####################################################################### # MACRO FILE NAME: exN03Vis6.mac # # # # AUTHOR(S): Satoshi Tanaka # # # # DATE: # # Nov 07, 2001 # # Sept 08-09, 2001 (at Hebden Bridge, UK) # # June 20, 2001 # # November 26, 2000 # # October 17, 2000 # # # # CONTENTS: A macro to demonstrate the VRMLFILE driver # # # # USAGE: % gmake visclean # # % $G4BINDIR/exampleN03 # # Idle> /control/execute visTutor/exN03Vis6.mac # # # # REQUIRED PLATFORMS & SOFTWARES: Unix, X-window, # # VRML viewer (e.g. VRMLview) # # # # ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES (C-MACROS) FOR INSTALLATION: # # (See geant4/source/visualization/README for details.) # # * Unnecessary # # # # ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES (C-MACROS) FOR COMPILATION: # # (See geant4/source/visualization/README for details.) # # * Unnecessary # # # # RECOMMENDED ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES FOR VISUALIZATION: # # # # % setenv G4VRMLFILE_VIEWER vrmlview # # ( The default value is "NONE".) # # # # ADDITIONAL NOTES: # # The VRML-file viewer "vrmlview" is obtainable from the following # # Web site: # # http://www.sim.no/downloads.html # # # ####################################################################### ################################################### # Visualization of detector geometry and events # with the VRML2FILE driver. ################################################### # Store particle trajactories for visualization /tracking/storeTrajectory 1 # Invoke the VRML2FILE driver # Note: The VRML1FILE driver generates VRML 1.0 format files. # The VRML2FILE driver generates VRML 2.0 format files. /vis/open VRML2FILE # Create an empty scene and add the detector geometry to it /vis/drawVolume # Visualize 3 events in the wireframe mode # Note: The command /vis/scene/add/trajectories # is not necessary in exampleN03, # since the C++ method DrawTrajectory() is # described in the event action. # Note: "/vis/viewer/set/style wireframe" means # "half-transparent" in the VRML2FILE driver. # It is a convention only for this driver. #/vis/scene/add/trajectories /vis/viewer/set/style wireframe /run/beamOn 3