========================================================= Geant4 - Brachytherapy example ========================================================= README --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----> Introduction. Brachytherapy example simulates energy deposit in a Phantom filled with soft tissue for: 1) Iridium source (endocavitary brachytherapy). 2) Iodium source (interstitial brachytherapy). 3) Leipzig Applicator (superficial brachytherapy). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----> 1.Experimental set-up. The default source is an Ir-131 source put in the center of the Phantom. The Phantom is a box (dimension:30cm), it is gridded in voxels (1.mm dimension) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----> 2.SET-UP -a standard Geant4 example GNUmakefile is provided setup with: G4SYSTEM = linux-g++ The following environment variables need to be set: G4LEDATA: points to low energy database setup for analysis: AIDA 3.2.1, PI 1.3.3 (PI is Obsolete) Users can download the analysis tools from: http://aida.freehep.org/ http://cern.ch/pfeiffer http://www.cern.ch/PI (OBSOLETE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----> 3.How to run the example. - batch mode: $G4WORKDIR/bin/Linux-g++/Brachy IridiumSourceMacro.mac $G4WORKDIR/bin/Linux-g++/Brachy IodiumSourceMacro.mac $G4WORKDIR/bin/Linux-g++/Brachy LeipzigSourceMacro.mac - Interative mode: 3) $G4WORKDIR/bin/Linux-g++/Brachy The VisualisationMacro.mac is loaded automatically -->possible different configurations for interactive mode: 1)Ir source: idle>/run/beamOn NumberOfEvents ...and then idle>exit 2)Leipzig Applicator: idle>/source/switch Leipzig idle>/run/beamOn NumberOfEvents ...and then idle> exit 3) Iodium source: idle>/source/switch Iodium idle>/primary/energy Iodium idle>/run/beamOn NumberOfEvents ...and then idle>exit *Before the run you can also change the absorber material of the Phantom: idle>/phantom/selectMaterial materialName - batch mode: executable Brachy macroFile.mac macros are provided as example: IodiumSourceMacro.mac, IridiumSourceMacro.mac, LeipzigSourceMacro.mac (ex. $G4WORKDIR/bin/Linux-g++/Brachy IodiumSourceMacro.mac) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----> 4. Simulation output if G4ANALYSIS_USE = 1 in the set-up, the output is brachytherapy.hbk It contains: 1)1Dhistogram with the primary particle energy 2)2Dhistogram with the distribution of energy in the plane (x,z,energy) containing the source (YThickness = 1. mm) 3)1Dhistogram with the energy deposit along the X axis in the plane containing the source. 4)Ntuple with the 3D energy deposit in the Phantom Units: the energy deposit is in MeV; x, y, z in mm for histograms and ntuple ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----> 5.Visualisation a macro is provided ad example of visualisation: VisualisationMacro.mac ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Further information at http://www.ge.infn.it/geant4/examples/index.html Contact: geant4-advanced-examples@cern.ch