Dec 22, 2010, 3:52:27 PM (14 years ago)

geant4 tag 9.4

1 edited


  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/high_energy/src/G4HEPionMinusInelastic.cc

    r1340 r1347  
    2424// ********************************************************************
     26// $Id: G4HEPionMinusInelastic.cc,v 1.17 2010/11/29 05:44:44 dennis Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-ref-00 $
    27 // $Id: G4HEPionMinusInelastic.cc,v 1.15 2008/03/17 20:49:17 dennis Exp $
    28 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-ref-09 $
    3029// 11-OCT-2007 F.W. Jones: fixed incorrect Imax (should be Imin) in
    3130//             sampling of charge exchange.
    3534#include "G4ios.hh"
    37 //
    3836// G4 Process: Gheisha High Energy Collision model.
    3937// This includes the high energy cascading model, the two-body-resonance model
    40 // and the low energy two-body model. Not included are the low energy stuff like
    41 // nuclear reactions, nuclear fission without any cascading and all processes for
    42 // particles at rest. 
     38// and the low energy two-body model. Not included are the low energy stuff
     39// like nuclear reactions, nuclear fission without any cascading and all
     40// processes for particles at rest. 
    4341// First work done by J.L.Chuma and F.W.Jones, TRIUMF, June 96. 
    4442// H. Fesefeldt, RWTH-Aachen, 23-October-1996
    4745#include "G4HEPionMinusInelastic.hh"
    49 G4HadFinalState * G4HEPionMinusInelastic::
    50 ApplyYourself( const G4HadProjectile &aTrack, G4Nucleus &targetNucleus )
    51   {
    52     G4HEVector * pv = new G4HEVector[MAXPART];
    53     const G4HadProjectile *aParticle = &aTrack;
    54 //    G4DynamicParticle *originalTarget = targetNucleus.ReturnTargetParticle();
    55     const G4double A = targetNucleus.GetN();
    56     const G4double Z = targetNucleus.GetZ();
    57     G4HEVector incidentParticle(aParticle);
     48G4HEPionMinusInelastic::ApplyYourself(const G4HadProjectile& aTrack,
     49                                      G4Nucleus& targetNucleus)
     51  G4HEVector* pv = new G4HEVector[MAXPART];
     52  const G4HadProjectile* aParticle = &aTrack;
     53  const G4double A = targetNucleus.GetN();
     54  const G4double Z = targetNucleus.GetZ();
     55  G4HEVector incidentParticle(aParticle);
    59     G4double atomicNumber = Z;
    60     G4double atomicWeight = A;
    62     G4int    incidentCode          = incidentParticle.getCode();
    63     G4double incidentMass          = incidentParticle.getMass();
    64     G4double incidentTotalEnergy   = incidentParticle.getEnergy();
    65     G4double incidentTotalMomentum = incidentParticle.getTotalMomentum();
    66     G4double incidentKineticEnergy = incidentTotalEnergy - incidentMass;
    68     if(incidentKineticEnergy < 1.)
    69       {
    70         G4cout << "GHEPionMinusInelastic: incident energy < 1 GeV" << G4endl ;
    71       }
    72     if(verboseLevel > 1)
    73       {
    74         G4cout << "G4HEPionMinusInelastic::ApplyYourself" << G4endl;
    75         G4cout << "incident particle " << incidentParticle.getName()
    76              << "mass "              << incidentMass
    77              << "kinetic energy "    << incidentKineticEnergy
    78              << G4endl;
    79         G4cout << "target material with (A,Z) = ("
    80              << atomicWeight << "," << atomicNumber << ")" << G4endl;
    81       }
    83     G4double inelasticity  = NuclearInelasticity(incidentKineticEnergy,
    84                                                  atomicWeight, atomicNumber);
    85     if(verboseLevel > 1)
    86         G4cout << "nuclear inelasticity = " << inelasticity << G4endl;
    88     incidentKineticEnergy -= inelasticity;
     57  G4double atomicNumber = Z;
     58  G4double atomicWeight = A;
     60  G4int incidentCode = incidentParticle.getCode();
     61  G4double incidentMass = incidentParticle.getMass();
     62  G4double incidentTotalEnergy = incidentParticle.getEnergy();
     63  G4double incidentTotalMomentum = incidentParticle.getTotalMomentum();
     64  G4double incidentKineticEnergy = incidentTotalEnergy - incidentMass;
     66  if (incidentKineticEnergy < 1.)
