SUBROUTINE GUTRAK * * User routine to control tracking of one track * Called by : GTREVE * #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" * #include "" #include "" #include "" * logical transmit, reflect, charged, neutral * * *** beginning of the track * charged = ( neutral = .not.charged * kflag = 0 if (charge.eq.pkine(10)) kflag = 1 if ((itra.eq.1).and.(istak.eq.0)) kflag = 2 * * *** perform tracking * CALL GTRACK * * *** end of the track * transmit = (vect(1).ge. 0.49*xworld) reflect = (vect(1).le.-0.49*xworld) * if (transmit) itransmi = max(itransmi,kflag) if (reflect) ireflect = max(ireflect,kflag) * * *** histograms * id = 0 * * energy spectrum at exit * if (transmit.and.charged) id = 10 if (transmit.and.neutral) id = 20 if (reflect .and.charged) id = 30 if (reflect .and.neutral) id = 40 if ( then call hfill (id,gekin/histUnit(id),0.,1.) endif * * space angle distribution at exit * if (transmit.and.charged) id = 12 if (transmit.and.neutral) id = 22 if (reflect .and.charged) id = 32 if (reflect .and.neutral) id = 42 if ( then unit = histUnit(id) theta = acos(abs(vect(4))) dteta = binWidth(id)*unit dOmega = twopi*sin(theta)*dteta weight = 0. if ( weight = 1./dOmega call hfill (id,theta/unit,0.,weight*unit*unit) endif * * projected angle distribution at exit * if (transmit.and.charged) id = 13 if (transmit.and.neutral) id = 23 if (reflect .and.charged) id = 33 if (reflect .and.neutral) id = 43 if ( then thety = atan(vect(5)/abs(vect(4))) thetz = atan(vect(6)/abs(vect(4))) call hfill (id,thety/histUnit(id),0.,1.) call hfill (id,thetz/histUnit(id),0.,1.) endif * * projected position at exit * if (transmit.and.charged) id = 14 if ( then call hfill (id,vect(2)/histUnit(id),0.,1.) call hfill (id,vect(3)/histUnit(id),0.,1.) endif * END