# # Macro file for A01app # # This file does visualization using the HepRep2 format. # This format is not yet ready for general use (still being debugged). # /run/verbose 2 # # # Create empty scene ("world" is default) # /vis/scene/create A01Output.bheprep.zip # # Create a scene handler for a specific graphics system # Edit the next line(s) to choose another graphic system # /vis/open HepRepXML /vis/heprep/appendGeometry true /vis/viewer/set/culling global false /vis/viewer/zoom 0.0001 /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 90 90.0001 deg # # Add volume to scene # /vis/scene/add/volume # # Add trajectories to scene # /vis/scene/add/trajectories # # Add hits to scene # /vis/scene/add/hits # # Do runs # /tracking/storeTrajectory 1 /mydet/armAngle 60. deg /mydet/fieldValue 4. tesla /mydet/momentum 2. GeV /gun/particle e+ /run/beamOn 10