#/exrdm/phys/SelectPhysics QGSP_BERT /exrdm/phys/SelectPhysics Hadron #/geometry/material/add NaI Na-I 3.67 /exrdm/det/setDetectorThickness 30 mm /exrdm/det/setTargetLength 3 cm /exrdm/det/setTargetMate Lead # material definitions has to be done before /run/initilalize /run/initialize /run/setCutForRegion Target 10 cm /run/setCutForRegion Detector 50 cm /grdm/analogueMC 1 /grdm/verbose 0 /grdm/noVolumes /grdm/selectVolume Target # # first simulate 1GeV proton beam on the NaI target #/histo/fileName exrdm-proton #/gps/particle proton #/gps/energy 1 GeV /tracking/verbose 0 #/run/beamOn 1000 # # now try to decay 10 F-24 isotopes, floowing the chain down to Mg-24 /gps/particle ion #/gps/ion 39 86 /gps/ion 27 57 0 0 /gps/position 0 0 0 /gps/energy 0 keV #/histo/fileType /histo/fileName test /run/beamOn 10 /particle/select proton /particle/process/dump /particle/select GenericIon /particle/process/dump /particle/select pi+ /particle/process/dump