$Id: History,v 1.151 2008/11/26 13:03:28 japost Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ` ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- November 26th, 2008, J.Apostolakis transport-V09-01-03 ---------------------------------- - G4CoupledTransportation: o Fix: initialise new data member (in constructor) - found by STT November 21st, 2008, J.Apostolakis transport-V09-01-02 ---------------------------------- - G4Transportation & G4CoupledTransportation: o Performance improvement/correction Avoid to compute safety at end of step for neutral particles November 21st, 2008, J.Apostolakis transport-V09-01-01 ---------------------------------- - G4Transportation & G4CoupledTransportation: o Push value & origin of safety to SafetyHelper only when its value comes from ComputeSafety January 17th, 2008, J.Apostolakis transport-V09-01-00 --------------------------------- - G4Transportation & G4CoupledTransportation: o Clear state of all Chord Finders using G4FieldManagerStore. - Syncronised with files on the HEAD. - Requires co-working tag "field-V09-01-00" (or "field-V09-00-03"). Functionality corresponding to tag "transport-V09-00-52". November 27th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V09-00-08 ---------------------------------- - G4CoupledTransportation o Added updating of particle-looping flag (was commented out.). November 10th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V09-00-07 ---------------------------------- - G4Transportation: o Put back the default for short step optimisation to 'on'. November 9th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V09-00-06 --------------------------------- - G4Transportation: o Update the SafetyHelper using the safety calculated by Navigator. November 27th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V09-00-05a ---------------------------------- - G4CoupledTransportation o Added updating of particle-looping flag (was commented out.) - Also called "transport-V09-00-51" to make it canonical. November 8th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V09-00-05 --------------------------------- - G4Transportation: o Created new method (and class member) for flag on Short StepOptimisation. * When it is true, the optimisation is 'on' steps shorter than the safety will not call G4Navigator - so long as the particle goes straight ie it is not charged or there is no field. * Retained the default value as 'off' - as since changed in transport-V09-00-02 following Alex's suggestion. November 8th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V09-00-04 --------------------------------- - G4Transportation (AlongStepGPIL): o Moved the call to ConfigureForTrack before the check whether fieldMgr has 0 field ptr, in order to enable it to be called even if the field manager points to a zero field. Needed to enable a user to switch a global field on (off was possible), as a track goes between volume (or regions) of a setup. [ Response to request of Atlas/ZM. ] Note: this ordering already existed in G4CoupledTransportation. October 12th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V09-00-03 --------------------------------- - G4CoupledTransportation: o Improves condition for flag that regulates Relocating when only any geometry (including a parallel geometry) limits the step. New PathFinder method required. - Requires and co-works with tag geomnav-V09-00-03 October 4th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V09-00-02 -------------------------------- - G4CoupledTransportation: o First fix for problem in condition for Relocating when only a parallel geometry limited the step. o Change of condition for recalculation safety (from Alex Howard) used, as currently it improves stability. September 25th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V09-00-01 ----------------------------------- - G4Transportation: Modification to disable 'optimisation' in G4Navigator for small linear step (ie when a track does less than the safety). * Relevant only if there is no field, or the particle is neutral * Temporary measure (in current form) to improve comparison old / new Transportation (single/old vs coupled with pathfinder). July 12th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V09-00-00 ------------------------------ - Retagged to enable testing of new developments (which were not included in release 9.0) June 6th, 2007, G.Cosmo transport-V08-03-14 ----------------------- - Includes G4Transportation and G4CoupledTransportation implementations as in tag "transport-V08-03-11": o Corrected bug in ComputeSafety() introduced in "transport-V08-03-10". o Reinitialise