Experimental neutron spectra measured by BC501A at TIARA1995/2 [68c50-20a] Proton Energy : 68 MeV Shielding Material : 25.0cm thick Concrete Iron collimator (10.9cm diam.) : 80cm thick Distance from Li target to the shield surface(0cm thickness) = 483 cm Number of monoenergetic peak neutrons of p-7Li neutron source (case-b) =4.77E+09 [sr/micro-Coulomb] 2.04E+04 [cm^2/micro-Coulomb] at 483 cm Measured position : 20cm from beam line Reference :Nucl. Sci. Eng. 124(1996)p228 , JAERI-Data/Code97-020(1997) Graph Neutron Energy [eV] Neutron Flux [n/cm^2/micro-Coulomb/lethargy] Absolute Error [n/cm^2/micro-Coulomb/lethargy] 6.899E+07 1.766E+02 8.249E+00 6.699E+07 4.777E+02 4.283E+01 6.499E+07 7.983E+02 4.415E+01 6.299E+07 7.486E+02 3.923E+01 6.099E+07 4.569E+02 5.239E+01 5.899E+07 2.162E+02 3.237E+01 5.699E+07 1.275E+02 1.073E+01 5.499E+07 1.322E+02 1.482E+01 5.299E+07 1.528E+02 9.732E+00 5.099E+07 1.667E+02 7.347E+00 4.899E+07 1.735E+02 7.634E+00 4.699E+07 1.754E+02 8.007E+00 4.499E+07 1.733E+02 7.531E+00 4.350E+07 1.696E+02 7.158E+00 4.250E+07 1.663E+02 7.187E+00 4.150E+07 1.628E+02 7.550E+00 4.050E+07 1.593E+02 8.346E+00 3.950E+07 1.557E+02 9.339E+00 3.850E+07 1.520E+02 1.004E+01 3.750E+07 1.482E+02 1.023E+01 3.650E+07 1.441E+02 9.894E+00 3.550E+07 1.394E+02 9.205E+00 3.450E+07 1.340E+02 8.436E+00 3.350E+07 1.278E+02 7.854E+00 3.250E+07 1.209E+02 7.538E+00 3.150E+07 1.137E+02 7.309E+00 3.050E+07 1.068E+02 6.900E+00 2.950E+07 1.008E+02 6.270E+00 2.850E+07 9.587E+01 5.795E+00 2.750E+07 9.165E+01 5.831E+00 2.650E+07 8.759E+01 6.360E+00 2.550E+07 8.326E+01 7.030E+00 2.449E+07 7.859E+01 7.340E+00 2.349E+07 7.373E+01 6.861E+00 2.249E+07 6.890E+01 5.547E+00 2.149E+07 6.428E+01 3.752E+00 2.049E+07 6.002E+01 2.077E+00 1.949E+07 5.612E+01 3.820E+00 1.849E+07 5.240E+01 5.359E+00 1.749E+07 4.851E+01 5.584E+00 1.649E+07 4.439E+01 4.400E+00 1.549E+07 4.049E+01 2.493E+00 1.449E+07 3.753E+01 1.935E+00 1.349E+07 3.571E+01 1.055E+00 1.249E+07 3.449E+01 2.030E+00 1.149E+07 3.340E+01 2.567E+00 1.049E+07 3.267E+01 2.516E+00 9.487E+06 3.281E+01 2.056E+00 8.485E+06 3.377E+01 1.171E+00 7.483E+06 3.222E+01 1.671E+00