ips;  //number of active nucleons (not missing the target)
     3762      n_enter_pot = ia-ips; //number of projectile nucleons that can enter
     3764      /*
     3765      if(useProjSpect) { // Treat the projectile spectators:
     3766        n_activnuc = ia - ips; // number of active nucleons (not missing the target)
     3767        if(ips != 0) { //then
     3768          e_spec = 0.0;
     3769          p1_spec = 0.0;
     3770          p2_spec = 0.0;
     3771          p3_spec = 0.0;
     3772          z_projspec = 0;
     3773          for(G4int i_spec = 1; i_spec <= ips; i_spec++) { // do i_spec=1,ips
     3774            G4int i_c = n_projspec[i_spec];
     3775            e_spec = e_spec + bl1->eps[i_c];
     3776            p1_spec = p1_spec + bl1->p1[i_c];
     3777            p2_spec = p2_spec + bl1->p2[i_c];
     3778            p3_spec = p3_spec + bl1->p3[i_c];
     3779            if(bl1->ind2[i_c] == 1) z_projspec = z_projspec + 1;
     3780          }
     3781          G4double p_spec2 = std::pow(p1_spec,2) + std::pow(p2_spec,2) + std::pow(p3_spec,2);
     3782          G4double s_spec = std::sqrt(std::pow(e_spec,2) - p_spec2);
     3783          // write(6,*) 'e,p,sqs:',e_spec,sqrt(p_spec2),s_spec
     3785          // c masses from dresner code:
     3786          G4int fja = ips;                                                                   
     3787          G4int fjz = z_projspec;                                                                   
     3788          G4double ex2 = abla->eflmac(fja, fjz, 0, 0); // dnrgy(fja,fjz);
     3789          G4double rnmass = ex2+um*fja;
     3791          // c write(6,*) fja,fjz,ex2,um                                                         
     3792          ex_projspec = s_spec - rnmass;
     3793          if(ex_projspec <= 0.0) { //then
     3794            // c no spectator nucleus compatible with available energy:
     3795            ips = 0;
     3796            // c n_activnuc = ia-ips!number of active nucleons (not missing the target)
     3797            goto pnu239;
     3798          }
     3799          t_projspec = e_spec - s_spec;
     3800          G4double coef = std::sqrt(t_projspec*(t_projspec + 2.0*s_spec)/p_spec2);
     3801          p1_projspec = p1_spec*coef;
     3802          p2_projspec = p2_spec*coef;
     3803          p3_projspec = p3_spec*coef;
     3804          m_projspec = rnmass;
     3806          // c check module...     
     3807          //    c      write(6,*) 'projectile spectator a,z:',a_projspec,z_projspec
     3808          //    c      write(6,*) 'm,t,e*:',m_projspec,t_projspec,ex_projspec
     3809          //    c      write(6,*) 'p1,p2,p3:',p1_projspec,p2_projspec,p3_projspec
     3810          //    c      write(6,*) '   constituants:',ips
     3811          //    c      do i_spec=1,ips
     3812          //    c        i_c = n_projspec(i_spec)
     3813          //    c      write(6,*) i_c,eps(i_c),p1(i_c),p2(i_c),p3(i_c)       
     3814          // c      enddo
     3815          // c ...end check module
     3816        } // endif
     3817      pnu239:
     3818        a_projspec = ips; // number of nucleons in the spectator nucleus
     3819      } // End of projectile spectator treatment
     3820      */
    32263822      //      for(G4int i = bl3->ia1+1; i < ia; i++) { //do  39 i=ia1+1,ia
    32273823      for(G4int i = bl3->ia1+1; i <= ia; i++) { //do  39 i=ia1+1,ia
    32983894    goto pnu48;
    32993895  }
     3896  // Here transparent event (no interaction avatar found)
     3897  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'heretransparent)" << G4endl;
    33003898  nopart = -1;
    33013899  // Pour eviter renvoi des resultats du run precedent cv 7/7/98
    33163914  // Initialization  at the beginning of the run
    33173915 pnu48:
     3916  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu48)" << G4endl;
    33183917  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    33193918    G4cout <<"Beginning a run..." << G4endl;
    33643963  }
    33653964 pnu449:
     3965  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu449)" << G4endl;
    33663966  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    33673967    G4cout <<"Now at 449" << G4endl;
    33733973 pnu44:
     3974  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu44)" << G4endl;
    33743975  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    33753976    G4cout <<"Now at 44" << G4endl;
    34064007  }
    34074008 pnu448:
     4009  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu448)" << G4endl;
     4010  //  bl2->dump();
    34084011  imin = indic[next];
    34094012  bl9->l1 = bl2->ind[imin]; //NOTE: l1 changed to bl9->l1.
    34194022  // test le 20/3/2003: tue sinon le dernier avatar?
    34204023  if (bl2->k == 0) {
    3421     if(verboseLevel > 2) {
     4024    if(verboseLevel > -2) {
    34224025      G4cout <<"k == 0. Going to the end of the avatar." << G4endl;
    34234026    }
    34384041  }
    34394042 pnu46:
     4043  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu46)" << G4endl;
    34404044  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    34414045    G4cout <<"G4Incl: Now at pnu46." << G4endl;
    34424046  }
    34434047  tim = timi + tau;
     4048  avatarCounter++;
     4049  //  G4cout <<"FOUND AVATAR " <<  avatarCounter << " : tau = " << tau;
     4050  //  G4cout <<"  l1 = " << bl9->l1 << "   l2 = " << bl9->l2 << G4endl;
    34454052  // tableau des energies a t=20,40,60 fm/c
    34964103    }
    34974104  }
     4105  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu645)" << G4endl;
     4106  // Here, stoping condition for heavy (light) ions:
     4107  if(kindstruct->kindf7 < 0) {
     4108    if(n_activnuc-nbquit <= ia_breakup) {
     4109      //      G4cout <<"stopped cascade for fermi breakup " << G4endl;
     4110      goto pnu255;
     4111    }
     4112  }
    34994114  // modif: pas de reflexions avant au moins un avatar du (des) nucleon incident
    35004115  // celui-ci ne peut etre qu'une collision nn (ou pin)
     4117  /*
    35024118  if((irst_avatar == 0) && (bl9->l2 == -1)) {
    35034119    if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    35094125  irst_avatar = irst_avatar+1;
     4126  */
     4127  //  if((bl3->ia1 + bl3->ia2 - nbquit) <= 10) goto pnu255; // Stop the cascade if only very few nucleons are left.
    35114129  if (tim < temfin) {
    35184136  goto pnu255;
    35194137 pnu49:
     4138  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu49)" << G4endl;
    35204139  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    35214140    G4cout <<"G4Incl: Now at pnu49. " << G4endl;
    35514170  // l1 est un delta:
    35524171 pnu830:
     4172  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu830)" << G4endl;
    35534173  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    35544174    G4cout <<"G4Incl: Now at pnu830." << G4endl;
    35664186  }
    35674187 pnu803:
     4188  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu803)" << G4endl;
    35684189  // pas de collision entre 2 non participants:
    35694190  if(jparticip[bl9->l1] == 0 && jparticip[bl9->l2] == 0) {
    36324253  goto pnu261;
    36334254 pnu260:
     4255  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu260)" << G4endl;
    36344256  bmax2 = totalCrossSection(sq,mg,isos)/31.41592;
    36354257 pnu261:
     4258  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu261)" << G4endl;
    36364259  if (bb2 < bmax2) {
    36374260    goto pnu220;
    36484271  // evaluation of the positions at time = tim
    36494272 pnu220:
     4273  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu220)" << G4endl;
    36504274  timi = tim;
    36514275   if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    36834307  // gel des nucleons non participants sur le premier avatar (nn)=(l1,1)     
     4308  /*
    36844309  if (irst_avatar == 1) {
    36854310    for(G4int i = 1; i <= bl9->l1; i = i + bl9->l1 - 1) { // bugfix!
    36974322  }
    36984323  else {
     4324  */
    36994325    for(G4int i = 1; i <= ia; i++) {
    37004326      bl1->ta = tau/bl1->eps[i];
    37034329      bl3->x3[i] = bl3->x3[i] + bl1->p3[i]*(bl1->ta);
    37044330    }
    3705   }
     4331    //  }
    37074333  //  if(npion != 0) {
    37144340    }
    37154341  }
     4342  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu840)" << G4endl;
    37174344  if(bl9->l2 == 0) {
    38284455  }
    38294456 pnu243:
     4457  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu243)" << G4endl;
    38304458  if (bl1->ind1[bl9->l2] == 1) { // bugfix 1 -> 0
    38314459    goto pnu241;
    38384466  goto pnu241;
    38394467 pnu248:
     4468  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu248)" << G4endl;
    38404469  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    38414470    G4cout <<"Pauli blocked transition!" << G4endl;
    38754504 pnu241:
     4505  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu241)" << G4endl;
    38774506  // la premiere collision a deux corps ne peut pas baisser l'energie
    38784507  // du nucleon de recul (bloque par pauli dans un noyau cible froid).
    39744603  q4[npion] = t[14]; //t(15)->t[14]
    39754604 pnu240:
     4605  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu240)" << G4endl;
    39764606  ncol = ncol + 1;
    39774607  if (bl9->l2 != 1) {
    40464676  pnu870:
     4677  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu870)" << G4endl;
    40474678  bl5->tlg[bl9->l1] = th*(bl1->eps[bl9->l1])/std::sqrt(std::pow(bl1->eps[bl9->l1],2)-std::pow(bl1->p1[bl9->l1],2)-std::pow(bl1->p2[bl9->l1],2)-std::pow(bl1->p3[bl9->l1],2));
    40484679  bl5->tlg[bl9->l2] = th*(bl1->eps[bl9->l2])/std::sqrt(std::pow(bl1->eps[bl9->l2],2)-std::pow(bl1->p1[bl9->l2],2)-std::pow(bl1->p2[bl9->l2],2)-std::pow(bl1->p3[bl9->l2],2));
    42514882 pnu848:
     4883  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu848)" << G4endl;
    42524884  if (npion == 0) {
    42534885    goto pnu844;
    42704902 pnu843:
     4903  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu843)" << G4endl;
    42714904  if(bl1->ind1[bl9->l2] != 1) {
    42724905    for(G4int k20 = 1; k20 <= npion; k20++) {
    42764909  }
    42774910 pnu844:
     4911  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu844)" << G4endl;
    42794912  if(bl1->ind1[bl9->l1]+bl1->ind1[bl9->l2] <= ich1+ich2) {
    42804913    goto pnu849;
    42864919  goto pnu821;
    42874920 pnu820:
     4921  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu820)" << G4endl;
    42884922  if(bl1->ind1[bl9->l2]-ich2 != 1) {
    42894923    goto pnu849;
    42934927 pnu821:
     4928  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu821)" << G4endl;
    42944929  standardRandom(&rndm,&(hazard->igraine[16]));
    42954930  // largeur variable du delta (phase space factor G4introduced 4/2001)
    43204955  // decay of the delta particle                                       p-n09780
    43214956 pnu805:
     4957  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu805)" << G4endl;
    43224958  npion = npion + 1;
    43234959  ichd = bl1->ind2[bl9->l1];
    43735009 pnu837:
     5010  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu837)" << G4endl;
    43745011  ipi[npion]=bl1->ind2[bl9->l1]*2;
    43755012  bl1->ind2[bl9->l1]=-1*(bl1->ind2[bl9->l1]);
    43765013  goto pnu809;
    43775014 pnu806:
     5015  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu806)" << G4endl;
    43785016  bl1->ind2[bl9->l1]=bl1->ind2[bl9->l1]/3;
    43795017  ipi[npion]=2*(bl1->ind2[bl9->l1]);
    43805018 pnu809: // continue
     5019  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu809)" << G4endl;
    43815020  bl1->ind1[bl9->l1]=0;
    43825021  bl5->tlg[bl9->l1]=0.;
    44225061  // it is blocked!     
    44235062 pnu1848:
     5063  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu1848)" << G4endl;
    44245064  mpaul2 = mpaul2 + 1;
    44255065  if(varavat->kveux == 1) {
    44675107  // valid decay of the delta
    44685108 pnu850:
     5109  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu850)" << G4endl;
    44695110  if(varavat->kveux == 1) {
    44705111    varavat->bloc_paul[iavat] = 0;
    45155156 pnu4047:
     5157  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu4047)" << G4endl;
    45165158  if (bl5->nesc[bl9->l1] != 0) {
    45175159    goto pnu845;
    45395181 pnu845:
     5182  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu845)" << G4endl;
    45405183  new2(y1[npion], y2[npion], y3[npion], q1[npion], q2[npion], q3[npion], q4[npion], npion, bl9->l1);
    45415184  if(bl2->k == 0) {
    45505193  // pion-nucleon collision
    45515194 pnu801:
     5195  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu801)" << G4endl;
    45525196  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    45535197    G4cout <<"Pion-nucleon collision!" << G4endl;
    45895233 pnu832:
     5234  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu832)" << G4endl;
    45905235  if (bl2->k == 0) {
    45915236    goto pnu230;
    45975242  goto pnu44;
    45985243 pnu831:
     5244  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu831)" << G4endl;
    45995245  standardRandom(&rndm, &(hazard->igraine[18]));
    46005246  geff = t[9]/sq; //t(10)->t[9]
    47145360  // reflection on or transmission through the potential wall
    47155361 pnu600:
     5362  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu600)" << G4endl;
    47165363  // deutons pas bien compris ici cv ?
    47175364  if (npproj[bl9->l1] == 0) {
    47365383  }
     5385  if (bl1->ind2[bl9->l1] == 1) { //then
     5386    npenter=npenter+1;
     5387  } else {
     5388    nnenter=nnenter+1;
     5389  } // endif
    47385391  var_ab = std::pow(bl1->p1[bl9->l1],2) + std::pow(bl1->p2[bl9->l1],2) + std::pow(bl1->p3[bl9->l1],2);
    47395392  gpsg = 0.0;
    47565409  // pour un non participant la transmission est impossible:
    47575410 pnu608:
     5411  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu608)" << G4endl;
    47585412  if(varavat->kveux == 1) {
    47595413    varavat->del1avat[iavat] = bl1->ind1[bl9->l1];
    47785432 pnu605:
     5433  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu605)" << G4endl;
    47795434  fm = fmp;
    47805435  pot = v0;
    47825437 pnu606:
     5438  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu606)" << G4endl;
    47835439  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    47845440    G4cout <<"G4Incl: Now at pnu606. Calculating transmission probability." << G4endl;
    47855441  }
    4786   tp = transmissionProb(bl1->eps[bl9->l1]-fm,bl1->ind2[bl9->l1],itch,bl3->r2,v0);
     5442  tp = transmissionProb(bl1->eps[bl9->l1]-fm,bl1->ind2[bl9->l1],1,itch,bl3->r2,v0);
    47875443  if(varavat->kveux == 1) {
    47885444    varavat->energyavat[iavat] = bl1->eps[bl9->l1] - fm;
    47965452    goto pnu601;
    47975453  }
     5454  // Commande clusters ou non (1/0)!
     5455  if(kclst == 0) goto pnu1610;
     5456  // Cluster goes here!
     5457 pnu1610:
     5458  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu1610)" << G4endl;
    47995459  // ici la particule l1 s'échappe du noyau:
    48005460  bl5->nesc[bl9->l1] = 1;
    48115471  bl1->eps[bl9->l1] = bl1->eps[bl9->l1] - pot;
     5473  // Test for a transparent nucleon for composit beams and stored for FermiBreakup
     5474  if(bl3->ia1 > 1 && nc[bl9->l1] == 0) {
     5475    //    G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'incripspnu1610)" << G4endl;
     5476    ips=ips+1;
     5477    isPartOfSpectatorNucleus[bl9->l1] = true;
     5478    ps->n_projspec[ips]=bl9->l1;
     5479    nb_transprojo = nb_transprojo + 1;
     5480  } // endif
     5482  // pnu610: goes here
    48135484  // comptage des particules hors du noyau (7/6/2002):
    48145485  // (remnant minimum=1 nucleon)
    48275498  // here no transmission possible
    48285499 pnu601:
     5500  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu601)" << G4endl;
    48295501  pspr=bl3->x1[bl9->l1]*(bl1->p1[bl9->l1])+bl3->x2[bl9->l1]*(bl1->p2[bl9->l1])+bl3->x3[bl9->l1]*(bl1->p3[bl9->l1]);
    48305502  if(varavat->kveux == 1) {
    48425514 pnu602:
     5515  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu602)" << G4endl;
    48435516  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    48445517    G4cout <<"G4Incl: Now at pnu602." << G4endl;
    48455518  }
    4847   if(bl2->k != 0) {
     5520  if(bl2->k != 0) { // GOTO elimination?