SafetyHelper state from G4PathFinder::PrepareNewTrack(). o Should fix the problem seen in test33 and reported by system testing. - All the rest is kept as in tag "transport-V08-03-12". June 1st, 2007, A.Howard transport-V08-03-13 ------------------------ - Renamed classes associated with old biasing scheme with suffix 8: G4ProcessPlacer8, G4VProcessPlacer8, G4VSamplerConfigurator8, G4WeightCutOffProcess8, G4SamplingPostStepAction8, G4VSampler8, G4WeightCutOffConfigurator8 - Includes same G4CoupledTransportation as transport-V08-03-12 ********** transport-V08-03-12 was used for Geant4 9.0 *************** May 31st, 2007, A.Howard transport-V08-03-12 ------------------------ - Archived classes for old biasing scheme, now replaced in module processes/biasing. Removed classes: G4MImportanceConfigurator, G4MScoreConfigurator, G4MScoreProcess, G4MWeightWindowConfigurator, G4MassGCellFinder, G4MassGeometrySampler, G4MassImportanceProcess, G4MassWeightWindowProcess, G4PImportanceConfigurator, G4PScoreConfigurator, G4PScoreProcess, G4PWeightWindowConfigurator, G4ParallelGCellFinder, G4ParallelGeometrySampler, G4ParallelImportanceProcess, G4ParallelTransport, G4ParallelTransportConfigurator, G4ParallelWWnTransportProcess, G4ParallelWeightWindowProcess, G4PlaceOfAction, G4ProcessPlacer, G4SamplingPostStepAction, G4VProcessPlacer, G4VSampler, G4VSamplerConfigurator, G4WeightCutOffConfigurator. - Classes are kept on the HEAD for testing purposes. - Tag does NOT include changes from tags "transport-V08-03-00" to "transport-V08-03-11" inclusive. May 29th, 2007, A.Howard/J.Apostolakis transport-V08-03-11 -------------------------------------- - G4CoupledTransportation: o Corrected treatment of time integration (made flags do as in original Transport). o Again use momentum change flag in particle-change (optimisation). o Also reset looping counter when no field or charge is present. - Corrected names in Transport, Coupled Transport. (J.Apostolakis) May 29th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V08-03-10 ----------------------------- - Gone back to G4CoupledTransportation. o G4Transportation is now the original (what was called G4Transportation8 since "transport-V08-03-03"). o G4Transportation8 still exists, to enable code that utilises it to compile (transitional). Expect that G4Transportation8 will be taken away asap. May 29th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V08-03-04 ----------------------------- - G4Transportation. Refined relocation: o Full (re)location only if any geometry limited the step. o Fast relocation otherwise. - Renamed & new data members: f(Mass,Any)GeometryLimitedStep. May 25th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V08-03-03 ----------------------------- - G4Transportation o Fix for case of zero proposed step: missed to set end position. (A.Howard) - G4Transportation8 o Fixed StartTracking() to reset number of looping steps and to clear propagator state (safety issue in case of overlaps). May 18th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V08-03-02 ----------------------------- - G4Transportation: o Corrected full safety at step start, to protect against negative value. o Obtain the endMassSafety from new saved value in G4PathFinder. - G4Transportation8: o Small cleanup, and hints for saving Safety to helper. May 13th, 2007, A.Howard transport-V08-03-01 ------------------------ - G4VTrackTerminator: o Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of kCarTolerance. o Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related tag set. May 9th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V08-03-00 ---------------------------- - G4Transportation (hh,icc,cc) o Renamed G4CoupledTransportation to G4Transportation o Merged changes on branch used to bring in CoupledTransportation, porting changes in G4Transportation since the creation of CoupledTransportation. o Also merged branch used for fixes in G4Transportation.cc (1.60.2, 1.60.4) for convergence to Release 9.0. - Renamed G4Transportation to G4Transportation8 - G4ProcessPlader changed to reflect these revisions. (A.Howard) May 8th, 2007, G.Cosmo transport-V08-02-03 ---------------------- - Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of kCarTolerance in G4VTrackTerminator. - Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related tag set. May 2nd, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V08-02-02 ---------------------------- - G4CoupledTransportation: o Make treatment of mass and full safety coherent (to-dos remain in G4PathFinder). o Added storing of full safety in state; retrieve it after compute step from PathFinder; calculate