# # Macro file 'salice.mac' for the initialization phase of "TestEm10.cc" # with NIM A294 (1990) 465-472 (fig. 11) setup # /control/verbose 2 # # /run/verbose 2 # # PLOT: energy deposit distribution in absorber (g4.11) # /plots/sethistName g4.p11 /plots/setnbinEn 65 /plots/setEnlow 0.0 MeV /plots/setEnhigh 0.1 MeV # # # Change and choice of experimental setups. Can be # simpleALICE., # # /XTRdetector/setup barr90 # # these commands do not change energy cuts??? # # Set XTR model (default: transpM). Name list consits: # gammaR, gammaM, regR, regM, strawR, transpR, transpM # # R - XTR dE/dx models, M - XTR flux after radiator models # #/emphyslist/setXTRModel transpM /emphyslist/setXTRModel transpR # #/emphyslist/setXTRModel gammaM #/emphyslist/setXTRModel gammaR # #/emphyslist/setXTRModel strawR # #/emphyslist/setXTRModel regM #/emphyslist/setXTRModel regR # #/emphyslist/eMinEnergy 100. #/emphyslist/gMinEnergy 100. # # /run/particle/applyCuts # # set cuts in XTR radiator # /emphyslist/setGammaCut 1.0 /emphyslist/setElectronCut 1.0 /emphyslist/setPositronCut 1.0 /emphyslist/setRadiatorCuts 1.0 # # set cuts in XTR detector # /emphyslist/setGammaCut 1.0 /emphyslist/setElectronCut 1.0 /emphyslist/setPositronCut 1.0 /emphyslist/setDetectorCuts 1.0 # /run/initialize # #/XTRdetector/update # #Innactivate some processes: msc eIoni eBrem RegularXTRadiator # hIoni # # (switch off dEdx and msc always together!) # #/process/inactivate msc #/process/inactivate eIoni #/process/inactivate hIoni # #/process/inactivate eBrem # # Inactivate gamma processes # #/process/inactivate phot #/process/inactivate compt #/process/inactivate conv # #/process/inactivate RegularXTRadiator # #/process/inactivate GammaXTRadiator # #/process/eLoss/fluct false # #/process/verbose 1 # # # Particle and its energy # /gun/particle e+ /gun/energy 20000.0 MeV # #/tracking/verbose 1 # /event/printModulo 1000 /run/beamOn 10000 #/tracking/verbose 0 #/run/beamOn 1 #