------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: History,v 1.24 2009/11/15 23:23:24 cirrone Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - radiprotection example ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- 16.11.2009 S. Guatelli, tag radioprotection-V09-02-04 analysis output format is changed to xml 12.11.2009 S. Guatelli, tag radioprotection-V09-02-01 Physics List updated 08.04.2009 G.A.P.Cirrone, tag radioprotection-V09-02-00 GNUmakefile updated 6 March 2009 Guy Barrand (in agreement with G.Cosmo) - GNUmakefile : remove the G4ANALYSIS_USE logic found in this file since it is handled already in the config/analysis.gmk. This avoids a duplication in the compilation and link commands of the aida-config options. 06.06.2007 MGP tag radioprotection-V08-03-00 Minor documentation update 15th November 2006 Susanna Guatelli (radioprotection-V08-01-00) - The hadronic physics lists are more clear. 31th May 2006 Susanna Guatelli(radioprotection-V08-00-01) - Added histograms - Added comments 15th March 2006 Susanna Guatelli(radioprotection-V08-00-00) - Pion absorption at rest introduced in RemSimHadronicBinary.cc - Added more histograms - Primary particle generator can handle spectra 7th December 2005 Susanna Guatelli (radioprotection-V07-01-04) - Macros updated - Comment deleted from remsim.cc 2nd December 2005 Susanna Guatelli (radioprotection-V07-01-03) - Ions updated - General Particle source introduced - Macros updated - README updated 23th November 2005 Susanna Guatelli (radioprotection-V07-01-02) - Ions introduced 23th November 2005 Susanna Guatelli (radioprotection-V07-01-01) - Deleted warning due to standard C++ libraries concerning reading external files - Added Eta and EtaPrime as particles 8th September 2005 Susanna Guatelli (radioprotection-V07-01-00) - Deleted bug. The bug appears at the end of the execution of the simulation. The bug consists in a segmentation fault appearing after the delete of the run manager. The bug appeared with platform slc3. It is due to a bug in G4hLowEnergyIonisation. 30th May 2005 Susanna Guatelli (radioprotection-V07-00-05) - Code review, analysis with AIDA 3.2.1 and PI 1.3.3 3rd May 2005 John Allison (examples-V07-00-03) - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 11.2004 - Binary cascade approach added 11.2004 - Option to define the format of the output file hbook or xml 11.2004 - Add histograms 05.2004 - Design iteration with Decorator Design pattern 01.2004 - S.Guatelli First implementation