// This code implementation is the intellectual property of // the GEANT4 collaboration. // // By copying, distributing or modifying the Program (or any work // based on the Program) you indicate your acceptance of this statement, // and all its terms. // // $Id: G3fillParams.cc.archive,v 1.2 2003/06/16 16:50:54 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02-ref-02 $ // // extracted from clparse.cc by I. Hrivnacova, 30.7.99 #include "globals.hh" #include ofstream ofile; G4int narray; G4int Ipar[1000]; G4double Rpar[1000]; G4String Spar[1000]; void G3fillParams(G4String *tokens, char *ptypes) // // G3fillParams // // Interpret tokens to fill call parameters, based on parameter // types ptypes // { // loop over ptypes G4int i =0, ipt = 0, k = 0; G4int ni =0, nr = 0, ns = 0; while (ptypes[i] != '\0') { switch (ptypes[i]) { case 'i': Ipar[ni] = atoi(tokens[ipt].data()); narray = Ipar[ni]; ni++; ipt++; break; case 'r': Rpar[nr] = atof(tokens[ipt].data()); nr++; ipt++; break; case 's': Spar[ns] = tokens[ipt]; ns++; ipt++; break; case 'I': for (k=0; k < narray; k++) { Ipar[ni] = atoi(tokens[ipt].data()); ni++; ipt++; } break; case 'R': for (k=0; k < narray; k++) { Rpar[nr] = atof(tokens[ipt].data()); nr++; ipt++; } break; case 'S': for (k=0; k < narray; k++) { Spar[ns] = tokens[ipt]; ns++; ipt++; } break; default: ofile << "unidentified ptype '" << ptypes[i] << endl; }; i++; } }