     67    G4cout << "GHEPionMinusInelastic: incident energy < 1 GeV" << G4endl;
     69  if (verboseLevel > 1) {
     70    G4cout << "G4HEPionMinusInelastic::ApplyYourself" << G4endl;
     71    G4cout << "incident particle " << incidentParticle.getName()
     72           << "mass "              << incidentMass
     73           << "kinetic energy "    << incidentKineticEnergy
     74           << G4endl;
     75    G4cout << "target material with (A,Z) = ("
     76           << atomicWeight << "," << atomicNumber << ")" << G4endl;
     77  }
     79  G4double inelasticity = NuclearInelasticity(incidentKineticEnergy,
     80                                              atomicWeight, atomicNumber);
     81  if (verboseLevel > 1)
     82    G4cout << "nuclear inelasticity = " << inelasticity << G4endl;
     84  incidentKineticEnergy -= inelasticity;
    90     G4double excitationEnergyGNP = 0.;
    91     G4double excitationEnergyDTA = 0.;
    93     G4double excitation    = NuclearExcitation(incidentKineticEnergy,
    94                                                atomicWeight, atomicNumber,
    95                                                excitationEnergyGNP,
    96                                                excitationEnergyDTA);
    97     if(verboseLevel > 1)
    98       G4cout << "nuclear excitation = " << excitation << excitationEnergyGNP
    99            << excitationEnergyDTA << G4endl;             
    102     incidentKineticEnergy -= excitation;
    103     incidentTotalEnergy    = incidentKineticEnergy + incidentMass;
    104     incidentTotalMomentum  = std::sqrt( (incidentTotalEnergy-incidentMass)                   
    105                                   *(incidentTotalEnergy+incidentMass));
    107     G4HEVector targetParticle;
     86  G4double excitationEnergyGNP = 0.;
     87  G4double excitationEnergyDTA = 0.;
     89  G4double excitation = NuclearExcitation(incidentKineticEnergy,
     90                                          atomicWeight, atomicNumber,
     91                                          excitationEnergyGNP,
     92                                          excitationEnergyDTA);
     93  if (verboseLevel > 1)
     94    G4cout << "nuclear excitation = " << excitation << excitationEnergyGNP
     95           << excitationEnergyDTA << G4endl;
     97  incidentKineticEnergy -= excitation;
     98  incidentTotalEnergy = incidentKineticEnergy + incidentMass;
     99  incidentTotalMomentum = std::sqrt( (incidentTotalEnergy-incidentMass)                   
     100                                    *(incidentTotalEnergy+incidentMass));
     102  G4HEVector targetParticle;
    109     if(G4UniformRand() < atomicNumber/atomicWeight)
    110       {
    111         targetParticle.setDefinition("Proton");
    112       }
    113     else
    114       {
    115         targetParticle.setDefinition("Neutron");
    116       }
    118     G4double targetMass         = targetParticle.getMass();
    119     G4double centerOfMassEnergy = std::sqrt( incidentMass*incidentMass + targetMass*targetMass
    120                                        + 2.0*targetMass*incidentTotalEnergy);
    121     G4double availableEnergy    = centerOfMassEnergy - targetMass - incidentMass;
    123                                                                 // this was the meaning of inElastic in the
    124                                                                 // original Gheisha stand-alone version.
    125 //    G4bool   inElastic          = InElasticCrossSectionInFirstInt
    126 //                                    (availableEnergy, incidentCode, incidentTotalMomentum); 
    127                                                                 // by unknown reasons, it has been replaced
    128                                                                 // to the following code in Geant???