them same way at start of step. o Put back in the code for treating looping particles. February 15th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V08-02-01 ---------------------------------- - G4Transportation: protection against velocity=0 in AlongStep (invalid). February 15th, 2007, J.Apostolakis transport-V08-02-00 ---------------------------------- - G4Transportation: call PropagatorInField to clear state for new track --> addresses reliabilitiy problem seen by Atlas. This fix is related to overlaps, clearing the safety value (which is multivalued due to the overlaps, and thus can become invalid for a new track in an overlap region.) November 22nd, 2006, J.Apostolakis transport-V08-01-04 --------------------------------- - Add new classes G4NeutronKiller and G4NeutronKillerMessenger (created by V. Ivantchenko) November 22nd, 2006, J.Apostolakis transport-V08-01-03 --------------------------------- - G4CoupledTransportation: o AlongStepGPIL() now returns an estimate for the safety for all geometries to make up for the fact that some other processes only have PostStep GPILs which cannot currently influence safety. - NOTE: Fix / Workaround for deficiency of others. November 13th, 2006, J.Apostolakis transport-V08-01-01 --------------------------------- - Updated G4CoupledTransportation to use new signature of G4PathFinder::ComputeStep that added new argument at the end: currentVolume. June 2nd, 2006, J.Apostolakis transport-V08-00-02 ----------------------------- - Added new class G4CoupledTransportation, a revised version of Transportation, for use in 'coupled' parallel navigation in different geometries. - Includes non-revisions for migration to sstream (Nov 2005). Feb. 6th, 2006, J.Apostolakis/P.MoraDeFreitas transport-V08-00-01 ---------------------------------------------- - Corrected problem with suspended tracks - PR# 802. - Added StartTracking() method which takes over responsibility to clear the state for a new track, and to message other relevant component to clear their state (problem report and proposed revision by P.MoraDeFreitas). Jan. 16th, 2006, J.Apostolakis transport-V08-00-00 ------------------------------ - G4Transportation: o The particle's charge is now taken from the dynamic particle, so that it can take into account changes from the interaction of an ion with matter (eg stripping e-). (V.Ivantchenko) Nov. 21st, 2005, M.Asai transport-V07-01-00 ----------------------- - Migration to . - Fix a warning message in G4ParallelTransport. May 10th, 2005, J.Apostolakis transport-V07-00-01 ----------------------------- - Added process type to G4Transportation Mar. 7th, 2005, M.Asai transport-V07-00-00 ---------------------- - Added virtual to destructors of G4StepLimiter and G4UserSpecialCuts. Dec. 7th, 2004, G.Cosmo transport-V06-02-05 ----------------------- - Implemented migration to . Nov. 23th, 2004, J.Apostolakis transport-V06-02-04 ------------------------------ - Added Threshold energy for not abandoning stuck particles quickly. Oct. 19th, H.Kurashige transport-V06-02-03 ---------------------- - Migrated processes to new G4VParticleChange interface. Sep. 9th, M.Maire ----------------- - Apply tracking cut only if Rmin or Emin > DBL_MIN in G4UserSpecialCuts. Oct. 8th, M.Asai transport-V06-02-02 ---------------- - A protection is added in G4Transportation.cc for an application with parameterized volume but without any EM process. Aug. 27th, M.Asai transport-V06-02-01 ----------------- - A pointer to sensitive detector is added in G4ParticleChangeForTransport. - G4Transportation takes care of this pointer. Jul. 26th, M.Asai transport-V06-02-00 ----------------- - Introduce G4UserStepLimit to handle MaxAllowedStep in G4UserLimits. Feb. 5th, M.Asai transport-V06-00-00 ---------------- - Fixed a bug in G4UserSpecialCuts related to charged geantino Nov. 26th, G.Cosmo transport-V05-02-07 ------------------ - Replaced mis-typed class name G4SplittingAndRussianRouletePostStepDoIt with G4SamplingPostStepAction and updated classes accordingly. - Adopt new G4Exception scheme. - Header inclusions and code cleanup. Nov. 14th, G.Cosmo transport-V05-02-06 ------------------ - G4Transportation.cc: o Added inclusion of G4ChordFinder.hh, after latest changes to field. Oct. 4th, G.Cosmo transport-V05-02-05 ----------------- - Modified GNUmakefile: o added dependency to new module "geometry/navigation". - Coworks with "geometry-V05-02-00" and "digits_hits-V05-02-00". Sep. 25th, H.Kurashige transport-V05-02-04 ---------------------- - modify GNUmakefile to use processes/cuts category - migrate to model variant of EM physics in G4UserSpecialCuts (V.Ivantchenko) Aug. 27th, M.Dressel transport-V05-02-03 -------------------- - cleanup of header file inclusions Aug. 19th, M.Dressel transport-V05-02-02 -------------------- - rename G4ImportancePostStepDoIt to G4SplittingAndRussianRouletePostStepDoIt since it is also used in weight window biasing Aug. 19th, M.Dressel transport-V05-02-01 -------------------- - first implementation of weight window technique Jul, 31st, P.Gumplinger transport-V05-02-00 ----------------------- - G4Transportation.cc: o Use the finalVelocity to update TofF for optical photons. Jul, 17th, J.Apostolakis ------------------------ - G4Transportation.cc: o Attempt to correct photon problem - by using the velocity from current medium for massless particles. Jun, 25th, J.Apostolakis ------------------------ - G4Transportation[.hh.icc]: o Added verbosity level to control the printing of warnings (see below). Jun, 21st, J.Apostolakis transport-V05-01-06 ------------------------ G4Transportation: - Added warning when energy changes from propagation in magnetic field (or other field that conserves energy) due to the inaccuracy of numerical integration of the equations of motion. Jun, 21st, J.Apostolakis transport-V05-01-05 ------------------------ - G4Transportation: o Use new method of PropagatorInField to simplify choice of global/local field. o Activated the new capability of a (user derived) field manager to configure itself with different accuracy parameters depending on track's energy, particle identity, or other property. - Notes: o Requires tags "field-V05-01-04" and "geomvol-V05-01-03" o Includes updates of files to use in place of "g4std", as made at the CVS HEAD. Jun, 13th, M.Dressel transport-V05-01-04 -------------------- - Added to put the delete fImportancePostStepDoIt in G4MassImportanceProcess and G4ParallelImportanceProcess. Jun, 13th, M.Dressel transport-V05-01-03 -------------------- - Fixed bug created by last bug fix in G4MassImportanceProcess and G4ParallelImportanceProcess. Jun, 12th, M.Dressel transport-V05-01-02 -------------------- - Fixed "'this' : used in base member initializer list" in src\G4MassImportanceProcess.cc, src\G4ParallelImportanceProcess.cc Jun, 4th, G.Cosmo transport-V05-01-01 ----------------- - Fixes for inclusion of in G4ParallelImportanceProcess.cc and G4ParallelTransport.cc in view of the g4std wrappers migration. May, 13th, J.Apostolakis transport-V05-01-00 ------------------------ - Fixes to G4Transportation.cc to accomodate incorrect and missing functionality for two use cases: o a local field when no global field exists (it was not seen) o overriding an existing global field by a 'zero' field by creating a local field manager that has a null G4Field pointer (a use case which did not exist.) Further work to verify these use cases work is required. Apr, 7th, V.Ivanchenko transport-V05-00-04 ----------------- - Migration to "cuts by region" for G4UserSpecialCuts. Apr, 3rd, G.Cosmo transport-V05-00-03 ----------------- - Cleared pedantic warnings and some cosmetic cleanups... Jan, 14th, M.Asai transport-V05-00-02 ----------------- - Consolidated transport-V05-00-01 tag for G4Transportation.cc Jan, 7th, M.Asai transport-V05-00-01 ---------------- - Fix in G4Transportation.cc for updating material-cut-couple. Dec, 16th, G. Cosmo transport-V05-00-00 ------------------- - Merged branch "geant4-04-01-ref-02-cuts-branch" to HEAD. Included development for 'cuts-by-region' in G4Transportation.cc. Nov, 20th, J. Apostolakis transport-V04-01-05 ------------------------- - Tagged. Tag requires: geomvol-V04-01-06 and tracking-V04-01-10 and is dependent also on greps-V04-01-01 and track-V04-01-01. Nov, 8th, J.Generowicz - Copy auxiliary smooth trajectory point from PIF to ParticleChange Nov, 4th 2002 M.Dressel transport-V04-01-04 ----------------------------------------------------- - remove G4std:: where it does not belong to - replace str() functions Oct 31st, 2002 M.Dressel transport-V04-01-03 ----------------------------------------------------- - bug fix in G4MassGeometrySampler and G4ParallelGeometrySampler Oct 28th, 2002 M.Dressel transport-V04-01-02 ----------------------------------------------------- - bug fix in G4MassGeometry Oct 22th, 2002 M.Dressel internal_7_transport-V04-01-01 -------------------------------------------------------- - moving G4CellStoreScorer, G4TrackLogger to digits+hits/detector - resolving G4SLRawValues Oct 16th, 2002 M.Dressel internal_6_transport-V04-01-01 -------------------------------------------------------- - changes recomanded by codewizrd - added GCellFinder concept Oct 10th, 2002 M.Dressel transport-V04-01-01-internal-5 -------------------------------------------------------- - changing sampler concept: instead of separat samplers for all combinations of importance sampling, scoring, wieght roulette for parallel and mass geometry there are two Samplers now for the mass and parallel geometry: G4MassGeometrySampler and G4ParallelGeometrySampler. - Introduction of Configurators to setup the processes. Sep 18th, 2002 M.Dressel transport-V04-01-01-internal-4 -------------------------------------------------------- - tagging a version before reducing the number of Samplers Sep 2th, 2002 M.dressel transport-V04-01-01-internal-3 ----------------------------------------- code cleanup for code-wizard Aug 29th, 2002 M.Dressel int-1-V04-01-01 ----------------------------------------- - adopted to changes in int-2-geombias-V04-01-01: renaming of G4PTouchableKey to G4GeometryCell changing G4VIStore and G4IStore and dependants Aug 13th, 2002 M.Dressel transport-V04-01-01 ---------------------------------------------- - added G4CellStoreScorer, G4VTrackTerminator and changed the sampler classes in order to use the G4VTrackTerminator (if necessary) to kill a track. - coworks with geombias-V04-01-01 July 18th, 2002 M.Dressel ------------------------- - bug fix in G4TrackLogger July 11th, 2002 M.Dressel internal-2-transport-V04-01-01 -------------------------------------------------------- - moved the standard scoring classes to run because they need G4EventManager. July 10th, 2002 M.Dressel internal-1-transport-V04-01-01 -------------------------------------------------------- - add classes for standard scoreing. Remove G4ScorePrinter and G4Scorer. G4StandardScorer and G4StandardScoreTable may be used as replacement. The source file G4StandardScorer.cc may be found in extended/examples/B09/src because it needs to acces the G4EventManager. Jun 13, 2002 M.Dressel transport-V04-00-09 --------------------------------------------- - add classes for creating and printing tallies. May 31, 2002 M.Dressel transport-V04-00-08 -------------------------------------------------------- - made weight window sampling to apply only at inital track step 1. May 31, 2002 M.Dressel transport-V04-00-07 -------------------------------------------------------- - bug fix in G4PArallelScoreSampler.cc and remove Warning from ParallelTransport. May 31, 2002 M.Dressel transport-V04-00-06 -------------------------------------------------------- - renaming of the Manager classes to Sampler classes - substitution of G4ParallelManager inside the Sampler classes May 30, 2002 M.Dressel -------------------------------------------------------- - chamged G4VImportanceScoreConstructor to G4VSampler May 30, 2002 M.Dressel -------------------------------------------------------- - all the ImportanceScoreManagers derive form G4VImportanceScoreConstructor May 30, 2002 M.Dressel internal-3-transport-V04-00-05 -------------------------------------------------------- - changes in Importance Manager constructors, G4ImportanceAlgorithm as pointer May 29, 2002 M.Dressel internal-2-transport-V04-00-05 -------------------------------------------------------- - bug fix in G4PImportanceWWindowScoreManager.cc and G4ParallelImportanceManager.hh. May 24, 2002 M.Dressel internal-1-transport-V04-00-05 ------------------------- - Change in G4VProcessPlacer and G4ProcessPlacer: add member function RemoveProcess to properly remove a process. - Add classes for wieght window biasing. May 02, 2002 M.Dressel ------------------------- - Change in G4ProcessPlacer: set process vector via process manager not directly. - Change in G4ParallelTranport: use StartTracking to signal inital step. This should help to locate "suspended" tracks. April 24, 2002 G.Cosmo - transport-V04-00-05 ----------------------- - Added G4DEBUG_TRANSPORT flag in GNUmakefile and (on suggestionh of J.Apostolakis) replaced to G4VERBOSE in G4Transportation::PostStepDoIt() for extra-check on volume boundary. Issues addressed by problem report #130 should now be resolved. April 10, 2002 M.Dressel - transport-V04-00-04 ------------------------- - Added comments to headers of transportation classes and managers for importance biasing, to fullfill Software Reference Manual. Apr 9, 2002 G.Cosmo ------------------- - Added liability disclaimer to scorer classes and minor cosmetics. Apr 8, 2002 M.Dressel - transport-V04-00-03 --------------------- - Resolved compilation problems on HP-aCC. Apr 4, 2002 M.Dressel - transport-V04-00-02 --------------------- - Cleaned compilation problems for G4std/std. Apr 4, 2002 M.Dressel - transport-V04-00-01 --------------------- - Resolved compilation