# # Macro file for the initialization phase of "TestEm5.cc" # # It creates the default geometry (simple absorber cylinder ) # /control/verbose 2 #control/saveHistory /run/verbose 2 # # # /field/setStepperType 4 /field/setMinStep 10 mm # /field/update # /run/initialize # #/calor/setAbsMat Silicon #/calor/setAbsThick 92.600e-3 mm #/calor/setAbsRad 100.0 mm #/calor/update # # hist file name /plots/sethistName g4.p4 # PLOT: lateral displacement for transmitted particles at exit # /plots/setnbinR 100 /plots/setRlow 1011.77 mm /plots/setRhigh 1011.82 mm # #/calor/cutG 2130.0 micrometer #/calor/cutE 7.000 micrometer # /run/initialize /run/particle/dumpCutValues # /gun/particle e- /gun/energy 500.0 MeV # /event/printModulo 100 /run/beamOn 1000 # #