# $Id: compton.mac,v 1.4 2009/09/25 11:43:33 maire Exp $ # # Macro file for "TestEm14.cc" # (can be run in batch, without graphic) # # photon 300 keV; compton # /control/verbose 2 /run/verbose 2 # /testem/det/setMat Aluminium # /testem/phys/addPhysics standard # /run/initialize # /process/inactivate phot /process/inactivate conv /process/inactivate GammaToMuPair # /gun/particle gamma /gun/energy 300 keV # /testem/histo/setFileName testem14 /testem/histo/setFileType root /testem/histo/setHisto 1 100 0. 300. keV #energy of primary /testem/histo/setHisto 2 200 -1. +1. none #costeta of primary /testem/histo/setHisto 3 100 0. 300. keV #energy of ch. secondary /testem/histo/setHisto 4 200 -1. +1. none #costeta of ch. secondary # /run/beamOn 100000