# # Macro file for the initialization phase of "phantom.cc" # when runing in interactive mode # # Sets some default verbose # #/run/verbose 0 #/event/verbose 0 #/tracking/verbose 0 #/control/execute openGLVis.mac # Visualize Phantom with DAWN #/control/execute dawnVis.mac # # Create Scene and SceneHandler # # Run Particles # # for drawing the tracks # (if too many tracks cause core dump => storeTrajectory 0) /tracking/storeTrajectory 1 /vis/scene/add/trajectories # (if you prefer refreshing each event, comment out next line) /vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate # # Set Particle /gun/particle e- /gun/energy 50. MeV # # Set Direction of Beam # #/gun/setBeam beamAlongX #/gun/setBeam beamAlongY /gun/setBeam beamAlongZ #/gun/setBeam isotropicFlux # #/tracking/verbose 1 /run/beamOn 100