    48485521    kd = 0;
    48495522    ccr = tau;
    48625535    bl2->k = bl2->k - kd;
    4864     if (bl5->nesc[bl9->l1] == 1) {
     5537    if (bl5->nesc[bl9->l1] != 0) { // modif 10/02 pour logique des clusters (nesc()=2!)
    48655538      goto pnu613;
    48665539    }
    48995572 pnu615:
     5573  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu615)" << G4endl;
    49005574  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    49015575    G4cout <<"G4Incl: Now at pnu615." << G4endl;
    49125586  }
    49135587 pnu613:
     5588  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu613)" << G4endl;
    49145589  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    49155590    G4cout <<"G4Incl: Now at pnu613." << G4endl;
    49485623  // decay of the surviving deltas
    49495624 pnu230:
     5625  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu230)" << G4endl;
    49505626  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    49515627    G4cout <<"G4Incl: Now at pnu230." << G4endl;
    49535629  // decay of the surviving deltas
     5631  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu255)" << G4endl;
    49555632  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    49565633    G4cout <<"G4Incl: Now at pnu6255." << G4endl;
    49665643  npidir = npion;
     5645  idq = 0;
     5646  destar = 0.;
    49675648  for(G4int i = 1; i <= ia; i++) {
     5649    G4int iblcdpp=0;
    49685650    if (bl1->ind1[i] == 0) {
    49695651      continue;
    49805662    xy3 = bl1->p3[i];
    49815663    xye = bl1->eps[i];
     5664    ichd=bl1->ind2[i];
    49825665    if(varavat->kveux == 1) {
    49835666      iavat = iavat + 1;
    50005683      G4cout <<"i = " << i << " bl1->p1[i] = " << bl1->p1[i] << " bl1->p2[i] = " << bl1->p2[i] << " bl1->p3[i] = " << bl1->p3[i] << " bl1->eps[i] = " << bl1->eps[i] << G4endl;
    50015684    }
     5686// C 6/08/09; Don't have to check CDPP for the forced decay of a DELTA OUTSIDE!
     5687//       IF(NESC(I).EQ.1) GO TO 1850
     5689// C------
     5690// C On teste CDPP apres la decroissance forcee June/2005 (AB-CV)
     5691// C    Si rejet de la decroissance -> delta devient nucleon sans pion
     5692// C       et toute l'energie en exces est mise en energie d'excitation du noyau
     5693// C       On respecte aussi la conservation de charge (Z du remnant!)
     5695// C Le decay ne peut conduire a un noyau de A nucleons
     5696// C  sous l'energie de Fermi et dans une config. d'energie inferieure a
     5697// C  EFER-(IA2-NBALTTF)*TF).
     5698//        EGS=0.
     5699//        NBALTTF=0
     5700//        DO II=1,IA
     5701//          IF(NESC(II).EQ.0) THEN
     5702//          IF(SQRT(P1(II)**2+P2(II)**2+P3(II)**2).LT.PF) THEN
     5703//             NBALTTF=NBALTTF+1
     5704//             EGS=EGS+EPS(II)-FMP
     5705//          ENDIF
     5706//       ENDIF
     5707//        END DO
     5708//        IF(EGS.GE.(EFER-(IA2-NBALTTF)*TF)) GO TO 1850
     5709// C ATTENTION, logique negative!!! Liberer le goto si on veut supprimer la
     5710// C   sequence precedente (CDPP sur Delta-> pi N)
     5711// C        GO TO 1850
     5713// C Ici ce decay est interdit par CDPP.
     5714// C Restitution du Delta: un neutron au repos et correction conservee pour
     5715// C la charge IDQ et l'energie d'excitation DESTAR du remnant. On viole donc
     5716// C un peu la conservation d'impulsion, mais semble moins grave que de convertir
     5717// C la masse d'un pion en impulsion d'un nucleon unique....
     5718//       IBLCDPP=1              !flag de blocage par CDPP
     5719//       IND1(i) = 0    !identif delta (nucleon)
     5720//       IND2(i) = -1   !isospin du neutron
     5721//      IDQ = IDQ + (ICHD+1)/2
     5722//       p1(i)=0.               !impulsion energie
     5723//       p2(i)=0.
     5724//       p3(i)=0.
     5725//       eps(i)=FMP
     5726//      DESTAR = DESTAR + xye - FMP
     5727//       NPION=NPION-1  !pas le dernier pion
     5729// 1850  CONTINUE
     5730// C------   
    50035731    if(bl5->nesc[i] == 0) {
    50045732      idecf = 1;
    50225750      // fin surface
    50235751    }
     5752    if(iblcdpp == 1) continue; // goto pnu257;
    50255754    if (bl1->ind2[i]*(bl1->ind2[i]) == 9) {
    50375766  pnu283:
     5767    //    G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu283)" << G4endl;
    50385768    if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    50395769      G4cout <<"G4Incl: Now at pnu283." << G4endl;
    50465776  pnu280:
     5777    //    G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu285)" << G4endl;
    50475778    if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    50485779      G4cout <<"G4Incl: Now at pnu280." << G4endl;
    50545785  pnu285:
     5786    //    G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu285)" << G4endl;
    50555787    if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    50565788      G4cout <<"G4Incl: Now at pnu285." << G4endl;
    50955827 pnu256:
     5828  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu256)" << G4endl;
    50965829  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    50975830    G4cout <<"G4Incl: Now at pnu256." << G4endl;
    51025835  npx = 0;
    51035836  erem = 0.;
     5837  // Excitation energy of the final delta of blocked decay: (AB CV 6/2005)
     5838  erem = erem + destar;
    51045839  izrem = 0;
     5840  // Correct the charge of the remnant if the final delta is blocked: (A.B., C.V. 6/2005)
     5841  izrem = izrem + idq;
    51055842  inrem = 0;
    51065843  iarem = 0;
    51155852  pout3 = 0.0;
    51165853  eout = 0.0;
     5854  p1spec=0.;
     5855  p2spec=0.;
     5856  p3spec=0.;
    51175857  cmultn = 0.0;
    5119   if (kindstruct->kindf7 <= 2) {
     5859  if (kindstruct->kindf7 <= 2 && kindstruct->kindf7 > 0) {
    51205860    if (ncol == 0 || nc[1] == 0) { // then nc(1)->nc[0]
    51215861      if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    51265866  }
    51275867  else {
    5128     if (kindstruct->kindf7 <= 5) {
     5868    if (kindstruct->kindf7 <= 5 && kindstruct->kindf7 > 0) {
    51295869      if (ncol == 0) {
    51305870        if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    51495889  // pour eviter renvoi des resultats du run precedent cv 20/11/98
    51505890 pnu9100:
     5891  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu9100)" << G4endl;
    51515892  iarem = bl3->ia2;
    51525893  izrem = iz2;
    51625903 pnu9101:
     5904  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu9101)" << G4endl;
    51635905  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    51645906    G4cout <<"G4Incl: Now at pnu9101." << G4endl;
    51685910  ekout = 0.0;
    5170   for(G4int i = 1; i <= ia; i++) {
    5171     if(bl5->nesc[i] != 0) {
    5172       xl1 = xl1-bl3->x2[i]*(bl1->p3[i]) + (bl3->x3[i])*(bl1->p2[i]);
    5173       xl2 = xl2-bl3->x3[i]*(bl1->p1[i]) + bl3->x1[i]*(bl1->p3[i]);
    5174       xl3 = xl3-bl3->x1[i]*(bl1->p2[i]) + bl3->x2[i]*(bl1->p1[i]);
    5176       // ici ajout de pout cv le 5/7/95
    5177       pout1 = pout1 + bl1->p1[i];
    5178       pout2 = pout2 + bl1->p2[i];
    5179       pout3 = pout3 + bl1->p3[i];
    5180       eout = eout+bl1->eps[i] - fmp;
    5181       //      ic33 = int((std::floor(double(bl1->ind2[i]+3))/double(2)));
    5182       ic33 = (bl1->ind2[i]+3)/2;
    5183       //nopart = nopart + 1;
    5184       kind[nopart] = 3 - ic33;
    5185       if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    5186         G4cout <<"kind[" << nopart << "] = " << kind[nopart] << G4endl;
    5187       }
    5188       ep[nopart] = bl1->eps[i] - fmp;
    5189       if(verboseLevel > 2) {
    5190         if(ep[nopart] > calincl->f[2]) {
    5191           G4cout <<"ep[" << nopart << "] = " << ep[nopart] << " > " << calincl->f[2] << G4endl;
    5192           G4cout <<"E = " << bl1->eps[nopart] << G4endl;
    5193           G4cout <<"px = " << bl1->p1[nopart] << " py = " << bl1->p2[nopart] << " pz = " << bl1->p3[nopart] << G4endl;
    5194           G4cout <<"Particle mass = " << fmp << G4endl;
    5195         }
    5196       }
    5197       bmass[nopart] = fmp;
    5198       ekout = ekout + ep[nopart];
    5199       ptotl = std::sqrt(std::pow(bl1->p1[i],2) + std::pow(bl1->p2[i],2) + std::pow(bl1->p3[i],2));
    5200       alpha[nopart] = bl1->p1[i]/ptotl;
    5201       beta[nopart] = bl1->p2[i]/ptotl;
    5202       gam[nopart] = bl1->p3[i]/ptotl;
    5203       nopart = nopart + 1;
    5204       continue;
    5205     }
    5207     t[3] = bl3->x1[i]*(bl3->x1[i]) + bl3->x2[i]*(bl3->x2[i]) + bl3->x3[i]*(bl3->x3[i]); //t(4)->t[3]
    5208     erem = erem + bl1->eps[i] - fmp;
    5209     rcm1 = rcm1 + bl3->x1[i];
    5210     rcm2 = rcm2 + bl3->x2[i];
    5211     rcm3 = rcm3 + bl3->x3[i];
    5212     prem1 = prem1 + bl1->p1[i];
    5213     prem2 = prem2 + bl1->p2[i];
    5214     prem3 = prem3 + bl1->p3[i];
    5215     izrem = izrem + (1 + bl1->ind2[i])/2;
    5216     iarem = iarem + 1;
    5217   }
     5912  if(kclst != 0) { // Clusters go here!
     5913  }
     5915// Treat here the projectile spectators (including transparents):
     5916  projo_spec(bl3->ia1,ips,fmpinc,pinc,tlab);
     5918  for(G4int i = 1; i <= ia; i++) { // do 258 i=1,ia
     5919    //  pnu259:
     5920    if (bl5->nesc[i] == 0) goto pnu254;
     5921    if (bl5->nesc[i] > 1) continue; // on evite les nucleons des clusters
     5923    // here nesc=1 or negative value (emitted nucleons, spectators included)     
     5924    xl1_i=bl3->x2[i]*bl1->p3[i]-bl3->x3[i]*bl1->p2[i];  // moment angulaire emporte
     5925    xl2_i=bl3->x3[i]*bl1->p1[i]-bl3->x1[i]*bl1->p3[i];
     5926    xl3_i=bl3->x1[i]*bl1->p2[i]-bl3->x2[i]*bl1->p1[i];
     5928    xl1=xl1-xl1_i;                                                   
     5929    xl2=xl2-xl2_i;                                                     
     5930    xl3=xl3-xl3_i;                                                     
     5932    //   ici ajout de pout cv le 5/7/95
     5933    pout1=pout1+bl1->p1[i];
     5934    pout2=pout2+bl1->p2[i];
     5935    pout3=pout3+bl1->p3[i];
     5936    //      write(6,*)'eout nucleon',eout
     5937    eout = eout + bl1->eps[i]-fmp;
     5939    ic33=(bl1->ind2[i]+3)/2;
     5941    // here we don't copy the spectators of the projectile bound in a
     5942    //   spectator nucleus (treated by the deexcitation module):
     5943    if(kindstruct->kindf7 < 0 && i <= bl3->ia1 && ps->a_projspec != 0) {
     5944      for(G4int iloc =  1; iloc <= ps->a_projspec; iloc++) { //do iloc=1,a_projspec
     5945        if(i == ps->n_projspec[iloc]) {
     5946          p1spec=p1spec+bl1->p1[i];
     5947          p2spec=p2spec+bl1->p2[i];
     5948          p3spec=p3spec+bl1->p3[i];
     5949          // for balance, a transparent from projectile is out:
     5950          if(i > ips-nb_transprojo) ekout=ekout+bl1->eps[i]-fmp;
     5951          goto pnu258_end_of_outer_loop;
     5952          //      continue;
     5953        } // endif
     5954      } // enddo
     5955    } // endif
     5956    //    if (isPartOfSpectatorNucleus[i]) goto pnu258_end_of_outer_loop;
     5958    nopart=nopart+1;
     5960    ekout=ekout+bl1->eps[i]-fmp;
     5962    kind[nopart]=3-ic33;
     5963    // spectators of composite projectiles (7/2006, ab)
     5964    if(npproj[i] == 1) kind[nopart] = -kind[nopart];
     5966    ep[nopart]=bl1->eps[i]-fmp;
     5967    bmass[nopart]=fmp;
     5968    ptotl=std::sqrt(std::pow(bl1->p1[i],2) + std::pow(bl1->p2[i],2)+std::pow(bl1->p3[i],2));
     5969    alpha[nopart]=bl1->p1[i]/ptotl;
     5970    beta[nopart]=bl1->p2[i]/ptotl;
     5971    gam[nopart]=bl1->p3[i]/ptotl;
     5973    continue;
     5974  pnu254:
     5975    t[4]=bl3->x1[i]*bl3->x1[i]+bl3->x2[i]*bl3->x2[i]+bl3->x3[i]*bl3->x3[i];
     5976    erem=erem+bl1->eps[i]-fmp;
     5977    rcm1=rcm1+bl3->x1[i];
     5978    rcm2=rcm2+bl3->x2[i];
     5979    rcm3=rcm3+bl3->x3[i];
     5980    prem1=prem1+bl1->p1[i];
     5981    prem2=prem2+bl1->p2[i];
     5982    prem3=prem3+bl1->p3[i];
     5983    izrem=izrem+(1+bl1->ind2[i])/2;
     5984    iarem=iarem+1;
     5985  pnu258_end_of_outer_loop:
     5986    continue;
     5987  }
     5988  //  258 continue 
     5990  //pnu258:
     5991  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnu258)" << G4endl;
    52195992  //  correction pions 21/3/95 jc
    52205993  ichpion = 0;
    52296002      xl3 = xl3 - y1[ipion]*q2[ipion] + y2[ipion]*q1[ipion];
    52306003      ichpion = ichpion + ipi[ipion]/2;
    5231       //      nopart = nopart + 1;
     6004      nopart = nopart + 1;
    52326005      kind[nopart] = 4 - ipi[ipion]/2;
    52336006      ptotl = std::sqrt(std::pow(q1[ipion],2) + std::pow(q2[ipion],2) + std::pow(q3[ipion],2));
    52386011      beta[nopart] = q2[ipion]/ptotl;
    52396012      gam[nopart] = q3[ipion]/ptotl;
    5240       nopart++;
     6013      //      nopart++;
    52416014    }
    52426015  }
    53546127    }
    5356     for(G4int ipart = 0; ipart < nopart; ipart++) {
     6129    for(G4int ipart = 0; ipart <= nopart; ipart++) {
    53576130      ep[ipart] = ep[ipart]*fffc;
    53586131    }
    53616134  // modif boudard juillet 99 (il faut tenir compte de la renormalisation
    53626135  // des energies pour les impulsions.)
