# # Macro file for the initialization phase of field04 # #/run/verbose 1 /control/verbose 2 #/event/verbose 1 #/tracking/verbose 1 # /field04/SetWorldMat G4_AIR /field04/SetWorldR 5.0 m /field04/SetWorldZ 50.0 m # /field04/SetCaptureR 0.6 m /field04/SetCaptureZ 4.0 m /field04/SetCaptureB1 2.5 tesla /field04/SetCaptureB2 5.0 tesla # /field04/SetTransferR 0.3 m /field04/SetTransferZ 15.0 m /field04/SetTransferB 5.0 tesla /field04/SetTransferP 0.0 m # /field04/SetTgtMat G4_W /field04/SetTgtRad 0.4 cm /field04/SetTgtThick 16.0 cm /field04/SetTgtPos 0.0 cm /field04/SetTgtAng 170 # /field04/SetDgrMat G4_Pb /field04/SetDgrRad 30.0 cm /field04/SetDgrThick 0.1 cm #/field04/SetDgrPos -7.4 m # #/exp/phys/addPhysics emstandard_opt1 #/exp/phys/addPhysics QGSP_BERT #/exp/phys/removeHadronPhysics gamma_nuc /exp/phys/gammaCut 1.0 m /exp/phys/stepMax 2.0 mm /exp/phys/list # #/decay/pienu #/decay/pimunu # /field/setStepperType 4 /field/setMinStep 10 mm /field/update # /run/initialize # #/process/inactivate msc #/process/activate msc # #/field04/SetTgtMat G4_Pb #/field04/SetCaptureR 0.6 m #/field04/Update # /gun/particle proton /gun/energy 500.0 MeV #/gun/momentumAmp 1.09008 GeV /gun/random on # #/control/execute vis.mac # #/rndm/save 2 #/rndm/read random/run0evt8268.rndm #/random/resetEngineFrom random/run0evt40.rndm # /run/beamOn 1000 #