README G4cout_test01: Nov. 09 2002 H. Yoshida update for Geant4.4.1 This example program illustrates how to use "setCoutDestination" of G4cout in order to redirect the stream between two sessions. Usually the constructor of a UI class, f.e., G4UIterminal, does setCoutDestination(this) and the destructor does setCoutDestination(NULL). By explicitly using setCoutDestination, user can redirect G4cout/cerr to one of the sessions opened. This example is created after examples/novice/exampleN01 which is a pure batch one. But this example has an interactive session G4UITerminal(new G4UItcsh) and another session "MySession" to redirect the output to a file named "Mylog". At first, G4UItcsh is instantiated to provide an interactive session. When user types in "exit" command, G4UItcsh session is closed, and then MySession is used so that all subsequent G4cout/cerr are saved in the file "Mylog". Finally both instances are deleted and the last messages are shown on the default display. Note that when there is no instance of UI sessions, G4cout/cerr are sent to the display by default.