    5363   pfrem1 = 0.0;
    5364   pfrem2 = 0.0;
    5365   pfrem3 = pinc;
    5366   for(G4int ipart = 0; ipart < nopart; ipart++) {
    5367     xmodp = std::sqrt(ep[ipart]*(2.0*bmass[ipart] + ep[ipart]));
     6136  pfrem1= -p1spec;
     6137  pfrem2= -p2spec;
     6138  pfrem3=pinc-p3spec;
     6139//   if(useProjSpect) {
     6140//     pfrem1 = -p1_spec;
     6141//     pfrem2 = -p2_spec;
     6142//     pfrem3 = pinc - p3_spec;
     6143//   } else {
     6144//     pfrem1 = 0.0;
     6145//     pfrem2 = 0.0;
     6146//     pfrem3 = pinc;
     6147//   }
     6148  for(G4int ipart = 0; ipart <= nopart; ipart++) {
     6149    G4double xmodp = 0.0;
     6150    if(ep[ipart] < 0.0) { // Safeguard against particles with negative energy
     6151      xmodp = 0.0;
     6152      G4cout <<"The energy of particle " << ipart << " is negative (" << ep[ipart] << "). Forcing xmodp = " << xmodp << "." << G4endl;
     6153    } else {
     6154      xmodp = std::sqrt(ep[ipart]*(2.0*bmass[ipart] + ep[ipart]));
     6155    }
    53686156    pfrem1 = pfrem1 - alpha[ipart]*xmodp;
    53696157    pfrem2 = pfrem2 - beta[ipart]*xmodp;
    53946182    esrem = 0.0;
    53956183  }
     6184  goto pnureturn;
    53976186  if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    54046193  }
    54056194 pnureturn:
     6195  //  G4cout <<"(checkpoint 'pnureturn)" << G4endl;
     6196//   if(useProjSpect) {
     6197//     varntp->spectatorA = a_projspec;
     6198//     varntp->spectatorZ = z_projspec;
     6199//     varntp->spectatorEx = ex_projspec;
     6200//     varntp->spectatorT = t_projspec;
     6201//     varntp->spectatorM = m_projspec;
     6202//     varntp->spectatorP1 = p1_projspec;
     6203//     varntp->spectatorP2 = p1_projspec;
     6204//     varntp->spectatorP3 = p1_projspec;
     6205//   }
    54066206  (*ibert_p) = ibert;
    54076207  (*nopart_p) = nopart;
    54156215  (*bimpact_p) = bimpact;
    54166216  (*l_p) = l;
    5417 }
     6217  (*xjrem) = 0;
     6218  (*yjrem) = 0;
     6219  (*zjrem) = 0;
    54206222void G4Incl::collis(G4double *p1_p, G4double *p2_p, G4double *p3_p, G4double *e1_p, G4double *pout11_p, G4double *pout12_p,
    65677369    // pauli strict
    65687370    pmod = std::sqrt(std::pow(bl1->p1[l],2) + std::pow(bl1->p2[l],2) + std::pow(bl1->p3[l],2));
    6569     if (pmod < 270.0) {
     7371    if (pmod < fermi->pf) {
    65707372      return 1.0;
    65717373    } else {
    66747476  G4double sine = 0.0;
    6676   if((m-1) < 0) {
     7478  if((m-1) < 0) { // Nucleon - Nucleon
    66777479    sine = deltaProductionCrossSection(E,int(i));
    66787480  }
    6680   if((m-1) == 0) {
     7482  if((m-1) == 0) { // Nucleon - Delta
    66817483    sine = srec(E,(bl6->xx10),i,int(bl6->isa));
    66827484  }
    6684   if((m-1) > 0) {
     7486  if((m-1) > 0) { // Delta - Delta
    66857487    sine = 0.0;
    66867488  }
    66887490  stotResult = sine + lowEnergy(E,m,i);
     7491#ifdef G4INCLDEBUG
     7492  theLogger->fillHistogram1D("totalCXResult", stotResult);
     7493  theLogger->fillHistogram1D("totalLowECX", lowEnergy(E, m, i));
     7494  if(m == 0) { // Nucleon - Nucleon
     7495    if(i == 2) { // pp
     7496      theLogger->fillHistogram2D("ppCX", E, stotResult);
     7497    } else if(i == 0) { // pn
     7498      theLogger->fillHistogram2D("pnCX", E, stotResult);
     7499    } else if(i == -2) { // nn
     7500      theLogger->fillHistogram2D("nnCX", E, stotResult);
     7501    }
     7502  } else if(m == 1) { // Nucleon - Delta
     7503    theLogger->fillHistogram2D("NDCX", E, stotResult);
     7504  } else if(m == 2) { // Delta - Delta
     7505    theLogger->fillHistogram2D("DDCX", E, stotResult);
     7506  }
    66897508  return stotResult;
    6860 G4double G4Incl::transmissionProb(G4double E, G4double iz, G4double izn, G4double r, G4double v0)
    6861 {
    6862   // transmission probability for a nucleon of kinetic energy
    6863   // E on the edge of the well of depth v0 (nr approximation)
    6864   // iz is the isospin of the nucleon,izn the instanteneous charge
    6865   // of the nucleus and r is the target radius
    6867   G4double x = 0.0;
     7679//      FUNCTION BARR(E,IZ,IA,IZN,R,V0)
     7680//  tp =          transmissionProb(bl1->eps[bl9->l1]-fm,bl1->ind2[bl9->l1],1,itch,bl3->r2,v0);
     7681G4double G4Incl::transmissionProb(G4double E, G4int iz, G4int ia, G4int izn,G4double R, G4double v0)
     7683// C
     7684// C
     7686// C    (06/2005)
     7687// C                                                                       P-N24450
     7689// CCC   pion) of kinetic energy E on the edge of the (attractive) well of
     7690// CCC   depth V0 felt by the particle.
     7691// CCC          IZ is the isospin of the particle,
     7692// CCC          IZN the instantaneous charge of the nucleus and R the radius of
     7693// CCC       the well.
     7694// CCC          IA is the mass number of the particle, and MRE its mass energy.             
     7695// C                                                                       P-N24500
     7696// C     Modified 9/10/2002 for clusters (d,t,3He,4He) (IZ=isospin,IA=A)
     7697// C     IZ must be correct so that charge Q=(IA+IZ)/2.
     7698// C     Modified 4/2004 for relativistic expressions and pions.
     7700  G4double mre;
    68687701  G4double barr = 0.0;
    6870   // We need enough energy to escape from the potential well.
    6871   if (E > v0) {
    6872     x = std::sqrt(E*(E - v0));
    6873     barr = 4.0*x/(E + E - v0 + x + x);
    6874     if (iz > 0 && izn != 0) { // izn = 0 causes division by zero
    6875       G4double b = izn*1.44/r;
    6876       G4double px = std::sqrt((E - v0)/b);
    6878       if (px < 1.0) {
    6879         G4double g = izn/137.03*std::sqrt(2.0*938.3/(E - v0))*(std::acos(px) - px*std::sqrt(1.0 - px*px));
    6880         if (g > 35.){
    6881           barr=0.0;
    6882         } else {
    6883           barr = barr*std::exp(-2.0*g);
    6884         }
    6885         return barr;
    6886       } else {
    6887         return barr;
    6888       }
    6889     } else {
    6890       return barr;
    6891     }
     7702  G4double v0ia = v0*ia;
     7703  mre = ia*938.3;
     7705  if (E > v0ia && izn > 0 && R != 0) goto tp1;
     7706  barr = 0.0;
     7707  return barr;
     7709 tp1:
     7710  G4double x=std::sqrt((2.*mre*E+E*E)*(2.*mre*(E-v0ia)+std::pow((E-v0ia),2)));                                         
     7711  barr=4.*x/(2.*mre*(2.*E-v0ia)+std::pow(E,2)+std::pow(E-v0ia,2)+2.*x);
     7712  G4double iq=(ia+iz)/2.;
     7713  if (iq > 0 && E > v0ia) goto tp2;
     7714  return barr;
     7716 tp2:
     7717  G4double b=iq*izn*1.44/R;                                             
     7718  G4double px=std::sqrt((E-v0ia)/b);                                             
     7719  if (px < 1.) goto tp3;
     7720  return barr;
     7722 tp3:
     7723  G4double g=iq*izn/137.03*std::sqrt(2.*mre/(E-v0ia)/(1.+(E-v0ia)/2./mre))
     7724    *(std::acos(px)-px*std::sqrt(1.-px*px));
     7725  if (g > 35.) {
     7726    barr=0.0;
    68927727  } else {
    6893     return barr;
    6894   }
     7728    barr=barr*std::exp(-2.*g);
     7729  } // endif
     7730  return barr;
    69087744  G4double s_l = 0.0;
    69097745  G4double t1 = 0.0, t3 = 0.0, t4 = 0.0, t5 = 0.0;
    6910   if (ws->nosurf <= 0) { // modif pour w.s.:
    6911     xv = p/pf;
    6912     if(t2 <= pf2) {
    6913       r = interpolateFunction(xv);
    6914     } else {
    6915       r = ws->rmaxws;
    6916     }
    6917     r = r*r;
    6918   }
     7746   if (ws->nosurf <= 0) { // modif pour w.s.:
     7747     xv = p/pf;
     7748     if(t2 <= pf2) {
     7749       r = interpolateFunction(xv);
     7750#ifdef G4INCLDEBUG
     7751     theLogger->fillHistogram1D("refInterpolXV", xv);
     7752     theLogger->fillHistogram1D("refInterpolRes", r);
     7753     if(xv > 1.0) theLogger->fillHistogram1D("refInterpolResWhenXVgt1", r);
     7755     } else {
     7756       r = ws->rmaxws;
     7757     }
     7758     r = r*r;
     7759   }
     7761  if (ws->nosurf <= 0) {
     7762    // modif pour w.s.:
     7763    xv=p/pf;
     7764    r=interpolateFunction(xv);
     7765    r=r*r;
     7766    if (t2 > pf2) r=std::pow(ws->rmaxws,2);
     7767  } //endif
    69197769 ref21:
    69207770  t4 = x1*x1 + x2*x2 + x3*x3;
    69697819  }
    6971   bl3->ia2 = int(std::floor(calincl->f[0] + 0.1)); // f(1) -> f[0]
     7821  //  bl3->ia2 = int(std::floor(calincl->targetA() + 0.1)); // f(1) -> f[0]
     7822  bl3->ia2 = calincl->targetA();
    69727823  sep = 6.8309;
    69767827      itg = 6 - 1;
    69777828    }
    6978     if(bl3->ia2 == 3 && calincl->f[1] == 1) {
     7829    if(bl3->ia2 == 3 && calincl->targetZ() == 1) {
    69797830      itg = 7 - 1;
    69807831    }
    6981     if(bl3->ia2 == 3 && calincl->f[1] == 2) {
     7832    if(bl3->ia2 == 3 && calincl->targetZ() == 2) {
    69827833      itg = 8 - 1;
    69837834    }
    69887839  }
    6990   if((calincl->f[2] >= 10.0) && (calincl->f[2] <= 100.0)) {
    6991     if(calincl->f[6] == 1.0) {
     7841  if((calincl->bulletE() >= 10.0) && (calincl->bulletE() <= 100.0)) {
     7842    if(calincl->bulletType() == 1) {
    69927843      bl3->ia1 = int(1.0);
    69937844      iz1 = 1.0;
    69947845      G4double fmpinc = 938.2796;
    6995       G4double pbeam2 = calincl->f[2]*(calincl->f[2] + 2.0*fmpinc);
     7846      G4double pbeam2 = calincl->bulletE()*(calincl->bulletE() + 2.0*fmpinc);
    69967847      bmaxt = ws->bmax;
    6997       proba_trans = coulombTransm(calincl->f[2],bl3->ia1,iz1,calincl->f[0],calincl->f[1]);
    6998       proba = forceAbs(1,calincl->f[0],calincl->f[1],calincl->f[2],bmaxt,proba_trans);
     7848      proba_trans = coulombTransm(calincl->bulletE(),bl3->ia1,iz1,calincl->targetA(),calincl->targetZ());
     7849      proba = forceAbs(1,calincl->targetA(),calincl->targetZ(),calincl->bulletE(),bmaxt,proba_trans);
    70007851      standardRandom(&alea,&(hazard->igraine[4]));
    70037854      }
    7005       (*iarem) = int(calincl->f[0]) + bl3->ia1;
    7006       (*izrem) = int(calincl->f[1]) + int(iz1);
     7856      (*iarem) = int(calincl->targetA()) + bl3->ia1;
     7857      (*izrem) = int(calincl->targetZ()) + int(iz1);
    7008       del = std::sqrt(std::pow(((calincl->f[0] + 1.0)*fmpinc + calincl->f[2]),2) - pbeam2);
     7859      del = std::sqrt(std::pow(((calincl->targetA() + 1.0)*fmpinc + calincl->bulletE()),2) - pbeam2);
    7010       (*erecrem) = pbeam2/((calincl->f[0] + 1.0)*fmpinc+calincl->f[2] + del);
    7012       (*esrem) = calincl->f[2] + sep - (*erecrem);
     7861      (*erecrem) = pbeam2/((calincl->targetA() + 1.0)*fmpinc+calincl->bulletE() + del);
     7863      (*esrem) = calincl->bulletE() + sep - (*erecrem);
    70147865      (*alrem) = 0.00001;
    70197870      return;
    70207871    }
    7021     else if((calincl->f[6] == 2) && (calincl->f[2] >= 20.0)) {
     7872    else if((calincl->bulletType() == 2) && (calincl->bulletE() >= 20.0)) {
    70227873      bl3->ia1 = int(1.0);
    70237874      iz1 = 0.0;
    70247875      G4double fmpinc = 938.2796;
    7025       G4double pbeam2 = calincl->f[2]*(calincl->f[2] + 2.0*fmpinc);
     7876      G4double pbeam2 = calincl->bulletE()*(calincl->bulletE() + 2.0*fmpinc);
    70267877      bmaxt = ws->bmax;
    7027       proba_trans = coulombTransm(calincl->f[2],bl3->ia1,iz1,calincl->f[0],calincl->f[1]);
    7028       proba = forceAbs(1,calincl->f[0],calincl->f[1],calincl->f[2],bmaxt,proba_trans);
     7878      proba_trans = coulombTransm(calincl->bulletE(),bl3->ia1,iz1,calincl->targetA(),calincl->targetZ());
     7879      proba = forceAbs(1,calincl->targetA(),calincl->targetZ(),calincl->bulletE(),bmaxt,proba_trans);
    70307881      standardRandom(&alea,&(hazard->igraine[4]));
    70337884      }
    7035       (*iarem) = int(calincl->f[0]) + bl3->ia1;
    7036       (*izrem) = int(calincl->f[1]) + int(iz1);
     7886      (*iarem) = int(calincl->targetA()) + bl3->ia1;
     7887      (*izrem) = int(calincl->targetZ()) + int(iz1);
    7038       del = std::sqrt(std::pow(((calincl->f[0]+1.)*fmpinc+calincl->f[2]),2)-pbeam2);
     7889      del = std::sqrt(std::pow(((calincl->targetA()+1.)*fmpinc+calincl->bulletE()),2)-pbeam2);
    7040       (*erecrem) = pbeam2/((calincl->f[0] + 1.0)*fmpinc + calincl->f[2] + del);
    7042       (*esrem) = calincl->f[2] + sep - (*erecrem);
     7891      (*erecrem) = pbeam2/((calincl->targetA() + 1.0)*fmpinc + calincl->bulletE() + del);
     7893      (*esrem) = calincl->bulletE() + sep - (*erecrem);
    70447895      (*alrem) = 0.00001;
    71087959    return dp0;
    71097960  }
    7110   G4double rp = radius(ap);                                                     
    7111   G4double rt = radius(at);                                                     
     7961  G4double rp = radius(G4int(ap));                                                     
     7962  G4double rt = radius(G4int(at));                                                     
    71127963  G4double vp = (dp1 + dpth)*dppi*std::pow(rp,3);                                         
    71137964  G4double vt = (dp1 + dpth)*dppi*std::pow(rt,3);                                         
    73118162  // Gaussian random number generator
     8163  G4double xg, xxg, xshuf;
     8164 gaussianRandom1:
     8165  xg=0.;
     8166  for(G4int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { //do 6 j=1,12
     8167    standardRandom(&xxg,&(hazard->ial));
     8168    //  gaussianRandom6:
     8169    xg=xg+xxg;
     8170  }
     8171  xg=xg-6.;
     8172  if (xg*xg > 9.0) goto gaussianRandom1;
     8173  standardRandom(&xshuf,&(hazard->igraine[10]));
     8174  if (xshuf > 0.5) standardRandom(&xxg,&(hazard->ial));
     8175  // gaussianRandom2:
     8176  (*rndm) = xg;
     8177  return;
     8178    /* 
    73138179  G4double tempRandom = 0.0, random = 0.0, randomShuffle = 0.0;
    73338199  (*rndm) = random;
     8200    */
    7348 G4double G4Incl::radius(G4double A)
     8215G4double G4Incl::radius(G4int A)
    73508217  const G4double dp1 = 1.0, dp3 = 3.0;
    73618228  G4double fact = std::sqrt(dp5/dp3);                                               
    7362   G4int ia = int(std::floor(A+0.4));                                                       
     8229  //  G4int ia = int(std::floor(A+0.4));                                                       
     8230  G4int ia = A;
    73638231  G4double result = fact * (0.84 * std::pow(A,dpth) + 0.55);                               
    73648232  for(G4int i = 0; i < naSize; i++) {
     8479// C****************************************************************************
     8481void G4Incl::projo_spec(G4int, G4int ips,
     8482                   G4double, G4double, G4double) // max_a_proj is a global #define'd as a global constant
     8484  //      subroutine projo_spec(ia1,ips,max_a_proj,
     8485  //     sn_projspec,fmpinc,pinc,tlab)
     8486  //      common/bl1/p1(300),p2(300),p3(300),eps(300),ind1(300),ind2(300),ta
     8487  // spectators of the projectile treated here (nucleus for fermi-breakup):
     8488  // ips is the number of spect, their label is in n_projspec(ips).
