========================================================= Geant4 - ExDiane example ========================================================= README --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----> Introduction This example shows how to run a Geant4 application in a parallel mode using DIANE (DIstributed ANalysis Environment). With DIANE the simulation may be run in sequential or parallel mode without changing the code of the Geant4 application. Using a dedicated cluster or geographically distributed resources (e.g. GRID) is completely transparent for the user. For more details about DIANE, have a look at http://cern.ch/diane The ExDiane example derives from the Geant4 advanced example brachytherapy. The original application code is the same. An interface class (BrachySimulation) has been added to replace the main() function. Please look at the documentation of the brachytherapy advanced example to know details about the functionality of the application: - geant4/examples/advanced/brachytherapy - http://www.ge.infn.it/geant4/examples/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----> 2.SET-UP - example enviroment with the compiler 3.2.3 compiler = gcc-3.2.3 G4SYSTEM = linux-g++ - other environment variables which need to be set: G4LEDATA: points to low energy data base - G4EMLOW3.0 - download DIANE You need to have python 2.2 or greater. * AUTOMATIC INSTALLATION OF DIANE Execute this command: > python2 diane.installation.manager --packages=brachy DIANE-1.0.0 download Get the diane.installation.manager script from http://cern.ch/diane/download.html * MANUAL INSTALLATION OF DIANE Make sure that you have AIDA 3.2.1, PI 1.3.3. Download them from http://aida.freehep.org/ http://www.cern.ch/PI Download DIANE from www.cern.ch/diane Documentation about how to "dianize" a Geant4 application can be found at www.cern.ch/diane ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----> 3.How to compile the example. setenv G4ANALYSIS_USE 1 -> to activate the analysis setenv G4DIANE_USE 1 -> to activate the use of DIANE > gmake ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----> 4.How to run the example. Two macros are provided as example: iridium.job and iodium.job They correspond to the Geant4 macros: IridiumSourceMacro.mac and IodiumSourceMacro.mac - batch mode running through DIANE: diane.startjob --job=iodium.job -w 3@localhost --wms=xterm ^ ^ input macro number of workers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----> 4. Simulation output if ANALYSIS_USE = 1 in the set-up, the output is brachytherapy.xml It contains: 1)1Dhistogram with the primary particle energy 2)2Dhistogram with the distribution of energy in the plane (x,z,energy) containing the source 3)1Dhistogram with the energy deposit along the X axis in the plane containing the source. Units: the energy deposit is in MeV; x, y, z in mm for histograms ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors: Susanna Guatelli, Kuba Moscicki for comments, advices, doubts and questions: guatelli@ge.infn.it, Jakub.Moscicki@cern.ch - last modified: Susanna Guatelli and Kuba Moscicki 29/11/2005