Nov 5, 2010, 4:08:39 PM (14 years ago)

update ti head

12 edited


  • trunk/examples/extended/medical/GammaTherapy/GammaTherapy.out

    r1337 r1342  
    7  Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-03-ref-06    (25-June-2010)
     7 Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-03-ref-09    (25-June-2010)
    88                      Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
    99                      Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
    1818   --->  Isotope:   Be9   Z =  4   N =   9   A =   9.01 g/mole   abundance: 100.00 %  ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbundance 100.00 %
    20  Material:     G4_W     density: 19.300 g/cm3   RadL:   3.504 mm   Nucl.Int.Length:  10.310 cm   Imean: 727.000 eV
     20 Material:     G4_W     density: 19.300 g/cm3   RadL:   3.504 mm   Nucl.Int.Length:  10.306 cm   Imean: 727.000 eV
    2121   --->  Element: W (W)   Z = 74.0   N = 183.9   A = 183.84 g/mole
    2222   --->  Isotope:  W180   Z = 74   N = 180   A = 179.95 g/mole   abundance:   0.12 %
    3131   --->  Isotope:   He4   Z =  2   N =   4   A =   4.00 g/mole   abundance: 100.00 %  ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbundance 100.00 %
    33  Material: G4_WATER H_2O   density:  1.000 g/cm3   RadL:  36.083 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  75.505 cm   Imean:  78.000 eV
     33 Material: G4_WATER H_2O   density:  1.000 g/cm3   RadL:  36.083 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  75.517 cm   Imean:  78.000 eV
    3434   --->  Element: H (H)   Z =  1.0   N =   1.0   A =   1.01 g/mole
    3535   --->  Isotope:    H1   Z =  1   N =   1   A =   1.01 g/mole   abundance:  99.99 %
    4040   --->  Isotope:   O18   Z =  8   N =  18   A =  18.00 g/mole   abundance:   0.20 %  ElmMassFraction:  88.81 %  ElmAbundance  33.33 %
    42  Material:   G4_AIR     density:  1.205 mg/cm3  RadL: 303.921 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 710.137 m    Imean:  85.700 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
     42 Material:   G4_AIR     density:  1.205 mg/cm3  RadL: 303.921 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 710.261 m    Imean:  85.700 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
    4343   --->  Element: C (C)   Z =  6.0   N =  12.0   A =  12.01 g/mole
    4444   --->  Isotope:   C12   Z =  6   N =  12   A =  12.00 g/mole   abundance:  98.93 %
    5656   --->  Isotope:  Ar40   Z = 18   N =  40   A =  39.96 g/mole   abundance:  99.60 %  ElmMassFraction:   1.28 %  ElmAbundance   0.47 %
    58  Material: G4_MYLAR     density:  1.400 g/cm3   RadL:  28.536 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  55.961 cm   Imean:  78.700 eV
     58 Material: G4_MYLAR     density:  1.400 g/cm3   RadL:  28.536 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  55.985 cm   Imean:  78.700 eV
    5959   --->  Element: H (H)   Z =  1.0   N =   1.0   A =   1.01 g/mole
    6060   --->  Isotope:    H1   Z =  1   N =   1   A =   1.01 g/mole   abundance:  99.99 %
    182182Run Summary
    183183  Number of events processed : 10000
    184   User=8.44s Real=10.22s Sys=0s
     184  User=8s Real=8.02s Sys=0s
    185185RunAction: End of run actions are started
    186186Histo: End of run actions are started
    188188Number of events                                  10000
    189 Average number of e-                         12.24
    190 Average number of gamma                      21.28
    191 Average number of e+                         0.7963
     189Average number of e-                         12.13
     190Average number of gamma                      21.18
     191Average number of e+                         0.7932
    192192Average number of neutrons                   0
    193 Average number of steps in absorber          31.91
    194 Average number of e- steps in target         18.67
    195 Average number of g  produced in the target  20.44
    196 Average number of e- produced in the target  7.238
    197 Average number of g produced in the phantom  0.5203
    198 Average number of e- produced in the phantom 2.795
    199 Total gamma fluence in front of phantom      8.671 MeV
     193Average number of steps in absorber          32.13
     194Average number of e- steps in target         18.61
     195Average number of g  produced in the target  20.35
     196Average number of e- produced in the target  7.174
     197Average number of g produced in the phantom  0.5292
     198Average number of e- produced in the phantom 2.799
     199Total gamma fluence in front of phantom      8.752 MeV
  • trunk/examples/extended/medical/GammaTherapy/History

    r1337 r1342  
    1 $Id: History,v 1.29 2010/06/07 05:40:46 perl Exp $
     1$Id: History,v 1.32 2010/10/26 12:09:14 vnivanch Exp $
    1515     * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
    1616     ----------------------------------------------------------
     1826-10-10  V.Ivant (gtherapy-V09-03-04)
     19- in PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh remove unused methods
     2125-10-10  G.Folger  (gtherapy-V09-03-03)
     22- in PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh, comment unused definition of
     23    G4ThreeVector GetBeamEnergy()
     2521-10-10  V.Ivant (gtherapy-V09-03-02)
     26- Cleanup AIDA histograms and analysis
    182806-06-10 J.Perl (gtherapy-V09-03-01)
  • trunk/examples/extended/medical/GammaTherapy/include/Histo.hh