     8489  // e,p are outside the target potential for these nucleons.
     8490  // la transmission de max_a_proj=60 ne marche pas....explicite ici!
     8491  //      integer a_projspec,z_projspec,n_projspec(60)
     8492  //      real*4 m_projspec
     8493  //      common/proj_spect/a_projspec,z_projspec,ex_projspec,t_projspec,
     8494  //     s p1_projspec,p2_projspec,p3_projspec,m_projspec
     8495  ///      common/quatvectprojo/eps_c(60),p3_c(60),
     8496  //     s  p1_s(60),p2_s(60),p3_s(60),
     8497  //     s  t_c(60)
     8498  // (eps_c,p1_s,p2_s,p3_s,eps_c used to store the kinematics of nucleons
     8499  // for composit projectiles before entering the potential)
     8500  //      common/fermi/tf,pf,pf2     
     8502  //  G4double ttrou[21];
     8503  G4double fja = 0.0;
     8504  G4double fjz = 0.0;
     8505  //  G4double ex2;
     8506  //  G4double rmmass;
     8507  //  const G4double um = 931.20793;
     8509// c verifs: ground state
     8510// c      es=0.
     8511// c      p1s=0.
     8512// c      p2s=0.
     8513// c      p3s=0.
     8514// c      gsmass=0.
     8515// c      do iloc=1,ia1
     8516// c      es=es+eps_c(iloc)
     8517// c      p1s=p1s+p1_s(iloc)
     8518// c      p2s=p2s+p2_s(iloc)
     8519// c      p3s=p3s+p3_s(iloc)
     8520// c      gsmass=gsmass+sqrt(eps_c(iloc)**2
     8521// c     s        -p1_s(iloc)**2-p2_s(iloc)**2-p3_s(iloc)**2)
     8522// c      enddo
     8523// c      sgs=sqrt(es**2-p1s**2-p2s**2-p3s**2)
     8524// c      write(6,*) 'sqs, gsmass :',sgs,gsmass
     8525// c      write(6,*) 'es,p1s,p2s,p3s:',es,p1s,p2s,p3s
     8526// c end verifs
     8528//  G4cout <<"proj_spect called with: " << G4endl;
     8529//  G4cout <<"ips = " << ips << G4endl;
     8530  ps->a_projspec=0;
     8531  ps->z_projspec=0;
     8532  ps->t_projspec=0.0;
     8533  G4double e_spec=0.;
     8534    G4double p1_spec=0.;
     8535    G4double p2_spec=0.;
     8536    G4double p3_spec=0.;
     8537    G4double gs_mass=0.;
     8539  if(ips > 1) {
     8540    for(G4int i_spec=1; i_spec <= ips; i_spec++) {
     8541      G4int i_c = ps->n_projspec[i_spec];
     8542      e_spec = e_spec+bl1->eps[i_c];
     8543      p1_spec = p1_spec+bl1->p1[i_c];
     8544      p2_spec = p2_spec+bl1->p2[i_c];
     8545      p3_spec = p3_spec+bl1->p3[i_c];
     8546      G4double pi_spec2= std::pow(bl1->p1[i_c],2) + std::pow(bl1->p2[i_c],2) + std::pow(bl1->p3[i_c],2);
     8547      // current ground state mass:
     8548      gs_mass=gs_mass+std::sqrt(std::pow(bl1->eps[i_c],2)-pi_spec2);
     8549      if(bl1->ind2[i_c] == 1) ps->z_projspec=ps->z_projspec+1;
     8550    } // enddo
     8551    G4double p_spec2=std::pow(p1_spec,2)+std::pow(p2_spec,2)+std::pow(p3_spec,2);
     8552    G4double s_spec = sqrt(std::pow(e_spec,2)-p_spec2);
     8554    // no projectile spectator if a>=4 and a=z or a=n (no dresner breakup)
     8555    if(ips >= 4 && (ps->z_projspec == ips || ps->z_projspec == 0)) {
     8556      for(G4int i_spec = 1; i_spec <= ips; i_spec++) { //do i_spec=1,ips
     8557        G4int i_c = ps->n_projspec[i_spec];
     8558        // single nucleon forced on shell! momentum kept.
     8559        // single nucleon forced on shell! energy kept.
     8560        G4double arg=(std::pow(bl1->eps[i_c],2)-std::pow(938.2796,2))/
     8561          (std::pow(bl1->p1[i_c],2)+std::pow(bl1->p2[i_c], 2)+std::pow(bl1->p3[i_c],2));
     8562        G4double coef=0.0;
     8563        if(arg < 0.) { // Single nucleon is forced on shell. We have
     8564                       // to choose between energy and momentum
     8565                       // conservation... so we choose energy:
     8566          coef = 1.0;
     8567          bl1->eps[i_c]=std::sqrt(std::pow(bl1->p1[i_c],2) + std::pow(bl1->p2[i_c], 2) +
     8568                                  std::pow(bl1->p3[i_c], 2) + std::pow(938.2796,2));
     8569        } else {
     8570          coef=std::sqrt(arg);
     8571          bl1->p1[i_c]=bl1->p1[i_c]*coef;
     8572          bl1->p2[i_c]=bl1->p2[i_c]*coef;
     8573          bl1->p3[i_c]=bl1->p3[i_c]*coef;
     8574        }
     8575      } // enddo
     8576      return;
     8577    } // endif
     8579    // excitation energy from particle-hole excitation:
     8580    //   seconde methode de calcul ex4:
     8581    for(G4int i = 1; i <= bl3->ia1; i++) { // do i=1,ia1
     8582      G4int nb_p=i;
     8583      //      call ordered(t_c(i),nb_p,tpart)
     8584      ordered(qvp->t_c[i], nb_p);
     8585    } // enddo
     8586    G4double ex4=0.;
     8587    for(G4int i = 1; i <= ips; i++) { //do i=1,ips
     8588      G4int j=ps->n_projspec[i];
     8589      ex4=ex4+qvp->t_c[j]-ps->tab[i]; //ex4=ex4+qvp->t_c[j]-ps->tpart[i];
     8590    } // enddo
     8592    ps->ex_projspec =ex4;
     8594    // coherent rest mass:
     8595    ps->m_projspec = s_spec - ps->ex_projspec;
     8597    ps->a_projspec=ips;
     8599    if((ps->ex_projspec < 0.) || (ps->m_projspec < 0.)) {
     8600      G4cout <<"ex_projspec is negative,a,z: " << ps->ex_projspec << " " << fja << " " << fjz << G4endl;
     8601      G4cout <<"...or m is negative,a,z:" << ps->m_projspec << " " << fja << " " << fjz << G4endl;
     8602    } // endif
     8604    ps->t_projspec = e_spec-s_spec;
     8605    ps->p1_projspec = p1_spec;                 
     8606    ps->p2_projspec = p2_spec;
     8607    ps->p3_projspec = p3_spec;
     8609// c check module...     
     8610// c      write(6,*) 'projectile spectator a,z:',a_projspec,z_projspec
     8611// c      write(6,*) 'm,t,e*:',m_projspec,t_projspec,ex_projspec
     8612// c      write(6,*) 'p1,p2,p3:',p1_projspec,p2_projspec,p3_projspec
     8613// c      write(6,*) '   constituants:',ips
     8614// c      do i_spec=1,ips
     8615// c            i_c = n_projspec(i_spec)
     8616// c      write(6,*) i_c,eps(i_c),p1(i_c),p2(i_c),p3(i_c)       
     8617// c      enddo
     8618// c ...end check module
     8620    return;
     8621  } else if(ips == 1) { // then
     8622    ps->a_projspec = 0; // number of nucleons in the spectator nucleus
     8623    G4int i_c = ps->n_projspec[1];
     8624    //c single nucleon forced on shell! momentum kept.
     8625    //c      eps(i_c)=sqrt(p1(i_c)**2+p2(i_c)**2+p3(i_c)**2+938.2796**2)     
     8626    //c single nucleon forced on shell! energy kept.
     8627    G4double arg=(std::pow(bl1->eps[i_c],2)-std::pow(938.2796,2))/
     8628      (std::pow(bl1->p1[i_c],2)+std::pow(bl1->p2[i_c],2)+std::pow(bl1->p3[i_c],2));
     8629    G4double coef=0.0; // Initialize the coefficieant
     8630    if(arg < 0.) {
     8631      G4cout <<"off shell problems in projo_spec, forced coef = 1.0 to recover from the error" << G4endl;
     8632      coef = 1.0;
     8633    } else {
     8634      coef = std::sqrt(arg);
     8635    }
     8637    bl1->p1[i_c]=bl1->p1[i_c]*coef;
     8638    bl1->p2[i_c]=bl1->p2[i_c]*coef;
     8639    bl1->p3[i_c]=bl1->p3[i_c]*coef;
     8640  } //endif
     8642  ps->a_projspec = 0; // number of nucleons in the spectator nucleus
     8643  return;
     8646void G4Incl::ordered(G4double t, G4int nb)
     8648  //      SUBROUTINE ORDERED(T,nb,TAB)
     8649  //C This subroutine will ordered in TAB() from min TAB(1) to max
     8650  //C TAB(nb), nb values of T sent successively.
     8651  //C CALL ORDERED (T1,1), CALL ORDERED (T2,2),..CALL ORDERED (Tnb,nb)
     8652  //      DIMENSION TAB(1)
     8654  //  G4cout <<"Ordered was called" << G4endl;
     8655  if(nb == 1) {
     8656    ps->tab[1]=t;
     8657    return;
     8658  } // endif
     8660  G4int i=0;
     8662 ordered100:
     8663  i=i+1;
     8664  if(t < ps->tab[i]) {
     8665    //    for(G4int l = nb-1; l != i; l--) { //do l=nb-1,i,-1
     8666    for(G4int l = nb-1; l >= i; l--) { //do l=nb-1,i,-1
     8667      //      G4cout <<"Ordered: L = " << l << " nb = " << nb <<  " i = " << i << G4endl;
     8668      ps->tab[l+1]=ps->tab[l];
     8669    } // enddo
     8670    ps->tab[i]=t;
     8671    return;
     8672  } else {
     8673    if(i <= nb-1) goto ordered100;
     8674    ps->tab[i]=t;
     8675    return;
     8676  } // endif
     8677  return;
    76118680// Utilities
    79038972  G4cout <<"(particle " << index << G4endl;
    79048973  if(bl1->ind1[index] == 0) { // Nucleon
    7905     if(bl1->ind1[index] == 1) G4cout << "(quote proton)" << G4endl;
    7906     else if(bl1->ind1[index] == -1) G4cout << "(quote neutron)" << G4endl;
    7907     else G4cout << "(quote unidentified-nucleon)" << G4endl;
     8974    if(bl1->ind2[index] == 1) {
     8975      G4cout << "(quote proton)" << G4endl;
     8976    } else if(bl1->ind2[index] == -1) {
     8977      G4cout << "(quote neutron)" << G4endl;
     8978    } else {
     8979      G4cout << "(quote unidentified-nucleon-ind1-" << bl1->ind1[index] <<"-ind2-" << bl1->ind2[index] << G4endl;
     8980    }
    79088981  } else if(bl1->ind1[index] == 1) { // Delta
    7909     if(bl1->ind2[index] >= -2 && bl1->ind2[index] <= 2) G4cout << "(quote delta-"
    7910                                                                << bl1->ind2[index]
    7911                                                                << ")" << G4endl;
    7912     else G4cout << "(quote unidentified-delta)" << G4endl;
     8982    if(bl1->ind2[index] >= -2 && bl1->ind2[index] <= 2) {
     8983      G4cout << "(quote delta-"
     8984             << bl1->ind2[index]
     8985             << ")" << G4endl;
     8986    } else {
     8987      G4cout << "(quote unidentified-delta)" << G4endl;
     8988    }
    79138989  } else {
    79148990    G4cout <<"(quote unidentified-particle)" << G4endl;
    79389014  G4cout <<"(list ;; Particles at the beginning of the avatar" << G4endl;
    79399015  G4int ia = bl3->ia1 + bl3->ia2;
    7940   for(G4int i = 1; i != ia; ++i) { // do i=1,IA
     9016  for(G4int i = 1; i <= ia; ++i) { // do i=1,IA
    79419017    print_one_particle(i);
    79429018  }
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/src/G4InclAblaCascadeInterface.cc

    r1228 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4InclAblaCascadeInterface.cc,v 1.13 2009/12/04 13:16:57 kaitanie Exp $
     26// $Id: G4InclAblaCascadeInterface.cc,v 1.16 2010/10/29 06:48:43 gunter Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    3535#include "G4InclAblaCascadeInterface.hh"
     36#include "G4FermiBreakUp.hh"
    3637#include "math.h"
    3738#include "G4GenericIon.hh"
    4748  varntp = new G4VarNtp();
    48   calincl = new G4Calincl();
     49  calincl = 0;
    4950  ws = new G4Ws();
    5051  mat = new G4Mat();
    5152  incl = new G4Incl(hazard, calincl, ws, mat, varntp);
     53  if(!getenv("G4INCLABLANOFERMIBREAKUP")) { // Use Fermi Break-up by default if it is NOT explicitly disabled
     54    incl->setUseFermiBreakUp(true);
     55  }
    5357  verboseLevel = 0;
    5862  delete hazard;
    5963  delete varntp;
    60   delete calincl;
    6164  delete ws;
    6265  delete mat;
    6871  G4int maxTries = 200;
    70   G4int particleI, n = 0;
     73  G4int particleI;
    7274  G4int bulletType = 0;
    8688  }
    88   // INCL4 needs the energy in units MeV
    89   G4double bulletE = aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() * MeV;
    9190#ifdef DEBUGINCL
    9291  G4cout <<"Bullet energy = " << bulletE / MeV << G4endl;
    95   G4double targetA = theNucleus.GetN();
    96   G4double targetZ = theNucleus.GetZ();
    9894  G4double eKin;
    10096  G4DynamicParticle *cascadeParticle = 0;
    10197  G4ParticleDefinition *aParticleDefinition = 0;
     99  G4FermiBreakUp *fermiBreakUp = new G4FermiBreakUp();
     100  G4FragmentVector *theFermiBreakupResult = 0;
     101  G4ParticleTable *theTableOfParticles = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
    103103  // INCL assumes the projectile particle is going in the direction of
    113113  theResult.Clear(); // Make sure the output data structure is clean.
    115   // Map Geant4 particle types to corresponding INCL4 types.