    129     G4bool inElastic = true;
    130 //    if (G4UniformRand() < elasticCrossSection/totalCrossSection) inElastic = false;   
    132     vecLength = 0;           
     104  if (G4UniformRand() < atomicNumber/atomicWeight) {
     105    targetParticle.setDefinition("Proton");
     106  } else {
     107    targetParticle.setDefinition("Neutron");
     108  }
     110  G4double targetMass = targetParticle.getMass();
     111  G4double centerOfMassEnergy = std::sqrt(incidentMass*incidentMass
     112                                        + targetMass*targetMass
     113                                        + 2.0*targetMass*incidentTotalEnergy);
     114  G4double availableEnergy = centerOfMassEnergy - targetMass - incidentMass;
     116  // The value of the inElastic flag was originally defined in the Gheisha
     117  // stand-alone code as follows:
     118  //   G4bool inElastic = InElasticCrossSectionInFirstInt
     119  //                      (availableEnergy, incidentCode, incidentTotalMomentum); 
     120  // For unknown reasons, it was replaced by the following code in Geant
     122  G4bool inElastic = true;
     123  //    if (G4UniformRand() < elasticCrossSection/totalCrossSection) inElastic = false;   
     125  vecLength = 0;
    134     if(verboseLevel > 1)
    135       G4cout << "ApplyYourself: CallFirstIntInCascade for particle "
     127  if (verboseLevel > 1)
     128    G4cout << "ApplyYourself: CallFirstIntInCascade for particle "
    136129           << incidentCode << G4endl;
    138     G4bool successful = false;
     131  G4bool successful = false;
    140     if(inElastic || (!inElastic && atomicWeight < 1.5))
    141       {
    142         FirstIntInCasPionMinus(inElastic, availableEnergy, pv, vecLength,
    143                                incidentParticle, targetParticle);
    145         if(verboseLevel > 1)
    146            G4cout << "ApplyYourself::StrangeParticlePairProduction" << G4endl; 
    149         if ((vecLength > 0) && (availableEnergy > 1.))
    150                    StrangeParticlePairProduction( availableEnergy, centerOfMassEnergy,
    151                                                   pv, vecLength,
    152                                                   incidentParticle, targetParticle);
    153             HighEnergyCascading( successful, pv, vecLength,
    154                                  excitationEnergyGNP, excitationEnergyDTA,
    155                                  incidentParticle, targetParticle,
    156                                  atomicWeight, atomicNumber);
    157         if (!successful)
    158             HighEnergyClusterProduction( successful, pv, vecLength,
    159                                          excitationEnergyGNP, excitationEnergyDTA,
    160                                          incidentParticle, targetParticle,
    161                                          atomicWeight, atomicNumber);
    162         if (!successful)
    163             MediumEnergyCascading( successful, pv, vecLength,
    164                                    excitationEnergyGNP, excitationEnergyDTA,
    165                                    incidentParticle, targetParticle,
    166                                    atomicWeight, atomicNumber);
    168         if (!successful)
    169             MediumEnergyClusterProduction( successful, pv, vecLength,
    170                                            excitationEnergyGNP, excitationEnergyDTA,       
    171                                            incidentParticle, targetParticle,
    172                                            atomicWeight, atomicNumber);
    173         if (!successful)
    174             QuasiElasticScattering( successful, pv, vecLength,
    175                                     excitationEnergyGNP, excitationEnergyDTA,
    176                                     incidentParticle, targetParticle,
    177                                     atomicWeight, atomicNumber);
    178       }
    179     if (!successful)
    180       {
    181             ElasticScattering( successful, pv, vecLength,
    182                                incidentParticle,   
    183                                atomicWeight, atomicNumber);
    184       }
    186     if (!successful)
    187       {
    188         G4cout << "GHEInelasticInteraction::ApplyYourself fails to produce final state particles" << G4endl;
    189       }
    190       FillParticleChange(pv,  vecLength);
    191       delete [] pv;
    192       theParticleChange.SetStatusChange(stopAndKill);
    193       return & theParticleChange;
    194   }
     133  FirstIntInCasPionMinus(inElastic, availableEnergy, pv, vecLength,
     134                         incidentParticle, targetParticle);
     136  if (verboseLevel > 1)
     137    G4cout << "ApplyYourself::StrangeParticlePairProduction" << G4endl;
     139  if ((vecLength > 0) && (availableEnergy > 1.))
