$README, v 1.0 26.11.2004 Joanna Weng $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= GFLASH Example ---------- This examples demonstrates the use of the GFLASH parameterisation library. It uses the GFLASH equations(hep-ex/0001020, Grindhammer & Peters) to parametrise electromagnetic showers in matter. In this example the calorimeter is a simple cube, which consists of 10 x 10 crystals of PbWO4 (CMS like:). The Geant4 shower framework is used (see novice example N05) Geometry, sensitive detector, hits, processes are defined respectively in: ExGflashDetectorConstruction ExGflashSensitiveDetector ExGflashHit ExGflashPhysicsList Briefly, whenever a e-/e+ enters the calorimeter, it is parametrised if it has a minimum energy and the shower is expected to be contained in the calorimeter(so called " parameterisation envelope"). If this is fullfilled the particle is killed, as well as all secondaries, and the energy is deposited according to the GFLASH equations. The example shows how to interface GFLASH to your application. The simulation time is measured, so the user can see immiadiatly the speed up by using GFLASH. To use GFLASH the user has to implement the following to use GFLASH: o ExGflashPhysicsList::AddParameterisation(): the paraameterisation has to be added to the processmanager. Don't forget it, since than gflash is never triggered. o ExGflashDetectorConstruction : Here GFLASH has to be initialized and assigend to the enelope, where it should be active (here our calorimeter = m_calo_log ) /********************************************** * Initializing shower modell ***********************************************/ cout<<"Shower parameterization"<getMaterial(mat)); m_theFastShowerModel->SetParametrisation(*m_theParametrisation); m_theFastShowerModel->SetParticleBounds(*m_theParticleBounds) ; m_theFastShowerModel->SetHitMaker(*m_theHMaker); cout<<"end shower parameterization"<