    116   enum bulletParticleType {nucleus = 0, proton = 1, neutron = 2, pionPlus = 3, pionZero = 4,
    117                            pionMinus = 5, deuteron = 6, triton = 7, he3 = 8, he4 = 9};
    119   // Coding particles for use with INCL4 and ABLA
    120   if (aTrack.GetDefinition() ==    G4Proton::Proton()    ) bulletType = proton;
    121   if (aTrack.GetDefinition() ==   G4Neutron::Neutron()   ) bulletType = neutron;
    122   if (aTrack.GetDefinition() ==  G4PionPlus::PionPlus()  ) bulletType = pionPlus;
    123   if (aTrack.GetDefinition() == G4PionMinus::PionMinus() ) bulletType = pionMinus;
    124   if (aTrack.GetDefinition() ==  G4PionZero::PionZero()  ) bulletType = pionZero;
     115  calincl = new G4InclInput(aTrack, theNucleus, false);
     116  incl->setInput(calincl);
     118  G4InclInput::printProjectileTargetInfo(aTrack, theNucleus);
     119  calincl->printInfo();
    126121#ifdef DEBUGINCL
    141  for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
    142    calincl->f[i] = 0.0; // Initialize INCL input data
    143  }
    145136  // Check wheter the input is acceptable.
    146   if((bulletType != 0) && ((targetA != 1) && (targetZ != 1))) {
    147     calincl->f[0] = targetA;    // Target mass number
    148     calincl->f[1] = targetZ;    // Charge number
    149     calincl->f[6] = bulletType; // Type
    150     calincl->f[2] = bulletE;    // Energy [MeV]
    151     calincl->f[5] = 1.0;        // Time scaling
    152     calincl->f[4] = 45.0;       // Nuclear potential
     137  if((calincl->bulletType() != 0) && ((calincl->targetA() != 1) && (calincl->targetZ() != 1))) {
    154138    ws->nosurf = -2;  // Nucleus surface, -2 = Woods-Saxon
    155139    ws->xfoisa = 8;
    161145    mat->nbmat = 1;
    162     mat->amat[0] = int(calincl->f[0]);
    163     mat->zmat[0] = int(calincl->f[1]);
     146    mat->amat[0] = int(calincl->targetA());
     147    mat->zmat[0] = int(calincl->targetZ());
    165149    incl->initIncl(true);
    170154        G4cout <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Try number = " << nTries << G4endl;
    171155      }
    172       incl->processEventInclAbla(eventNumber);
     156      incl->processEventInclAbla(calincl, eventNumber);
    174158      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    181165       * Diagnostic output
    182166       */
    183       G4cout <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Bullet type: " << bulletType << G4endl;
    184       G4cout <<"G4Incl4AblaCascadeInterface: Bullet energy: " << bulletE << " MeV" << G4endl;
    186       G4cout <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Target A:  " << targetA << G4endl;
    187       G4cout <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Target Z:  " << targetZ << G4endl;
     167      G4cout <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Bullet type: " << calincl->bulletType() << G4endl;
     168      G4cout <<"G4Incl4AblaCascadeInterface: Bullet energy: " << calincl->bulletE() << " MeV" << G4endl;
     170      G4cout <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Target A:  " << calincl->targetA() << G4endl;
     171      G4cout <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Target Z:  " << calincl->targetZ() << G4endl;
    189173      if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    190         diagdata <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Bullet type: " << bulletType << G4endl;
    191         diagdata <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Bullet energy: " << bulletE << " MeV" << G4endl;
     174        diagdata <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Bullet type: " << calincl->bulletType() << G4endl;
     175        diagdata <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Bullet energy: " << calincl->bulletE() << " MeV" << G4endl;
    193         diagdata <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Target A:  " << targetA << G4endl;
    194         diagdata <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Target Z:  " << targetZ << G4endl;
    195       }
    197       for(particleI = 0; particleI < varntp->ntrack; particleI++) {
    198         G4cout << n                       << " " << calincl->f[6]             << " " << calincl->f[2] << " ";
    199         G4cout << varntp->massini         << " " << varntp->mzini             << " ";
    200         G4cout << varntp->exini           << " " << varntp->mulncasc          << " " << varntp->mulnevap          << " " << varntp->mulntot << " ";
    201         G4cout << varntp->bimpact         << " " << varntp->jremn             << " " << varntp->kfis              << " " << varntp->estfis << " ";
    202         G4cout << varntp->izfis           << " " << varntp->iafis             << " " << varntp->ntrack            << " " << varntp->itypcasc[particleI] << " ";
    203         G4cout << varntp->avv[particleI]  << " " << varntp->zvv[particleI]    << " " << varntp->enerj[particleI]  << " ";
    204         G4cout << varntp->plab[particleI] << " " << varntp->tetlab[particleI] << " " << varntp->philab[particleI] << G4endl;
    205         // For diagnostic output
    206         if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    207           diagdata << n                       << " " << calincl->f[6]             << " " << calincl->f[2] << " ";
    208           diagdata << varntp->massini         << " " << varntp->mzini             << " ";
    209           diagdata << varntp->exini           << " " << varntp->mulncasc          << " " << varntp->mulnevap          << " " << varntp->mulntot << " ";
    210           diagdata << varntp->bimpact         << " " << varntp->jremn             << " " << varntp->kfis              << " " << varntp->estfis << " ";
    211           diagdata << varntp->izfis           << " " << varntp->iafis             << " " << varntp->ntrack            << " ";
    212           diagdata                                                                       << varntp->itypcasc[particleI] << " ";
    213           diagdata << varntp->avv[particleI]  << " " << varntp->zvv[particleI]    << " " << varntp->enerj[particleI]  << " ";
    214           diagdata << varntp->plab[particleI] << " " << varntp->tetlab[particleI] << " " << varntp->philab[particleI] << G4endl;
    215         }
    216       }
     177        diagdata <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Target A:  " << calincl->targetA() << G4endl;
     178        diagdata <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Target Z:  " << calincl->targetZ() << G4endl;
     179      }
    217181    }
    227191      theResult.SetStatusChange(stopAndKill);
    229       if(bulletType == proton) {
    230         aParticleDefinition = G4Proton::ProtonDefinition();
    231       } else if(bulletType == neutron) {
    232         aParticleDefinition = G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition();
    233       } else if(bulletType == pionPlus) {
    234         aParticleDefinition = G4PionPlus::PionPlusDefinition();
    235       } else if(bulletType == pionZero) {
    236         aParticleDefinition = G4PionZero::PionZeroDefinition();
    237       } else if(bulletType == pionMinus) {
    238         aParticleDefinition = G4PionMinus::PionMinusDefinition();
    239       } else { // Projectile was not regognized
    240         aParticleDefinition = 0;
    241       }
     193      G4int bulletType = calincl->bulletType();
     194      aParticleDefinition = G4InclInput::getParticleDefinition(bulletType);
    243196      if(aParticleDefinition != 0) {
    328281      if((varntp->avv[particleI] > 1) && (varntp->zvv[particleI] >= 1)) { // Nucleus fragment
    329282        G4ParticleDefinition * aIonDef = 0;
    330         G4ParticleTable *theTableOfParticles = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
    332284        G4int A = G4int(varntp->avv[particleI]);
    404356        }
    405357      }
     358    }
     360    // Finally do Fermi break-up if needed
     361    if(varntp->needsFermiBreakup) {
     362      //      baryonNumberBalanceInINCL -= varntp->massini;
     363      //      chargeNumberBalanceInINCL -= varntp->mzini;
     364      // Call Fermi Break-up
     365      G4double nuclearMass = G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(G4int(varntp->massini), G4int(varntp->mzini)) + varntp->exini * MeV;
     366      G4LorentzVector fragmentMomentum(varntp->pxrem * MeV, varntp->pyrem * MeV, varntp->pzrem * MeV,
     367                                       varntp->erecrem * MeV + nuclearMass);
     368      G4double momentumScaling = G4InclUtils::calculate4MomentumScaling(G4int(varntp->massini), G4int(varntp->mzini),
     369                                                                        varntp->exini,
     370                                                                        varntp->erecrem,
     371                                                                        varntp->pxrem,
     372                                                                        varntp->pyrem,
     373                                                                        varntp->pzrem);
     374      G4LorentzVector p4(momentumScaling * varntp->pxrem * MeV, momentumScaling * varntp->pyrem * MeV,
     375                         momentumScaling * varntp->pzrem * MeV,
     376                         varntp->erecrem + nuclearMass);
     378      // For four-momentum, baryon number and charge conservation check:
     379      G4LorentzVector fourMomentumBalance = p4;
     380      G4int baryonNumberBalance = G4int(varntp->massini);
     381      G4int chargeBalance = G4int(varntp->mzini);
     383      G4LorentzRotation toFragmentZ;
     384      toFragmentZ.rotateZ(-p4.theta());
     385      toFragmentZ.rotateY(-p4.phi());
     386      G4LorentzRotation toFragmentLab = toFragmentZ.inverse();
     387      //      p4 *= toFragmentZ;
     389      G4LorentzVector p4rest = p4;
     390      //      p4rest.boost(-p4.boostVector());
     391      if(verboseLevel > 0) {
     392        G4cout <<"Cascade remnant nucleus:" << G4endl;
     393        G4cout <<"p4: " << G4endl;
     394        G4cout <<" px: " << p4.px() <<" py: " << p4.py() <<" pz: " << p4.pz() << G4endl;
     395        G4cout <<" E = " << p4.e() << G4endl;
     397        G4cout <<"p4rest: " << G4endl;
     398        G4cout <<" px: " << p4rest.px() <<" py: " << p4rest.py() <<" pz: " << p4rest.pz() << G4endl;
     399        G4cout <<" E = " << p4rest.e() << G4endl;
     400      }
     402      G4Fragment theCascadeRemnant(G4int(varntp->massini), G4int(varntp->mzini), p4rest);
     403      theFermiBreakupResult = fermiBreakUp->BreakItUp(theCascadeRemnant);
     404      if(theFermiBreakupResult != 0) {
     405      G4FragmentVector::iterator fragment;
     406      for(fragment = theFermiBreakupResult->begin(); fragment != theFermiBreakupResult->end(); fragment++) {
     407        G4ParticleDefinition *theFragmentDefinition = 0;
     408        if((*fragment)->GetA_asInt() == 1 && (*fragment)->GetZ_asInt() == 0) { // Neutron
     409          theFragmentDefinition = G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition();
     410        } else if ((*fragment)->GetA_asInt() == 1 && (*fragment)->GetZ_asInt() == 1) {
     411          theFragmentDefinition = G4Proton::ProtonDefinition();
     412        } else {
     413          theFragmentDefinition = theTableOfParticles->GetIon((*fragment)->GetZ_asInt(), (*fragment)->GetA_asInt(), (*fragment)->GetExcitationEnergy());
     414        }
     416        if(theFragmentDefinition != 0) {
     417          G4DynamicParticle *theFragment = new G4DynamicParticle(theFragmentDefinition, (*fragment)->GetMomentum());
     418          G4LorentzVector labMomentum = theFragment->Get4Momentum();
     419          //      labMomentum.boost(p4.boostVector());
     420          //      labMomentum *= toFragmentLab;
     421          //      labMomentum *= toLabFrame;
     422          theFragment->Set4Momentum(labMomentum);
     423          fourMomentumBalance -= theFragment->Get4Momentum();
     424          baryonNumberBalance -= theFragmentDefinition->GetAtomicMass();
     425          chargeBalance -= theFragmentDefinition->GetAtomicNumber();
     426          if(verboseLevel > 0) {
     427            G4cout <<"Resulting fragment: " << G4endl;
     428            G4cout <<" kinetic energy = " << theFragment->GetKineticEnergy() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     429            G4cout <<" momentum = " << theFragment->GetMomentum().mag() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     430          }
     431          theResult.AddSecondary(theFragment);
     432        } else {
     433          G4cout <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Error. Fragment produced by Fermi break-up does not exist." << G4endl;
     434          G4cout <<"Resulting fragment: " << G4endl;
     435          G4cout <<" Z = " << (*fragment)->GetZ_asInt() << G4endl;
     436          G4cout <<" A = " << (*fragment)->GetA_asInt() << G4endl;
     437          G4cout <<" Excitation : " << (*fragment)->GetExcitationEnergy() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     438          G4cout <<" momentum = " << (*fragment)->GetMomentum().mag() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     439        }
     440      }
     441      if(std::abs(fourMomentumBalance.mag() / MeV) > 0.1 * MeV) {
     442        G4cout <<"Four-momentum balance after remnant nucleus Fermi break-up:" << G4endl;
     443        G4cout <<"Magnitude: " << fourMomentumBalance.mag() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     444        G4cout <<"Vector components (px, py, pz, E) = ("
     445               << fourMomentumBalance.px() << ", "
     446               << fourMomentumBalance.py() << ", "
     447               << fourMomentumBalance.pz() << ", "
     448               << fourMomentumBalance.e() << ")" << G4endl;
     449      }
     450      if(baryonNumberBalance != 0) {
     451        G4cout <<"Baryon number balance after remnant nucleus Fermi break-up: " << baryonNumberBalance << G4endl;
     452      }
     453      if(chargeBalance != 0) {
     454        G4cout <<"Charge balance after remnant nucleus Fermi break-up: " << chargeBalance << G4endl;
     455      }
     456    }
    406457    }
    449500    theResult.SetStatusChange(stopAndKill);
    451     G4ParticleTable *theTableOfParticles = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
    452502    cascadeParticle = new G4DynamicParticle(theTableOfParticles->FindParticle(aTrack.GetDefinition()), aTrack.Get4Momentum());
    472522    }
    474     if((targetA == 1) && (targetZ == 1)) { // Unsupported target
     524    if((calincl->targetA() == 1) && (calincl->targetZ() == 1)) { // Unsupported target
    475525      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    476526        G4cout <<"Unsupported target: " << G4endl;
    477         G4cout <<"Target A: " << targetA << G4endl;
    478         G4cout <<"TargetZ: " << targetZ << G4endl;
     527        G4cout <<"Target A: " << calincl->targetA() << G4endl;
     528        G4cout <<"TargetZ: " << calincl->targetZ() << G4endl;
    479529      }
    480530      if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    481531        diagdata <<"Unsupported target: " << G4endl;
    482         diagdata <<"Target A: " << targetA << G4endl;
    483        diagdata <<"TargetZ: " << targetZ << G4endl;
    484       }
    485     }
    487     if(bulletE < 100) { // INCL does not support E < 100 MeV.
     532        diagdata <<"Target A: " << calincl->targetA() << G4endl;
     533        diagdata <<"TargetZ: " << calincl->targetZ() << G4endl;
     534      }
     535    }
     537    if(calincl->bulletE() < 100) { // INCL does not support E < 100 MeV.
