******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Readme File for STT of the X-Ray Telescope Advanced Example ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* STT testing of XrayTel should contain the following: gmake XrayTel test.mac this should produce one output file: xraytel.out (0.5 kbytes) This should be compared with xraytel_ref.out The job should take ~ 2 minutes on a 1 GHz Linux machine The memory usage should be around 6 Mbytes. Platforms to be tested on: SUN and LINUX, NOT WINDOWS. At a future date G4ANALYSIS_USE should be set and the AIDA/Anaphe packages tested. In this case - computation time ~ 4 minutes - memory usage ~ 18 Mbytes - the file xraytel.hbook is created (~250 kbytes) - this file should be compared to xraytel_ref.hbook If G4ANALYSIS_USE_PLOTTER is set together with G4ANALYSIS_USE, the AIDA/Anaphe plotter (Grace) can be tested in interactive runs. Giovanni Santin e-mail: giovanni.santin@cern.ch ******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************