------------------------------------------------------------------------------- History File, 2004/02/27 G.A.P. Cirrone, Created cirrone@lns.infn.it http://g4advancedexamples.lngs.infn.it/Examples/hadrontherapy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================================================== History file of the Hadrontherapy application ==================================================== 25.11.2009 S.E.Mazzaglia & F.Romano; Tag:Hadrontherapy-V09-02-40 - Corrected a bug in HadrontherapyDetectorConstruction class - Added G4RadiactiveDecayPhysics class to the Physics List. 22.11.2009 S.E.Mazzaglia; Tag: Hadrontherapy-V09-02-39 - Correction in the initialization of the passiveProtonBeamLine class. 20.11.2009 P.Kaitaniemi; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-38 - Fixes and updates to the analysis scripts in RootScripts/iaeaBenchmark - Updated RootScripts/README 19.11.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-37 - Minor revisions; 18.11.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-36 - Correction for a missing function in the HadrontherapyPhysicsListMessenger.cc class file 18.11.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-35 - Updated the README file and general code revision for the Geant4 9.3 release 17.11.2009 S.E.Mazzaglia; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-34 - Added some functionalities in order to change, via messengers, the geometry, the voxelization of the detector, and the disposition in the space of the detector/phantom. - Added the possibility to calculate the stopping powers for ions too. - Modified the HadrontherapyDetectorROGeometry class constructor. - Various additions and fixes to the matrix class. 10.11.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-33 - Added the possibility to make a graphical user interface (GUI) using the QT libraries. To start a GUI the correct enviroment variables must be configured (see the Geant4 installation manual) and a QT version must be installed 05.10.2009 P.Kaitaniemi; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-32 - Fixed a compilation error with GCC 4.4 28.09.2009 S.E.Mazzaglia; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-31 - Now the HadrontherapyDetectorConstruction class implements only phantom and detector [RO]geometry. World volume and the rest of the geometry is inside another class whose messenger allows modification by users with the same old syntax - Removed HadrontherapyInteractionParameters from the HadrontherapyGeometryController class 20.09.2009 P.Kaitaniemi; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-30 - Added ability to use command based scoring - IAEA geometry: produce Bragg peak using command based scoring - Various additions and fixes to the IAEA ROOT scripts - Additional data extracted from E. Haettner's thesis 20.09.2009 P.Kaitaniemi; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-29 - Moved HadrontherapyInteractionParameters initialization to the HadrontherapyGeometryController class 11.09.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-28 - Added messengers to control the event number and to draw only particular tracks. The new command are accessible via the command /event/drawTracks and /event/PrintEventNumber 08.09.2009 S.E.Mazzaglia; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-27 - Added a method to retrieve stopping power values for protons, alphas and electrons. This method is implemented in the new class HadrontherapyInteractionParameters 13.08.2009 P.Kaitaniemi; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-26 - Fixed compilation errors when AIDA analysis is used 03.08.2009 P.Kaitaniemi; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-25 - Added ability to select the geometry using G4 macro commands - Improved plotting scripts and improved normalization for the fragment energy distribution 27.07.2009 P.Kaitaniemi; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-24 - IAEA geometry: added ability to remove the phantom by setting its thickness to zero - Collect simulation metadata: number of events, distance of the detector (IAEA geometry), depth of the phantom (IAEA geometry), beam energy, energy error - Added ability to produce angular distribution plots 17.07.2009 P.Kaitaniemi; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-23 - Tuned geometry of the E. Haettner experimet (IAEADetectorConstruction) - Adopted G4ANALYSIS_USE_ROOT flag to activate ROOT analysis - Improved plotting scripts 13.07.2009 P.Kaitaniemi; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-22 - Added the first version of the IAEA benchmark geometry based on E. Haettner's thesis - Collect fragment energy distributions - Added fragment energy distribution data - ROOT script preparing an IAEA benchmark figure with data 08.07.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-21 - Removed the README file in ASCII format 27.06.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-20 - Eliminated not necessary dependences in the SteppingAction class - Added folders containing experimental data (its name is 'experimentalData') and ROOT scripts ('RootScripts') where Root scripts are stored to perform a fast comparison with experimental data. A folder where simulation results are stored is also created. Its name is 'simulationResults'. 27.06.2009 P. Kaitaniemi; Tag hadrontherapy-V09-02-19 - Added ability to change the name of the output file between runs 26.06.2009 P. Kaitaniemi; Tag hadrontherapy-V09-02-18 - Fixed a bug in the physics list. Local ion-ion hadronic physics was not loaded due to an uninitialized variable (locIonIonInelasticIsRegistered) - Ability to use /analysis/setAnalysisFile to set the name of the output file - Added Doxygen documentation tags to the source code and Doxyfile for documentation settings - Support for direct use of ROOT for analysis in addition to the default AIDA one - Local INCL/ABLA physics list for deuterons, tritons and alphas 26.06.