############################################################################### ### GNUmakefile for the G3 to G4 conversion package. ### ### T. Wenaus 20/11/1995 ### Uses chunks of John Allison's generic makefiles. ### ### The presence of Fortran and several standalone programs ### make this package non-generic enough to require its ### own makefile. ### ############################################################################### G4TARGET := rztog4 name := G3toG4 ifndef G4INSTALL G4INSTALL := ../.. endif GLOBLIBS = libG4tracking.lib libG4processes.lib libG4digits_hits.lib GLOBLIBS += libG4track.lib libG4particles.lib libG4geometry.lib GLOBLIBS += libG4materials.lib libG4graphics_reps.lib GLOBLIBS += libG4intercoms.lib libG4global.lib include $(G4INSTALL)/config/architecture.gmk CPPFLAGS += \ -I$(G4BASE)/global/management/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/global/HEPGeometry/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/global/HEPRandom/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/geometry/magneticfield/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/geometry/volumes/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/geometry/management/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/geometry/solids/CSG/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/geometry/solids/specific/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/geometry/solids/Boolean/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/geometry/solids/BREPS/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/graphics_reps/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/materials/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/particles/management/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/processes/management/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/processes/general/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/processes/decay/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/track/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/tracking/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/digits_hits/detector/include \ -I$(G4BASE)/digits_hits/hits/include ### kludge for AIX ifeq ($(FC),xlf) cpp_include_flag=-WF,-I ### -d writes out F*.f file FCFLAGS += -d $(patsubst -I%,$(cpp_include_flag)%,-Iinclude) ### xlf prepends .f name with F dotf_prepend=F else ### other compilers do not prepend .f name with F dotf_prepend= FCFLAGS += -Iinclude endif .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .a .o .cc .cxx .c .f .F .d ### --------------------- vpaths ---------------------------------------------- vpath %.hh $(patsubst -I%,%,$(filter -I%,$(CPPFLAGS))) vpath %.inc $(patsubst -I%,%,$(filter -I%,$(CPPFLAGS))) G4LIBDIR := $(G4LIB)/$(G4SYSTEM) G4TMPDIR := $(G4TMP)/$(G4SYSTEM)/$(name) G4BINDIR := $(G4BIN)/$(G4SYSTEM) Fbinsources = src/$(G4TARGET).F Fbinobjects = $(patsubst src/%.F,$(G4TMPDIR)/%.o,$(Fbinsources)) Flibsources = $(filter-out $(Fbinsources),$(wildcard src/*.F)) Flibobjects = $(patsubst src/%.F,$(G4TMPDIR)/%.o,$(Flibsources)) Fdependencies = $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(Fbinobjects) $(Flibobjects)) ifdef G3G4DEBUG CPPFLAGS += -DG3G4DEBUG endif ifdef G3G4_NO_REFLECTION CPPFLAGS += -DG3G4_NO_REFLECTION endif ############################################################################### ### user beware! .rz files made with cernlib v 95a cannot be read with later ### versions. You can use cernlib -v option to specify the cernlib version ############################################################################### ### .PHONY targets are executed regardless of time-stamp of any file of same ### name .PHONY: global all lib bin libC libF ###--------------------- section to define explicit rules -------------------- first: lib global: lib bin all: lib lib: cleanf libc libF ifneq ($(G4LIB_BUILD_SHARED),) libc : $(G4LIBDIR)/lib$(name).$(SHEXT) else libc : $(G4LIBDIR)/lib$(name).a endif @echo $@ stage done libF : $(G4LIBDIR)/lib$(name)F.a @echo $@ stage done bin: $(G4BINDIR)/$(G4TARGET) @echo $@ stage done ### Make Fortran library. $(G4LIBDIR)/lib$(name)F.a: $(Flibobjects) @if [ ! -d $(G4LIBDIR) ] ; then mkdir $(G4LIBDIR) ;fi @echo Creating/replacing object files in lib$(name)F.a @ar r $@ $? @if [ -f /usr/bin/ranlib -o -f /bin/ranlib ] ; then \ echo Running ranlib on lib$(name)F.a ; ranlib $@ ; fi ### rztog4: Standalone Fortran program that reads an RZ file and converts ### the geometry and other init structures therein to G4. A call ### list file and G4 C++ code are generated; either can be used ### on the G4 side to build the geometry. $(G4BINDIR)/$(G4TARGET) : $(Fbinobjects) $(G4LIBDIR)/lib$(name)F.a @if [ ! -d $(G4BINDIR) ] ; then mkdir $(G4BINDIR) ;fi @echo Linking $(G4TARGET) $(RM) $@ echo $(G4TARGET) dependencies: $^ $(FC) $(Fbinobjects) -o $@ $(G4LIBDIR)/lib$(name)F.a $(shell cernlib -v pro geant321 packlib) @echo Finished linking $(G4TARGET) ###-------------------- locally defined pattern rules ------------------------ ### Make the .o files from src/*.F $(G4TMPDIR)/%.o : src/%.F $(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -o $(G4TMPDIR)/$(*F).o -c src/$(*F).F @file=$(dotf_prepend)$(*F).f;\ if [ -f $$file ]; then echo Moving $$file to $(G4TMPDIR)/$$file; \ mv $$file $(G4TMPDIR)/$$file; fi ### Move the .f files $(G4TMPDIR)/%.f : %.f @echo Moving $< to $@ @mv $< $@ ### --------------------- .d files -------------------------------------------- ### Make the .d file(s) and include it(them). ### g++ -MM is good at this, except it forgets the subdirectory (hence ### the echo $(@D)/). $(G4TMPDIR)/%.d: src/%.F @if [ ! -d $(G4TMP)/$(G4SYSTEM) ] ; then mkdir $(G4TMP)/$(G4SYSTEM) ;fi @if [ ! -d $(G4TMPDIR) ] ; then mkdir $(G4TMPDIR) ;fi @if test -f $@ ; then rm -f $@; fi @echo $(G4LIBDIR)/lib$(name)F.a\($*.o\) $@ " : " $? "\\" > $@ @if test -f $< ; then awk '$$1=="#include" { print $$2 " \\" }' $< | tr -d \"\>\< >> $@ ; echo >> $@ ; fi ###@if test -f $< ; then echo Making $@ depend file for $<; awk '$$1=="#include" { print $$2 " \\" }' $< | tr -d \"\>\< >> $@ ; echo >> $@ ; fi ### --------------------- end of pattern rules -------------------------------- -include $(Fdependencies) clean:: cleanf cleanf: @$(RM) $(Flibobjects) @$(RM) $(Fbinobjects) @$(RM) $(Fdependencies) @$(RM) $(G4BINDIR)/$(G4TARGET) include $(G4INSTALL)/config/common.gmk test1: @echo $(sources) @echo $(objects) @echo $(dependencies)