    r807 r1342  
    4747#include "globals.hh"
    48 #include <vector>
    4948#include "G4DynamicParticle.hh"
    5049#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
    10099  void AddPhantomElectron(const G4DynamicParticle*);
    101100  void AddTargetElectron(const G4DynamicParticle*);
    102   void AddPositron(const G4DynamicParticle*) {n_posit++;};
    103   void AddStepInTarget() {n_step_target++;};
    105   void SetVerbose(G4int val) {verbose = val;};
    106   G4int GetVerbose() const {return verbose;};
    108   void SetHistoNumber(G4int val) {nHisto = val;};
    109   void SetNtuple(G4bool val) {nTuple = val;};
    111   void SetNumberDivZ(G4int val) {nBinsZ = val; };
    112   G4int GetNumberDivZ() const    {return nBinsZ;};
    113   void SetNumberDivR(G4int val) {nBinsR = val; };
    114   G4int GetNumberDivR() const    {return nBinsR;};
    115   void SetNumberDivE(G4int val) {nBinsE = val; };
    117   void SetFirstEventToDebug(G4int val) {nEvt1 = val;};
    118   G4int FirstEventToDebug() const {return nEvt1;};
    119   void SetLastEventToDebug(G4int val) {nEvt2 = val;};
    120   G4int LastEventToDebug() const {return nEvt2;};
    122   void SetAbsorberZ(G4double val) {absorberZ = val;};
    123   void SetAbsorberR(G4double val) {absorberR = val;};
    124   void SetScoreZ(G4double val)    {scoreZ = val;};
    126   void SetMaxEnergy(G4double val) {maxEnergy = val;};
    127   G4double  GetMaxEnergy() const {return maxEnergy;};
    129   void AddEvent() {n_evt++;};
    130   void AddStep() {n_step++;};
    132   void SetCheckVolume(G4VPhysicalVolume* v) {checkVolume = v;};
    133   void SetGasVolume(G4VPhysicalVolume* v) {gasVolume = v;};
    134   G4VPhysicalVolume* CheckVolume() const {return checkVolume;};
    135   G4VPhysicalVolume* GasVolume() const {return gasVolume;};
    137   void SetPhantom(G4VPhysicalVolume* v) {phantom = v;};
    138   void SetTarget1(G4VPhysicalVolume* v) {target1 = v;};
    139   void SetTarget2(G4VPhysicalVolume* v) {target2 = v;};
     101  inline void AddPositron(const G4DynamicParticle*) { ++n_posit;};
     102  inline void AddStepInTarget() { ++n_step_target;};
     104  inline void SetVerbose(G4int val) {verbose = val;};
     105  inline G4int GetVerbose() const {return verbose;};
     107  inline void SetHistoNumber(G4int val) {nHisto = val;};
     108  inline void SetNtuple(G4bool val) {nTuple = val;};
     110  inline void SetNumberDivZ(G4int val) {nBinsZ = val; };
     111  inline G4int GetNumberDivZ() const    {return nBinsZ;};
     112  inline void SetNumberDivR(G4int val) {nBinsR = val; };
     113  inline G4int GetNumberDivR() const    {return nBinsR;};
     114  inline void SetNumberDivE(G4int val) {nBinsE = val; };
     116  inline void SetFirstEventToDebug(G4int val) {nEvt1 = val;};
     117  inline G4int FirstEventToDebug() const {return nEvt1;};
     118  inline void SetLastEventToDebug(G4int val) {nEvt2 = val;};
     119  inline G4int LastEventToDebug() const {return nEvt2;};
     121  inline void SetAbsorberZ(G4double val) {absorberZ = val;};
     122  inline void SetAbsorberR(G4double val) {absorberR = val;};
     123  inline void SetScoreZ(G4double val)    {scoreZ = val;};
     125  inline void SetMaxEnergy(G4double val) {maxEnergy = val;};
     126  inline G4double  GetMaxEnergy() const {return maxEnergy;};
     128  inline void AddEvent() { ++n_evt; };
     129  inline void AddStep()  { ++n_step; };
     131  inline void SetCheckVolume(G4VPhysicalVolume* v) {checkVolume = v;};
     132  inline void SetGasVolume(G4VPhysicalVolume* v) {gasVolume = v;};
     133  inline G4VPhysicalVolume* CheckVolume() const {return checkVolume;};
     134  inline G4VPhysicalVolume* GasVolume() const {return gasVolume;};
     136  inline void SetPhantom(G4VPhysicalVolume* v) {phantom = v;};
     137  inline void SetTarget1(G4VPhysicalVolume* v) {target1 = v;};
     138  inline void SetTarget2(G4VPhysicalVolume* v) {target2 = v;};
    141140  void AddStep(G4double e, G4double r1, G4double z1, G4double r2, G4double z2,
    148147  // MEMBERS
    149148  static Histo* fManager;
     150  const G4ParticleDefinition* gamma;
     151  const G4ParticleDefinition* electron;
     152  const G4ParticleDefinition* positron;
     153  const G4ParticleDefinition* neutron;
    151155  G4VPhysicalVolume* checkVolume;
  • trunk/examples/extended/medical/GammaTherapy/include/PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh

    r807 r1342  
    2424// ********************************************************************
     26// $Id: PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh,v 1.6 2010/10/26 12:09:14 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: examples-V09-03-09 $
    2630#ifndef PrimaryGeneratorAction_h
    2731#define PrimaryGeneratorAction_h 1
    7377  //Get/Set methods
    74   void SetBeamX(G4double val) {x0 = val;};
    75   void SetBeamY(G4double val) {y0 = val;};
    76   void SetBeamZ(G4double val) {z0 = val;};
    77   void SetBeamSigmaX(G4double val) {sigmaX = val;};
    78   void SetBeamSigmaY(G4double val) {sigmaY = val;};
    79   void SetBeamSigmaZ(G4double val) {sigmaY = val;};
    8078  void SetBeamSigmaE(G4double val);
    8179  void SetBeamEnergy(G4double val);
    82   void SetBeamMinCosTheta(G4double val) {minCosTheta = val;};
    83   void SetSigmaTheta(G4double val) {sigmaTheta = val;};
    84   void SetVerbose(G4int val) {verbose = val;};
    85   G4ThreeVector GetBeamPosition() const {return position;};
    86   G4ThreeVector GetBeamDirection() const {return direction;};
    87   G4ThreeVector GetBeamEnergy() const {return energy;};
    88   void SetRandom(const G4String& type) {m_gauss = type;};
     81  inline void SetBeamX(G4double val) {x0 = val;};
     82  inline void SetBeamY(G4double val) {y0 = val;};
     83  inline void SetBeamZ(G4double val) {z0 = val;};
     84  inline void SetBeamSigmaX(G4double val) {sigmaX = val;};
     85  inline void SetBeamSigmaY(G4double val) {sigmaY = val;};
     86  inline void SetBeamSigmaZ(G4double val) {sigmaY = val;};
     87  inline void SetBeamMinCosTheta(G4double val) {minCosTheta = val;};
     88  inline void SetSigmaTheta(G4double val) {sigmaTheta = val;};
     89  inline void SetVerbose(G4int val) {verbose = val;};
     90  inline void SetRandom(const G4String& type) {m_gauss = type;};
  • trunk/examples/extended/medical/GammaTherapy/src/Histo.cc

    r807 r1342  
    2424// ********************************************************************
     26// $Id: Histo.cc,v 1.10 2010/10/26 12:05:14 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: examples-V09-03-09 $
    3942#include "Histo.hh"
     43#include "G4Gamma.hh"
     44#include "G4Electron.hh"
     45#include "G4Positron.hh"
     46#include "G4Neutron.hh"
    4047#include <iomanip>
    6572  verbose   = 1;
    6673  histName  = G4String("histo");
    67   histType  = G4String("hbook");
     74  histType  = G4String("root");
    6875  nHisto    = 10;
    6976  nHisto1   = 10;
    7683  absorberR = 200.*mm;
    7784  scoreZ    = 100.*mm;
     86  gamma    = G4Gamma::Gamma();
     87  electron = G4Electron::Electron();
     88  positron = G4Positron::Positron();
     89  neutron  = G4Neutron::Neutron();
    7991#ifdef G4ANALYSIS_USE
    206218    }
    207219    tree->close();
     220    delete tree;
     221    tree = 0;
    208222    G4cout << "Tree is closed" << G4endl;
    209223  }
    257271  // Creating a tree mapped to a new hbook file.
    258   G4String tt = "hbook";
    259   G4String nn = histName + ".hbook";
    260   if(histType == "root") {
    261     tt = "root";
    262     nn = histName + ".root";
    263   } else if(histType == "xml" || histType == "XML"
    264             || histType == "aida" || histType == "AIDA") {
     272  G4String tt = histType;
     273  G4String nn = histName + "." + histType;
     274  if(histType == "xml" || histType == "XML" || histType == "aida" ||
     275     histType == "AIDA") {
    265276    tt = "xml";
    266277    nn = histName + ".aida";
    267278  }
    269   tree = tf->create(nn,tt,false,true, "--noErrors uncompress");
     280  tree = tf->create(nn,tt,false,true, "");
    270281  if(tree) {
    271282    G4cout << "Tree store : " << tree->storeName() << G4endl;
    317328  // If using Anaphe HBOOK implementation, there is a limitation on the
    318329  // length of the variable names in a ntuple
    319   if(nTuple)
     330  if(nTuple) {
    320331     ntup = tpf->create( "100", "Dose deposite","float r, z, e" );
     332  }
    322333  delete hf;
    323334  delete tpf;
    331342  G4double e = elec->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV;
    332   if(e > 0.0) n_elec++;
     343  if(e > 0.0) { ++n_elec; }
    339350  G4double e = ph->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV;
    340   if(e > 0.0) n_gam++;
     351  if(e > 0.0) { ++n_gam; }
    347358  G4double e = ph->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV;
    348   if(e > 0.0) n_gam_tar++;
     359  if(e > 0.0) { ++n_gam_tar; }
    349360#ifdef G4ANALYSIS_USE
    350361  if(tree) histo[5]->fill(e,1.0);
    358369  G4double e = ph->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV;
    359   if(e > 0.0) n_gam_ph++;
     370  if(e > 0.0) { ++n_gam_ph; }
    366377  G4double e = ph->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV;
    367   if(e > 0.0) n_e_tar++;
     378  if(e > 0.0) { ++n_e_tar; }
    368379#ifdef G4ANALYSIS_USE
    369380  if(tree) histo[8]->fill(e,1.0);
    377388  G4double e = ph->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV;
    378   if(e > 0.0) n_e_ph++;
     389  if(e > 0.0) { ++n_e_ph; }
    379390#ifdef G4ANALYSIS_USE
    380391  if(tree) histo[7]->fill(e,1.0);
    390401  ResetTrackLength();
    391   G4ParticleDefinition* particle = aTrack->GetDefinition();
    392   G4String name = particle->GetParticleName();
     402  const G4ParticleDefinition* particle = aTrack->GetParticleDefinition();
    393403  G4int pid = aTrack->GetParentID();
    394404  G4double kinE = aTrack->GetKineticEnergy();
    417427    // delta-electron
    418   } else if (0 < pid && "e-" == name) {
     428  } else if (0 < pid && particle == electron) {
    419429    if(1 < verbose) {
    420430      G4cout << "TrackingAction: Secondary electron " << G4endl;
    421431    }
    422432    AddDeltaElectron(dp);
    423     if(pv == phantom)                       AddPhantomElectron(dp);
    424     else if(pv == target1 || pv == target2) AddTargetElectron(dp);
    426   } else if (0 < pid && "e+" == name) {
     433    if(pv == phantom)                       { AddPhantomElectron(dp); }
     434    else if(pv == target1 || pv == target2) { AddTargetElectron(dp); }
     436  } else if (0 < pid && particle == positron) {
    427437    if(1 < verbose) {
    428438      G4cout << "TrackingAction: Secondary positron " << G4endl;
    430440    AddPositron(dp);
    432   } else if (0 < pid && "gamma" == name) {
     442  } else if (0 < pid && particle == gamma) {
    433443    if(1 < verbose) {
    434444      G4cout << "TrackingAction: Secondary gamma; parentID= " << pid
    436446    }
    437447    AddPhoton(dp);
    438     if(pv == phantom)                       AddPhantomPhoton(dp);
    439     else if(pv == target1 || pv == target2) AddTargetPhoton(dp);
    441   } else if (0 < pid && "neutron" == name) {
     448    if(pv == phantom)                       { AddPhantomPhoton(dp); }
     449    else if(pv == target1 || pv == target2) { AddTargetPhoton(dp); }
     451  } else if (0 < pid && particle == neutron) {
    442452    n_neutron++;
    443453    if(1 < verbose) {
    455465  sumR += e;
    456466  G4int bin = (G4int)(e/stepE);
    457   if(bin >= nBinsE) bin = nBinsE-1;
     467  if(bin >= nBinsE) { bin = nBinsE-1; }
    458468  gammaE[bin] += e;
    459469  G4int bin1 = (G4int)(r/stepR);
    460   if(bin1 >= nBinsR) bin1 = nBinsR-1;
     470  if(bin1 >= nBinsR) { bin1 = nBinsR-1; }
    461471#ifdef G4ANALYSIS_USE
    462472  if(tree) {
  • trunk/examples/extended/medical/GammaTherapy/src/TrackingAction.cc

