macro run que=513-2-asd * Start the G4PhotoNuclearCrossSectionTest (Is geant4/bin in the PATH? Did you rehash?) shell G4PhotoNuclearCrossSectionTest * Start the G4ElectroNuclearCrossSectionTest (Is geant4/bin in the PATH? Did you rehash?) shell G4ElectroNuclearCrossSectionTest pi/del * * pln=4 - portret, pln=5 - landscape pln = 4 * npx - subdivision of the screan in X direction, npy - in Y direction npx=2 npy=3 * define the range of the assembling pictures in memory first=1 last=6 * define the file name for the output for/fil 99 * define the metafile type to assemble the pictures ***************meta -99 -[npx][npy][pln] meta 99 -112 zone 2 3 * TITLE NAME ENAME NTH XMIN XMAX YMIN YMAX XTXT YTXT exec phot ^1!H h1 h1_e 227 1. 4.e7 1.e-5 1001. 1.e5 1.e-4 exec phot ^2!H h2 h2_e 227 1. 4.e7 1.e-5 1001. 1.e5 1.e-4 exec phot ^12!C c12 c12_e 227 1. 4.e7 1.e-5 1001. 1.e5 1.e-4 exec phot ^27!Al al27 al27_e 227 1. 4.e7 1.e-5 1001. 1.e5 1.e-4 exec phot Cu cu cu_e 227 1. 4.e7 1.e-5 1001. 1.e5 1.e-4 exec phot Pb pb pb_e 227 1. 4.e7 1.e-5 1001. 1.e5 1.e-4 print: meta 0 for/clo 99 mess '*** PhotoNucl.kumac is printing file on: '//[que] shell xprint -h -P [que] return macro phot targ=^12!C file=h1 efile=h1_e nth=227 xmin=1 _ xmax=4.e7 ymin=0.03 ymax=700 xt=8. yt=10. * ****** dir = ./ hi/del * ve/del * ve/cr de(999) R 999*0. opt utit * Switch to high quality picture gr/opt ndat gr/set pass 5 igset lwid 5. gr/set bwid 5. gr/set fwid 3. gr/set hwid 3. gr/set pwid 5. * title 'E?e! (MeV)' u title 'Nuclear electrooabsorbtion cross sections (in mb)' opt date opt logx opt logy *** opt liny null [xmin] [xmax] [ymin] [ymax] * ****atitle ' ' '[s]?abs! (mb)' title ' ' u ****title ' ' igset MTYP 20 SET TXFP -20 SET LTYP 1 SET CHHE 1. igset txci 1 itx [xt] [yt] [targ] ve/re p,ps [file].out igset PLCI 1 set DMOD 2 igset LWID 5 gra/prim/graph [nth] p ps C ve/re e,es [efile].out igset PLCI 1 set DMOD 1 igset LWID 5 gra/prim/graph [nth] e es C igset LWID 1 return