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag hadrontherapy-V09-02-17 - Corrected the definition of total inelastic cross section for light ions in the LocalIonIonInelasticPhysic.cc file 26.06.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-16 - Momentarely removed the class for LET calculation for a conflict with the general structure of Hadrontherapy 10.06.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-15 - Corrected a bug in the detector construction 05.06.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone and S.Mazzaglia; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-14 - Added a preliminary version of classes for LET calculation. 30.05.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag hadrontherapy-V09-02-13 - README_Hadrontherapy.pdf file updated and improved 29.05.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag hadrontherapy-V09-02-12 - Implemented the new Low energy models (Livermore and Penelope) now migrated to the new interface (common to the Standard models) Livermore and Penelope models can be implemented: Activating the buit-in physics lists (G4EmLivermorePhysics and G4EmPenelopePhysics) Activation can be done via macro commands in the usual way 19.05.2009 F.Romano; Tag hadrontherapy-V09-02-11 - Corrected the stepMax value in each macro in order to avoid a wrong dose deposition in the first slice. - Modified and revised the README and macro files. 15.05.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag hadrontherapy-V09-02-10 - Corrected a but in the call of a physic list - Corrected a bug in the proton_therapy.mac file 14.05.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag hadrontherapy-V09-02-09 - Definitively added the StepMax class to change the max step lenght 14.05.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-08 - README file improved. 14.05.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-07 - Physic implementation completely changed. Now Hadrontherapy can be launched with physics lists, packages and built-in physic models; In the README we give some suggestion in the physic models to use. All models can be activated via macro command. - Improved HadrontherapyModulator.cc file; 29.03.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontehrapy-V09-02-06 - Extended limits of Binary Cascade in HIProtonNeutronBinary.cc - Corrected and improved "default" macro file. - Improved HadrontherapyDetectorConstruction.cc file; - Comments on HIProtonneutronPrecompound.cc file; - Improved physicsHadronicPrecompound.mac file; 18.03.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-05 - Corrected macro file for the use of the QGSP_BIC package 18.03.2009: G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-04 - Added commands to Detector Messenger to give the possibility to choose beetween different beam lines - Added comments to HadrontherapyMatrix; _ Improved code and added comments to HIProtonNeutronPrecompound and HIProtonNeutronBinary; - Corrected macro file using the Precompound inelastic model; - Removed the class file HadrontherapyMaterial and improved all the geometry files 05.03.2009: G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-03 - Updated README 02.03.2009: G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-02 - Changed name of HadrontherapyBeamLine file to PassiveProtonBeamLine 02.03.2009: G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-01 - Added generation of ASCII file with dose deposited in the phantom voxels 22.02.2009: G.Folger; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-02-00 - Fix a compilation warning on used ionShenCrossSection in HIIonLEP.cc 20.11.2008: G.A.P.Cirrone and M.Russo; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-01-11 - Fixed path of macro files 20.11.2008: G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-01-10 - Updated the History file - Corrected cross sections definitions for ions - Revised the definition and use of the electromagnetic options for the use with the Standard models 20.11.2008: G.A.P.Cirrone and M.Russo; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-01-09 - Updated readme and improved the comments. 20.11.2008: G.A.P.Cirrone and M.Russo; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-01-08 - Add new approach for the choice of the physic models. Now packaged physic lists can be used alternatively to the the physic models implemented in the class files EM, HE and HI. - Improved the electromagnetic models for the generic ions 22.09.2008 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-01-07 - Corrected the G4eBremsstrahlung() process in the file EMElectronStandard.cc; - Updated the head of the History file; 17.09.2008 A.Lechner; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-01-06 - Corrections in the Low Energy Electromagnetic physic lists. 15.06.2008 G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: hadrontherapy-V09-01-05 - Removed AIDA call from GNUmakefile 19.05.2008 G.A.P.Cirrone tag hadrontherapy-V09-01-04 - Added in the beam line the MOPI detector. MOPI is a microstrip detector that, in the real case, is able to check during the treatment, the beam simmetry of the therapy beam. Its physical structure is here exactly simulated so that the its contribute to the energy loss can be take into account; A detailed description if the detector can be found in NIM A 572 (2007) 1094-1101 and its references. - Corrected the position of the Phantom and Detector; - Added variables to the HadrontherapyBeamLine.cc file; - Added comments to the HadrontherapyBeamLine.cc file to improve the clearness. - Updated the README file. - Changed the default dimensions of histogram bins (from 200 um to 100 um). 