    r807 r1342  
    5757  theHisto(Histo::GetPointer())
    58 {;}
    63 {;}
    6969  theHisto->ScoreNewTrack(aTrack);
    70   G4int pid = aTrack->GetParentID();
    71   const G4String name = aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName();
    7371  if(1 < theHisto->GetVerbose() &&
    74     (theHisto->GetMaxEnergy() < aTrack->GetKineticEnergy() && pid > 0))
    75   {
    76     G4cout << "Track #"
    77            << aTrack->GetTrackID() << " of " << name
    78            << " Emax(MeV)= " << theHisto->GetMaxEnergy()/MeV
    79            << " Ekin(MeV)= " << aTrack->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV
    80            << " ## EventID= "
    81            << (G4EventManager::GetEventManager())->GetConstCurrentEvent()
    82               ->GetEventID()
    83            << G4endl;
    84   }
     72     theHisto->GetMaxEnergy() < aTrack->GetKineticEnergy() &&
     73     aTrack->GetParentID() > 0)
     74    {
     75      G4cout << "Track #"
     76             << aTrack->GetTrackID() << " of "
     77             << aTrack->GetParticleDefinition()->GetParticleName()
     78             << " Emax(MeV)= " << theHisto->GetMaxEnergy()/MeV
     79             << " Ekin(MeV)= " << aTrack->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV
     80             << " ## EventID= "
     81             << (G4EventManager::GetEventManager())->GetConstCurrentEvent()->GetEventID()
     82             << G4endl;
     83    }
  • trunk/examples/extended/medical/fanoCavity/History

    r1337 r1342  
    1 $Id: History,v 1.36 2010/06/07 05:40:46 perl Exp $
     1$Id: History,v 1.37 2010/10/25 13:29:24 gunter Exp $
    1515     * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
    1616     ----------------------------------------------------------
     1825-10-2010 G.Folger  (fano-V09-03-04)
     19- Correct initialisation of directinIn in ctor; needed by clhep 2.1...
    182106-06-10 J.Perl (fano-V09-03-03)
  • trunk/examples/extended/medical/fanoCavity/fanoCavity.out

