------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================== Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Physics Simulation ========================================================== History file for hadronic/models/cascade ---------------------------------------- This file should be used to summarize modifications introduced in the code and to keep track of all tags. --------------------------------------------------------------- * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top) --------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Nov 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-10) ----------------------------------------------- - G4CascadParticle, G4InuclElementaryParticle: add integer argument to ctor to indicate which generation cascade particle belongs to. Also change G4NucleiModel and G4BertiniNucleiModel to use this. 8 Oct 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-09) ----------------------------------------------- - G4PionSampler: use charge exchange cross section for pi0-p, go back original Bertini pi0-p elastic partial cs. Update pi0 total cross section accordingly. Improve fits to pi-p partial cs and update pi- total cross sections. - G4NucleiModel: update pi- and pi0 total cross sections 24 Sep 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-08) ----------------------------------------------- - add class G4NucleonSampler which replaces old pp, pn, and nn partial and total cross sections also modify other classes which use them - move large arrays which are instantiated at every call of frequently used methods. They are now initialized once in constructors. - G4CascadSpecialFunctions: put copy of total cross section method in G4NucleiModel, also remove unneeded energy scale arrays (now replaced with a new one) - G4CascadeInterface: move instantiation of various collider classes outside of loop, and put on stack instead of heap - G4ElementaryParticleCollider: re-design to use G4NucleonSampler and remove instantiation of large arrays from within loops in code - G4NucleiModel: remove instatiation of large arrays from with loops, add new total cross section sampling, remove use of all but one energy scale 17 Sep 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-07) ----------------------------------------------- - G4PionSampler: remove large static arrays - G4FinalStateSampler: remove static array pointer to G4 particle types - G4ElementaryParticleCollider: clean up 4 Sep 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-06) ---------------------------------------------- - add assignment operator to class G4CollisionOutput 31 Aug 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-05) ----------------------------------------------- - add class G4FinalStateSampler which was accidentally omitted from the previous tag 25 Aug 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-04) ----------------------------------------------- - correct bug in particle ordering in G4PionSampler - clean up dead code in G4NucleiModel and G4ElementaryParticleCollider 20 Aug 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-03) ----------------------------------------------- - create class G4PionSampler: samples partial cross sections, multiplicities and final state particle types required for pi+, pi- and pi0 scattering within a nucleus. This class uses re-evaluated pion partial cross sections and includes production of strange particle pairs. - G4CascadeSigmaPlusNChannel: correct sigma plus cross sections - G4CascadSpecialFunctions: move pion, kaon, hyperon total cross sections to this class - G4ElementaryParticleCollider: re-write to use G4PionSampler class for cross sections and multiplicities, remove method reChargering (now redundant) 15 Apr 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-02) ----------------------------------------------- - previous tag no longer used. Bring hadr-casc-V09-02-00 back to HEAD and re-tag 21 Feb 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-01) ----------------------------------------------- - add printCrossSection method to G4CascadSpecialFunctions - in GeElementaryParticleCollider, add high energy flag to distinguish "string-like" behavior - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc - allow secondaries from HE interaction to leave nucleus without interacting - G4NucleiModel - get high_energy_interaction flag value from G4ElementaryParticleCollider 11 Feb 2009 V.Ivanchenko (hadr-casc-V09-02-00) ----------------------------------------------- - set absorption coefficient 1.0 instead of 0.2 inside G4CascadSpecialFunctions (D.Wright) 25 Nov 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-10) ----------------------------------------------- - fix multiplicity sampling in G4ElementaryParticleCollider::generateMultiplicity(). Now partial cross sections are normalized to the total cross section instead of just the sum of 2-body to 6-body final state cross sections. Also fix 2-body cross sections above 7 GeV where they were too small. Fix the same cross sections which appear in G4CascadSpecialFunctions.cc 21 Nov 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-09) ----------------------------------------------- - add some comments to cross section tables in G4CascadSpecialFunctions.cc and G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc 24 Oct 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-08) ----------------------------------------------- - replace GetAtomicMass() with GetNuclearMass() in cascade/G4InuclEvaporation and evaporation/G4BertiniEvaporation - V. Ivantchenko added name to G4CascadeInterface ("Bertini Cascade") 17 Oct 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-07) ----------------------------------------------- - added Coulomb barrier plus barrier penetration in G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc 27 Sep 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-06) ----------------------------------------------- - Fixed 4.3 compiler warnings for G4InuclElementaryParticle.hh by providing initializers for particle type and mass - Remove unused variables totscm, totlab in G4BigBanger.cc, G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc, and unused mom1 from G4InuclSpecialFunctions.cc 22 Sep 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-casc-V09-01-05) ------------------------------------------------ - Introduced simple wrapper class G4CascadeMomentum meant to replace usage of std::vector in the cascade code, to reduce memory allocations. Courtesy of P.Elmer (princeton Univ.). - Modified cascade code to make use of G4CascadeMomentum. 3 Sep 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-04) ----------------------------------------------- - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: in method generateMultiplicity, remove large_cut which increases multiplicity from 3 to 4 abruptly at 4 GeV and above. This caused a sharp drop-off in the single pion spectra from pH reactions. The effect in heavier nuclei is small. 29 Jun 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-03) ----------------------------------------------- - add changes made by M. Paterno, J. Kowalkowski, and M. Fischler (FNAL) to speed up code. All G4Cascade***Channel classes and related code changed. 5 May 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-02) ----------------------------------------------- - retag hadr-casc-V09-csbug as hadr-casc-V09-01-02 30 Apr 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-csbug) ----------------------------------------------- - fix cross section bug in G4CascadSpecialFunctions that returned low or zero total cross sections for pi-p, pi+n, np, and pi0 interactions 29 Apr 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-01) ----------------------------------------------- - bring tag hadr-casc-V09-01-coula to HEAD, make official tag 22 Apr 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-param) -------------------------------------------------- - changed pp, nn total cross section parameterization in G4CascadSpecialFunctions to more closely reflect the PDG values (old one was off by as much as a factor of 3. 3 Apr 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-coula) ------------------------------------------------- - removed Coulomb barrier from G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc (causes unphysical spike) 3 Apr 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-coul) ------------------------------------------------ - Added Coulomb barrier in G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc, G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc 17 Nov 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-00-02) ----------------------------------------------- - Fix angular distribution for nucleon-nucleon elastic scattering above 2.8 GeV, by modifying G4ElementaryParticleCollider::getElasticCase 25 May 2007 Dennis Wright for Aatos Heikkinen (hadr-casc-V08-03-00) ------------------------------------------------------------------- - implemented interfaces for pre-equilibrium and equilbrium evaporation models 04 May 2007 Aatos Heikkinen (hadr-casc-V08-02-00) ------------------------------------------------- - Added protection in G4ElementaryParticleCollider against negative value to sqrt(). 08 May 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V08-00-00) ----------------------------------------------- - cascade: remove G4BERTINI_KAON conditional assembly flags. Files affected: G4ElementaryParticleCollider.hh, cc G4InuclElementaryParticle.hh G4NucleiModel.hh, cc G4CascadeInterface.cc G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc - cascade (Pekka Kaitaniemi): G4ElasticCascadeInterface: derive from G4VIntraNuclearTransportModel instead of G4HadronElastic. Check for case when no elastic scattering occurs. If so, return original bullet and target. 24 Nov 2005 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V07-01-00) ---------------------------------------------- - cascade (bertini-V07-01-00 by Aatos Heikkinen) elastic scattering interface added: G4ElasticCascadeInterface.hh, .cc added G4CascadeInterface.hh modified