$Id: README,v 1.1 2007/08/16 10:32:04 vnivanch Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= monopole -------- V.Ivanchenko, M.Vladymyrov CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia This example is devoted to the energy deposited by classical magnetic monopole. 1- GEOMETRY DEFINITION The geometry consists of a single block of a homogenous material, placed in a world. Four parameters define the geometry : - the material of the box - the thickness of the box - the tranverse dimension of the box - the maximal step size in target The default is 10 cm of alumunium, step is limited by 5mm. Equivalent UI commands are following: /testex/det/setMat G4_Al /testex/det/sizeX 10 cm /testex/det/sizeYZ 5 cm /testex/det/setStepSize 5 mm The default geometry is constructed in DetectorConstruction class, but all of the above parameters can be changed interactively via the commands defined in the DetectorMessenger class. After changing material and/or dimentions one must update the detector construction: /testex/det/update 2- PHYSICS LIST Physics Lists include standard QGSP physics and additional builder for monopole physics. 3- AN EVENT : THE PRIMARY GENERATOR The primary kinematic consists of a single particle which hits the block perpendicular to the input face. The type of the particle and its energy are set in the PrimaryGeneratorAction class, and can changed via the G4 build-in commands of ParticleGun class (see the macros provided with this example). The default is monopole 100 GeV In addition one can define randomly the impact point of the incident particle. The corresponding interactive command is built in PrimaryGeneratorMessenger class. A RUN is a set of events. 4- VISUALIZATION The Visualization Manager is set in the main() for interactive session. The initialisation of the drawing is done via the command /control/execute vis.mac The detector has a default view which is a longitudinal view of the box. The tracks are drawn at the end of event, and erased at the end of run. Optionaly one can choose to draw all particles, only the charged one, or none. This command is defined in EventActionMessenger class. 5- HOW TO START ? - compile and link to generate an executable % cd monopole % gmake - execute Test in 'batch' mode from macro files % monopole monopole.in - execute Test in 'interactive mode' with visualization % monopole .... Idle> type your commands .... Idle> exit 6- HISTOGRAMS The result is five histograms: - Monopole eneregy deposition in current material - dedx for proton - dedx for monopole - range for proton in current material - range for monopole in current material The histogram is saved in hbook (default monopole.hbook, but can be changed using testex/run/HistoName and testex/run/HistoType comands) Limit of bin size can be set with testex/run/binSize (default 5mm). Real size is chosen as a minimal between this and step limit (see Geometry section) Note that, by default, histograms are disabled. To activate them, uncomment G4ANALYSIS_USE in GNUmakefile. 7- Using histograms ------------------- By default the histograms are not activated. To activate histograms the environment variable G4ANALYSIS_USE should be defined. For instance uncomment the flag G4ANALYSIS_USE in GNUmakefile. To use histograms any of implementations of AIDA interfaces should be available (see http://aida.freehep.org). A package including AIDA and extended interfaces also using Python is PI, available from: http://cern.ch/pi . Once installed PI or PI-Lite in a specified local area $MYPY, it is required to add the installation path to $PATH, i.e. for example, for release 1.2.1 of PI: setenv PATH ${PATH}:$MYPI/1.2.1/app/releases/PI/PI_1_2_1/rh73_gcc32/bin CERN users can use the PATH to the LCG area on AFS. Before compilation of the example it is optimal to clean up old files: gmake histclean gmake Before running the example the command should be issued: eval `aida-config --runtime csh`