problems on SUN-CC and Linux-egcs. Mar 28, 2002 M.Dressel - transport-V04-00-00 ----------------------- - First implementation of transportation classes and managers for importance biasing and scoring. Co-works with "geometry-V04-00-01". Mar 25, 2002 G.Cosmo --------------------- - Added dependency to new module geometry/biasing in GNUmakefile. Dec 8, 2001 J.Apostolakis - transport-V03-02-07 --------------------------- - Activated the killing of 'looping' particles -- to be used also to abandon (kill) particles that are stuck (eg at boundaries). [ Fix for problems of stuck particles reported by CMS (P.Arce), and Atlas (A.Del'Acqua, A.Rimoldi) ] Nov 28, 2001 J.Apostolakis - transport-V03-02-06 --------------------------- - Fix for the new updating of the time for fields -- correcting previous tag. By keeping account whether the field changes the energy (and therefore the velocity) in the field manager. Requires and co-works with - "field-V03-02-07" - "geomvol-V03-02-02" in order to compile (let alone have any effect.) Nov 10, 2001 J.Apostolakis - transport-V03-02-05 --------------------------- - Motivated by the use case of an Electric Field, * in order to achieve reasonable accuracy in time integration, * and to enable fields that vary with the global time changed Transportation to try to obtain the delta_time from FieldTrack. Co-works with and requires "field-V03-02-03" to have any effect. Nov 9, 2001 G. Cosmo - transport-V03-02-04 ------------------------ - Fix in G4Transportation.cc for initialisation of touchable handle. Nov 8, 2001 G. Cosmo - transport-V03-02-03 ------------------------ - Introduced changes to G4Transportation for reference-counted touchables (R.Chytracek). Added methods GetFreeTouchable() and SetTheOtherTouchableFree(G4VTouchable*). Nov 6, 2001 J. Apostolakis - transport-V03-02-02 ------------------------------ - Added protection in G4Transportation::AlongStepGPIL for messaging "ResestStepEstimate" of ChordFinder for the case there is no global field. ** NOTE this is not a perfect resolution (see NOTE in log file). ** --> Thanks to Radovan Chytracek for reporting this problem (move to file log) Aug 16, 2001 J. Apostolakis - transport-V03-02-01 ------------------------------ - Tagged. (This tag requires field-V03-02-00) Aug 16, 2001 J. Apostolakis ------------------------------ - Erasing state information from previous track at the first step of each track. (-> this is required to ensure repeatability) This should eliminate any non-repeatability due to the propagation in field. ( Requires updated version of G4ChordFinder ) Jul 19, 2001 G. Cosmo transport-V03-02-00 ------------------------ - Synchronised with CVS HEAD after introduction of warrenty disclaimer. - Modified author list in G4Transportation (P.Gumplinger). Apr 11, 2001 J. Apostolakis transport-V03-01-02 ------------------------------ - Corrected the last update of G4Transportation.cc, which overwrote the value of the spin in the cases where a particle was not charged (eg photon) or a charged particle was not in a field. Apr 11, 2001 P. Gumplinger transport-V03-01-01 ----------------------------- - Updated G4Transportation.cc to make spin tracking work correctly: o Replaced the line originally commented out: // fTransportEndPolarization= aFieldTrack.GetSpin() ; // Not yet possible with: fTransportEndSpin = aFieldTrack.GetSpin(); o Added to the AlongStepDoIt() the following call: fParticleChange.SetPolarizationChange(fTransportEndSpin); Mar 19, 2001 J. Apostolakis transport-V03-00-01 ------------------------------ - G4Transportation modified to use new FieldTrack, and get Kinetic Energy from it. This new FieldTrack together with changes in associated Equation of Motion classes implement the momentum vector as independent variable in place of the velocity. So this tag requires - new geometry/magneticfield tag "field-V03-00-01", and - new geometry/volumes tag "geomvol-V03-00-03" for new G4PropagatorInField (). Feb 27, 2001 J. Apostolakis (transport-V03-00-00) ------------------------------ - G4Transportation.cc: * Modified calculation of energy at the end of field step to make it more accurate at low velocities, (while remaining correct at high gammas). This improves the energy determination. Together with electromagnetic/standard tag "stand-V03-00-03" this addresses the main problem in propagating in an electric field (Problem report # 108 ) Sep 22, 2000 V. Grichine (transport-V02-00-00) [recorded by G.Cosmo] --------------------------- - G4Transportation.cc: o added formula for Tkin corresponding directly to relativistic definition of Tkin = Etot - mc^2 = mc^2(gamma -1), where