$Id: History,v 1.50 2010/06/06 04:08:05 perl Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Example N05 History file ------------------------ This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 4th June 2010 Joseph Perl (exampleN05-V09-03-01) - Updated vis usage 19th March 2010 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN05-V09-03-00) - Migrated physics lists to use particle-based multiple-scattering processes. 30th October 2009 John Allison (exampleN05-V09-02-00) - Introduced G4UIExecutive. 30th November 2007 - modify ExN05PhysicsList.cc to account for Along method of G4FSMP - tag as exampleN05-V09-00-00 18th May M. Verderi (exampleN05-V08-03-00) - remove exampleN05.ref 11th May 2007 M. Verderi (HEAD) - migrate to parallel geometry scheme - add vis.mac 17th November 2006 Makoto Asai (exampleN05-V08-01-01) - Fix a bug in ExN05CalorimeterSD.cc which was originated from ExN04CalorimeterSD.cc 14th November 2006 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN05-V08-01-00) - Removed debug printout in ExN05PionShowerModel and ExN05EMShowerModel DoIt() methods. 10th November 2006 Marc Verderi - Changed in physics list to use G4FastSimulationManagerProcess81. 3rd November 2006 Marc Verderi - Moved to new parallel geometry scheme, with addition of ExN05ParallelWorldForPion and removal of ghosts in the ExN05DetectorConstruction. - Clean up of the XXXCuts classes, as they are not of primary need for the example. 28th June 2006 Makoto Asai (exampleN05-V08-00-01) - Fix a memory leak in ExN05PionShowerModel.cc 16th June 2006 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN05-V08-00-00) - Use coherent allocation scheme for user-classes and initialisation in main(). 6th December 2005 Gabriele Cosmo - Trivial changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X series. 4th December 2005 John Allison (exampleN05-V07-01-03) - Quietened vis manager in batch mode. 25th November 2005 Marc Verderi (exampleN05-V07-01-02) - Ghost functionnality made available back - requires param-V07-01-03 16th November 2005 Marc Verderi (exampleN05-V07-01-01) - Migration to G4Region. - NOTE: *** ghost functionnality is not available for now ***. - Implemented migration to from deprecated . 4th November 2005 Marc Verderi (exampleN05-V07-01-00) - Use RandGamma from CLHEP end removed custom RandomGamma function. 28th June 2005 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN05-V07-00-00) - Added inclusion of to RandomGamma.cc. 3rd May 2005 John Allison - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. December 9, 2004 Vladimir Ivanchenko (exampleN05-V06-02-02) - Fix compilation problem Nov 26, 2004 Marc Verderi (exampleN05-V06-02-01) - Implemented migration to new G4VParticleChange interfaces. May 09, 2004 Hisaya Kurashige (exampleN05-V06-02-00) - Modify method name for ParticleChange in ExN05SpecialCuts.cc December 09, 2003 Hisaya Kurashige - Add protection for negative proposed step in ExN05MinEkineCuts.cc November 10, 2003 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN05-V05-02-01) - Removed usage of G4ParticleWithCuts in physics-list (H.Kurasige). - Removed OPACS driver from vis-manager. - Cleared usage of LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchable(). Use LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchableHandle() instead. - Cleared compilation warnings. August 27, 2003 Vladimir Ivanchenko (exampleN05-V05-02-00) - Migrade to cut per region May 28, 2003 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN05-V05-01-00) - Get rid of pedantic warnings ... Nov 8, 2001 Radovan Chytracek (exampleN05-V03-02-00) - RC dev changes propagated to the main trunk HEAD revision Nov 7, 2001 Marc Verderi (exampleN05-RC-dev) - changes to be compatible with RC dev: the branch tag is dev_rc_touchables_branch_start Oct 19, 2001 Steve O'Neale (examples-V03-02-00) - Update reference output 27th April 2001 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN05-V03-01-00) - Migrated to STL vector. Removed RW wrappers. 