    r1337 r1342  
    7  Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-03-ref-06    (25-June-2010)
     7 Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-03-ref-09    (25-June-2010)
    88                      Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
    99                      Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
    1414***** Table : Nb of materials = 7 *****
    16  Material:    Water     density:  1.000 g/cm3   RadL:  36.092 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  75.416 cm   Imean:  75.000 eV
     16 Material:    Water     density:  1.000 g/cm3   RadL:  36.092 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  75.537 cm   Imean:  75.000 eV
    1717   --->  Element: Hydrogen (H)   Z =  1.0   N =   1.0   A =   1.01 g/mole  ElmMassFraction:  11.21 %  ElmAbundance  66.67 %
    1818   --->  Element: Oxygen (O)   Z =  8.0   N =  16.0   A =  16.00 g/mole  ElmMassFraction:  88.79 %  ElmAbundance  33.33 %
    20  Material: Water_vapor     density:  1.000 mg/cm3  RadL: 360.924 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 754.163 m    Imean:  75.000 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
     20 Material: Water_vapor     density:  1.000 mg/cm3  RadL: 360.924 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 755.365 m    Imean:  75.000 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
    2121   --->  Element: Hydrogen (H)   Z =  1.0   N =   1.0   A =   1.01 g/mole  ElmMassFraction:  11.21 %  ElmAbundance  66.67 %
    2222   --->  Element: Oxygen (O)   Z =  8.0   N =  16.0   A =  16.00 g/mole  ElmMassFraction:  88.79 %  ElmAbundance  33.33 %
    24  Material:      Air     density:  1.290 mg/cm3  RadL: 285.161 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 662.680 m    Imean:  85.703 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
     24 Material:      Air     density:  1.290 mg/cm3  RadL: 285.161 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 662.904 m    Imean:  85.703 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
    2525   --->  Element: Nitrogen (N)   Z =  7.0   N =  14.0   A =  14.01 g/mole  ElmMassFraction:  70.00 %  ElmAbundance  72.71 %
    2626   --->  Element: Oxygen (O)   Z =  8.0   N =  16.0   A =  16.00 g/mole  ElmMassFraction:  30.00 %  ElmAbundance  27.29 %
    28  Material: Graphite     density:  2.265 g/cm3   RadL:  18.850 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  35.387 cm   Imean:  81.000 eV
     28 Material: Graphite     density:  2.265 g/cm3   RadL:  18.850 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  35.407 cm   Imean:  81.000 eV
    2929   --->  Element: Graphite ( )   Z =  6.0   N =  12.0   A =  12.01 g/mole  ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbundance 100.00 %
    31  Material: Graphite_gas     density:  2.265 mg/cm3  RadL: 188.496 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 353.873 m    Imean:  81.000 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
     31 Material: Graphite_gas     density:  2.265 mg/cm3  RadL: 188.496 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 354.070 m    Imean:  81.000 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
    3232   --->  Element: Graphite_gas ( )   Z =  6.0   N =  12.0   A =  12.01 g/mole  ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbundance 100.00 %
    34  Material: Aluminium     density:  2.700 g/cm3   RadL:   8.893 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  38.879 cm   Imean: 166.000 eV
     34 Material: Aluminium     density:  2.700 g/cm3   RadL:   8.893 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  38.860 cm   Imean: 166.000 eV
    3535   --->  Element: Aluminium ( )   Z = 13.0   N =  27.0   A =  26.98 g/mole  ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbundance 100.00 %
    37  Material: Aluminium_gas     density:  2.700 mg/cm3  RadL:  88.925 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 388.793 m    Imean: 166.000 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
     37 Material: Aluminium_gas     density:  2.700 mg/cm3  RadL:  88.925 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 388.601 m    Imean: 166.000 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
    3838   --->  Element: Aluminium_gas ( )   Z = 13.0   N =  27.0   A =  26.98 g/mole  ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbundance 100.00 %
    6565phot:   for  gamma    SubType= 12
    6666      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    67        PhotoElectric :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     67       PhotoElectric :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    6969compt:   for  gamma    SubType= 13
    7070      Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 10 GeV in 160 bins, spline: 1
    7171      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    72      myKlein-Nishina :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     72     myKlein-Nishina :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    7474conv:   for  gamma    SubType= 14
    7575      Lambda tables from 1.022 MeV to 10 GeV in 160 bins, spline: 1
    7676      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    77        Bethe-Heitler :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     77        BetheHeitler :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    7979msc:   for e-    SubType= 10
    8181      RangeFactor= 0.02, stepLimitType: 2, latDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
    8282      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    83           UrbanMsc93 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     83          UrbanMsc93 :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    8585eIoni:   for  e-    SubType= 2