     140    StrangeParticlePairProduction(availableEnergy, centerOfMassEnergy,
     141                                  pv, vecLength,
     142                                  incidentParticle, targetParticle);
     144  HighEnergyCascading(successful, pv, vecLength,
     145                      excitationEnergyGNP, excitationEnergyDTA,
     146                      incidentParticle, targetParticle,
     147                      atomicWeight, atomicNumber);
     148  if (!successful)
     149    HighEnergyClusterProduction(successful, pv, vecLength,
     150                                excitationEnergyGNP, excitationEnergyDTA,
     151                                incidentParticle, targetParticle,
     152                                atomicWeight, atomicNumber);
     153  if (!successful)
     154    MediumEnergyCascading(successful, pv, vecLength,
     155                          excitationEnergyGNP, excitationEnergyDTA,
     156                          incidentParticle, targetParticle,
     157                          atomicWeight, atomicNumber);
     159  if (!successful)
     160    MediumEnergyClusterProduction(successful, pv, vecLength,
     161                                  excitationEnergyGNP, excitationEnergyDTA,       
     162                                  incidentParticle, targetParticle,
     163                                  atomicWeight, atomicNumber);
     164  if (!successful)
     165    QuasiElasticScattering(successful, pv, vecLength,
     166                           excitationEnergyGNP, excitationEnergyDTA,
     167                           incidentParticle, targetParticle,
     168                           atomicWeight, atomicNumber);
     169  if (!successful)
     170    ElasticScattering(successful, pv, vecLength,
     171                      incidentParticle,   
     172                      atomicWeight, atomicNumber);
     174  if (!successful)
     175    G4cout << "GHEInelasticInteraction::ApplyYourself fails to produce final state particles"
     176           << G4endl;
     178  FillParticleChange(pv,  vecLength);
     179  delete [] pv;
     180  theParticleChange.SetStatusChange(stopAndKill);
     181  return &theParticleChange;
    197 G4HEPionMinusInelastic::FirstIntInCasPionMinus( G4bool &inElastic,
    198                                                 const G4double availableEnergy,
    199                                                 G4HEVector pv[],
    200                                                 G4int &vecLen,
    201                                                 G4HEVector incidentParticle,
    202                                                 G4HEVector targetParticle)
     186G4HEPionMinusInelastic::FirstIntInCasPionMinus(G4bool& inElastic,
     187                                               const G4double availableEnergy,
     188                                               G4HEVector pv[],
     189                                               G4int& vecLen,
     190                                               const G4HEVector& incidentParticle,
     191                                               const G4HEVector& targetParticle)
    204193// Pion- undergoes interaction with nucleon within a nucleus.  Check if it is
    209198// protons/neutrons by kaons or strange baryons according to the average
    210199// multiplicity per inelastic reaction.
    212  {
    213    static const G4double expxu =  std::log(MAXFLOAT); // upper bound for arg. of exp
    214    static const G4double expxl = -expxu;         // lower bound for arg. of exp
    216    static const G4double protb = 0.7;
    217    static const G4double neutb = 0.7;
    218    static const G4double     c = 1.25;
    220    static const G4int   numMul = 1200;
    221    static const G4int   numSec = 60;
    223 //   G4int              neutronCode = Neutron.getCode();
    224    G4int              protonCode  = Proton.getCode();
    226    G4int               targetCode = targetParticle.getCode();
    227 //   G4double          incidentMass = incidentParticle.getMass();
    228 //   G4double        incidentEnergy = incidentParticle.getEnergy();
    229    G4double incidentTotalMomentum = incidentParticle.getTotalMomentum();
    231    static G4bool first = true;
    232    static G4double protmul[numMul], protnorm[numSec];  // proton constants
    233    static G4double neutmul[numMul], neutnorm[numSec];  // neutron constants
    235 //                                misc. local variables
    236 //                                np = number of pi+,  nm = number of pi-,  nz = number of pi0
    238    G4int i, counter, nt, np, nm, nz;
     201  static const G4double expxu = std::log(MAXFLOAT); // upper bound for arg. of exp
     202  static const G4double expxl = -expxu;             // lower bound for arg. of exp
     204  static const G4double protb = 0.7;
     205  static const G4double neutb = 0.7;
     206  static const G4double     c = 1.25;
     208  static const G4int numMul = 1200;
     209  static const G4int numSec = 60;
     211  G4int protonCode  = Proton.getCode();
     213  G4int targetCode = targetParticle.getCode();
     214  G4double incidentTotalMomentum = incidentParticle.getTotalMomentum();
     216  static G4bool first = true;
     217  static G4double protmul[numMul], protnorm[numSec];  // proton constants
     218  static G4double neutmul[numMul], neutnorm[numSec];  // neutron constants
     220  // misc. local variables
     221  // np = number of pi+,  nm = number of pi-,  nz = number of pi0
     223  G4int i, counter, nt, np, nm, nz;
    240225   if( first )
    241      {                         // compute normalization constants, this will only be done once
     226     {    // compute normalization constants, this will only be done once
    242227       first = false;
    243228       for( i=0; i<numMul; i++ )protmul[i]  = 0.0;
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