############################################################################ # # This example macro file provides an overview of all possible physics # options available in the Hadrontherapy advanced example. A user can # create his own physics list by combining different physics constructors. # ############################################################################ # # Summary of available physics options and associated macro commands: # # Commands are arranged by the type of interactions and the different # particles. # # NOTE: For a given type of physics processes and a given particle ONLY ONE # physics constructor should be activated (the different options are # indicated by "Option X", where in some cases only one option exists). # # To create a complete physics list, a physics constructor must be # activated for each subpoint (A,B,C,...) of each of the different physics # interactions (I-V). # # Below the overview one can find an example set of macro commands for # activating physics constructors, where alternative options are also # specified (as comments). # # # I) Decay: # --------- # A. Unstable particles # Option 1: Decay model # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics Decay # # # II) Electromagnetic Physics # --------------------------- # A. Photons # Option 1: Livermore-based models (Low-energy package) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics EM-Photon-EPDL # Option 2: Penelope-like models (Low-energy package) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics EM-Photon-Penelope # Option 3: Standard models (Standard package) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics EM-Photon-Standard # # B. Electrons # Option 1: Livermore-based models (Low-energy package) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics EM-Electron-EEDL # Option 2: Penelope-like models (Low-energy package) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics EM-Electron-Penelope # Option 3: Standard models (Standard package) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics EM-Electron-Standard # # C. Charged hadrons, ions # Option 1: ICRU49-based models (Low-energy package) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics EM-HadronIon-LowE # Option 2: Ziegler77-based models (Low-energy package) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics EM-HadronIon-LowEZiegler1977 # Option 3: Ziegler85-based models (Low-energy package) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics EM-HadronIon-LowEZiegler1985 # Option 4: Standard models (Standard package) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics EM-HadronIon-Standard # # D. Positrons # Option 1: Penelope-like models (Low-energy package) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics EM-Positron-Penelope # Option 2: Standard models (Standard package) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics EM-Positron-Standard # # E. Muons # Option 1: Standard models (Standard package) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics EM-Muon-Standard # # # III) Hadronic Physics (elastic) # ------------------------------- # A. Hadrons (protons, neutrons, pions), ions (deuterons, tritons, alphas) # Option 1: LEP elastic scattering model # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicEl-HadronIon-LElastic # Option 2: Bertini model (hadrons), LEP model (ions) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicEl-HadronIon-Bert # Option 3: UHadronElasticProcess # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicEl-HadronIon-UElastic # Option 4: CHIPS (protons, neutrons), LEP model (other hadrons, ions) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicEl-HadronIon-QElastic # # # IV) Hadronic Physics (inelastic) # -------------------------------- # A. Protons, neutrons # Option 1: LEP model # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-ProtonNeutron-LEP # Option 2: Precompound model (default evaporation) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-ProtonNeutron-Prec # Option 3: Precompound model (GEM evaporation) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-ProtonNeutron-PrecGEM # Option 4: Precompound model (default evaporation, Fermi break-up) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-ProtonNeutron-PrecFermi # Option 5: Precompound model (GEM evaporation, Fermi break-up) # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-ProtonNeutron-PrecGEMFermi # Option 6: Bertini model # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-ProtonNeutron-Bert # Option 7: Binary cascade model # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-ProtonNeutron-Bin # # B. Pions # Option 1: LEP model # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-Pion-LEP # Option 2: Bertini model # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-Pion-Bert # # C. Ions (deuterons, tritons, alphas) # Option 1: LEP model # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-Ion-LEP # # # V) Hadronic Physics (at rest) # ----------------------------- # A. Muons- # Option 1: Muon Minus Capture model # Macro command: /physics/addPhysics HadronicAtRest-MuonMinus-Capture # # # ############################################################################## #################### # VERBOSITY LEVELS # #################### /control/verbose 1 /tracking/verbose 0 /run/verbose 0 /event/verbose 0 ########### # PHYSICS # ########### /physics/addPhysics Decay /physics/addPhysics EM-Photon-EPDL ### Alternatively: ### /physics/addPhysics EM-Photon-Penelope ### /physics/addPhysics EM-Photon-Standard /physics/addPhysics EM-Electron-EEDL ### Alternatively: ### /physics/addPhysics EM-Electron-Penelope ### /physics/addPhysics EM-Electron-Standard /physics/addPhysics EM-HadronIon-LowE ### Alternatively: ### /physics/addPhysics EM-HadronIon-LowEZiegler1977 ### /physics/addPhysics EM-HadronIon-LowEZiegler1985 ### /physics/addPhysics EM-HadronIon-Standard /physics/addPhysics EM-Positron-Penelope ### Alternatively: ### /physics/addPhysics EM-Positron-Standard /physics/addPhysics EM-Muon-Standard /physics/addPhysics HadronicEl-HadronIon-LElastic ### Alternatively: ### /physics/addPhysics HadronicEl-HadronIon-Bert ### /physics/addPhysics HadronicEl-HadronIon-UElastic ### /physics/addPhysics HadronicEl-HadronIon-QElastic /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-ProtonNeutron-LEP ### Alternatively: ### /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-ProtonNeutron-Prec ### /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-ProtonNeutron-PrecGEM ### /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-ProtonNeutron-PrecFermi ### /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-ProtonNeutron-PrecGEMFermi ### /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-ProtonNeutron-Bert ### /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-ProtonNeutron-Bin /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-Pion-LEP ### Alternatively: ### /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-Pion-Bert /physics/addPhysics HadronicInel-Ion-LEP /physics/addPhysics HadronicAtRest-MuonMinus-Capture ############################## # BEAM LINE SETTINGS AND RUN # ############################## /run/initialize ### IF YOU WANT A RANGE SHIFTER PLEASE CHANGE ### THE FOLLOWIG PARAMETERS ### SETTING FOR THE RANGE SHIFTER #/beamLine/RangeShifter/thickness 4 cm #/beamLine/RangeShifter/RSMat Water /run/beamOn 200