/control/manual /particle Command directory path : /particle/ Guidance : Particle control commands. Sub-directories : /particle/property/ Paricle Table control commands. /particle/process/ Process Manager control commands. Commands : select * Select particle list * List name of particles. find * Find particle by encoding Command /particle/select Guidance : Select particle Parameter : particle name Parameter type : s Omittable : False Default value : none Command /particle/list Guidance : List name of particles. all(default)/lepton/baryon/meson/nucleus/quarks Parameter : particle type Parameter type : s Omittable : True Default value : all Candidates : all lepton baryon meson nucleus quarks Command /particle/find Guidance : Find particle by encoding Parameter : encoding Parameter type : i Omittable : False Default value : 0 Command directory path : /particle/property/ Guidance : Paricle Table control commands. Sub-directories : /particle/property/decay/ Decay Table control commands. Commands : dump * dump particle properties. stable * Set stable flag. lifetime * Set life time. verbose * Set Verbose level of particle property. Command /particle/property/dump Guidance : dump particle properties. Command /particle/property/stable Guidance : Set stable flag. false: Unstable true: Stable Parameter : stable Parameter type : b Omittable : False Command /particle/property/lifetime Guidance : Set life time. Unit of the time can be : s, ms, ns (default) Range of parameters : life >0.0 Parameter : life Parameter type : d Omittable : False Default value : 0 Parameter : Unit Parameter type : s Omittable : True Default value : ns Candidates : s ms mus ns ps second millisecond microsecond nanosecond picosecond Command /particle/property/verbose Guidance : Set Verbose level of particle property. 0 : Silent (default) 1 : Display warning messages 2 : Display more Range of parameters : verbose_level >=0 Parameter : verbose_level Parameter type : i Omittable : True Default value : 0 Command directory path : /particle/property/decay/ Guidance : Decay Table control commands. Sub-directories : Commands : select * Enter index of decay mode. dump * Dump decay mode information. br * Set branching ratio. [0< BR <1.0] Command /particle/property/decay/select Guidance : Enter index of decay mode. Range of parameters : mode >=0 Parameter : mode Parameter type : i Omittable : True Default value : 0 Command /particle/property/decay/dump Guidance : Dump decay mode information. Command /particle/property/decay/br Guidance : Set branching ratio. [0< BR <1.0] Range of parameters : (br >=0.0) && (br <=1.0) Parameter : br Parameter type : d Omittable : False Command directory path : /particle/process/ Guidance : Process Manager control commands. Sub-directories : Commands : dump * dump process manager or process information verbose * Set Verbose Level for Process or Process Manager activate * Activate process inactivate * Inactivate process Command /particle/process/dump Guidance : dump process manager or process information dump [process index] process index: -1 for process manager Parameter : index Parameter type : i Omittable : True Default value : -1 Command /particle/process/verbose Guidance : Set Verbose Level for Process or Process Manager Verbose [Verbose] [process index] process index: -1 for process manager Parameter : Verbose Parameter type : i Omittable : True Default value : 1 Parameter : index Parameter type : i Omittable : True Default value : -1 Command /particle/process/activate Guidance : Activate process Activate [process index] Range of parameters : index >=0 Parameter : index Parameter type : i Omittable : False Default value : 0 Command /particle/process/inactivate Guidance : Inactivate process inactivate [process index] Range of parameters : index >=0 Parameter : index Parameter type : i Omittable : False Default value : 0