# # Macro file for the initialization phase of "TestEm5.cc" # # It creates the default geometry (simple absorber cylinder ) # /control/verbose 2 #control/saveHistory /run/verbose 2 # # /run/setdefault # /run/setintegral # /run/setcontonly # /run/setionplus /run/setdefault /run/setminDeltaEnergy 1. keV /run/setdRoverR 0.050 /run/setfinalR 0.001 mm # # PLOT: nb of steps .................................................... /plots/setnbinStep 100 /plots/setSteplow 0. /plots/setStephigh 100. # PLOT: sum of tracklength of charged particles ......................... /plots/setnbinTl 50 /plots/setTllow 0.0 mm /plots/setTlhigh 1.0 mm # PLOT: energy deposit distribution in absorber............................ /plots/setnbinEn 60 /plots/setEnlow 0.0 MeV /plots/setEnhigh 1.20 MeV # PLOT: energy of transmitted particles (with quantum numbers of the primary) /plots/setnbinTt 50 /plots/setTtlow 0.0 MeV /plots/setTthigh 1.0 MeV # PLOT: angle distr. of transmitted particles /plots/setnbinTh 30 /plots/setThlow 0.0 deg /plots/setThhigh 90. deg # PLOT: lateral displacement for transmitted particles at exit /plots/setnbinR 50 /plots/setRlow 0.0 mm /plots/setRhigh 0.25 mm # PLOT: energy of backscattered particles (with quantum numbers of the primary) /plots/setnbinTb 50 /plots/setTblow 0.0 MeV /plots/setTbhigh 1.0 MeV # PLOT: andle distr. of backscattered particles /plots/setnbinThback 30 /plots/setThlowback 0.0 deg /plots/setThhighback 90.0 deg # PLOT: energy spectrum of charged secondaries /plots/setnbinTsec 100 /plots/setTseclow 0.00 MeV /plots/setTsechigh 0.50 MeV # PLOT: z coord. of e+/e- production /plots/setnbinzvertex 100 /plots/setzlow -0.0500 mm /plots/setzhigh 0.0500 mm # PLOT: energy spectrum of photons escaping the absorber (forward) /plots/setnbinGamma 100 /plots/setElowGamma 1.0 keV /plots/setEhighGamma 1000.0 keV # /run/initialize /calor/setAbsMat Gold # /calor/setAbsThick 0.10 mm /calor/setAbsRad 10.00 mm /calor/update # # /event/setsignoise 3.8 keV # /event/setcutlow 0.0 keV # /run/particle/setCut 0.0001000 mm /run/initialize /run/particle/dumpCutValues # /gun/particle e- /gun/energy 1. MeV /gun/xvertex 0.000 mm /gun/yvertex 0.000 mm /gun/zvertex -0.0500 mm # /tracking/verbose 0 /stepping/setprintlimit 1000 /event/setverbose 0 /stepping/setverbose 0 /stepping/setnbofevents 0 /stepping/seteventno 99 # /run/beamOn 10000 #