------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: History,v 1.25 2010/06/07 03:18:01 sincerti Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - Microbeam example ========================================================= Package History file -------------------- 06 June 2010 - S. Incerti - tag microbeam-V09-03-03 - Removed unused variable (evt) in MicrobeamEventAction.cc 03 June 2010 - J.Perl - tag microbeam-V09-03-02 - Update vis usage 23 February 2010 - S. Incerti - tag microbeam-V09-03-01 - changed material/density selection in MicrobeamPhantomConfiguration.cc (thanks to gunter) 23 February 2010 - S. Incerti - tag microbeam-V09-03-00 - Added density initialisation in MicrobeamPhantomConfiguration.cc (thanks to gunter) 30 April 2009 - S. Incerti - tag microbeam-V09-02-01 - Updated Physics list to migrated Livermore processes - Corrected plot.C - Corrected switching field value 26 February 2009 - G.Folger - tag microbeam-V09-02-00 - Correct MicrobeamEMField.cc to use logical &&, not bit & in if(). 23 October 2008 - tag microbeam-V09-01-03 - Corrected typos in zero field region in MicrobeamEMField.cc 20 August 2008 - tag microbeam-V09-01-02 - Modified process ordering of G4eBremsstrahlung and G4StepLimiter in MicrobeamPhysicstList.cc 16 June 2008 - tag microbeam-V09-01-01 - Added units in MicrobeamPhantomconfiguration.cc and MicrobeamSteppingAction.cc 28 August 2007 - tag microbeam-V09-00-03 - G. Cosmo - Replaced M_PI constants with CLHEP::pi, and protected usage of G4UItcsh to allow for compilation on WIN32-VC systems. 22 August 2007 - tag microbeam-V09-00-02 - S. Incerti - Updated dose computation to take into account volume edges in src/MicrobeamSteppingAction.cc 21 August 2007 - tag microbeam-V09-00-01 - S. Incerti - Changed number of incident alpha particles in microbeam.mac 05 July 2007 - S. Incerti - Added protection against scattering at large angles in collimators in src/MicrobeamEMField.cc - Suppressed field manager in zero field zones in src/MicrobeamEMField.cc - Chose kUndefined optimization in cell phantom implementation in src/MicrobeamDetectorConstruction.cc - Updated dose computation for very low energy secondaries in src/MicrobeamSteppingAction.cc 27 Fev 2007 - S. Incerti - Modified dE/dX calculation in src/MicrobeamSteppingAction.cc in order to average on Pre/Post step. - Updated README and html files with publications. 23 Nov 2006 - S. Incerti (microbeam-V08-01-01) - Replaced G4MultipleScattering process for alphas by G4hMultipleScattering process in src/MicrobeamPhysicsList.cc. 22 Nov 2006 - G. Cosmo (microbeam-V08-01-00) - Removed obsolete vis-manager classes. Now using G4VisExecutive. 24 Jun 2006 - S. Incerti - Corrected for CLHEP compatibility. 06 Apr 2006 - S. Incerti - Updated README file. 04 Apr 2006 - MGP - Package created.