    488538      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    489         G4cout <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << bulletE << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
     539        G4cout <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << calincl->bulletE() << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
    490540        G4cout <<"WARNING: Returning the original bullet with original energy back to Geant4." << G4endl;
    491541      }
    492542      if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    493         diagdata <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << bulletE << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
     543        diagdata <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << calincl->bulletE() << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
    494544      }
    495545    }
    500550  }
     552  delete fermiBreakUp;
     553  delete calincl;
     554  calincl = 0;
    502555  return &theResult;
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/src/G4InclAblaLightIonInterface.cc

    r1228 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4InclAblaLightIonInterface.cc,v 1.11 2009/12/04 13:16:57 kaitanie Exp $
     26// $Id: G4InclAblaLightIonInterface.cc,v 1.14 2010/10/29 06:48:43 gunter Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    3131// Aatos Heikkinen, HIP (project coordination)
     33#include <vector>
    3335#include "G4InclAblaLightIonInterface.hh"
     36#include "G4FermiBreakUp.hh"
    3437#include "math.h"
    3538#include "G4GenericIon.hh"
    4548  varntp = new G4VarNtp();
    46   calincl = new G4Calincl();
     49  calincl = 0;
    4750  ws = new G4Ws();
    4851  mat = new G4Mat();
    4952  incl = new G4Incl(hazard, calincl, ws, mat, varntp);
     53  useProjectileSpectator = true;
     54  useFermiBreakup = true;
     55  incl->setUseProjectileSpectators(useProjectileSpectator);
     56  if(!getenv("G4INCLABLANOFERMIBREAKUP")) { // Use Fermi Break-up by default if it is NOT explicitly disabled
     57    incl->setUseFermiBreakUp(true);
     58    useFermiBreakup = true;
     59  }
    5160  verboseLevel = 0;
     61  if(getenv("G4INCLVERBOSE")) {
     62    verboseLevel = 1;
     63  }
    6476G4HadFinalState* G4InclAblaLightIonInterface::ApplyYourself(const G4HadProjectile& aTrack, G4Nucleus& theNucleus)
     78  //  const G4bool useFermiBreakup = false;
    6679  G4int maxTries = 200;
    68   G4int particleI, n = 0;
    70   G4int bulletType = 0;
    72   // Print diagnostic messages: 0 = silent, 1 and 2 = verbose
    73   verboseLevel = 0;
     81  G4int particleI;
     83  G4int baryonNumberBalanceInINCL = 0;
     84  G4int chargeNumberBalanceInINCL = 0;
     86  G4ParticleTable *theTableOfParticles = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
    7588  // Increase the event number:
    7689  eventNumber++;
     91  // Clean up the INCL input
     92  if(calincl != 0) {
     93    delete calincl;
     94    calincl = 0;
     95  }
    7897  if (verboseLevel > 1) {
    7998    G4cout << " >>> G4InclAblaLightIonInterface::ApplyYourself called" << G4endl;
    84103  }
    86   // INCL4 needs the energy in units MeV
    87   G4double bulletE = aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() / MeV;
    89   G4double targetA = theNucleus.GetN();
    90   G4double targetZ = theNucleus.GetZ();
     105  if(verboseLevel > 1) {
     106    G4Calincl::printProjectileTargetInfo(aTrack, theNucleus);
     107  }
     109  // Inverse kinematics for targets with Z = 1 and A = 1
     110  //  if(false) {
     111  G4LorentzRotation toBreit = aTrack.Get4Momentum().boostVector();
     113  if(theNucleus.GetZ_asInt() == 1 && theNucleus.GetA_asInt() == 1 && G4Calincl::canUseInverseKinematics(aTrack, theNucleus)) {
     114    G4ParticleDefinition *oldTargetDef = theTableOfParticles->GetIon(theNucleus.GetA_asInt(), theNucleus.GetZ_asInt(), 0.0);
     115    const G4ParticleDefinition *oldProjectileDef = aTrack.GetDefinition();
     117    G4int oldTargetA = oldTargetDef->GetAtomicMass();
     118    G4int newTargetA = oldProjectileDef->GetAtomicMass();
     119    G4int newTargetZ = oldProjectileDef->GetAtomicNumber();
     121    if(newTargetA > 0 && newTargetZ > 0 && oldTargetDef != 0 && oldProjectileDef != 0) {
     122      G4Nucleus swappedTarget(oldProjectileDef->GetAtomicMass(), oldProjectileDef->GetAtomicNumber());
     124      //      G4cout <<"Original projectile kinE = " << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() / MeV << G4endl;
     126      // We need the same energy/nucleon.
     127      G4double projectileE = ((aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() / MeV) / newTargetA) * oldTargetA * MeV;
     129      //    G4cout <<"projectileE = " << projectileE << G4endl;
     130      G4DynamicParticle swappedProjectileParticle(oldTargetDef, G4ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), projectileE);
     131      const G4LorentzVector swapped4Momentum = (swappedProjectileParticle.Get4Momentum()*=toBreit);
     132      swappedProjectileParticle.Set4Momentum(swapped4Momentum);
     133      const G4HadProjectile swappedProjectile(swappedProjectileParticle);
     134      //  G4cout <<"New projectile kinE = " << swappedProjectile.GetKineticEnergy() / MeV << G4endl;
     135      calincl = new G4InclInput(swappedProjectile, swappedTarget, true);
     136    } else {
     137      G4cout <<"Badly defined target after swapping. Falling back to normal (non-swapped) mode." << G4endl;
     138      calincl = new G4InclInput(aTrack, theNucleus, false);
     139    }
     140  } else {
     141    calincl = new G4InclInput(aTrack, theNucleus, false);
     142  }
    92144  G4double eKin;
    105157  G4LorentzRotation toLabFrame = toZ.inverse();
     159  /*
     160  G4cout <<"Projectile theta = " << projectileMomentum.theta() << " phi = " << projectileMomentum.phi() << G4endl;
     161  G4cout <<"Projectile momentum "
     162         << "(px = " << projectileMomentum.px()
     163         << ", py = " << projectileMomentum.py()
     164         << ", pz = " << projectileMomentum.pz() << ")" << G4endl;
     165  G4cout << "Projectile energy = " << bulletE << " MeV" << G4endl;
     166  */
     168  G4FermiBreakUp *fermiBreakUp = new G4FermiBreakUp();
     169  G4FragmentVector *theSpectatorFermiBreakupResult = 0;
     170  G4FragmentVector *theFermiBreakupResult = 0;
    107172  theResult.Clear(); // Make sure the output data structure is clean.
     174  std::vector<G4DynamicParticle*> result; // Temporary list for the results
    109176  // Map Geant4 particle types to corresponding INCL4 types.
    110177  enum bulletParticleType {nucleus = 0, proton = 1, neutron = 2, pionPlus = 3, pionZero = 4,
    111                            pionMinus = 5, deuteron = 6, triton = 7, he3 = 8, he4 = 9};
    113   // Coding particles for use with INCL4 and ABLA
    114   if (aTrack.GetDefinition() == G4Deuteron::Deuteron()   ) bulletType = deuteron;
    115   if (aTrack.GetDefinition() == G4Triton::Triton()       ) bulletType = triton;
    116   if (aTrack.GetDefinition() == G4He3::He3()             ) bulletType = he3;
    117   if (aTrack.GetDefinition() == G4Alpha::Alpha()         ) bulletType = he4;
    119   for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
    120     calincl->f[i] = 0.0; // Initialize INCL input data
     178                           pionMinus = 5, deuteron = 6, triton = 7, he3 = 8, he4 = 9,
     179                           c12 = -12}; // Carbon beam support.
     181  G4int bulletType = calincl->bulletType();
     182  chargeNumberBalanceInINCL = calincl->targetZ();
     183  baryonNumberBalanceInINCL = calincl->targetA();
     185  //  G4cout <<"Type of the projectile (INCL projectile code): " << bulletType << G4endl;
     187  if(bulletType == proton) {
     188    chargeNumberBalanceInINCL += 1;
     189    baryonNumberBalanceInINCL += 1;
     190  } else if(bulletType == neutron) {
     191    baryonNumberBalanceInINCL += 1;
     192  } else if(bulletType == pionPlus) { //Note: positive pion doesn't contribute to the baryon and charge number counters
     193    chargeNumberBalanceInINCL += 1;
     194  } else if(bulletType == pionMinus) {
     195    chargeNumberBalanceInINCL -= 1;
     196  } else if(bulletType == deuteron) {
     197    chargeNumberBalanceInINCL += 1;
     198    baryonNumberBalanceInINCL += 2;
     199  } else if(bulletType == triton) {
     200    chargeNumberBalanceInINCL += 1;
     201    baryonNumberBalanceInINCL += 3;
     202  } else if(bulletType == he3) {
     203    chargeNumberBalanceInINCL += 2;
     204    baryonNumberBalanceInINCL += 3;
     205  } else if(bulletType == he4) {
     206    chargeNumberBalanceInINCL += 2;
     207    baryonNumberBalanceInINCL += 4;
     208  } if(bulletType == c12) {
     209    chargeNumberBalanceInINCL += 6;
     210    baryonNumberBalanceInINCL += 12;
     211  } if(bulletType == -666) {
     212    chargeNumberBalanceInINCL += calincl->extendedProjectileZ();
     213    baryonNumberBalanceInINCL += calincl->extendedProjectileA();
    121214  }
    123216  // Check wheter the input is acceptable.
    124   if((bulletType != 0) && ((targetA != 1) && (targetZ != 1))) {
    125     calincl->f[0] = targetA;    // Target mass number
    126     calincl->f[1] = targetZ;    // Charge number
    127     calincl->f[6] = bulletType; // Type
    128     calincl->f[2] = bulletE;    // Energy [MeV]
    129     calincl->f[5] = 1.0;        // Time scaling
    130     calincl->f[4] = 45.0;       // Nuclear potential
     217  if((bulletType != 0) && ((calincl->targetA() != 1) && (calincl->targetZ() != 1))) {
    132218    ws->nosurf = -2;  // Nucleus surface, -2 = Woods-Saxon
    133219    ws->xfoisa = 8;
    139225    mat->nbmat = 1;
    140     mat->amat[0] = int(calincl->f[0]);
    141     mat->zmat[0] = int(calincl->f[1]);
     226    mat->amat[0] = int(calincl->targetA());
     227    mat->zmat[0] = int(calincl->targetA());
     229    incl->setInput(calincl);
    143230    incl->initIncl(true);
    148235        G4cout <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Try number = " << nTries << G4endl;
    149236      }
    150       incl->processEventInclAbla(eventNumber);
     237      incl->processEventInclAbla(calincl, eventNumber);
    152239      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    159246       * Diagnostic output
    160247       */
    161       G4cout <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Bullet type: " << bulletType << G4endl;
    162       G4cout <<"G4Incl4AblaCascadeInterface: Bullet energy: " << bulletE << " MeV" << G4endl;
    164       G4cout <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Target A:  " << targetA << G4endl;
    165       G4cout <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Target Z:  " << targetZ << G4endl;
     248      G4cout <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Bullet type: " << calincl->bulletType() << G4endl;
     249      G4cout <<"G4Incl4AblaCascadeInterface: Bullet energy: " << calincl->bulletE() << " MeV" << G4endl;
     250      if(bulletType == -666) {
     251        G4cout <<"   Extended projectile: A = " << calincl->extendedProjectileA()
     252               <<" Z = " << calincl->extendedProjectileZ() << G4endl;
     253      }
     255      G4cout <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Target A:  " << calincl->targetA() << G4endl;
     256      G4cout <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Target Z:  " << calincl->targetZ() << G4endl;
    167258      if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    168         diagdata <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Bullet type: " << bulletType << G4endl;
    169         diagdata <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Bullet energy: " << bulletE << " MeV" << G4endl;
     259        diagdata <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Bullet type: " << calincl->bulletType() << G4endl;
     260        diagdata <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Bullet energy: " << calincl->bulletE() << " MeV" << G4endl;
    171         diagdata <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Target A:  " << targetA << G4endl;
    172         diagdata <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Target Z:  " << targetZ << G4endl;
    173       }
    175       for(particleI = 0; particleI < varntp->ntrack; particleI++) {
    176         G4cout << n                       << " " << calincl->f[6]             << " " << calincl->f[2] << " ";
    177         G4cout << varntp->massini         << " " << varntp->mzini             << " ";
    178         G4cout << varntp->exini           << " " << varntp->mulncasc          << " " << varntp->mulnevap          << " " << varntp->mulntot << " ";
    179         G4cout << varntp->bimpact         << " " << varntp->jremn             << " " << varntp->kfis              << " " << varntp->estfis << " ";
    180         G4cout << varntp->izfis           << " " << varntp->iafis             << " " << varntp->ntrack            << " " << varntp->itypcasc[particleI] << " ";
    181         G4cout << varntp->avv[particleI]  << " " << varntp->zvv[particleI]    << " " << varntp->enerj[particleI]  << " ";
    182         G4cout << varntp->plab[particleI] << " " << varntp->tetlab[particleI] << " " << varntp->philab[particleI] << G4endl;
    183         // For diagnostic output
    184         if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    185           diagdata << n                       << " " << calincl->f[6]             << " " << calincl->f[2] << " ";
    186           diagdata << varntp->massini         << " " << varntp->mzini             << " ";
    187           diagdata << varntp->exini           << " " << varntp->mulncasc          << " " << varntp->mulnevap          << " " << varntp->mulntot << " ";
    188           diagdata << varntp->bimpact         << " " << varntp->jremn             << " " << varntp->kfis              << " " << varntp->estfis << " ";
    189           diagdata << varntp->izfis           << " " << varntp->iafis             << " " << varntp->ntrack            << " ";
    190           diagdata                                                                       << varntp->itypcasc[particleI] << " ";
    191           diagdata << varntp->avv[particleI]  << " " << varntp->zvv[particleI]    << " " << varntp->enerj[particleI]  << " ";
    192           diagdata << varntp->plab[particleI] << " " << varntp->tetlab[particleI] << " " << varntp->philab[particleI] << G4endl;
    193         }
     262        diagdata <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Target A:  " << calincl->targetA() << G4endl;
     263        diagdata <<"G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Target Z:  " << calincl->targetZ() << G4endl;
    194264      }
    195265    }
    231301        cascadeParticle->SetDefinition(aParticleDefinition);
    232302        cascadeParticle->Set4Momentum(aTrack.Get4Momentum());
    233         theResult.AddSecondary(cascadeParticle);
     303        result.push_back(cascadeParticle);
    234304      }
    235305    }
    239309    theResult.SetStatusChange(stopAndKill);
    241     for(particleI = 0; particleI < varntp->ntrack; particleI++) { // Loop through the INCL4+ABLA output.
     311    for(particleI = 0; particleI <= varntp->ntrack; particleI++) { // Loop through the INCL4+ABLA output.
    242312      // Get energy/momentum and construct momentum vector in INCL4 coordinates.
     313      //      if(varntp->itypcasc[particleI] == -1) continue; // Avoid nucleons that are part of the spectator
     314      if(varntp->avv[particleI] == 0 && varntp->zvv[particleI] == 0) continue;
    243315      momx = varntp->plab[particleI]*std::sin(varntp->tetlab[particleI]*CLHEP::pi/180.0)*std::cos(varntp->philab[particleI]*CLHEP::pi/180.0)*MeV;
    244316      momy = varntp->plab[particleI]*std::sin(varntp->tetlab[particleI]*CLHEP::pi/180.0)*std::sin(varntp->philab[particleI]*CLHEP::pi/180.0)*MeV;
    262334          new G4DynamicParticle(G4Proton::ProtonDefinition(), momDirection, eKin);
    263335        particleIdentified++;
     336        baryonNumberBalanceInINCL -= 1;
     337        chargeNumberBalanceInINCL -= 1;
    264338      }
    268342          new G4DynamicParticle(G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition(), momDirection, eKin);
    269343        particleIdentified++;
     344        baryonNumberBalanceInINCL -= 1;
    270345      }
    274349          new G4DynamicParticle(G4PionPlus::PionPlusDefinition(), momDirection, eKin);
    275350        particleIdentified++;
     351        chargeNumberBalanceInINCL -= 1;
    276352      }
    280356          new G4DynamicParticle(G4PionZero::PionZeroDefinition(), momDirection, eKin);
    281357        particleIdentified++;
     358        chargeNumberBalanceInINCL -= 0;
    282359      }
    286363          new G4DynamicParticle(G4PionMinus::PionMinusDefinition(), momDirection, eKin);
    287364        particleIdentified++;
     365        chargeNumberBalanceInINCL -= -1;
    288366      }
    290368      if((varntp->avv[particleI] > 1) && (varntp->zvv[particleI] >= 1)) { // Nucleus fragment
    291         G4ParticleDefinition * aIonDef = 0;
    292         G4ParticleTable *theTableOfParticles = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
     369        G4ParticleDefinition * aIonDef = 0;
    294371        G4int A = G4int(varntp->avv[particleI]);
    313390            new G4DynamicParticle(aIonDef, momDirection, eKin);
    314391          particleIdentified++;
     392          baryonNumberBalanceInINCL -= A;
     393          chargeNumberBalanceInINCL -= Z;
    315394        }
    316395      }
    318397      if(particleIdentified == 1) { // Particle identified properly.
    319         cascadeParticle->Set4Momentum(cascadeParticle->Get4Momentum()*=toLabFrame);
    320         theResult.AddSecondary(cascadeParticle); // Put data into G4HadFinalState.
     398        cascadeParticle->Set4Momentum(cascadeParticle->Get4Momentum()*=toLabFrame);
     399        result.push_back(cascadeParticle);
    321400      }
    322401      else { // Particle identification failed.
