# G.A.P.Cirrone # # Default macro file. It is called if no argument is provided at run # # i.e. simply typing $G4WORKDIR/bin/Linux-++/Hadrontherapy # # This macro can be used for a proton beam in water. Both electrmagnetic and # hadronic models are swiched on ######################### # Set of the verboses # /control/verbose 1 /tracking/verbose 0 /run/verbose 1 /event/verbose 0 ########################## # Set of the physic models # /physic/addPhysics emstandard_opt3 # Electromagnetic model /physic/addPhysics elastic # Hadronic elastic model /physic/addPhysics binary # Hadronic inelastic model /physic/addPhysics local_ion_ion_inelastic # Hadronic inelastic model for ions (local physic list) ########################## # Initialisation procedure # /run/initialize ########################## # Visualisation # /vis/scene/create #/vis/open OGLIQt # only if QT library are installed /vis/open OGLIX /vis/viewer/flush /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 30 140 deg /vis/viewer/zoom 1 /vis/viewer/pan -10 0 cm /tracking/storeTrajectory 1 #/vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate /vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate -1 /vis/viewer/update ########################## # Set here the cut and the step max for the tracking. # Suggested values of cut and step: # /physic/setCuts 0.01 mm /Step/waterPhantomStepMax 0.01 mm ######################### # Set the primary particle type, # energy and position along the X direction # /gun/particle proton /beam/energy/meanEnergy 62 MeV /beam/energy/sigmaEnergy 400 keV /beam/position/Xposition -2700 mm ######################### # Display the event number # during the run # /event/printEventNumber 10 ######################### # Start of the run # /run/beamOn 10