# $Id: CLHEP.i,v 1.5 2005/12/15 14:23:31 ahoward Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # GEANT4 tag $Name: $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------- %module CLHEP %{ #include #include %} %include CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h namespace CLHEP { class Hep3Vector { public: // Basic properties and operations on 3-vectors: enum { X=0, Y=1, Z=2, NUM_COORDINATES=3, SIZE=NUM_COORDINATES }; // Safe indexing of the coordinates when using with matrices, arrays, etc. // (BaBar) inline Hep3Vector(double x = 0.0, double y = 0.0, double z = 0.0); // The constructor. inline double x() const; inline double y() const; inline double z() const; // The components in cartesian coordinate system. Same as getX() etc. inline void setX(double); inline void setY(double); inline void setZ(double); // Set the components in cartesian coordinate system. inline double phi() const; // The azimuth angle. inline double theta() const; // The polar angle. inline double cosTheta() const; // Cosine of the polar angle. inline double cos2Theta() const; // Cosine squared of the polar angle - faster than cosTheta(). (ZOOM) inline double mag2() const; // The magnitude squared (r^2 in spherical coordinate system). inline double mag() const; // The magnitude (r in spherical coordinate system). inline void setPhi(double); // Set phi keeping mag and theta constant (BaBar). inline void setTheta(double); // Set theta keeping mag and phi constant (BaBar). void setMag(double); // Set magnitude keeping theta and phi constant (BaBar). inline double perp2() const; // The transverse component squared (rho^2 in cylindrical coordinate system). inline double perp() const; // The transverse component (rho in cylindrical coordinate system). inline void setPerp(double); // Set the transverse component keeping phi and z constant. void setCylTheta(double); // Set theta while keeping transvers component and phi fixed inline double perp2(const Hep3Vector &) const; // The transverse component w.r.t. given axis squared. inline double perp(const Hep3Vector &) const; // The transverse component w.r.t. given axis. inline bool operator == (const Hep3Vector &) const; inline bool operator != (const Hep3Vector &) const; // Comparisons (Geant4). inline Hep3Vector & operator += (const Hep3Vector &); // Addition. inline Hep3Vector & operator -= (const Hep3Vector &); // Subtraction. inline Hep3Vector operator - () const; // Unary minus. inline Hep3Vector & operator *= (double); // Scaling with real numbers. Hep3Vector & operator /= (double); // Division by (non-zero) real number. inline Hep3Vector unit() const; // Vector parallel to this, but of length 1. inline Hep3Vector orthogonal() const; // Vector orthogonal to this (Geant4). inline double dot(const Hep3Vector &) const; // double product. inline Hep3Vector cross(const Hep3Vector &) const; // Cross product. double angle(const Hep3Vector &) const; // The angle w.r.t. another 3-vector. double pseudoRapidity() const; // Returns the pseudo-rapidity, i.e. -ln(tan(theta/2)) void setEta ( double p ); // Set pseudo-rapidity, keeping magnitude and phi fixed. (ZOOM) void setCylEta ( double p ); // Set pseudo-rapidity, keeping transverse component and phi fixed. (ZOOM) Hep3Vector & rotateX(double); // Rotates the Hep3Vector around the x-axis. Hep3Vector & rotateY(double); // Rotates the Hep3Vector around the y-axis. Hep3Vector & rotateZ(double); // Rotates the Hep3Vector around the z-axis. Hep3Vector & rotateUz(const Hep3Vector&); // Rotates reference frame from Uz to newUz (unit vector) (Geant4). Hep3Vector & rotate(double, const Hep3Vector &); // Rotates around the axis specified by another Hep3Vector. // (Uses methods of HepRotation, forcing linking in of Rotation.cc.) Hep3Vector & operator *= (const CLHEP::HepRotation &); Hep3Vector & transform(const CLHEP::HepRotation &); // Transformation with a Rotation matrix. // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // // Esoteric properties and operations on 3-vectors: // // 1 - Set vectors in various coordinate systems // 2 - Synonyms for accessing coordinates and properties // 3 - Comparisions (dictionary, near-ness, and geometric) // 4 - Intrinsic properties // 5 - Properties releative to z axis and arbitrary directions // 6 - Polar and azimuthal angle decomposition and deltaPhi // 7 - Rotations // // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // 1 - Set vectors in various coordinate systems inline void setRThetaPhi (double r, double theta, double phi); // Set in spherical coordinates: Angles are measured in RADIANS inline void setREtaPhi ( double r, double eta, double phi ); // Set in spherical coordinates, but specify peudorapidiy to determine theta. inline void setRhoPhiZ (double rho, double phi, double z); // Set in cylindrical coordinates: Phi