    8888      finalRange(mm)= 0.01, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
    8989      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    90       myMollerBhabha :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     90      myMollerBhabha :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    9191      CSDA range table up to 10 GeV in 160 bins
    9696      finalRange(mm)= 0.01, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
    9797      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    98       myMollerBhabha :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     98      myMollerBhabha :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    9999      CSDA range table up to 10 GeV in 160 bins
    102102      Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 10 GeV in 160 bins, spline: 1
    103103      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    104             eplus2gg :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     104            eplus2gg :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    106106msc:   for proton    SubType= 10
    108108      RangeFactor= 0.02, stepLimitType: 2, latDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
    109109      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    110           UrbanMsc90 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     110          UrbanMsc90 :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    112112hIoni:   for  proton    SubType= 2
    115115      finalRange(mm)= 0.01, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
    116116      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    117                Bragg :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   2 MeV
    118           BetheBloch :     Emin=          2 MeV        Emax=   10 GeV
     117               Bragg :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=          2 MeV
     118          BetheBloch :   Emin=        2 MeV      Emax=         10 GeV
    119119      CSDA range table up to 10 GeV in 160 bins
    156156Start Run processing.
    158  ---> NbofEvents= 1000   NbOfelectr= 70538   Tkin= 590.669 keV (0.000 %)   NbOfelec in cav= 4726   Dose/EnFluence= 30.091 cm2/g (0.000 %)
    160  ---> NbofEvents= 2000   NbOfelectr= 141090   Tkin= 589.502 keV (-0.198 %)   NbOfelec in cav= 9358   Dose/EnFluence= 28.953 cm2/g (-3.782 %)
    162  ---> NbofEvents= 3000   NbOfelectr= 211481   Tkin= 589.178 keV (-0.055 %)   NbOfelec in cav= 14156   Dose/EnFluence= 28.931 cm2/g (-0.076 %)
     158 ---> NbofEvents= 1000   NbOfelectr= 70332   Tkin= 589.082 keV (0.000 %)   NbOfelec in cav= 4589   Dose/EnFluence= 26.638 cm2/g (0.000 %)
     160 ---> NbofEvents= 2000   NbOfelectr= 141252   Tkin= 588.179 keV (-0.153 %)   NbOfelec in cav= 9374   Dose/EnFluence= 28.803 cm2/g (8.129 %)
     162 ---> NbofEvents= 3000   NbOfelectr= 211798   Tkin= 588.153 keV (-0.004 %)   NbOfelec in cav= 13975   Dose/EnFluence= 28.118 cm2/g (-2.379 %)
    163163Run terminated.
    164164Run Summary
    165165  Number of events processed : 4000
    166   User=32.81s Real=48.36s Sys=0s
     166  User=30.34s Real=30.35s Sys=0s
    168168 ======================== run summary ======================
    174174 ============================================================
    176  Process calls frequency --->  compt= 282107  Transportation= 77642  msc= 2087713  eIoni= 1755986
     176 Process calls frequency --->  compt= 281849  Transportation= 77349  msc= 2094229  eIoni= 1736138
    178178 Gamma crossSections in wall material :  compt= 63.447 cm2/g   --> total= 63.447 cm2/g
    180  Mean energy of secondary e- = 588.9126 keV +- 0.1029 %  (--> range in wall material = 2.2146 mm )
    181  Mass_energy_transfer coef: 29.8918 cm2/g
    183  StoppingPower in wall   = 1.9720 MeV*cm2/g
    184                in cavity = 1.9720 MeV*cm2/g
     180 Mean energy of secondary e- = 588.2741 keV +- 0.1028 %  (--> range in wall material = 2.2114 mm )
     181 Mass_energy_transfer coef: 29.8594 cm2/g
     183 StoppingPower in wall   = 1.9724 MeV*cm2/g
     184               in cavity = 1.9724 MeV*cm2/g
    186186 Charged particle flow in cavity :
    187       Enter --> nbParticles = 18882      Energy = 9.5906 GeV
    188       Exit  --> nbParticles = 18879      Energy = 9.5913 GeV
    190  Total edep in cavity = 13.0468 MeV +- 3.3776 %  Total charged trackLength = 51.4975 m     (mean value = 2.7273 mm )
    191  Total dose in cavity = 20.7646 MeV/mg
    192  Dose/EnergyFluence   = 29.3552 cm2/g
    194  (Dose/EnergyFluence)/Mass_energy_transfer = 0.98205 +- 0.03318
    196  StepSize of ch. tracks in wall   = 122.8120 um  +- 121.5387 um          (nbSteps/track = 13.6004)
    197  StepSize of ch. tracks in cavity = 668.5550 um  +- 853.6674 um          (nbSteps/track = 4.0794)
     187      Enter --> nbParticles = 18697      Energy = 9.4723 GeV
     188      Exit  --> nbParticles = 18694      Energy = 9.4730 GeV
     190 Total edep in cavity = 12.4835 MeV +- 2.3625 %  Total charged trackLength = 51.1392 m     (mean value = 2.7352 mm )
     191 Total dose in cavity = 19.8681 MeV/mg
     192 Dose/EnergyFluence   = 28.0878 cm2/g
     194 (Dose/EnergyFluence)/Mass_energy_transfer = 0.94067 +- 0.02224
     196 StepSize of ch. tracks in wall   = 122.6753 um  +- 120.8436 um          (nbSteps/track = 13.5663)
     197 StepSize of ch. tracks in cavity = 668.6433 um  +- 847.1076 um          (nbSteps/track = 4.0906)
    199199--------- Ranecu engine status ---------
    200200 Initial seed (index) = 0
    201  Current couple of seeds = 1335550696, 1317159614
     201 Current couple of seeds = 1568745475, 2068190730
    203203UserDetectorConstruction deleted.
  • trunk/examples/extended/medical/fanoCavity/src/SteppingAction.cc