gamma is a particle Lorentz factor. o general cosmetics. Jun 19, 2000 J. Apostolakis (transport-V01-01-02) ------------------------------ - G4Transportation.cc: Set the True Step Length in G4Transportation.cc - Cosmetic: updated other files to the head, as there were no differences from it (CVS headers). May 15, 2000 J. Apostolakis (transport-V01-01-01) ------------------------------ - G4Transportation.cc: Set the material in materialChange, in order to get correct behaviour for volumes that parameterise the material. (Fix is dependant on changes to particleChangeForTransport and StepPoint) - Modified setting of touchable change, in order to preserve const-ness where it exists. Nov 25, 1999 J. Apostolakis (transport-V00-01-01) ------------------------------ - G4Transportation.cc: Added protection for the case of a zero step (when there is a field) - G4UserSpecialCuts: protection to use min range and min kinE only for charged particles. June 9, 1999 J. Apostolakis (transport-01-00-02) ------------------------------ - Added a protection so that full relocation is not used for very small moves. Dec 4, 1998 J. Apostolakis (transport-00-04-01) ------------------------------ - The Velocity Vector for Transport in a magnetic field is now set correctly. (previously the scalar velocity was automatically promoted to a 3-vector) Nov 25, 1998 J. Apostolakis ----------------------------- - Added the direction to LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchable. Nov 19, 1998 J. Apostolakis (transport-00-03-04) ------------------------------ - Fixes: 1) The final energy is set equal to the initial energy, because the PropagatorInField does not calculate it correctly yet. NEEDS Fix 2) If the requested step size is zero and safety is zero, the step is now considered geometry limited. (This can happen if a discrete process tries to take a step that is very small compared to the mean free path.) Problem observed by Laszlo in EM tests. 3) PostStepGetInteractionLength now returns DBL_MAX, not kInfinity. Nov 11, 1998 J. Apostolakis (transport-00-03-03) ------------------------------ - Changes to accomodate new interface of Field: G4PropagatorInField and G4FieldTrack. Oct 30, 1998 J. Apostolakis (transport-00-03-02) ----------------------------- - In the case of magnetic field, a flag that determines whether the geometry limited the step was not set. Sep 16, 1998 J. Apostolakis (transport-00-03-01) ----------------------------- - Checks whether the particle is out of the world volume, if so it has exited and must be killed. Aug 28, 1998 J. Apostolakis ----------------------------- - The PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength has fixed (to return kInf) The boolean flags for touchables are now initialised. & Other small fixes ? Test code for non-relocating case added (for debugging). June 08, 1998 J. Apostolakis (trans-06-04) ------------------------------ - Corrected Safety computation for the case of the field (adding endpoint distance instead of curve length.) - Added PostStepDoIt method that tries to relocate the particle using G4ParticleChangeForTransport - Transportation is no longer a G4ContinuousProcess. June 08, 1998 J. Apostolakis (trans-06-03) ------------------------------ - Modified it to recomputate Safety at the start of a step. To do this it uses the previous step's calculated safety and endpoint. June 08, 1998 J. Apostolakis (trans-06-02) ------------------------------ - Modified it to add re-computation of Safety at the endpoint of a step, when the safety would become negative. This is done to allow processes to benefit from a realistic (geometrical) value of the safety. The request to do this was from EM physics June 03, 1998 J. Apostolakis (trans-06-01) ------------------------------ - The safety we is now generalised to mean the limit of assumption of all processes. The AlongStepGPIL input value is not the remainder from the previous step's geometrical safety. So the transportation must recalculate the starting point's safety here. As a zeroeth order approximation we set it to zero. April 17, 1998 M. Maire [recorded by John Apostolakis] ------------------------ - A new process, G4UserSpecialCuts, was added to allow the user an alternative method to set some user cuts. April 15, 1998 H. Kurasige [recorded by John Apostolakis] --------------------------- - The transportation does the absolute minimum required to conform to the new scheme for ParticleChange: G4VParticleChange is used in signature. [ But default G4ParticleChange is still used ]. April 14, 1998 John Apostolakis -------------------------------- - History file Created