angle is measured in RADIANS void setRhoPhiTheta ( double rho, double phi, double theta); // Set in cylindrical coordinates, but specify theta to determine z. void setRhoPhiEta ( double rho, double phi, double eta); // Set in cylindrical coordinates, but specify pseudorapidity to determine z. // 2 - Synonyms for accessing coordinates and properties inline double getX() const; inline double getY() const; inline double getZ() const; // x(), y(), and z() inline double getR () const; inline double getTheta() const; inline double getPhi () const; // mag(), theta(), and phi() inline double r () const; // mag() inline double rho () const; inline double getRho () const; // perp() double eta () const; double getEta () const; // pseudoRapidity() inline void setR ( double s ); // setMag() inline void setRho ( double s ); // setPerp() // 3 - Comparisions (dictionary, near-ness, and geometric) int compare (const Hep3Vector & v) const; bool operator > (const Hep3Vector & v) const; bool operator < (const Hep3Vector & v) const; bool operator>= (const Hep3Vector & v) const; bool operator<= (const Hep3Vector & v) const; // dictionary ordering according to z, then y, then x component inline double diff2 (const Hep3Vector & v) const; // |v1-v2|**2 static double setTolerance (double tol); static inline double getTolerance (); // Set the tolerance used in isNear() for Hep3Vectors bool isParallel (const Hep3Vector & v, double epsilon) const; // Are the vectors parallel, within the given tolerance? bool isOrthogonal (const Hep3Vector & v, double epsilon) const; // Are the vectors orthogonal, within the given tolerance? double howParallel (const Hep3Vector & v) const; // | v1.cross(v2) / v1.dot(v2) |, to a maximum of 1. double howOrthogonal (const Hep3Vector & v) const; // | v1.dot(v2) / v1.cross(v2) |, to a maximum of 1. enum { ToleranceTicks = 100 }; // 4 - Intrinsic properties double beta () const; // relativistic beta (considering v as a velocity vector with c=1) // Same as mag() but will object if >= 1 double gamma() const; // relativistic gamma (considering v as a velocity vector with c=1) double coLinearRapidity() const; // inverse tanh (beta) // 5 - Properties relative to Z axis and to an arbitrary direction // Note that the non-esoteric CLHEP provides // theta(), cosTheta(), cos2Theta, and angle(const Hep3Vector&) inline double angle() const; // angle against the Z axis -- synonym for theta() inline double theta(const Hep3Vector & v2) const; // synonym for angle(v2) double cosTheta (const Hep3Vector & v2) const; double cos2Theta(const Hep3Vector & v2) const; // cos and cos^2 of the angle between two vectors inline Hep3Vector project () const; Hep3Vector project (const Hep3Vector & v2) const; // projection of a vector along a direction. inline Hep3Vector perpPart() const; inline Hep3Vector perpPart (const Hep3Vector & v2) const; // vector minus its projection along a direction. double rapidity () const; // inverse tanh(v.z()) double rapidity (const Hep3Vector & v2) const; // rapidity with respect to specified direction: // inverse tanh (v.dot(u)) where u is a unit in the direction of v2 double eta(const Hep3Vector & v2) const; // - ln tan of the angle beween the vector and the ref direction. // 6 - Polar and azimuthal angle decomposition and deltaPhi // Decomposition of an angle within reference defined by a direction: double polarAngle (const Hep3Vector & v2) const; // The reference direction is Z: the polarAngle is abs(v.theta()-v2.theta()). double deltaPhi (const Hep3Vector & v2) const; // v.phi()-v2.phi(), brought into the range (-PI,PI] double azimAngle (const Hep3Vector & v2) const; // The reference direction is Z: the azimAngle is the same as deltaPhi double polarAngle (const Hep3Vector & v2, const Hep3Vector & ref) const; // For arbitrary reference direction, // polarAngle is abs(v.angle(ref) - v2.angle(ref)). double azimAngle (const Hep3Vector & v2, const Hep3Vector & ref) const; // To compute azimangle, project v and v2 into the plane normal to // the reference direction. Then in that plane take the angle going // clockwise around the direction from projection of v to that of v2. // 7 - Rotations // These mehtods **DO NOT** use anything in the HepRotation class. // Thus, use of v.rotate(axis,delta) does not force linking in Rotation.cc. Hep3Vector & rotate (const Hep3Vector & axis, double delta); // Synonym for rotate (delta, axis) Hep3Vector & rotate (const CLHEP::HepAxisAngle & ax); // HepAxisAngle is a struct holding an axis direction and an angle. Hep3Vector & rotate (const CLHEP::HepEulerAngles & e); Hep3Vector & rotate (double phi, double theta, double psi); // Rotate via Euler Angles. Our Euler Angles conventions are // those of Goldstein Classical Mechanics page 107. }; } // namespace CLHEP %inline %{ typedef CLHEP::Hep3Vector G4ThreeVector; %}