25th November 2000 Steve O'Neale (tagset210) - Update test outputs for min.delta energy cut - The changes in deposited energy in HAD cal towers upto 20 per cent - The changes in deposited energy in EM cry(s)tals about 1 part in 10**5 August 03, 2000 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN05-V02-00-01r) - Changed RandGauss to G4RandGauss in ExN05PionShowerModel.cc to fix problem of events' reproducibility. July 28, 2000 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN05-V02-00-01) - Includes also new ExN05VisManager class. June 26, 2000 John Allison (exampleN05-V02-00-00) - Reduced no. of events per run from 500 to 250 in exampleN05.large_N.in. June 24, 2000 John Allison (exampleN05-V01-01-01) - Updated exampleN05.out for stand-V01-01-05 and utils-V01-01-03. June 17, 2000 John Allison (exampleN05-V01-01-00) - Updated exampleN05.out for geant4-01-01-ref-06. 23th April 1999 H.Kurashige - Remove ConstructHad and ConstructLeptHad in ExN05PhysicsList 16th April 1999 H.Kurashige - modify ExN05RunAction ExN05SteppingAction ExN05TrackingAction - modify ExN05PhysicsList::SetCuts 11 December 1998 M. Verderi - fix made in ExN05CalorimeterSD to allow several instanciations of this class. The problem was a static variable (HCID) used in EndOfEventAction which made confusion to get the hits collection. HCID is now put as private (non static!) member of the class. - the example.in/.out are updated accordingly 9 December 1998 M. Verderi - Added ExN05PionShowerModel: a model producing hits for pi+/pi- - Modify ExN05EMShowerModel to produce a "less unrealistic" shower shape: now the longitudinal profile is according to the Gamma distribution. Transverse profile is two cylinder: the 1 moliere radius receive 90% of the energy, the 3.5 one receives the rest. - Added RandomGamma: shoot at random according to the Gamma distribution. Adapted from RNGAMA function of KERNLIB. (thanks to D. Bernard who gave me the source). - ExN05DetectorConstruction. Many changes: - EM calo size reduced, crytals also; - addition of an hadronic calorimeter - addition of a ghost volume The G4VFastSimulationModel are instanciated(?) here, and no more in exampleN05.cc - exampleN05.in modified to shoot pions in order to test the ghost geometry. - ExN05PhysicsList modified to add the parameterisation process as a Post&Along process, because of the ghost. 16th August 1998 H.Kurashige - Added ExN05MinRangeCuts, ExN05MinEkineCuts, ExN05MaxTimeCuts and their base class of ExN05SpecialCuts for using UserLimits. - Modified ExN05PhysicsList to register above processes. - Modified ExN05DetectorConstruction to attach Userlimits to crystal. - Added ExN05DetectorMessenger to switch on/off UserLimits. - Modified exampleN05.in 9th August 1998 John Allison - Changed G4UIterminal to G4UIGAG. 16th July 1998 John Allison - Changed /vis~/Draw... to /vis~/draw. June 26th 98 Marc Verderi: Remove previous files, and add new ones with the good (hopefully) naming conventions this time. Improvements done in ExN05EMShowerModel by using a private navigator, rather than the one for tracking. include: ExN05CalorimeterHit.hh ExN05CalorimeterHitsCollection.hh ExN05CalorimeterSD.hh ExN05DetectorConstruction.hh ExN05EMShowerModel.hh ExN05EnergySpot.hh ExN05EventAction.hh ExN05EventActionMessenger.hh ExN05PhysicsList.hh ExN05PiModel.hh ExN05PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh ExN05RunAction.hh ExN05SteppingAction.hh ExN05SteppingActionMessenger.hh src: ExN05CalorimeterHit.cc ExN05CalorimeterHitsCollection.cc ExN05CalorimeterSD.cc ExN05DetectorConstruction.cc ExN05EMShowerModel.cc ExN05EnergySpot.cc ExN05EventAction.cc ExN05EventActionMessenger.cc ExN05PhysicsList.cc ExN05PiModel.cc ExN05PrimaryGeneratorAction.cc ExN05RunAction.cc ExN05SteppingAction.cc ExN05SteppingActionMessenger.cc May 07, 98 M. Verderi - First commit (many improvements needed): - main() coded in exampleN05.cc - include: MyCalorimeterHit.hh MyCalorimeterHitsCollection.hh MyCalorimeterSD.hh MyDetectorBox.hh MyEMCShower.hh MyEnergySpot.hh MyEventAction.hh MyEventActionMessenger.hh MyPhysicsList.hh MyPiModel.hh MyPrimaryGeneratorAction.hh MyRunAction.hh MySteppingAction.hh MySteppingActionMessenger.hh - src: MyCalorimeterHit.cc MyCalorimeterHitsCollection.cc MyCalorimeterSD.cc MyDetectorBox.cc MyEMCShower.cc MyEnergySpot.cc MyEventAction.cc MyEventActionMessenger.cc MyPhysicsList.cc MyPiModel.cc MyPrimaryGeneratorAction.cc MyRunAction.cc MySteppingAction.cc MySteppingActionMessenger.cc April 09, 98 G. Cosmo - Created.