$Id: History,v 1.12 2007/11/13 12:13:32 maire Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= TestEm14 History file -------------------- This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 13-11-07 mma (testem14-V09-00-01) - HistoManager/HistoMessenger : print selected histos on ascii file 02-07-07 V.Ivant (testem14-V09-00-00) 24-06-07 mma (testem14-V08-03-00) - SteppingAction : modify logic to take into account low energy packages - cosmetic in TestEm14.in 06-04-07 mma (testem14-V08-02-00) - vis.mac : suppress command drawTracks 24-10-06 mma (testem14-V08-01-01) - GNUmakefile : LOADLIBS - remove PhysicsList g4v52 06-09-06 mma (testem14-V08-01-00) - compute mass_energy_transfer coefficient 19-05-06 mma (testem14-V08-00-04) - update README 10-05-06 mma (testem14-V08-00-03) - added protection in DetectorConstruction::UpdateDeometry() 26-04-06 mma (testem14-V08-00-02) - move TestEm13 to TestEm14 26-04-06 mma (testem13-V08-00-05) - save time in SteppingAction: procname==Transportation - do not save rndm seed per event 19-04-06 mma (testem13-V08-00-04) - geant3 : extension to charged particles. 18-04-06 mma (testem13-V08-00-03) - macros renamed : allprocess -> gamma phot -> photoelec 14-04-06 mma (testem13-V08-00-02) - extended to charged particles: PhysicsList, RunAction, SteppingAction. - new macros provided. - remove multipleScattering from PhysicsList - plot final state only if destep is small enough. 27-01-06 mma (testem13-V08-00-01) - add LowEnergy PhysicsList : livermore and penelope - RunAction: minor changes in printout format 06-01-06 mma - example PhotonProcesses renamed TestEm13 06-12-05 Gabriele Cosmo - Trivial changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X series. 22-11-05 mma (photonprocesses-V07-01-01) - update README for OpenScientist 14-11-05 Gabriele Cosmo (photonprocesses-V07-01-00) - Migration to for HistoMessenger. 01-06-05 mma (photonprocesses-V07-00-02) - HistoManager : option "--noErrors" for hbook 10-05-05 mma (photonprocesses-V07-00-01) - migration v70->standard->v52 : PhysicsList and macros - EmCalculator in RunAction 3rd May 2005 John Allison (examples-V07-00-03) - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 03-03-05 mma (photonprocesses-V07-00-00) - HistoManager : - put a protection for the creation of analysis factory; - file extension is fileType; - HistoMessenger : new command setFileOption 02 Dec 04: V.Ivant (photonprocesses-V06-02-03) - Migration to cmath 29-09-04 mma(photonprocesses-V06-02-02) - do not delete Analysisfactory (for Jaida) 13.08.04 mma (photonprocesses-V06-02-01) - add anni.mac 30.06.04 mma (photonprocesses-V06-02-00) - modifs in HistoManager and messenger to conform to testem5-V06-01-04 10.06.04 mma (photonprocesses-V06-01-01) - modifs in HistoManager and messenger to allow a multiruns job. 23.04.04 Michel Maire (photonprocesses-V06-01-00) - creation, from TestEm1