    r1337 r1342  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: SteppingAction.cc,v 1.4 2007/10/29 17:09:53 maire Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $
     26// $Id: SteppingAction.cc,v 1.5 2010/10/25 13:29:08 gunter Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: examples-V09-03-09 $
    5151  first = true;
    5252  trackSegm = 0.;
    53   directionIn = 0.;
     53  directionIn = G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.);
  • trunk/examples/extended/medical/fanoCavity2/History

    r1337 r1342  
    1 $Id: History,v 1.18 2010/06/07 05:40:46 perl Exp $
     1$Id: History,v 1.19 2010/10/25 13:32:02 gunter Exp $
    1515     * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
    1616     ----------------------------------------------------------
     1825-10-2010 G.Folger  (fano2-V09-03-04)
     19- Correct initialisation of directinIn in ctor; needed by clhep 2.1...
    182106-06-10 J.Perl (fano2-V09-03-03)
  • trunk/examples/extended/medical/fanoCavity2/fanoCavity2.out

    r1337 r1342  
    7  Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-03-ref-06    (25-June-2010)
     7 Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-03-ref-09    (25-June-2010)
    88                      Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
    99                      Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
    1414***** Table : Nb of materials = 6 *****
    16  Material:    Water     density:  1.000 g/cm3   RadL:  36.092 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  75.416 cm   Imean:  75.000 eV
     16 Material:    Water     density:  1.000 g/cm3   RadL:  36.092 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  75.537 cm   Imean:  75.000 eV
    1717   --->  Element: Hydrogen (H)   Z =  1.0   N =   1.0   A =   1.01 g/mole  ElmMassFraction:  11.21 %  ElmAbundance  66.67 %
    1818   --->  Element: Oxygen (O)   Z =  8.0   N =  16.0   A =  16.00 g/mole  ElmMassFraction:  88.79 %  ElmAbundance  33.33 %
    20  Material: Water_gas     density:  1.000 mg/cm3  RadL: 360.924 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 754.163 m    Imean:  75.000 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
     20 Material: Water_gas     density:  1.000 mg/cm3  RadL: 360.924 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 755.365 m    Imean:  75.000 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
    2121   --->  Element: Hydrogen (H)   Z =  1.0   N =   1.0   A =   1.01 g/mole  ElmMassFraction:  11.21 %  ElmAbundance  66.67 %
    2222   --->  Element: Oxygen (O)   Z =  8.0   N =  16.0   A =  16.00 g/mole  ElmMassFraction:  88.79 %  ElmAbundance  33.33 %
    24  Material: Graphite     density:  2.265 g/cm3   RadL:  18.850 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  35.387 cm   Imean:  81.000 eV
     24 Material: Graphite     density:  2.265 g/cm3   RadL:  18.850 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  35.407 cm   Imean:  81.000 eV
    2525   --->  Element: Graphite ( )   Z =  6.0   N =  12.0   A =  12.01 g/mole  ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbundance 100.00 %
    27  Material: Graphite_gas     density:  2.265 mg/cm3  RadL: 188.496 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 353.873 m    Imean:  81.000 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
     27 Material: Graphite_gas     density:  2.265 mg/cm3  RadL: 188.496 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 354.070 m    Imean:  81.000 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
    2828   --->  Element: Graphite_gas ( )   Z =  6.0   N =  12.0   A =  12.01 g/mole  ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbundance 100.00 %
    30  Material: Aluminium     density:  2.700 g/cm3   RadL:   8.893 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  38.879 cm   Imean: 166.000 eV
     30 Material: Aluminium     density:  2.700 g/cm3   RadL:   8.893 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  38.860 cm   Imean: 166.000 eV
    3131   --->  Element: Aluminium ( )   Z = 13.0   N =  27.0   A =  26.98 g/mole  ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbundance 100.00 %
    33  Material: Aluminium_gas     density:  2.700 mg/cm3  RadL:  88.925 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 388.793 m    Imean: 166.000 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
     33 Material: Aluminium_gas     density:  2.700 mg/cm3  RadL:  88.925 m    Nucl.Int.Length: 388.601 m    Imean: 166.000 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
    3434   --->  Element: Aluminium_gas ( )   Z = 13.0   N =  27.0   A =  26.98 g/mole  ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbundance 100.00 %
    6363phot:   for  gamma    SubType= 12
    6464      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    65        PhotoElectric :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     65       PhotoElectric :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    6767compt:   for  gamma    SubType= 13
    6868      Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 10 GeV in 160 bins, spline: 1
    6969      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    70        Klein-Nishina :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     70       Klein-Nishina :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    7272conv:   for  gamma    SubType= 14
    7373      Lambda tables from 1.022 MeV to 10 GeV in 160 bins, spline: 1
    7474      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    75        Bethe-Heitler :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     75        BetheHeitler :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    7777msc:   for e-    SubType= 10
    7979      RangeFactor= 0.02, stepLimitType: 2, latDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
