------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================== Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Physics Simulation ========================================================== History file for hadronic/cross_sections directory -------------------------------------------------- This file should be used to summarize modifications introduced in the code and to keep track of all tags. --------------------------------------------------------------- * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top) --------------------------------------------------------------- 01 December 2008 Vladimir Ivantchenko (hadr-cross-V09-01-07) ------------------------------------------------------------ G4BGGPionElasticXS, G4BGGPionInelasticXS, G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS, G4BGGNucleonElasticXS, G4UPiNuclearCrossSection - added proper Coulomb barrier and cleanup implementations 24 October 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-cross-V09-01-06) ---------------------------------------------------- - replace G4NucleiPropertiesTable::IsInTable with G4NucleiProperties::IsInStableTable for G4PhotoNuclearCrossSection and G4ElectroNuclearCrossSection 24 September 2008 Vladimir Ivantchenko (hadr-cross-V09-01-05) ------------------------------------------------------------ - G4GlauberGribovCrossSection provides a smooth transition from Barashenkov cross sections at 90 GeV; set threshold 90 GeV in classes, where this cross section is used 16 September 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-cross-V09-01-04) ------------------------------------------------------ - G4PiNuclearCrossSection.cc: comment out G4ping and its instances following result of Pete Elmer who showed G4ping is very slow 01 September 2008 Vladimir Ivantchenko (hadr-cross-V09-01-03) ------------------------------------------------------------ - G4CrossSectionDataStore - added method SampleZandA, which return G4Element and fill G4Nucleaus 28 April 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-cross-V09-01-02) -------------------------------------------------- - T. Koi added capability to use element-based cross section data sets if no isotope-based ones are available. This is required to get the HP neutron code to work within the cross section framework introduced in version 9.0. Files affected: G4CrossSectionDataStore.hh, .cc. Added method whichDataSetInCharge(). - DHW: G4NeutronInelasticCrossSection.cc : fix bug which returned zero cross section for 3He - G4TripathiLightCrossSection::IsApplicable(): bug fix from T. Koi: changed theTarget->GetA() to theTarget->GetN() 31 March 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-cross-V09-01-01) -------------------------------------------------- - G4GlauberGribovCrossSection.cc and G4HadronNucleonXsc.cc - put () around && in || in order to fix gcc-4.3 compiler warnings. 17 January 2008 Vladimir Ivantchenko (hadr-cross-V09-01-00) ---------------------------------------------------------- - G4PhotoNuclearCrossSection and G4ElectroNuclearCrossSection - move compicate inlined method with many returns to source; fixed one wrong return value (was zero instead of pseudo-inf) and comment out extra warning which tell nothing useful to users 28 June 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-cross-V09-00-00) ------------------------------------------------- - V. Grichine changed log to std::log in G4HadronNucleonXsc.cc and G4GlauberGribovCrossSection.cc - D. Wright added log(0) protection in G4NeutronInelasticCrossSection.cc and G4ProtonInelasticCrossSection.cc 15 June 2007 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-cross-V08-03-04) -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed memory leak in classes G4ElectroNuclearCrossSection and G4PhotoNuclearCrossSection. 08 June 2007 Vladimir Grichine ------------------------------ - Fixed bug in push_back of fTotalXsc for pi- in G4PiNuclearCrossSection. 08 June 2007 Vladimir Ivantchenko (hadr-cross-V08-03-03) ------------------------------------------------------- - G4PiNuclearCrossSection.cc - fix non-initilised total cross section for pi- 30 May 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-cross-V08-03-02) ------------------------------------------------ - G4GlauberGribovCrossSection.cc, G4HadronNucleonXsc.cc fix compiler warning: un-initialized variable 24 May 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-cross-V08-03-01) ------------------------------------------------ - G4HadronCrossSections.hh, .cc : replace PSIZE with NPARTS to avoid name conflict with SDK windows environment 23 May 2007 Dennis Wright for Vladimir Grichine (hadr-cross-V08-03-00) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - G4GlauberGribovCrossSection.hh, .cc : add new methods: G4double GetRatioSD(const G4DynamicParticle*, G4double At, G4double Zt); G4double GetRatioQE(const G4DynamicParticle*, G4double At, G4double Zt); allowing one to get qe/in and sd/in ratios. - G4HadronNucleonXsc.hh, .cc : add new method GetHadronNucleonXscMK to get hadron-nucleon cross section using Mikhail Kossov's parameterization. 