    332411    }
     413    // Spectator nucleus Fermi break-up
     414    if(useFermiBreakup && useProjectileSpectator && varntp->masp > 1) {
     415      baryonNumberBalanceInINCL -= G4int(varntp->masp);
     416      G4double nuclearMass = G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(G4int(varntp->masp), G4int(varntp->mzsp)) + varntp->exsp * MeV;
     417      // Use momentum scaling to compensate for different masses in G4 and INCL:
     418      G4double momentumScaling = G4InclUtils::calculate4MomentumScaling(G4int(varntp->masp),
     419                                                                        G4int(varntp->mzsp),
     420                                                                        varntp->exsp,
     421                                                                        varntp->spectatorT,
     422                                                                        varntp->spectatorP1,
     423                                                                        varntp->spectatorP2,
     424                                                                        varntp->spectatorP3);
     425      G4LorentzVector p4(momentumScaling * varntp->spectatorP1 * MeV, momentumScaling * varntp->spectatorP2 * MeV,
     426                         momentumScaling * varntp->spectatorP3 * MeV,
     427                         varntp->spectatorT * MeV + nuclearMass);
     428      // Four-momentum, baryon number and charge balance:
     429      G4LorentzVector fourMomentumBalance = p4;
     430      G4int baryonNumberBalance = G4int(varntp->masp);
     431      chargeNumberBalanceInINCL -= G4int(varntp->mzsp);
     432      G4int chargeBalance = G4int(varntp->mzsp);
     434      G4LorentzRotation toFragmentZ;
     435      // Assume that Fermi breakup uses Z as the direction of the projectile
     436      toFragmentZ.rotateZ(-p4.theta());
     437      toFragmentZ.rotateY(-p4.phi());
     438      G4LorentzRotation toFragmentLab = toFragmentZ.inverse();
     439      //      p4 *= toFragmentZ;
     441      G4LorentzVector p4rest = p4;
     442      //      p4rest.boost(-p4.boostVector());
     443      if(verboseLevel > 0) {
     444        G4cout <<"Spectator nucleus:" << G4endl;
     445        G4cout <<"p4: " << G4endl;
     446        G4cout <<" px: " << p4.px() <<" py: " << p4.py() <<" pz: " << p4.pz() << G4endl;
     447        G4cout <<" E = " << p4.e() << G4endl;
     448        G4cout <<"p4rest: " << G4endl;
     449        G4cout <<" px: " << p4rest.px() <<" py: " << p4rest.py() <<" pz: " << p4rest.pz() << G4endl;
     450        G4cout <<" E = " << p4rest.e() << G4endl;
     451      }
     452      G4Fragment theSpectatorNucleus(G4int(varntp->masp), G4int(varntp->mzsp), p4rest);
     453      theSpectatorFermiBreakupResult = fermiBreakUp->BreakItUp(theSpectatorNucleus);
     454      if(theSpectatorFermiBreakupResult != 0) {
     455      G4FragmentVector::iterator fragment;
     456      for(fragment = theSpectatorFermiBreakupResult->begin(); fragment != theSpectatorFermiBreakupResult->end(); fragment++) {
     457        G4ParticleDefinition *theFragmentDefinition = 0;
     458        if((*fragment)->GetA_asInt() == 1 && (*fragment)->GetZ_asInt() == 0) { // Neutron
     459          theFragmentDefinition = G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition();
     460        } else if ((*fragment)->GetA_asInt() == 1 && (*fragment)->GetZ_asInt() == 1) {
     461          theFragmentDefinition = G4Proton::ProtonDefinition();
     462        } else {
     463          theFragmentDefinition = theTableOfParticles->GetIon((*fragment)->GetZ_asInt(), (*fragment)->GetA_asInt(), (*fragment)->GetExcitationEnergy());
     464        }
     465        if(theFragmentDefinition != 0) {
     466          G4DynamicParticle *theFragment = new G4DynamicParticle(theFragmentDefinition, (*fragment)->GetMomentum());
     467          G4LorentzVector labMomentum = theFragment->Get4Momentum();
     468          //      labMomentum.boost(p4.boostVector());
     469          //      labMomentum *= toFragmentLab;
     470          //      labMomentum *= toLabFrame;
     471          theFragment->Set4Momentum(labMomentum);
     472          fourMomentumBalance -= theFragment->Get4Momentum();
     473          baryonNumberBalance -= theFragmentDefinition->GetAtomicMass();
     474          chargeBalance -= theFragmentDefinition->GetAtomicNumber();
     475          if(verboseLevel > 0) {
     476            G4cout <<"Resulting fragment: " << G4endl;
     477            G4cout <<" kinetic energy = " << theFragment->GetKineticEnergy() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     478            G4cout <<" momentum = " << theFragment->GetMomentum().mag() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     479          }
     480          result.push_back(theFragment);
     481        } else {
     482          G4cout <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Error. Fragment produced by Fermi break-up does not exist."
     483                 << G4endl;
     484          G4cout <<"Resulting fragment: " << G4endl;
     485          G4cout <<" Z = " << (*fragment)->GetZ_asInt() << G4endl;
     486          G4cout <<" A = " << (*fragment)->GetA_asInt() << G4endl;
     487          G4cout <<" Excitation : " << (*fragment)->GetExcitationEnergy() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     488          G4cout <<" momentum = " << (*fragment)->GetMomentum().mag() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     489        }
     490      }
     491      if(std::abs(fourMomentumBalance.mag() / MeV) > 0.1 * MeV) {
     492        G4cout <<"Four-momentum balance after spectator nucleus Fermi break-up:" << G4endl;
     493        G4cout <<"Magnitude: " << fourMomentumBalance.mag() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     494        G4cout <<"Vector components (px, py, pz, E) = ("
     495               << fourMomentumBalance.px() << ", "
     496               << fourMomentumBalance.py() << ", "
     497               << fourMomentumBalance.pz() << ", "
     498               << fourMomentumBalance.e() << ")" << G4endl;
     499      }
     500      if(baryonNumberBalance != 0) {
     501        G4cout <<"Event " << eventNumber << ": Baryon number balance after spectator nucleus Fermi break-up: " << baryonNumberBalance << G4endl;
     502      }
     503      if(chargeBalance != 0) {
     504        G4cout <<"Event " << eventNumber <<": Charge balance after spectator nucleus Fermi break-up: " << chargeBalance << G4endl;
     505      }
     506    }
     507  }
     509    // Finally do Fermi break-up if needed
     510    if(varntp->needsFermiBreakup && varntp->massini > 0) {
     511      baryonNumberBalanceInINCL -= G4int(varntp->massini);
     512      chargeNumberBalanceInINCL -= G4int(varntp->mzini);
     513      // Call Fermi Break-up
     514      G4double nuclearMass = G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(G4int(varntp->massini), G4int(varntp->mzini)) + varntp->exini * MeV;
     515      G4LorentzVector fragmentMomentum(varntp->pxrem * MeV, varntp->pyrem * MeV, varntp->pzrem * MeV,
     516                                       varntp->erecrem * MeV + nuclearMass);
     517      G4double momentumScaling = G4InclUtils::calculate4MomentumScaling(G4int(varntp->massini), G4int(varntp->mzini),
     518                                                                        varntp->exini,
     519                                                                        varntp->erecrem,
     520                                                                        varntp->pxrem,
     521                                                                        varntp->pyrem,
     522                                                                        varntp->pzrem);
     523      G4LorentzVector p4(momentumScaling * varntp->pxrem * MeV, momentumScaling * varntp->pyrem * MeV,
     524                         momentumScaling * varntp->pzrem * MeV,
     525                         varntp->erecrem + nuclearMass);
     527      // For four-momentum, baryon number and charge conservation check:
     528      G4LorentzVector fourMomentumBalance = p4;
     529      G4int baryonNumberBalance = G4int(varntp->massini);
     530      G4int chargeBalance = G4int(varntp->mzini);
     532      G4LorentzRotation toFragmentZ;
     533      toFragmentZ.rotateZ(-p4.theta());
     534      toFragmentZ.rotateY(-p4.phi());
     535      G4LorentzRotation toFragmentLab = toFragmentZ.inverse();
     536      //      p4 *= toFragmentZ;
     538      G4LorentzVector p4rest = p4;
     539      //      p4rest.boost(-p4.boostVector());
     540      if(verboseLevel > 0) {
     541        G4cout <<"Cascade remnant nucleus:" << G4endl;
     542        G4cout <<"p4: " << G4endl;
     543        G4cout <<" px: " << p4.px() <<" py: " << p4.py() <<" pz: " << p4.pz() << G4endl;
     544        G4cout <<" E = " << p4.e() << G4endl;
     546        G4cout <<"p4rest: " << G4endl;
     547        G4cout <<" px: " << p4rest.px() <<" py: " << p4rest.py() <<" pz: " << p4rest.pz() << G4endl;
     548        G4cout <<" E = " << p4rest.e() << G4endl;
     549      }
     551      G4Fragment theCascadeRemnant(G4int(varntp->massini), G4int(varntp->mzini), p4rest);
     552      theFermiBreakupResult = fermiBreakUp->BreakItUp(theCascadeRemnant);
     553      if(theFermiBreakupResult != 0) {
     554      G4FragmentVector::iterator fragment;
     555      for(fragment = theFermiBreakupResult->begin(); fragment != theFermiBreakupResult->end(); fragment++) {
     556        G4ParticleDefinition *theFragmentDefinition = 0;
     557        if((*fragment)->GetA_asInt() == 1 && (*fragment)->GetZ_asInt() == 0) { // Neutron
     558          theFragmentDefinition = G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition();
     559        } else if ((*fragment)->GetA_asInt() == 1 && (*fragment)->GetZ_asInt() == 1) {
     560          theFragmentDefinition = G4Proton::ProtonDefinition();
     561        } else {
     562          theFragmentDefinition = theTableOfParticles->GetIon((*fragment)->GetZ_asInt(), (*fragment)->GetA_asInt(), (*fragment)->GetExcitationEnergy());
     563        }
     565        if(theFragmentDefinition != 0) {
     566          G4DynamicParticle *theFragment = new G4DynamicParticle(theFragmentDefinition, (*fragment)->GetMomentum());
     567          G4LorentzVector labMomentum = theFragment->Get4Momentum();
     568          //      labMomentum.boost(p4.boostVector());
     569          //      labMomentum *= toFragmentLab;
     570          //      labMomentum *= toLabFrame;
     571          theFragment->Set4Momentum(labMomentum);
     572          fourMomentumBalance -= theFragment->Get4Momentum();
     573          baryonNumberBalance -= theFragmentDefinition->GetAtomicMass();
     574          chargeBalance -= theFragmentDefinition->GetAtomicNumber();
     575          if(verboseLevel > 0) {
     576            G4cout <<"Resulting fragment: " << G4endl;
     577            G4cout <<" kinetic energy = " << theFragment->GetKineticEnergy() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     578            G4cout <<" momentum = " << theFragment->GetMomentum().mag() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     579          }
     580          result.push_back(theFragment);
     581        } else {
     582          G4cout <<"G4InclAblaCascadeInterface: Error. Fragment produced by Fermi break-up does not exist." << G4endl;
     583          G4cout <<"Resulting fragment: " << G4endl;
     584          G4cout <<" Z = " << (*fragment)->GetZ_asInt() << G4endl;
     585          G4cout <<" A = " << (*fragment)->GetA_asInt() << G4endl;
     586          G4cout <<" Excitation : " << (*fragment)->GetExcitationEnergy() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     587          G4cout <<" momentum = " << (*fragment)->GetMomentum().mag() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     588        }
     589      }
     590      if(std::abs(fourMomentumBalance.mag() / MeV) > 0.1 * MeV) {
     591        G4cout <<"Four-momentum balance after remnant nucleus Fermi break-up:" << G4endl;
     592        G4cout <<"Magnitude: " << fourMomentumBalance.mag() / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
     593        G4cout <<"Vector components (px, py, pz, E) = ("
     594               << fourMomentumBalance.px() << ", "
     595               << fourMomentumBalance.py() << ", "
     596               << fourMomentumBalance.pz() << ", "
     597               << fourMomentumBalance.e() << ")" << G4endl;
     598      }
     599      if(baryonNumberBalance != 0) {
     600        G4cout <<"Baryon number balance after remnant nucleus Fermi break-up: " << baryonNumberBalance << G4endl;
     601      }
     602      if(chargeBalance != 0) {
     603        G4cout <<"Charge balance after remnant nucleus Fermi break-up: " << chargeBalance << G4endl;
     604      }
     605    }
     606    }
    334608    varntp->ntrack = 0; // Clean up the number of generated particles in the event.
     610    if(baryonNumberBalanceInINCL != 0 && verboseLevel > 1) {
     611      G4cout <<"Event " << eventNumber <<": G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Baryon number conservation problem in INCL detected!" << G4endl;
     612      G4cout <<"Baryon number balance: " << baryonNumberBalanceInINCL << G4endl;
     613      if(baryonNumberBalanceInINCL < 0) {
     614        G4cout <<"Event " << eventNumber <<": Too many outcoming baryons!" << G4endl;
     615      } else if(baryonNumberBalanceInINCL > 0) {
     616        G4cout <<"Event " << eventNumber <<": Too few outcoming baryons!" << G4endl;
     617      }
     618    }
     620    if(chargeNumberBalanceInINCL != 0 && verboseLevel > 1) {
     621      G4cout <<"Event " << eventNumber <<": G4InclAblaLightIonInterface: Charge number conservation problem in INCL detected!" << G4endl;
     622      G4cout <<"Event " << eventNumber <<": Charge number balance: " << chargeNumberBalanceInINCL << G4endl;
     623    }
    335624  }
    336625  /**
    344633    cascadeParticle = new G4DynamicParticle(theTableOfParticles->FindParticle(aTrack.GetDefinition()), aTrack.Get4Momentum());
    346     theResult.AddSecondary(cascadeParticle);
     635    result.push_back(cascadeParticle);
    348637    if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    364653    }
    366     if((targetA == 1) && (targetZ == 1)) { // Unsupported target
     655    if((calincl->targetA() == 1) && (calincl->targetZ() == 1)) { // Unsupported target
    367656      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    368657        G4cout <<"Unsupported target: " << G4endl;
    369         G4cout <<"Target A: " << targetA << G4endl;
    370         G4cout <<"TargetZ: " << targetZ << G4endl;
     658        G4cout <<"Target A: " << calincl->targetA() << G4endl;
     659        G4cout <<"TargetZ: " << calincl->targetZ() << G4endl;
    371660      }
    372661      if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    373662        diagdata <<"Unsupported target: " << G4endl;
    374         diagdata <<"Target A: " << targetA << G4endl;
    375        diagdata <<"TargetZ: " << targetZ << G4endl;
    376       }
    377     }
    379     if(bulletE < 100) { // INCL does not support E < 100 MeV.
     663        diagdata <<"Target A: " << calincl->targetA() << G4endl;
     664        diagdata <<"TargetZ: " << calincl->targetZ() << G4endl;
     665      }
     666    }
     668    if(calincl->bulletE() < 100) { // INCL does not support E < 100 MeV.
    380669      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    381         G4cout <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << bulletE << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
     670        G4cout <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << calincl->bulletE() << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
    382671        G4cout <<"WARNING: Returning the original bullet with original energy back to Geant4." << G4endl;
    383672      }
    384673      if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    385         diagdata <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << bulletE << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
     674        diagdata <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << calincl->bulletE() << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
    386675      }
    387676    }
    392681  }
     683  // Finally copy the accumulated secondaries into the result collection:
     684  G4ThreeVector boostVector = aTrack.Get4Momentum().boostVector();
     685  G4LorentzRotation boostBack = toBreit.inverse();
     687  for(std::vector<G4DynamicParticle*>::iterator i = result.begin(); i != result.end(); ++i) {
     688    // If the calculation was performed in inverse kinematics we have to
     689    // convert the result back...