09.03.2008 G.A.P.Cirrone tag hadrontherapy-V09-01-03 - Completed the update of the new beam line 09.03.2008 G.A.P.Cirrone tag hadrontherapy-V09-01-02 - Added comments to the PhysicsList class; - Eliminated not used production cuts in PhysicsList; - Added NIST definition materials in Material class; - Code review of the DetectorConstruction class; - Changed name of the volume where the energy deposited is collected from "phantom" to "detector". "Detector" is a more appropiate name. - Changed name of the volume where the detector is inserted from "patient" to the more appropriate "Water Phantom"; 03.03.2008 G.A.P.Cirrone tag hadrontherapy-V09-01-01 - Added the generation of .root file; - Removed a segmentation due to an uncorect pointer in the EMHadronIonStandard class; - Added options for an accurate use of Standard electromagnetic models in the EMHadronIonStandard, EMElectronStandard, EMPositronStandard, EMPhotonStandard and EMMuonStandard classes; - Added a macro file (physicsElectromagneticStandard.mac) for the use of Hadrontherapy with the Standard Electromagnetic models; - Corrected in the defaultMacro.mac, a wrong command for the activation of the Standard Electromagnetic models; 29.02.2007 G.A.P.Cirrone tag hadrontherapy-V09-01-00 - Updated README 16.11.2007 Anton Lechner tag hadrontherapy-V09-00-00 Updated physics commands in macro files Updated README 07.06.2007 MGP tag hadrontherapy-V08-03-04 On top of head as on 07.06.2007 Physics component redesigned and reimplemented by Anton Lechner as a result of code review Physics version to be used for Bragg peak validation paper Note: previous tag hadrontherapy-V09-00-00 does not respect the tag numbering scheme, to be cvs removed 04.06.2007 G.A.P. Cirrone (harontherapy-V08-03-03) - Various bugs fixed and random engine changed. 04.06.2007 G.A.P. Cirrone (hadrontherapy-V09-00-00) - Changed the random engine. 10.05.2007 G.A.P. Cirrone (hadrontherapy-V08-03-02) - Improved the modulator geometry and fixed a bug on its rotation; 07.05.2007 G.A.P. Cirrone (hadrontherapy-V08-02-02) - Geometry upgrade(hadrontherapyBeamLine class) according to the experimental CATANA proton therapy beam line; 23.04.2007 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V08-02-01) - Compilation error corrected - human error of Susanna Guatelli. - The file src/HadrontherapyProtonBertiniElastic.cc and the file include/HadrontherapyProtonBertiniElastic.hh have been removed - This class is part of the previous version of the hadrontherapy application,and it not necessary anymore in the current version of the hadrontherapy application. 24.1.2007 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V08-02-00) - Design iteration - Physics lists added 16.11.2006 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V08-01-05) - Physics lists cleaned 15.11.2006 G.A.P. Cirrone (hadrontherapy-V08-01-04) - Changed cut and cut per region default values. Improved Max Step function along the beam line. 14.11.2006 J. Allison - Removed /vis/scene/transientsAction none (no longer available). 02.10.2006 G.A.P. Cirrone and S. Guatelli(hadrontherapy-V08-01-03) - Bug fix in the geometry (hadrontherapy beam line) problem: wrong volume hierarchy 24.07.2006 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V08-01-00) - Bug fix in the HadrontherapyProtonPrecompound.cc concerning neutron fission and capture 30.05.2006 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V08-00-04) - Bug deleted in all the hadronic phsyics lists; the hadronic processes are not activated for He3 at the moment. 17.05.2006 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V08-00-02) - Bug deleted with He3 in the HadrontherapyProtonPrecompound physics list 16.05.2006 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V08-00-01) - Comments in the primary particle component and in the physics component 18.04.2006 G.A.P. Cirrone (hadrontherapy-V07-08-01) - Improved the random generator; - Corrected a bug in the primary generator action on SetParticleMomentum(); - Changed the beam line according with a modification in the real beam line considered as model (the CATANA proton therapy beam line at LNS-INFN, Catania (I)); 06.12.2005 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V07-01-05) - Particles updated - Updated macros 23.11.2005 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V07-01-04) - File ASCII as output file deleted 02.09.2005 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V07-01-03) - Added Hadronic physics models 08.07.2005 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V07-01-02) - Added alternative stopping power parameterisations for protons: ICRU49, Ziegler 1977, Ziegler 1985, Ziegler (SRIM) 2000 30.05.2005 G.A.P. Cirrone and S.Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V07-00-06) - Removed warnings; - Analisys with AIDA 3.2.1 and PI 1.3.3; - Corrected bug in the modulator wheel; - Added the hadronic physic list for proton and ion; - Code review 18.05.2005 Susanna Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V07-00-03) - Delete public variables - Optimisation of the detector construction - Optimisation of the sensitive detector - Modular physics introduced 03.05.2005 John Allison (examples-V07-00-03) - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 28.04.2005 - M.Piergentili Modular Physics list, Primary Generator Messenger, updated README and defaultMacro.mac, tag: hadrontherapy-V07-00-02 25.02.2005 - G.A.P. Cirrone & M.Piergentili, update of the physiscList class to correct some bugs. 30.11.2004 - S. Guatelli, correct analysis, tag: hadrontherapy-V06-02-00 16.07.2004 - G.A.P. Cirrone AIDA classes inserted. Generation of an .hbk file containing the depth dose distribution. 28.05.2004 - S. Guatelli Update of the README, code review for public release. 29.03.2004 - G. Russo Redefinition of the physics list with hadronic model. 14.03.2004 - G.A.P. Cirrone Attempt to insert AIDA class for .xml file creation. 13.03.2004 - G.A.P. Cirrone Redefinition of the design. 27.02.2004 - G.A.P. Cirrone Created, first version.