# $Id: tramu.mac,v 1.7 2007/07/31 16:51:29 maire Exp $ # # macro file for TestEm5.cc # # 1 TeV mu+, transmitted through 3 m of iron # Rev. of Particle Physics Eur. Phys. Jour. C (2000) page 172. # Rev. of Particle Physics Letters B 592 (2004) page 251. # /control/verbose 2 /run/verbose 2 # /testem/det/setAbsMat Iron /testem/det/setAbsThick 3 m /testem/det/setAbsYZ 3 m # ##/testem/phys/addPhysics g4v52 # /testem/phys/setCuts 1 mm # /run/initialize # /testem/gun/setDefault /gun/particle mu+ /gun/energy 1 TeV # /testem/histo/setFileName tramu /testem/histo/setFileType hbook /testem/histo/setHisto 10 50 950 1000 GeV #energy at exit # /testem/stack/killSecondaries # /testem/event/printModulo 1000 /run/beamOn 10000