     690    if(calincl->isInverseKinematics()) {
     691      G4LorentzVector mom = (*i)->Get4Momentum();
     692      mom.setPz(-1.0 * mom.pz()); // Reverse the z-component of the momentum vector
     693      mom *= boostBack;
     694      (*i)->Set4Momentum(mom);
     695    }
     696    theResult.AddSecondary((*i));
     697  }
     699  delete calincl;
     700  calincl = 0;
    394701  return &theResult;
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/src/G4InclCascadeInterface.cc

    r819 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4InclCascadeInterface.cc,v 1.10 2007/12/10 16:32:02 gunter Exp $
     26// $Id: G4InclCascadeInterface.cc,v 1.12 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    4646  varntp = new G4VarNtp();
    47   calincl = new G4Calincl();
     47  inclInput = 0;
    4848  ws = new G4Ws();
    4949  mat = new G4Mat();
    50   incl = new G4Incl(hazard, calincl, ws, mat, varntp);
     50  incl = new G4Incl(hazard, inclInput, ws, mat, varntp);
    5252  verboseLevel = 0;
    5757  delete hazard;
    5858  delete varntp;
    59   delete calincl;
     59  delete inclInput;
    6060  delete ws;
    6161  delete mat;
    6767  G4int maxTries = 200;
    69   G4int particleI, n = 0;
    71   G4int bulletType = 0;
     69  G4int particleI;
    7371  // Print diagnostic messages: 0 = silent, 1 and 2 = verbose
    8583  }
    87   // INCL4 needs the energy in units MeV
    88   G4double bulletE = aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() * MeV;
    9085#ifdef DEBUGINCL
    9186  G4cout <<"Bullet energy = " << bulletE / MeV << G4endl;
    94   G4double targetA = theNucleus.GetN();
    95   G4double targetZ = theNucleus.GetZ();
    9789  G4double eKin;
    110102  G4LorentzRotation toLabFrame = toZ.inverse();
     104  inclInput = new G4InclInput(aTrack, theNucleus, false);
    112106  theResult.Clear(); // Make sure the output data structure is clean.
    114   // Map Geant4 particle types to corresponding INCL4 types.
    115   enum bulletParticleType {nucleus = 0, proton = 1, neutron = 2, pionPlus = 3, pionZero = 4,
    116                            pionMinus = 5, deuteron = 6, triton = 7, he3 = 8, he4 = 9};
    118   // Coding particles for use with INCL4 and ABLA
    119   if (aTrack.GetDefinition() ==    G4Proton::Proton()    ) bulletType = proton;
    120   if (aTrack.GetDefinition() ==   G4Neutron::Neutron()   ) bulletType = neutron;
    121   if (aTrack.GetDefinition() ==  G4PionPlus::PionPlus()  ) bulletType = pionPlus;
    122   if (aTrack.GetDefinition() == G4PionMinus::PionMinus() ) bulletType = pionMinus;
    123   if (aTrack.GetDefinition() ==  G4PionZero::PionZero()  ) bulletType = pionZero;
    125108#ifdef DEBUGINCL
    139   for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
    140     calincl->f[i] = 0.0; // Initialize INCL input data
    141   }
    143122  // Check wheter the input is acceptable.
    144   if((bulletType != 0) && ((targetA != 1) && (targetZ != 1))) {
    145     calincl->f[0] = targetA;    // Target mass number
    146     calincl->f[1] = targetZ;    // Charge number
    147     calincl->f[6] = bulletType; // Type
    148     calincl->f[2] = bulletE;    // Energy [MeV]
    149     calincl->f[5] = 1.0;        // Time scaling
    150     calincl->f[4] = 45.0;       // Nuclear potential
     123  if((inclInput->bulletType() != 0) && ((inclInput->targetA() != 1) && (inclInput->targetZ() != 1))) {
    152124    ws->nosurf = -2;  // Nucleus surface, -2 = Woods-Saxon
    153125    ws->xfoisa = 8;
    159131    mat->nbmat = 1;
    160     mat->amat[0] = int(calincl->f[0]);
    161     mat->zmat[0] = int(calincl->f[1]);
     132    mat->amat[0] = int(inclInput->targetA());
     133    mat->zmat[0] = int(inclInput->targetZ());
    163135    incl->initIncl(true);
    168140        G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Try number = " << nTries << G4endl;
    169141      }
    170       incl->processEventIncl();
     142      incl->processEventIncl(inclInput);
    172144      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    179151       * Diagnostic output
    180152       */
    181       G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Bullet type: " << bulletType << G4endl;
    182       G4cout <<"G4Incl4AblaCascadeInterface: Bullet energy: " << bulletE << " MeV" << G4endl;
    184       G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target A:  " << targetA << G4endl;
    185       G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target Z:  " << targetZ << G4endl;
     153      G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Bullet type: " << inclInput->bulletType() << G4endl;
     154      G4cout <<"G4Incl4AblaCascadeInterface: Bullet energy: " << inclInput->bulletE() << " MeV" << G4endl;
     156      G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target A:  " << inclInput->targetA() << G4endl;
     157      G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target Z:  " << inclInput->targetZ() << G4endl;
    187159      if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    188         diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Bullet type: " << bulletType << G4endl;
    189         diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Bullet energy: " << bulletE << " MeV" << G4endl;
     160        diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Bullet type: " << inclInput->bulletType() << G4endl;
     161        diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Bullet energy: " << inclInput->bulletE() << " MeV" << G4endl;
    191         diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target A:  " << targetA << G4endl;
    192         diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target Z:  " << targetZ << G4endl;
    193       }
    195       for(particleI = 0; particleI < varntp->ntrack; particleI++) {
    196         G4cout << n                       << " " << calincl->f[6]             << " " << calincl->f[2] << " ";
    197         G4cout << varntp->massini         << " " << varntp->mzini             << " ";
    198         G4cout << varntp->exini           << " " << varntp->mulncasc          << " " << varntp->mulnevap          << " " << varntp->mulntot << " ";
    199         G4cout << varntp->bimpact         << " " << varntp->jremn             << " " << varntp->kfis              << " " << varntp->estfis << " ";
    200         G4cout << varntp->izfis           << " " << varntp->iafis             << " " << varntp->ntrack            << " " << varntp->itypcasc[particleI] << " ";
    201         G4cout << varntp->avv[particleI]  << " " << varntp->zvv[particleI]    << " " << varntp->enerj[particleI]  << " ";
    202         G4cout << varntp->plab[particleI] << " " << varntp->tetlab[particleI] << " " << varntp->philab[particleI] << G4endl;
    203         // For diagnostic output
    204         if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    205           diagdata << n                       << " " << calincl->f[6]             << " " << calincl->f[2] << " ";
    206           diagdata << varntp->massini         << " " << varntp->mzini             << " ";
    207           diagdata << varntp->exini           << " " << varntp->mulncasc          << " " << varntp->mulnevap          << " " << varntp->mulntot << " ";
    208           diagdata << varntp->bimpact         << " " << varntp->jremn             << " " << varntp->kfis              << " " << varntp->estfis << " ";
    209           diagdata << varntp->izfis           << " " << varntp->iafis             << " " << varntp->ntrack            << " ";
    210           diagdata                                                                       << varntp->itypcasc[particleI] << " ";
    211           diagdata << varntp->avv[particleI]  << " " << varntp->zvv[particleI]    << " " << varntp->enerj[particleI]  << " ";
    212           diagdata << varntp->plab[particleI] << " " << varntp->tetlab[particleI] << " " << varntp->philab[particleI] << G4endl;
    213         }
    214       }
     163        diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target A:  " << inclInput->targetA() << G4endl;
     164        diagdata <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Target Z:  " << inclInput->targetZ() << G4endl;
     165      }
     167      // for(particleI = 0; particleI < varntp->ntrack; particleI++) {
     168      //   G4cout << n                       << " " << inclInput->f[6]             << " " << inclInput->f[2] << " ";
     169      //   G4cout << varntp->massini         << " " << varntp->mzini             << " ";
     170      //   G4cout << varntp->exini           << " " << varntp->mulncasc          << " " << varntp->mulnevap          << " " << varntp->mulntot << " ";
     171      //   G4cout << varntp->bimpact         << " " << varntp->jremn             << " " << varntp->kfis              << " " << varntp->estfis << " ";
     172      //   G4cout << varntp->izfis           << " " << varntp->iafis             << " " << varntp->ntrack            << " " << varntp->itypcasc[particleI] << " ";
     173      //   G4cout << varntp->avv[particleI]  << " " << varntp->zvv[particleI]    << " " << varntp->enerj[particleI]  << " ";
     174      //   G4cout << varntp->plab[particleI] << " " << varntp->tetlab[particleI] << " " << varntp->philab[particleI] << G4endl;
     175      //   // For diagnostic output
     176      //   if(verboseLevel > 3) {
     177      //     diagdata << n                       << " " << inclInput->f[6]             << " " << inclInput->f[2] << " ";
     178      //     diagdata << varntp->massini         << " " << varntp->mzini             << " ";
     179      //     diagdata << varntp->exini           << " " << varntp->mulncasc          << " " << varntp->mulnevap          << " " << varntp->mulntot << " ";
     180      //     diagdata << varntp->bimpact         << " " << varntp->jremn             << " " << varntp->kfis              << " " << varntp->estfis << " ";
     181      //     diagdata << varntp->izfis           << " " << varntp->iafis             << " " << varntp->ntrack            << " ";
     182      //          diagdata                                                                       << varntp->itypcasc[particleI] << " ";
     183      //     diagdata << varntp->avv[particleI]  << " " << varntp->zvv[particleI]    << " " << varntp->enerj[particleI]  << " ";
     184      //     diagdata << varntp->plab[particleI] << " " << varntp->tetlab[particleI] << " " << varntp->philab[particleI] << G4endl;
     185      //   }
     186      // }
    215187    }
    225197      theResult.SetStatusChange(stopAndKill);
    227       if(bulletType == proton) {
    228         aParticleDefinition = G4Proton::ProtonDefinition();
    229       }
    230       if(bulletType == neutron) {
    231         aParticleDefinition = G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition();
    232       }
    233       if(bulletType == pionPlus) {
    234         aParticleDefinition = G4PionPlus::PionPlusDefinition();
    235       }
    236       if(bulletType == pionZero) {
    237         aParticleDefinition = G4PionZero::PionZeroDefinition();
    238       }
    239       if(bulletType == pionMinus) {
    240         aParticleDefinition = G4PionMinus::PionMinusDefinition();
    241       }
     198      aParticleDefinition = G4InclInput::getParticleDefinition(inclInput->bulletType());
    243200      cascadeParticle = new G4DynamicParticle();
    434391    }
    436     if(bulletType == 0) {
     393    if(inclInput->bulletType() == 0) {
    437394      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    438395        G4cout <<"G4InclCascadeInterface: Unknown bullet type" << G4endl;     
    445402    }
    447     if((targetA == 1) && (targetZ == 1)) { // Unsupported target
     404    if((inclInput->targetA() == 1) && (inclInput->targetZ() == 1)) { // Unsupported target
    448405      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    449406        G4cout <<"Unsupported target: " << G4endl;
    450         G4cout <<"Target A: " << targetA << G4endl;
    451         G4cout <<"TargetZ: " << targetZ << G4endl;
     407        G4cout <<"Target A: " << inclInput->targetA() << G4endl;
     408        G4cout <<"TargetZ: " << inclInput->targetZ() << G4endl;
    452409      }
    453410      if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    454411        diagdata <<"Unsupported target: " << G4endl;
    455         diagdata <<"Target A: " << targetA << G4endl;
    456        diagdata <<"TargetZ: " << targetZ << G4endl;
    457       }
    458     }
    460     if(bulletE < 100) { // INCL does not support E < 100 MeV.
    461       if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    462         G4cout <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << bulletE << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
     412        diagdata <<"Target A: " << inclInput->targetA() << G4endl;
     413        diagdata <<"TargetZ: " << inclInput->targetZ() << G4endl;
     414      }
     415    }
     417    if(inclInput->bulletE() < 100) { // INCL does not support E < 100 MeV.
     418      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
     419        G4cout <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << inclInput->bulletE() << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
    463420        G4cout <<"WARNING: Returning the original bullet with original energy back to Geant4." << G4endl;
    464421      }
    465422      if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    466         diagdata <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << bulletE << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
     423        diagdata <<"Unsupported bullet energy: " << inclInput->bulletE() << " MeV. (Lower limit is 100 MeV)." << G4endl;
    467424      }
    468425    }
  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/incl/src/G4InclLightIonInterface.cc

    r819 r1340  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4InclLightIonInterface.cc,v 1.10 2007/12/10 16:32:07 gunter Exp $
     26// $Id: G4InclLightIonInterface.cc,v 1.12 2010/10/26 02:47:59 kaitanie Exp $
    2727// Translation of INCL4.2/ABLA V3
    2828// Pekka Kaitaniemi, HIP (translation)
    4444  varntp = new G4VarNtp();
    45   calincl = new G4Calincl();
     45  calincl = 0;
    4646  ws = new G4Ws();
    4747  mat = new G4Mat();
    6565  G4int maxTries = 200;
    67   G4int particleI, n = 0;
    6967  G4int bulletType = 0;
     68  G4int particleI;
    7170  // Print diagnostic messages: 0 = silent, 1 and 2 = verbose
    8685  G4double bulletE = aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() / MeV;
    88   G4double targetA = theNucleus.GetN();
    89   G4double targetZ = theNucleus.GetZ();
     87  G4int targetA = theNucleus.GetA_asInt();
     88  G4int targetZ = theNucleus.GetZ_asInt();
    9190  G4double eKin;
    116115  if (aTrack.GetDefinition() == G4Alpha::Alpha()         ) bulletType = he4;
    118   for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
    119     calincl->f[i] = 0.0; // Initialize INCL input data
    120   }
     117  calincl = new G4InclInput();
    122119  // Check wheter the input is acceptable.
    123120  if((bulletType != 0) && ((targetA != 1) && (targetZ != 1))) {
    124     calincl->f[0] = targetA;    // Target mass number
    125     calincl->f[1] = targetZ;    // Charge number
    126     calincl->f[6] = bulletType; // Type
    127     calincl->f[2] = bulletE;    // Energy [MeV]
    128     calincl->f[5] = 1.0;        // Time scaling
    129     calincl->f[4] = 45.0;       // Nuclear potential
    131121    ws->nosurf = -2;  // Nucleus surface, -2 = Woods-Saxon
    132122    ws->xfoisa = 8;
    138128    mat->nbmat = 1;
    139     mat->amat[0] = int(calincl->f[0]);
    140     mat->zmat[0] = int(calincl->f[1]);
     129    mat->amat[0] = int(calincl->targetA());
     130    mat->zmat[0] = int(calincl->targetZ());
    142132    incl->initIncl(true);
    147137        G4cout <<"G4InclLightIonInterface: Try number = " << nTries << G4endl;
    148138      }
    149       incl->processEventIncl();
     139      incl->processEventIncl(calincl);
    151141      if(verboseLevel > 1) {
    170160        diagdata <<"G4InclLightIonInterface: Target A:  " << targetA << G4endl;
    171161        diagdata <<"G4InclLightIonInterface: Target Z:  " << targetZ << G4endl;
    172       }
    174       for(particleI = 0; particleI < varntp->ntrack; particleI++) {
    175         G4cout << n                       << " " << calincl->f[6]             << " " << calincl->f[2] << " ";
    176         G4cout << varntp->massini         << " " << varntp->mzini             << " ";
    177         G4cout << varntp->exini           << " " << varntp->mulncasc          << " " << varntp->mulnevap          << " " << varntp->mulntot << " ";
    178         G4cout << varntp->bimpact         << " " << varntp->jremn             << " " << varntp->kfis              << " " << varntp->estfis << " ";
    179         G4cout << varntp->izfis           << " " << varntp->iafis             << " " << varntp->ntrack            << " " << varntp->itypcasc[particleI] << " ";
    180         G4cout << varntp->avv[particleI]  << " " << varntp->zvv[particleI]    << " " << varntp->enerj[particleI]  << " ";
    181         G4cout << varntp->plab[particleI] << " " << varntp->tetlab[particleI] << " " << varntp->philab[particleI] << G4endl;
    182         // For diagnostic output
    183         if(verboseLevel > 3) {
    184           diagdata << n                       << " " << calincl->f[6]             << " " << calincl->f[2] << " ";
    185           diagdata << varntp->massini         << " " << varntp->mzini             << " ";
    186           diagdata << varntp->exini           << " " << varntp->mulncasc          << " " << varntp->mulnevap          << " " << varntp->mulntot << " ";
    187           diagdata << varntp->bimpact         << " " << varntp->jremn             << " " << varntp->kfis              << " " << varntp->estfis << " ";
    188           diagdata << varntp->izfis           << " " << varntp->iafis             << " " << varntp->ntrack            << " ";
    189           diagdata                                                                       << varntp->itypcasc[particleI] << " ";
    190           diagdata << varntp->avv[particleI]  << " " << varntp->zvv[particleI]    << " " << varntp->enerj[particleI]  << " ";
    191           diagdata << varntp->plab[particleI] << " " << varntp->tetlab[particleI] << " " << varntp->philab[particleI] << G4endl;
    192         }
    193162      }
    194163    }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.