------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================== Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation ================================================== History file for Low Energy Parameterized Models ------------------------------------------------ This file should be used to summarize modifications introduced in the code and to keep track of all tags. --------------------------------------------------------------- * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top) --------------------------------------------------------------- 26 February 2007 - Dennis Wright (hadr-lep-V08-02-01) ----------------------------------------------------- G4LEAntiProtonInelastic.cc : for low energy (< 0.1 MeV) anti-protons, model was simply returning the particle change which had not yet been intialized, thus leading to an infinite loop. Now model returns particle change initialized from the original kinematics. Response to Bug #888. All Low Energy models: add model name to constructor for use in traceback and debugging. 29 January 2007 - V. Ivanchenko (hadr-lep-V08-02-00) ---------------------------------------------------- G4LElastic.cc - add protection against sqrt of negative value 19 June 2006 - Dennis Wright (hadr-lep-V08-00-02) ------------------------------------------------- Beacuse of mods to G4Nucleus::AtomicMass() cause a printed warning when incorrect (Z,A) are used, add checks before calling AtomicMass. If incorrect (Z,A) atomic mass is set to zero and AtomicMass is not called. Files affected: G4LEDeuteronInelastic.cc G4LENeutronInelastic.cc G4LEProtonInelastic.cc G4LETritonInelastic.cc 15 May 2006 - Dennis Wright (hadr-lep-V08-00-01) ------------------------------------------------ Remove subtraction of electron masses from atomic mass in some low energy models. This is because the method G4Nucleus::AtomicMass() now already makes the subtraction. Files affected: G4LEAlphaInelastic.cc G4LEDeuteronInelastic.cc G4LENeutronInelastic.cc G4LEProtonInelastic.cc G4LETritonInelastic.cc 13 April 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-lep-V08-00-00) ---------------------------------------------- Move G4LElasticB to coherent_elastic subdirectory 14 Dec 2005 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-lep-V07-01-04) ---------------------------------------------- G4LElastic.cc: restore version 1.19 G4LElasticB: alternative version with 4-momentum balance 03 Dec 2005 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-lep-V07-01-03) ---------------------------------------------- G4LElastic.cc: add protection in center of mass reference system (20 MeV/c), which was before in lab system. Below this momentum model is not valid 29 Nov 2005 - G.Cosmo (hadr-lep-V07-01-02) ------------------------------------------ Get rid of problematic printout in G4LElastic.cc causing porting issues on VC++ compiler. 28 Nov 2005 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-lep-V07-01-01) ---------------------------------------------- 26 Nov 2005 - Fix of cosT calculation (internal unit for Q^2 is GeV) 24 Nov 2005 - D.Wright (hadr-lep-V07-01-00) ------------------------------------------- 22 Nov 2005 - G.Cosmo G4LElastic.cc: use std::numeric_limits instead of FLT_MAX for porting on MSVC++8.0 compiler. 24 Nov 2005 - V. Ivanchenko G4LElastic.cc: calculate cos(theta) in CM system (as it should be) 17 Nov 2005 - D.Wright G4LCapture.cc: in method ApplyYourself, fixed unit bug in gamma momentum and added 2.2 MeV gamma for special case of n capture on H