    8080      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    81           UrbanMsc93 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     81          UrbanMsc93 :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    8383eIoni:   for  e-    SubType= 2
    8686      finalRange(mm)= 0.01, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
    8787      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    88       myMollerBhabha :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     88      myMollerBhabha :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    8989      CSDA range table up to 10 GeV in 160 bins
    9494      finalRange(mm)= 0.01, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
    9595      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    96       myMollerBhabha :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     96      myMollerBhabha :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    9797      CSDA range table up to 10 GeV in 160 bins
    100100      Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 10 GeV in 160 bins, spline: 1
    101101      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    102             eplus2gg :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     102            eplus2gg :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    104104msc:   for proton    SubType= 10
    106106      RangeFactor= 0.02, stepLimitType: 2, latDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
    107107      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    108           UrbanMsc90 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 GeV
     108          UrbanMsc90 :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=         10 GeV
    110110hIoni:   for  proton    SubType= 2
    113113      finalRange(mm)= 0.01, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
    114114      ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
    115                Bragg :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   2 MeV
    116           BetheBloch :     Emin=          2 MeV        Emax=   10 GeV
     115               Bragg :   Emin=        0 eV       Emax=          2 MeV
     116          BetheBloch :   Emin=        2 MeV      Emax=         10 GeV
    117117      CSDA range table up to 10 GeV in 160 bins
    167167Start Run processing.
    169 --->evntNb= 10000 Nwall= 10000 Ncav= 1 Ic/Iw= 0.52456 Ne-_cav= 2787 doseCavity/Ebeam= 1.12338  (100*(ratio-1) = 12.33820 %)
    171 --->evntNb= 20000 Nwall= 19999 Ncav= 2 Ic/Iw= 0.52458 Ne-_cav= 5507 doseCavity/Ebeam= 1.00206  (100*(ratio-1) = 0.20619 %)
    173 --->evntNb= 30000 Nwall= 29998 Ncav= 3 Ic/Iw= 0.52459 Ne-_cav= 8236 doseCavity/Ebeam= 0.98084  (100*(ratio-1) = -1.91610 %)
     169--->evntNb= 10000 Nwall= 10000 Ncav= 1 Ic/Iw= 0.52456 Ne-_cav= 2835 doseCavity/Ebeam= 1.14829  (100*(ratio-1) = 14.82897 %)
     171--->evntNb= 20000 Nwall= 19998 Ncav= 3 Ic/Iw= 0.78691 Ne-_cav= 5661 doseCavity/Ebeam= 1.07086  (100*(ratio-1) = 7.08553 %)
     173--->evntNb= 30000 Nwall= 29993 Ncav= 8 Ic/Iw= 1.39915 Ne-_cav= 8509 doseCavity/Ebeam= 1.07081  (100*(ratio-1) = 7.08078 %)
    174174Run terminated.
    175175Run Summary
    176176  Number of events processed : 40000
    177   User=9.6s Real=12s Sys=0s
    179  Process calls frequency --->  msc= 507867  eIoni= 620396  Transportation= 22034
     177  User=8.75s Real=8.77s Sys=0s
     179 Process calls frequency --->  msc= 519961  eIoni= 617649  Transportation= 22736
    181181 Charged particle flow in cavity :
    182       Enter --> nbParticles = 11019      Energy = 7.036 GeV
    183       Exit  --> nbParticles = 11015      Energy = 7.034 GeV
    185  beamFluence in wall = 39994     in cavity = 6   Icav/Iwall = 0.78695    energyFluence = 38.12014 MeV*cm2/mg
    187  Total edep in cavity = 7.76475 MeV +- 5.14221 %
    188  Total dose in cavity = 38.82375 MeV*cm2/mg +- 5.14221 %
    190  DoseCavity/EnergyFluence = 1.01846 +- 0.05237
    192  Total charged trackLength in cavity = 33.1218 m     (mean value = 3.0059 mm )
    194  StepSize of ch. tracks in wall   = 158.8831 um  +- 182.9748 um          (nbSteps/track = 27.6011)
    195  StepSize of ch. tracks in cavity = 713.5388 um  +- 1.1439 mm    (nbSteps/track = 4.2126)
     182      Enter --> nbParticles = 11369      Energy = 7.189 GeV
     183      Exit  --> nbParticles = 11367      Energy = 7.188 GeV
     185 beamFluence in wall = 39992     in cavity = 8   Icav/Iwall = 1.04932    energyFluence = 38.12014 MeV*cm2/mg
     187 Total edep in cavity = 8.39970 MeV +- 4.91012 %
     188 Total dose in cavity = 41.99852 MeV*cm2/mg +- 4.91012 %
     190 DoseCavity/EnergyFluence = 1.10174 +- 0.05410
     192 Total charged trackLength in cavity = 35.5852 m     (mean value = 3.1300 mm )
     194 StepSize of ch. tracks in wall   = 157.7745 um  +- 182.3099 um          (nbSteps/track = 27.8124)
     195 StepSize of ch. tracks in cavity = 740.2164 um  +- 1.3352 mm    (nbSteps/track = 4.2285)
    197197--------- Ranecu engine status ---------
    198198 Initial seed (index) = 0
    199  Current couple of seeds = 991846787, 685450694
     199 Current couple of seeds = 1735359298, 2093100031
    201201UserDetectorConstruction deleted.
  • trunk/examples/extended/medical/fanoCavity2/src/SteppingAction.cc

    r1337 r1342  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: SteppingAction.cc,v 1.2 2007/10/31 16:16:20 maire Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $
     26// $Id: SteppingAction.cc,v 1.3 2010/10/25 13:31:14 gunter Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: examples-V09-03-09 $
    5151  first = true;
    5252  trackSegm = 0.;
    53   directionIn = 0.;
     53  directionIn = G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.);
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.