03 May 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-cross-V08-02-06) ------------------------------------------------ - G4HadronCrossSections::GetParticleCode() : replace code which tested by particle name with code that tests by PDG ID. Also use switch-case instead of else-if. 02 Apr 2007 Gunter Folger (hadr-cross-V08-02-05) ------------------------------------------------ - G4PiNuclearCrossSection.cc: remove special treatment ('tuning') for Copper (Z=29), i.e. the Cu cross section is no longer lowered by 4% 22 Mar 2007 Dennis Wright for V. Ivanchenko (hadr-cross-V08-02-04) ------------------------------------------------------------------ - G4UPiNuclearCrossSection.cc: better handling of low energy cross sections - Added new classes (V.Ivanchenko): G4BGGNucleonElasticXS: proton and neutron elastic cross section wrapper class using Barashenkov parameterization below 100 GeV and Glauber-Gribov model above G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS: proton and neutron inelastic cross section wrapper of Barashenkov-Glauber-Gribov G4BGGPionElasticXS: pion elastic cross section wrapper of BGG G4BGGPionInelasticXS: pion inelastic cross section wrapper of BGG 8 Mar 2007 Dennis Wright for V. Ivanchenko (hadr-cross-V08-02-03) ----------------------------------------------------------------- - use G4NucleonNuclearCrossSection in G4UInelasticCrossSection and G4UElasticCrossSection (V.Ivanchenko) - complete implementations of A and Z interfaces to classes (V.Ivanchenko): G4UPiNuclearCrossSection G4UInelasticCrossSection G4UElasticCrossSection G4GlauberGribovCrossSection G4NucleonNuclearCrossSection 30 Jan 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-cross-V08-02-02) ------------------------------------------------ - add divide by zero protection to G4CrossSectionDataStore::SelectRandomIsotope 27 Jan 2007 V. Ivanchenko (hadr-cross-V08-02-01) ------------------------------------------------ - add implementations of A and Z interfaces to classes: G4UPiNuclearCrossSection G4UInelasticCrossSection G4UElasticCrossSection G4GlauberGribovCrossSection G4NucleonNuclearCrossSection 27 Dec 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-cross-V08-02-00) ------------------------------------------------ - added handling of user-defined isotope abundances for elements and proper cross section and abundance weighted choice of isotopes in reactions. New virtual methods for IsApplicable and GetCrossSections added to classes G4VCrossSectionDataSet and G4CrossSectionDataStore. Other classes affected: G4EMDissociationCrossSection.hh, .cc G4ElectroNuclearCrossSection.hh, .cc G4GeneralSpaceNNCrossSection.hh, .cc G4HadronCaptureDataSet.hh G4HadronCrossSections.hh, .cc G4HadronElasticDataSet.hh G4HadronFissionDataSet.hh G4HadronInelasticDataSet.hh G4IonProtonCrossSection.hh G4IonsKoxCrossSection.hh, .cc G4IonsShenCrossSection.hh, .cc G4IonsSihverCrossSection.hh, .cc G4NeutronInelasticCrossSection.hh, .cc G4PhotoNuclearCrossSection.hh, .cc G4PiNuclearCrossSection.hh, .cc G4ProtonInelasticCrossSection.hh, .cc G4TripathiCrossSection.hh, .cc G4TripathiLightCrossSection.hh, .cc NOTE: This tag should be used with the tag hadr-man-V08-02-00 of the hadronic/management directory because G4HadronicProcess was affected also. - from Vladimir Grichine: added new class G4NucleonNuclearCrossSection which contains Barashenkov cross sections for nucleon-nucleus scattering modified the G4PiData and G4GlauberGribovCrossSection classes added ROOT files to test/analysis directory 16 Nov 2006 D.W. for Vladimir Grichine (hadr-cross-V08-01-08) ------------------------------------------------------------- - G4GlauberGribovCrossSection: extend applicability down to 0.3 GeV for protons and neutrons (not 100 MeV as in hadr-cross-V08-01-06) - Dennis Wright: add missing methods G4double GetHadronNucleaonXsc(const G4DynamicParticle*,G4double At,G4double Zt); G4double GetHadronNucleaonXscNS(const G4DynamicParticle*,const G4Element*); G4double GetHadronNucleaonXscNS(const G4DynamicParticle*,G4double At,G4double Zt); to get code to compile - initialize hpXsc, hnXsc to 0 15 Nov 2006 Tatsumi Koi (hadr-cross-V08-01-07) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - include/G4IonsShenCrossSection.hh - src/G4IonsShenCrossSection.cc : extend range of validity to 1TeV/n, using constant cross section above 10GeV/n. 13 Nov 2006 Dennis Wright for Vladimir Grichine (hadr-cross-V08-01-06) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - G4GlauberGribovCrossSection.cc: extend range of validity for protons down to 100 MeV 3 Oct 2006 Gunter Folger (hadr-cross-V08-01-04) --------------------------------------------------- - G4ProtonInelasticCrossSection: extend range of validity to 1TeV, using constant cross section above 20GeV. 2 Oct 2006 Vladimir Grichine (hadr-cross-V08-01-03) --------------------------------------------------- - G4GlauberGribovCrossSection::GetCrossSection() : fix bug in inelastic cross section. Bug was discovered in the paper from which the cross was derived. 31 Aug 2006 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-cross-V08-01-02) ------------------------------------------------------ - new wrapper cross section classes G4UInelasticCrossSection and G4UElasticCrossSection which combine cross sections from different data sets - new G4UPiNuclearCrossSection providing another implementation of elastic and inelastic cross sections from Barashenkov 17, 21 Aug 2006 Gunter Folger (same tag as 31 Aug above) -------------------------------------------------------- - added two missing Ca inelastic pi- entries, changed formatting - changed scaling of cross sections for elements not tabulated from scaling in Z^(2/3) to A^0.75 11 Aug 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-cross-V08-01-00) ------------------------------------------------ - new cross section class G4GlauberGribovCrossSection for proton, pion, kaon, (and maybe gamma and neutron) total and elastic cross sections introduced by V. Grichine. Effective energies: > 3 GeV.